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June 27, 1979 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1979-06-27

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Page 8-Wednesday, June 27, 1979-The Michigan Daily
House bill would limit searches

LANSING (UPI) - Buoyed by sup-
port from the law enforcement com-
munity, legislation strictly limiting the
use of strip and body cavity searches
sailed through the House Civil Rights
Committee yesterday.
The bill, sent to the House floor on a
unanimous vote, is designed to protect
privacy rights some feel are en-
dangered by the growing in-
discriminate use of humiliating and
degrading search techniques.
THE MEASURE forbids police to
strip-search persons merely accused of
misdemeanors or civil infractions
unless the officers involved have reason
to believe it would turn up a weapon or
evidence of a crime.
Police could not search body cavities
without a warrant and the procedure
would have to be conducted by "com-
petent medical personnel."
Officers violating either provision
would be guilty of a misdemeanor.
THE MEASURE does not cover per-
sons jailed as a result of court action.
"The bill is not intended to hamstring
law enforcement agencies, but provide
the citizens of Michigan with a basic
protection they need against in-
discriminate strip searches," said
freshman Rep. Gary Randall (R-

Elwell), the bill's sponsor.
The Michigan chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) "strongly supports" the bill,
said a spokesperson for the
THE ACLU also will press for similar
legislation to protect the rights of
prisoners, he said.
The Michigan Sheriffs Association
has endorsed the bill and a
spokeswoman for the Prosecuting At-

torneys Association of Michigan told
the committee her group generally
supports the concept.
But the spokeswoman, Bonnie Miller,
said she was concerned that the bill
only exempts prisoners in jail by court
THE MEASURE "might endanger
jail security in a situation where
somebody was kept over a weekend
before a magistrate was available for
arraignment," she said.

Rhodesians raid ZA.

LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) - Zimbabwe
Rhodesian commandos and warplanes
raided two black nationalist guerrilla
installations in and near Lusaka at
dawn yesterday and dropped leaflets
urging Zambians to distrust the
guerrillas based in their country.
The Zambian government said 20
black nationalists were killed and 30
wounded. Zimbabwe Rhodesia said it
lost one dead and one wounded.
THE GUERRILLAS want to; topple
the new black-led Zimbabwe Rhodesian
government, claiming it is just a front
fr ratantinn f whit nonerthere.

The raid coincided with the opening
of the new black-dominated parliament
in Salisbury, Zimbabwe Rhodesia's
President Josiah Bumede, in top hat
and tails, told legislators there:
"THOSE WHO harbor terrorists and
actively support their attempts to over-
throw my government by force must
bear the consequences."
He arrived at Parliament with an
olive branch in one hand and a hammer
in the other, symbols of= the gover-
nment's amnesty offer to guerrillas and
of its warning that those who keep

Guns and contraband such a person
might carry then could spread through
the jail, she said.
Much of the committee's time was
taken up in discussion of the definition
of a strip search. The bill was modified
to define a strip search as requiring
people to remove street clothing to ex-
pose areas other than the head, neck,
arms, hands and feet.
PU bases
fighting will be crushed.
The raid was the first into Zambia
since Prime Minister Abel Muzorewa
this month ushered in the new state of
Zimbabwe Rhodesia - a state which
succeeds the former white-ruled state
of Rhodesia.
THE NEW constitution, while
providing a black majority gover-
nment, gives whites a quarter of the
cabinet posts for at least 10 years and
control of the armed forces, civil ad-
ministration, courts, economy and
police for at least five years.
In the raids into Zambia, the com-
mandos, flown in and out by helicopter,
flattened a guerrilla-owned building
three miles from the center of Lusaka.
Zimbabwe Rhodesia said it was the in-
telligence headquarters of Joshua
Nkomo's Zimbabwe African People's
Union, but Lusaka sources described it
as the home of several ZAPU officials.
The planes dropped a dozen bombs at
Chikumbi, 12 miles north of Lusaka and
variously described as a ZAPU refugee
camp or a ZAPU farm.
RAIDERS DROPPED thousands of
leaflets to "the people of Zambia"
which said: "Zimbabwe Rhodesia now
has black majority rule. There is
therefore no further need for war and
the people want peace with all neigh-
boring countries . . . ZAPU controls
your country, eats your food and at-
tacks your citizens."
Zambia's government called the
leaflets "a desperate attempt aimed at
canvassing support for the regime
which is unacceptable to the majority
of the Rhodesian people and the
progressive people of the world."
Witnesses said four or five Rhodesian
helicopters swooped down on the
ZAPU-owned house shortly after dawn.
Commandos rushed out of the chop-
pers, sealing off the street next to the
building and using machine guns,
rockets and grenades to reduce the
house to flaming rubble.
In Salisbury, Gumede said that if
Britain and the United States withhold
recognition, they will in effect be sup-
porting terrorists, and Muzorewa's of-
fice announced he would leave for the
United States soon to lobby for
recognition and a lifting of economic
and military sanctions - measures
President Carter has said he opposes.
The announcement followed unof-
ficial reports from Washington that the
State Department had approved a visit
which is expected July 9-10. He was in-
vited by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.)
who advocates recognition.
Muzorewa's government has been
weakened by the breakaway of seven
members from his United African
National Council and a boycott of 12
seats by the Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole's
Zimbabwe African National Union.

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