The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 27, 1979-Page 7.
Land deal upsets city officials
City council and city administrators
voiced disappointment at last week's
council meeting over the University'
Board of Regents' decision not to sell a
University land parcel to the city
without certain stipulations.
Board members decided not to sell
two acres at the intersection of Green
aand Baxter Roads on North"Campus.
Murray, who called the Regents' action
"extremely disappointing," said, "We
have put in enough effort.. . on this that
I'm not willing to keep going back and
forth, back and forth."
At their June 15 meeting, the Regents
decided that in order to gain control of
two portions of road owned the the
city-the west side of Ingalls St. bet-
ween E. Washington St. and N. Univer-
sity Ave., a portion of Madison St. bet.
ween Packard and Thompson
Streets-they would authorize Univer-
sity administrators to offer a trade to
the city.
By the terms of the trade, the Univer-
sity would get the two portions of
streets in return far the two acres of
land on North Campus.
CITY COUNCIL members oppose a
trade between they are concerned
about losing parking spaces downtown
if the University goes through with
plans to develop Ingalls St. as a
pedestrian mall. They also want the
Unviersity to clarify its plans before
they agree to give up control of the
At the June meeting, the Regents ac-
ted on the assumption the city would
lose a chance to get state and federal
park development funds if it did not
gain title to the land before June 15.
University and city administrators
had agreed that $49,200 would be of-
fered to the Regents for the land, ex-
cluding any strings. But the Regents
decided to relate the land deals because ,
they said they thought the city would be
willing to give up the land for only
Regents for channelling the deals
through University vice-presidents.
City council members said they would
like to meet with the Regents, not vice-
presidents, to discuss the issue.
"I'm just trying to get the Regents to
have a sense of social consciousness,"
said Councilman Earle Greene (D-
Second Ward).
Greene said the Regents were in-
sensitive to refuse to sell the land to the
city without trying to make a trade,
since the city-wanted to use the land for
a park.
MURRAY SAID last Monday, "At
this point, we will just take our kids'
school money to other parks and other
pools." He said the city will be looking
at other sites to provide recreational
facilities for the housing project.
He said it was unlikely the city would
get title to the land within 30 days, in
time to qualify for the development
funds from the state.
University Director of Business
Operations Jack Wiedenbach said
yesterday University and city ad-
ministrative officials were still talking
about the land deal.
Affirmative action conference.
planned to discuss fede ral rules
By BETH PERSKY tion Office, said the University, which years, has been ho'bbled by chains
"has been having a running discussion liberat himh brnhimlupbthai
Affirmative action programs, the with the Department of Health, line of a race and then say, 'You
efforts to recruit, employ, and advance Education, and Welfare (HEW) over free to compete with all the others,' ,
groups discriminated against in the the years about whether it's in com- sril tl bele that ohe
past, mean more than simple com- pliance" with federal affirmative ac- still justly believe that you have b
pliance with federal guidelines, accor- tion guidelines, currently is "in full completely fair," said late Presid
ding to Michael Garcia, program compliance as far as the feds are con- Lyndon Johnson after sign
associate for minority concerns and cerned." Executive Order 11246.
coordinator of an affirmative action Allmand said HEW's duties now have Federal guidelines on employm
conference to be held Friday. been taken over by the Department of mtctin, issued ee 1978, say af
The conference, entitled "Affir- Labor mative action is considered under p
mative Action for Minorities-The The government's affirmative action o Equal Epl mentudingETit I wrt
Mission and the Mandate,"' is itended policy advocates positive steps to ad- deals with education, said Garcia.
to inform students, staff, and faculty vance minorities, women, handicapped "We don't have affirmative ac
about federal affirmative action individuals and war veterans, since the when we just have EEO," said Garc
guidelines for minorities and how they mere elimination of barriers to these "What we need to become more ch
apply to the University. groups does not adequately reduce owhat went.r
CHARLES ALLMAND, acting direc- inequality, on is what we want."
tor of the Unviersity's Affirmative Ac- "YOU DO NOT takea person who, for TH REE F EDERAL laws deal
specifically with minorities, includ
Kahn: Living standards must fall
standards of Americans must decline if
inflation is to be controlled, says the
government's top inflation fighter.
Does that mean tin shacks, soup, and
No, and it may not even mean giving
up a vacation to a faraway place, if
that's what an individual wants, says
one official. But it probably will mean
adjustments in living for most people,
he adds.
"THERE IS GOING to be a smaller
piece of pie for everybody," says Peter
Emerson. "It's not to say we'll all be
living in shacks, or that sort of thing.
But we cannot be as veracious con-
sumers as we have been."
Emerson is a key aide to Alfred
Kahn, President Carter's chief adviser
on inflation. Kahn has said Americans
face lower living standards as the price
for controlling inflation.
"The sum total of the demands we
are placing on this economy of ours
... somehow adds up to more than the
economy is capable of supplying," he
said. "There is no way of avoiding a
decline in our average standard of
Senate members fail to
force abortion bill to floor
HE SAID IT is impossible when beef
and oil are in short supply for
Americans to continue to have as much
as before, no matter how much they are
willing to pay. Housing is another
example of demand outpacing sup-
ply-and prices rising.
That is the process by which living
standards are eroded. A family forced
by shortages or high prices to switch
from steak to hamburger has a lower
eating standard. One forced to stay
home on a weekend because it can't af-
ford or get gas has a lower recreation
Many families already lowered home
thermostats in winter, and are using air
conditioners less now, because of the
shortage and high cost of energy,
resulting insa lower comfort standard.
HOWEVER, KAHN'S prescription
that lower living standards are
necessary to cure the current in-
flationary sickness hasn't won
widespread endorsement from other
Treasury Secretary Michael Blumen-
thal is one who disagrees, at least in
part. "I don't think there's any reason
to fear that there will be a declining
See KAHN, Page 11
one directed toward students, will be
addressed at the conference.
Executive Order 11246, issued by
Johnson in 1965, prohibits federal
government contractors, the Univer-
sity included, from discriminating in
employment on the basis of race, color,
religion, or national origin. The order
maintains that the employer must step
beyond the level of mere equality and
take positive steps to eliminate
discrimiantion in hiring.
TITLE VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 forbids discrimination on the basis
of race, color, or national origin in
education within a federally-assisted
Title VII bars discrimination in em-
ployment on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, or national origin.
The conference, to be held Friday
from 8:30 a.m.until 4:30 p.m. on the
fourth floor of the Rackham Building,
will feature two speakers and several
one-hour workshops.
Freddie Groomes, assistant to the
president of Florida State University
and president of the American
Association for Affirmative Action, will
speak at 9:15 a.m. on Executive Order
11246. Fran Farmer, director of the of-
fice of Inter-Agency Coordination for
the Equal Opportunity Commission in
Washington, will speak on Titles VI and
VII at 1:45 p.m.
LANSING (UPI)-Anti-abortion
Senate members failed yesterday in a
parliamentary maneuver designed to
force action on a bill banning state
payments for abortions for poor
The so-called discharge motion from
Sen. Edgar Fredricks (R-Holland), by
which the Senate can wrest a bill from a
balky committee fell two votes short of
approval on an 18-17 roll call.
LAST YEAR, a similar motion on an
identical bill was approved by the
However, Gov. William Milliken has
ensistently vetoed legislation restric-
ting the use of funds for welfare abor-
Fredricks complained that this
year's version of the bill which he spon-
sored is being held up in the Senate
Health Committee.
Edward Pierce (D-Ann Arbor) con-
ceded there is not enough support for
the bill on his panel to report it to the
full Senate.
But Pierce protested the discharge
motion because the committee curren-
tly is holding extensive hearings on
several aspects of the abortion issue.
He said he will call for another com-
mittee vote on the bill when the
hearings are concluded in September.
"I think it's proper that the Health
and Social Services Committee finish
its investigation of this issue," Pierce
The Senate must go through at least
one more abortion fight in the next few
House members earlier included an-
ti-abortion language in the 1979-80
Department of Social Services budget,
which is now before'the Senate.
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