Page 14-Frday, June 29, 1979-The Michigan Daily '
ield bunched in Stroh's Open
American Cancer Society Classic. "It's just a matter a small adjustment in her alignment. "I took last
By BOB EMORY of being able to putt well because now almost all the week off and took a lesson from Dee Dee Owens on
Specialtothe]aily gals can hit the greens." Sunday," she said. "Dee Dee pointed out to me the
DEARBORN-All the LPGA players just love the Austin played well in last year's Stroh's, too. Her fact that I was aiming everything to the right and sin-
Dearborn Country Club course and, after yesterday's second round 68 left her only one stroke off the pace ce then I've been very consistent and confident.
opening round in the Ladies' Stroh's Open II, it's easy before she ran into trouble on the par four 12th hole in Today was the straightest driving round I've had in a
to see why. An incredible 21 players are bunched the final round. "That hole killed me last year," she long time.
together within three strokes of the first day leaders, said. "I misjudged the distance, got a bad bounce and Barrow, whose best finishes have been ties for fifth
Debbie Austin and Barbara Barrow. ended up with a triple bogey. So of course I was once in each of the last two years, was cruising along
Austin and Barrow both shot three-under par 69's. thinking about that when I came up to it today." at four-under until she came to the par-four 16th hole.
One stroke back with 70 are five players-Bess But Austin wasn't in the least psyched-out when she "I looked up on the leader board when I got on the
Solomon, Sue Berning, Debbie Messey, Gail came to the 12th yesterday. She canned a 15 foot putt green and saw my name on it," she said. "I didn't ex-
Troushin, and defending champion Sandra for birdie there and went in with a backside 34. "I pect to see it there and I got a little nervous and I
Post-while no less than ten others are in a log-jam love this course," she said. "It's laid out well, the promptly missed a foot-and-a-half putt for bogey.
with one-under 71. greens are beautiful and it's in the best shape of any "Needless to say, my name came down right after
The stiff breeze that had been blowing all week died course we've played this year." that."
down to a whisper yesterday and the rains of two Of all the mass of players within shooting distance
nights ago softened up the greens, enabling the Those sentiments were echoed by many of the - at this point, none are amateurs. Mt. Pleasant's Cin-
playersto fire their approach shots at the pins like players, including co-leader Barrow. "I consider my dy Figg, a 19 year old sophomore at Texas, led the six
they were darts. putting to be the strongest part of my game and these amateurs that qualified with a 78. Patty Boyce, six-
This partly explained why so many players were greens are in excellent shape," she said. "I only time Michigan women's amateur champion, was
able to score well, but Austin had another reason. "I made 25 putts out there today, which is the lowest of next with a 79. Linda Drillock, a smooth swinging
think the calibre of women's golf has improved im- the year for me." sophomore from Michigan, and Cheril McConnell,
mensely over the past two years," said the 12-year For Barrow, a third year tour member from Chula both fired 80's, while Michigan State's Beth Sierra
tour veteran, whose last victory was in the 1970 Vista, California, yesterday's 69 was just a matter of ballooned to an 86.
last ni
their s
Tigers bomb BoSox, 6-3
By TOM STEPHENS Detroit was led on offense by first hoppered to short, sliding just under the single that gave Detroit a 3-0 lead.
Special tome Daily baseman Jason Thompson, who scored tag in a close play at the plate. The big blow came in the Tiger's half
ROIT - The Detroit Tigers three runs, catcher Lance Parrish, The same part of the Tiger order con- of the fifth when BoSox' starter Steve
1 six runs in the first five innings rightfielder Champ Sommers, who had tinued to draw more blood in the fourth. Renko was knocked out of the box by a
ght and got solid performances a three-run home run, and third A leadoff walk to Thompson and singles two-out rally capped by Sommers'
starter Jack Billingham and baseman Aurelio Rodriguez, who also by Parrish and Sommers loaded the three-run homer which hit the 370 foot
o Lopez in two innings of relief to had three RBIs. bases for Rodriguez. The "hot corner" sign in right field.
.e the Boston Red Sox, 6-3 for THE TIGERS opened the scoring in man swung hard at a high pitch and
econd victory in the teams' three the second when Thompson doubled broke his bat, then the ball blooped over THE RED SOX answered back with a
series at Tiger Stadium. and scored from third as Rodriguez short for a two RBI Texas League run in the sixth from Rick Burlson, who
raced home from third on Fred Lynn's
looping double in the left field corner.
Boston continued its comeback in the
seventh with two more run Singles by
Bob Watson and Dwight Evans
231ststate frightened Billingham, but the Tiger
< Phne 662-6264 hurler struck out pinch hitter Carlton
A wild pitch to Fisk moved both run-
NOW SHOWING ners into scoring position. Jerry Remy
followed Fisk with a two-out single to
2 n dbring both runners home and cut the
Tigers' margin to6-3.
W E EK' AURELIO LOPEZ came on to start
the eighth in relief of Billingham. He
(Upper Level) retired Lynn, Jim Rice and Carl Yaz-
stremski, the heart of the Bosox' lineup,
in order.
[ &The crowd of 32,755 stayed in their
' a> r j MON.-TUE.-THUR. seats until the end as Lopez hit leadoff
'EFRI. batter Bob Watson to begin the ninth. A
7:15 diving catch on a foul-tip by Lance
9:45 Parrish and a running catch by Ron
Leflore at the wall in centerfield
SAT.-SUN.WED. squelched the threat, however, and the
12:10 Tigers had come out on top in the three-
2:30 game home series against the powerful
4:50 Red Sox.
DELAY American League
Milwaukee 6, Minnesota 5
"+Chicago 2, Seattle I
Late Comers Can New York 5, Toronto 3
Not Stay Over Detroit 6, Boston 3
ARAMOUNT PICTURES Prsns A MALPASO Coay/&EGEL Flm Co-Staving PTRIKMcGOOHAN _0 SOW R O CNIUU Cleveland 6, Baltimore 3
kbc yERRYFELDING - Plduced and Direcled by DON SIEGES - A RANT PICURE . San Diego 6, Atlanta 5
- ---a --K - aa. u - --ca --.w......i.- --"" " Houston 6, San Francisco 5