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May 15, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-15

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The back benches in the council chambers at City
Hall are usually empty for City Council meetings, but
at last night's Public Hearing session they were filled
by more than 50 Ann Arbor residents, many of whom
spoke out against several proposed building develop-
ments in the city.
In addition, Earl Greene (D-Second Ward) deman-
ded that Mayor Louis Belcher report to council mem-
bers in writing concerning the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) decision to allow sludge
from the city's waste treatment plant to be dumped in

The Michigan Daily--Tuesday, May 15, 1979-Page 3
object to rezoning resolution
Washtenaw County. planners estimated 19,000 cars per month would use
A group of about eight people voiced opposition to the road by 1990. She said 15,000 cars travel on the road
five resolutions on the agenda which would rezone cer- every month already, and the estimate for 1990 has
tain lands in the city to allow four office buildings and a risen to 28,000 vehicles per month.
condominium to be built. Council member Louis Senunas (R-Third Ward) said
THE REZONING resolution for office buildings drew the number of citizens protesting new development
fire from south-side residents who pointed to the rise in was not uncommon at public hearings. Senunas said
traffic they claimed would result from office buildings most cited the impact of traffic in their neighborhoods.
planned for an area near the intersection of State GREENE, WHO asked for a report from Belcher on
S treet and Eisenhower Parkway. the decision to allow the city's sludge to be spread as
Linda Chessler, of 3515 Wexler Court in Georgetown, fertilizer in Michigan, said, "I view this as a political
said when the Eisenhower Parkway was first built, decision." See COUNCILMAN, Page 5
deals with

possibility of
world war
World War III looms on the horizon
and cannot be prevented, "unless there
is a revolution," said Revolutionary
Communist Youth Brigade (RCYB)
member Diane Clark at a conference
entitled, "World War III: Is it Coming?
What should we do about it?" held
Saturday at the Michigan Union.
"World War III is not yet inevitable,"
said another speaker, University
political science professor David
Singer, to the crowd of more than 60
"but it is becoming increasingly so."
Veterans Against the War, the Arbor
Alliance, University political science
Prof. Joel Samoff, the Medical Com-
mittee for Human Rights, the
Association for Critical Social Studies,
and RCYB, the conference featured
discussion on avoidance of World War
III and workshops on topics such as
nuclear disarmament, the draft, and
Clark advocated revolution, claiming
that because of the "deepening crisis of
imperialism worldwide," the threat of
another world war is imminent.
Singer, on the other hand, said he felt
people should act on the "most common
combination of compassion, reason,
and consideration for your fellow
"THE BULK OF America, Russia
(the northern hemisphere) accepts the
proposition that the way to keep peace
See WORLD, Page8

iarter's catch AP Photo
President Carter displays two fish he caught yesterday. He spent the day fishing off of Virginia Beach as the guest of
Norfolk attorney Peter Decker.

Weeks of the week
This is week is more than one week. In fact, it's
three weeks. Support Handicapped Awareness
Week is this week and will culminate with activities
in the Fishbowl on Friday. It's also National Tran-
sportation Week. The Ann Arbor Transportation
Authority (AATA) has invited the public to visit its
new weigh station at 331 S. 4th Ave. today between
5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., and Saturday, bus riders
get a treat-But the best week of all is Write Your
Grandparents Weeks, sponsored by students in a
course called Later Maturity at Florida State
University. For the sixth year in a row, the class is
urging Americans to write letters to their gran-
dparents, because, "One grows old today, now, and
every moment hereafter." The students say they're
attempting to encouragea communication between
youth and the aged. This week may turn into a mon-
th of Sundays.
Happenings ... '
.get off to a late start today with a picnic for

Lag B'Omer at Gallup Park featuring a kosher hot
dog grill Meet at 4:30 p.m. at Chabad House, 716 Hill
Street. Call 99-LEARN for more infor-
mation . . ..the Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan (PIRGIM) will hold an orientation
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Welker Room of the
Michigan Union . . . a harpsichord recital by Susan
Hodge will be held in the fourth floor Rackham
Assembly Hall at 8 p.m. . . . the Center for South
and Southeast Asian Studies will present a lecture-
demonstration at 8 p.m., centered on Ikranagara's
film "Rimba Tiwikrama" (Great Anger of the
Forest) in Room 200, Lane Hall.
On the outside
The weather may not be like last week's 900 scor-
cher, but don't plan on pulling out the down jacket
you just packed away in mothballs. Today's high
will zoom to the low to mid 60s, under partly cloudy
skies. There will be a 40 per cent chance of par-
ticipation tonight.

Ricn Cuvers, an AATA bus driver, and nis fellow
drivers will be letting patrons ride for free on
Saturday as part of National Transportation Week.

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