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June 29, 1979 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1979-06-29

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 29, 1979-Page 3

Dems Pick
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-The Democratic
Party decided yesterday to return to
New York City and the scene of Jimmy
Carter's 1976 triumph for its 1980
presidential convention.
The big plus that swung the conven-
tion to New York was that there are
hotel rooms no more than a cross-town
ride away from the convention center.
In Detroit, which was one of three cities
vying for the Democrats, delegates
would have had to drive an hour from
dormitory rooms at the University of
Michigan in Ann Arbor, while
Philadelphia was counting on rooms in
Atlantic City, N.J.
The Republicans already have picked
Detroit for their convention, which
begins July 14, 1980. The Democrats
will open in New York on Aug. 11.
is final and not subject to approval by
the Democratic National Committee.
The GOP choice was settled only after a
bitter floor fight before its national
The vote was not even close. Twenty-
three members of the party's site selec-
tion committee backed the Big Apple
while three voted for Detroit and two
for Philadelphia.
The White House expressed no
preference in the race since Carter's
hometown favorite, Atlanta, was never
in the running. A party rule forbids Kenneth Sti
holding the convention in states, like to express hi
Georgia, that have not ratified the
Equal Rights Amendment.
ALL THREE finalists offered similar
packages for the 1980 meeting.s H i
In New York's case it was a $7.3 j
million package that includes free use
of Madison Square Garden for the con-
vention, the adjoining Felt Forum and
other meeting areas; all the police
protection necessary and buses to carry
delegates from their hotels to the Gar- Part of
den at no expense. minority stu
It also was at the last New York con- here.
vention that Democrats finally buried Accordin
the hatchet on a decade of internal University B
reform battles and joined ranks for a retention of
comeback that left them the dominant American st
political force in the federal, state, and while 46.3 pe
local governments. blacks, and
The report sa
See DEMS, Page 12 MICHAE
Concerns in
Drto day
Dr. Diag in D. C.
Several Daily staffers interning in Washington
this summer have reported seeing Richard Robin-
son, Ann Arbor's infamous Dr. Diag, in the nation's
capitol. He told one staff member he is working for
Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Ann Arbor). A spokesman for
Pursell's office said Robinson, known for his
speeches from atop a trash receptacle in the Diag,
is not on Pursell's staff, but spends niuch of his time
in the Congressman's office and "tries to mooch
things." Apparently Robinson is in Washington to
escape the heat from his conviction on an assault
charge in Ann Arbor. The spokesman said Robinson
is living in a mission and trying to find a job, and at-
tends congressional subcommittee hearings in the
meantime. It's comforting to know Ann Arbor
citizens have a man in Washington.
Rowdy mini-Wolverines
An unidentified caller reported a disturbance in
West Quad Wednesday night, where junior high
school and high school aged boys are staying in
three houses for the Wolverine Wrestling Clinic. "A
lot of noise seemed to be coming from one room"

New York for 1980

Hit the roadJackA
gall of Texas made a 290-mile trip from his hometown of Quinlan to Childress riding on "Tennessee" the mule
s solution to the current gas crunch. Stigall has his bedroll, a sign, and a stray along with him on the trip.
rh minority attrition challenges 'U'

Second of Two Parts
the challenge of increasing the number of
dents attending the University is keeping them
g to the February 1979 annual report to the
oard of Regents on recruitment, enrollment, and
.minority students, 68 per cent of Native
udents disenrolled before their senior years,
r cent of Hispanic Americans, 42.7 per cent of
25.9 per cent of Asian Americans dropped out.
id 26 per cent of white students also disenrolled.
L GARCIA, program associate for Minority
the University's Affirmative Action Programs,

said, "there are a number of reasons" for the minority at-
trition rate. "Some are personal reasons, some are scholastic
reasons, some are financial reasons, some are transfer
reasons," Garcia said.
"We have no successful way of assessing minority student
needs soon enough so they can remain here as students," said
Elizabeth Davenport, University Ombudsperson.
Supportive services aimed specifically at minority
students include the Opportunity Program, which offers
counseling and tutorial assistance for students who may not
come from an enriched academic background; Trotter
House, a meeting place for minorities, Minority Student Ser-
vices, which provides programming and personal coun-
seling, the Coalition for the Use of Learning Skills (CULS),
See MINORITY, Page 13

from 11:30 p.m. until midnight, the caller said, and
when a campus security officer checked on the
situation, "literally dozens of guys were running up
and down stairs.. . shouting 'panty raid.' " The
secret informant said someone yelled across a cour-
tyard: " 'What's going on?' " The reply: " 'We're
all busted!' " West Quad Building Director Leon
West confirmed that security had looked into a cer-
tain event, but stressed that the teen-agers have
caused no more disturbances than usually occur
during the regular school year. The wrestlers
behave "just like 14-year-olds," the building direc-
tor said. It seems the Quad's rowdy reputation still
hangs on during an otherwise quiet summer.
Gasfor peanuts
Steve Gottshall-of Doylestown, Pa. said he was
just trying to give the patrons of his gas stations a
reason to smile when he wore Arab-style headgear
and handed out peanuts while pumping gas. Got-
tshall said some customers waited in line for two
hours to buy gas, so he passed out the peanuts as
they reached the pumps as a way of "thanking Mr.
Carter for all this. I'm just trying to keep everybody
happy," he said. Gottshall wrapped a black T-shirt
around his head and tied it with a narrow band. "I

don't know how Arabs dress like this-it's hot," he
Happenings .. .
... finish your chores before the holiday weekend
during the day, because happenings won't start un-
til 8 p.m., when music student Janis Roese will give
an organ recital in Hill Auditorium . . . also at 8
p.m., the Lighthouse, a Christian performing group,
will present the gospel through song, dance, and
drama in the Mendelssohn Theatre. . . again at 8
p.m., there will be a reading of the play Hadrian VII
in the Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State St.... FILMS:
Ann Arbor Film Co-op Monty Python and the Holy
Grail, 7 p.m., 8:40 p.m., and 10:20 p.m. in
mlb... .Cinema Guild-M*A*S*H, 7:30 p.m. and
9:30 p.m., Old A and D Aud... . Cinema II-I Want
to Hold Your Hand, 7:30 p.m., and A Hard Day's
Night, 9:30 p.m., both in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
On the outside
It looks as though yesterday's sunny skies won't
stay with us another day. Although it will be partly
sunny and warm, there is a 40 per cent chance of
rain, with scattered showers and thunderstorms.
The high will hit 800 and the-low will drop to the60s.

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