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June 29, 1979 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1979-06-29

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Page 2-Friday, June 29, 1979-The Michigan baiy
City strike still likely as talks progress
(contnued fromnPagel be suspended. could cause a work stoppage on the City Clrk E. F. Vollbrecht said, "We
Traffic and Parking Departments "Most of our (street) construction multi-million dollar sewage plant ex- would anticipate the impact here would
would be the most seriously effected. projects will continue," since they are pansion project. not be overly significant in the short
Plans are being made by the Solid staffed by supervisory rather than The city garage on Main St. would be run." The City Clerks office will con-
Refuse Department to maintain crucial union personnel," Robbins said. shut down if the 12 union workers walk tinue to "provide counter services"
services if refuse collection is halted by An extended strike "will disrupt our off the job, according to an official at such as the sale of licenses, voter
a strike, according to Administrative paving schedule," he added. Road work the garage. registration, council services, and
Assistant Richard Garay. "We're is scheduled for completion in October The effect of a strike on city processing of city records.
trying to work outa program," he said. before cold weather begins. recreation facilities "has not been
THE DEPARTMENT is considering THE ANN Arbor water treatment determined" according to Manager of ASSISTANT CITY Administrator
placing trucks and containers at the plant will be operated by non-union em- Recreation Facilities Hugh McPher- Patrick Kenney said negotiators are "a
landfill site on Platt Rd., Garay said. ployees in the 15 department positions son. Parks and Recreation AFSCME little further apart this year," than on
The 45 union members in the depar- held by AFSCME workers there, ac- members work at local golf courses and previous contracts. "I think there is a
tment are refuse collectors, landfill cording to Assistant Plant Superinten- swimming pools. real difference in the expectations on
equipment operators, and gate atten- dent Larry Sanford. A "SKELETON force" will remain both sides," he said, but added that a
dants. Even if the 25 union members who on the job in the City Planning Depar- settlement before the Saturday
Only emergency procedures could be work at the Waste Water and Treat- tment offices, said Director Martin deadline is "possible."
maintained by supervisory personnel in ment Plant on Dixboro Road walk out Overhiser. Only four union employees If the city raises the contract offer
the Streets, Traffic, and Parking theplantwillcontinuetooperate. work in this department and "petitions above the six per cent increase
division if the department's ap- "Obviously, we will be running all the could be received and questions an- provided in the city budget, money
proximately 60 union members walk off essential phases of the plant operation swered," by remaining personnel, he would have to be reallocated from other
the job, said Director John Robbins. with non-union personnel," said said. areas. "It could result in layoffs" that
"METER ENFORCEMENT would Superintendent Richard Sayers. "Some Director of Central Services John would effect AFSCME workers, said
stop completely," Robbins said, functions will have to be curtailed," he Bergren said a strike would close the Kenney.
Parking structures would be left unat- added. print shop and the central lubricating But, "We haven't even started con-
tended and car towing by the city would UNION MEMBERS said a strike department. tingency planning," Kenney added.
Regionaligroup to sue health dept. on hospital plans
(Continued from Page ) department agree to another regional while Wayne County is overbedded, University failed to respond to their
yesterday. review. Washtenaw County is not, and so a criticisms during the regional review of
"We (CHPC trustees) have met with During the regional review, which large hospital is needed here. the hospital project.
our attorneys and they think that we ended April 10, the University refused REGIONAL PLANNERS claim the CONSEQUENTLY, THE regional
have grounds to enter into a lawsuit," he to change the hospital plans, despite economic impact of the project, which council advised the Department of
said. But he said CHPC lawyers had not criticism from the regional planning will be financed mostly by state bond Public Health to disapprove the
yet decided what court they will ask to council concerning the large size and issue, will add to health care costs for hospital plans. The department,
hear the suit, nor the precise language cost of the replacement hospital everone in the state, while serving only however, has indicated it will approve
of the suit. project. two per cent of hospital patients in the plans, with the stipulation that the
"Shortly, our lawyers will tell us the REGIONAL PLANNERS did say Michigan. University make certain cuts in the
exact nature of the suit," Ravitz said. they recognize the need to replace the But University officials say that scale of the project.
AT THE MEETING Wednesday, University's 52-year-old Old Main because the hospital is a major The cuts include reducing the number
Rtavitz asked the CHPC board to add a Hospital. teaching and research facility, it in- of beds proposed for the new hospital
paragraph to the position paper it voted But regional planners claim the directly serves the entire state. from 923 to 900, and holding the cost of
togadopt s hospital as proposed would add to the Regional planning council members patient space in the new hospital to $200
The paragraph stated that even problem of too many hospital beds in repeatedly have charged that the million. University planners recently
though the CHPC would bring suit the seven-county southeastern H defined the projected cost of patient
against the Department of Public Michigan region over which they have THE MICHIGAN DAILY space in the new hospital to be $219
(USPS 344-900) million, with an additional $22 million
Health, it would still offer to quickly re- jurisdiction. Volume LXXXIX, No. 36-S going for educational space.
review the hospital project, should the University officials maintai that Friday, June 29, 1979 Detroit City Council member and
is edited and mansged by students atouclm bean
the University of Michan. Published president pro-tei Mary Ann Mahaffey
daily Tuesday through y morn- was in the audience at the CHPC-board
ings duri the University year at 420 meeting.
49109a SbscrietAnnates:12 Seem-ch Mahaffey said she came to hear the
r her through April (2 semesters); $13 by debate on the hospital; since the out-
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses- come of the hospital review would af-
sion published Tuesday through Satur feet Detroit.
ThF oio Aninn bor i $7.b mai out- "I HAVE GREAT difficulty agreeing
or side Ann Arbor. Second class posagie when the state agrees to give the
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan POT University of Michigan a hospital that
Grdu teStudets MASTER: Send address changes to
THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard won't benefit poor people," she said.
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 49109. "Only people with money can go
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