Page 2-Tuesday, May 15, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Myths hamper energy efforts, oil exec says
(Coninued from Page 1) Howard R. Marsh Center for the Study companies; profits actually fell last high value is placed on automobi
an amount far beyond its financial of Journalistic Performance. year. According to Longe, oil com- there has been little "dampening
needs, to help the western world. "If According to Hill, oil is a "commodity panies experienced 13.2 per cent retur- demand."
they cut back it will wreck the western in abundance" and oil companies are ns last year, compared to the 15 per
world," said Kittrell. merchandising and "competing for cent experienced by all industry. The Three Mile Island incidentw
Kittrell also said, however, that the consumers." Hill explained that as of According to Kittrell, the oil com- both good and bad for nuclear pew
U.S. is not "swimming in petroleum." the early 1970s, the economics of the in- panies are not "pulling strings." OPEC according to Kittrell. He said, "It
Explaining that the U.S. obtains 75 per dustry have changed. "Oil has changed is calling the shots," he stated, adding accident) spoiled an incredible saf
cent of its energy supply from oil and from a commodity in abundance to a that if OPEC prices couldn't be con- record, but it was handled with
natural gas, Kittrell told his listeners commodity that is scarce," Hill said. trolled, the oil companies should con- serious consequences." Uranium, u.
that recently the U.S. has been using During a panel discussion held after trol their prices. to power nuclear plantis an abund
twice as much of these resources than Kittrell and Hill spoke, Hill claimed oil Kittrell added that while oil com- resource in the U.S., and we know h
have been found. "Simple arithmetic companies will come up with oil "if we panies have kept crude oil prices down, to use it," said Kittrell.
tells us that if we go on this way, fairly bribe them enough." The oil com- "OPEC's ability to control prices" has Alternate energy forms such
soon the barrel will run dry," he said. panies, Hill said, are "duty-bound" to been strengthened. Most of the oil used gasahol introduce yet another iss
NATIONAL environmental make money for their stockholders. in the U.S. is imported, said Kittrell. Gasahol is made from wheat and c-
correspondent to the New York Times, UNIVERSITY Business Ad- IN TERMS OF consumer conser- which raises the issue of allocating f
Gladwin Hill, also spoke at the con- ministration Prof. Patricia Longe, who vation, Kittrell said price makes some supplies for motor fuel. Kittrell s
ference, which was co-sponsored by the also was a member of the panel, said oil difference in the amount of oil the gasahol's contribution to the U
public uses, but only in the amount of energy supply won't amount to mt
U . bheating oil. Conserving motor oil, ac- unless it is "heavily subsidized
C h in a sign cording to Kittrell, is an infringement federal and state governments."
U "on personal freedom which means a said he feels it "needs a fair shak
11ein ~ron a no-1LOpeoie. necau.e. svn.a- though.
hell of a lot' to peopl Beas h a
trade agreement
(Continued from Page1)
agreement for both countries," said
O.L. Haslam, general counsel of the
US. Commerce Department. "I think it
will hold up. It is a hard-nosed
HE CALLED IT a "breakthrough"
agreement, noting that it was
negotiated in just 11 days, while others,
like one with Romania, took nine mon-
"We both had points we compromised
on," he said. "We both had points we
considered crucial. . . . There were
points both sides considered desirable.
We got some points and not others."
Haslam estimated 85 per cent of the
original U.S. text was redrafted.
THE AGREEMENT accords both
nations most-favored nation tariff
treatment, meaning each one will pay
the lowest tariff charged by the other.
Currently, tariffs on Chinese goods Kreps
entering the United States are on the k ri ar
average twice as high as those on goods Kreps left Peking Friday after the
from other countries. signing of a pact that will repay
The agreement also provides equal Americans $110.5 million for assets
customs treatment, promotion of seized by China in 1949 and free an
economic and trade relations, multiple equal amount of Chinese assets frozen
entry and exit visas, and conversion of by the United States in retaliation. That
currency. document had been holding up the trade
U.S.-CHINESE trade was $1.1 billion agreement.
in 1978. After diplomatic relations were She also signed four science and
established in January, U.S. officials technology accords and a trade
projected the figure would hit $2 billion exhibition agreement. Today she goes
in 1979 and reach $3 billion to $4 billion a to Hong Kong, and tomorrow to Tokyo
year by 1984. for talks there on business gnd finance.
Vet returns to service,
may face court-martial
GREAT LAKES, Ill. (AP)-After a
month visiting family and friends,
Marine Pfc. Robert Garwood returned
to military life yesterday and the
possibility of a court-martial on
charges of deserting in Vietnam and
collaborating with the enemy.
But despite the charges-which
would lead to his execution if he is found
guilty-Garwood is proud of being a
Marine and is considering re-enlisting,
his attorney said.
a very proud Marine, and he is proud of
the Marine Corps," Dermot Foley of
New York City said in a telephone in-
terview. "The bringing of these charges
has not resulted in any deterioration of
his feelings for the Marines. He has
strong feelings about these charges, but
it would be fair to say that he is con-
sidering re-enlistment."
Garwood, 33, arrived at Great Lakes
Naval Hospital yesterday from a mon-
th's convalescent leave. After un-
dergoing a physical examination he is
to report Thursday to Camp LeJeune,
Foley said Garwood has adjusted
well to American life since returning in
March after spending 16 years in Viet-
nam, 14 of them as a prisoner of war.
His speech is still punctuated with a
slight Vietnam accent, Foley said.
FOLEY SAID that although his client
feels the need to talk about his Vietnam
experiences with a doctor, he has in-
structed Garwood not to because in-
formation obtained by a physician can
be used in court-martial proceedings.
In civilian trials, conversations bet-
ween patient and doctor are confiden-
tial and cannot be used as evidence.
"We are not permitted to talk to a
doctor about the problems Bobby has
encountered unless we're prepared to
scrap our constitutional rights. And
we're not prepared to do that," Foley
"I don't think it's fair to force Bobby
Garwood or any military defendant to
be in a position where he is compelled to
elect between his legal rights and his
mental and physical well-being."
Foley contends that the Marine Corps
knows nothing about Garwood's years
in Vietnam and would use the infor-
mation furnished by an attending doc-
tor as the basis for the charges against
Foley said the government has seized
about $147,000 in back pay held in a
bank account in Garwood's name. The
money was in a government bank
during the years Garwood was in Viet-
nam. Foley said Garwood has been in-
formed that he must "prove he's in-
nocent before he can get the money,"
which Foley said his client needs for
legal fees.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXIX, No. 10-S
Tuesday. May 15, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
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Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) $1:3 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses-
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$6.50 in Ann Arbor: $7.00 by mail out-
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