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May 12, 1979 - Image 12

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-12

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Page 12-Saturday, May 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Dem's decide to keep Detroit in running
From AP and UPI selection committee originally had give them all a look. $300,000 cash in addition to other in-
WASHINGTON - Surprised by an planned to reduce the field to two cities The committee will visit New York ducements.
unexpected surge of competition, the after the formal bids were made this May 22-23, Detroit June 5-6, Philadelphia upped the cash bidding
Democrats decided yesterday to keep week, visit both, and vote at the end of Philadelphia June 7-8 and Dallas June to $1 million, but there was some con-
Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, and June.. 13-14. cern about the legality of the financial
Dallas in the running for their 1980 BUT WHEN ALL four cities came in On June 28, the committee will return proposal under federal election laws. It
national convention site. with strong cases during presentations to Washington to pick the city that will also had some housing problems.
The 28-member Democratic site Thursday, the committee decided to be host to more than 5,000 delegates and Dallas, which appeared to have
alternates picking the 1980 pemocratic backing from western members of the
presidential nominee, and to perhaps site committee because it would be
20,000 others who have business at such easier to get to, made what appeared to
affairs. be an open-ended assistance offer that
REPUBLICANS have already chosen could be $3 million or more. Party
Detroit for their 1980 convention, lawyers appeared to be worried about
scheduled to start July 14. The most the proposed system of contributions
likely date for the Democrats is Aug. 11. the city would use to collect the funds.
All of the offers have problems. The four cities were the only ones to
New York, site of the 1976 party make bids for the Democratic conven-
gathering, has lots of hotels close to the tion this year. Party officials apparen-
convention hall, but Madison Square tly were hoping for bids from Miami
Garden is A tight fit for the 5,300 Beach and Los Angeles this year, but
Democratic delegates. Florida's failure to approve the Equal
DETROIT, WHICH already has lan- Rights Amendment kept the state off-
ded the 1980 Republican convention, limits for the Democrats and the stric-
has two arenas available for the tures of Proposition $13 apparently
meeting, but the problem is nearby make it difficult for California cities to
hotel rooms. It offered the Democrats match bids with others.

Carter blasts House
for gas ration vote

(Continued from Page 1)
recognize the potential threat of our
country of oil shortages and be
prepared to deal with the threat-.. is
Carter originally offered a four-part
energy conservation plan, but Congress
approved only one of them-thermostat
control in public buildings.
A WHITE HOUSE official said the
president will soon carry out that
program by ordering the owners of non-
residential buildings to set thermostats
at 80 degrees or higher in summer and
65 or lower in winter.
The other parts-weekend closings of
gasoline stations and restricting adver-
tising lighting-were killed earlier.
Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.),
chairman of the Senate Energy Com-
mittee said earlier in the week that

Congress would be unable to write a
rationing plan on its own and that the
attempt would be futile.
A NUMBER of congressional energy
aides claimed yesterday that there was
little real chance that Congress would
take the president up on his challenge.
Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) said the
president currently has broad
powers-short of actual rationing
authority-to deal with gasoline shor-
tages under the Emergency Petroleum
Act and other laws. He could do quite a
bit to ease gasoline shortages without
seeking congressional approval,
Dingell said of Carter.
The congressman said he wasn't cer-
tain the administration could order a
national odd-even gasoline sales plan,
but said it is the type of step the ad-
ministration should consider.

Those lion eyesA
These cats are just hanging around ina New Jersey wildlife park, enjoying
the day's weather. While they didn't appear too excited, what's to ex-
pect-it's New Jersey.
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State fears confrontations;
appeals fishing ruling

(C.ntinue from Page3)
prevent irreparable damage to fish life
in the state and ease conflicts between
Indians and other fishers.
Kelley called on the federal Interior
Department to take full responsibility
for using U.S. environmental law to en-
sure that certain species are not fished
out of existence.
HE SAID the Michigan congressional
delegation should immediately begin
studying the Indian treaty rights
"As this state's chief law enfor-
cement officer, I call upon the federal
government to assist the state in these-
troubled times which lie ahead," Kelley
"Although there is a possibility that
the Indians may abuse the exemption
from state laws given to them . . . the
citizens of this state should not resort to
violence," Kelley said.

"ANY PERSON who unlawfully at-
tempts to interfere with the exercise of
rights granted to the Indians by the
court faces the prospect of criminal
prosecution by federal, state or local
law enforcement agencies," he said.
Rasmussen echoed the sentiment,
saying public and government agencies
have a responsibility to abide by the
"I am disturbed about recent rumors
that violence oiay occur in places
where Indian people may be fishing this
weekend," she said.
"It is the responsibility of law enfor-
cement agencies to provide fair treat-
ment to Indian people in a manner con-
sistent with the court opinion."
Rasmussen also said she is concerned
about a possible backlash effecting
even Indians who are not directly in-
volved in fishing.

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