The Michigan Dily-Saturday, May 12, l979-Page 1
'r vnnx.Anrv, ,-ummeyci ar -un- Europe .
America. Australia. Asia. etc. All fields. Sinl-tt2ioi
monthly Expenses paid Sight seeing Free In-
fo-Write: J. Box 52-1. (orona Del Mar. ('A
9225 ;901531l
WANTED-INSTRUTOiRS o Silkscreening
and Ballroom Dacing 1. Experience necesary
For further information call Linda Haskims or
Cecil Taylr at 594-4iafe : 00 p.m. clic
VICE-PRESIDENT for small, ut grwing import
crporation. Management. mareting and acunt-
ig sills required. Compuer sills desired Send
resume to .OPittBix 70, Ann Aror. Ml 40117
_ lUNTEl0 fArTEfElS
oin imla an Yei Quest
il sit'vAMiihia Allery tDiisiiisneesrit
oilseivolutersroacid I:5 years Is pariciputein i
whicsh hsbetoe ily u-iedliht isedi-al pr-i-
fo smans yrsroWondeiiirmalsbics i-stout
allrir or sei- riisisiomdicl lprohlesisPari
1is ill be sl-sieon o ncsisoncutsive llisa.liss
Plas c ll 631141 Iii furthr iiiirmia os. 7511512
TYPING SEVICE-Reasonale Rates 453-2243.
I DESIGN SIGNS, murals, and layouts at reason-
ale prices Commercial and priate accounts Call
Lors at 63-2743 or 769-513. 33512
Julie Birdsall 665-9843
612 S. Forest Suite B
WRIIItNGl SthI(VICS iratv.Thi ca5l. itin ssg.
tRsrch.i'Typ11110 FotoriorisI Prsiofissinl ion
COIE~S 1 1510.6 iserihi
Ac-fpy. 524. William. 719-310
ting.oxpienced 05sall kistRsoaole.ir9713i(Mr
:52.1 51 5
812Sosilh Sle St reel
W9 94 lMo.St.
THE THEOSOPHICAL Society in Ann Aror inites
you to ax illustrated talk, "The Trinty in Action
and iihree Stage of Creation y M. Nedra
Brooks at the Ann Aror Puhlic Lihrary Auditorium
Saturday May 12 a 300p m 91M512
NAPIttiNAI..BO .51188. stoMIAMIt SORiES. FA
SKI NRiGIANi S\EKtO(iN) IPllS mi wad-stch
doglss. giodsiss tsh chilsrrn. nicriliopooios.
Short SUBLET, rent, house-sit. Grandparents
iiting Burns Park area. May 1th-30h (ll days.
Phone Vat or Len, 769-203 42514
Daily Classifieds
Bring Results
Words 1 2 3 4 5 add.
0-14 170 3.40 4.60 5.80 700 1.00
15-21 2.55J 510 6.90 8.70 1050 1.50
22-28 3.40 6.80 9.20 11.60 14.00 200
29-35 4 25 850 11.50 1450 1750 2.50
36-42 510 1020 1380 17 40 21.00 3 00
43-49 680 11.90 16 10 2030 24.50 3.50
Number of Weeks Number of Weeks
fine/elek 13 26 39 inche/wek 13 26 39
12 .34 31 -Wi 6 210 190 1.65
18 .33 .30 26 9 +2.05 185 1.60-
-24 .31 28 24 12 2.00 180 155
30 .30 27 23 15 195 1.75 150
36 28 25 21 18 1.90 170 145
42 .27 26 20 over18 1 80 1 65 1.40
48 26 .24 .18
54 24 23 17
60 .23 22 16
N.B.. Each groop of character countsas onemword.
Hyphenated mordsovoser S characters roon s twio words
(this includes telephone0sumbheist
8Blinesequalsl1 inch 7 wordsoper lise
OiWN ROO~M in qiuet, clean modern 2-man apart-
ment iear Niirth (ampus. tots of space, halcony,
dishwasher. Fall liption at little or no increase.
665-5772. dU5tI
SPACE FOR ONE WOMAN in a 2 hedroom apart-
ment 2 hlocks from South Quad. May-August. Price
negotiahle.fiall 764-0552 or 995-2376 persistently.
ROLLAND SPACE ECHO tape delay with swel.
769-9430. eXtc
o SEll lAils~rtiM Sei-iAutiomatie guitar Be-st
offeirove-r V2 7611-94:11. exte
EPIPIIIIitNE lGUITARI SAtE,'.Electrics 4-ld Acios
is-Tiip Sas-insothriiugh Miy. Apiillio Music (eater.
12.1S. Main. Ano Arbiir, 7169-1400, exte
SOSNY a-TRACE STEREO tape recrder, 2 VU
meters, Pause. auto eject. 662-5330. 3BX516
VEllA6T1111 tAND-s 111lf. mustosel. sith sidt
case.761-9 1 rc(
[(()At) FACTORitshoiize-dlatmp.sali-.lUp to sVim
off Soin osr li-mi. Apiilii Music Cetelr. 7691-
:3s WATTfLAF-AYETTE, $011W 211 Watt Shersioid.
011111 Exielint cnitio i n 112-6744. 15415
2 rooms open in large house. 550/month, mates. non-
smoking preferred. 12 month tease, asailahle im-
mediately. 720 Arch.662-7235. 43Y512
Do a Tree a Favor:
Recycle Your Daily
SUBLET-2 ROOM FLAT. no kitchen.Cflone to
campus, cheap. 434-9499, hefore 3 p.m. 97U5f12
SUBLET JUNE-AUG.. 2 hedroom apartment. Fur-
nished, parking, faundry. AC, rent negotiahle. 995-
2833. 32U516
OWN ROOM in quiet, clean modern 2-man apart-
ment near North Campus. Lots of space, halcony,
dishwasher. Faff option at little or no increase.
665-5722. dU5t2
OWN BlOOM availahle for fall in coed house with
S quiet hut fun-floving students. fOn Main near
Hboover, clsse to Stadium, IM4 Bfdg., and Commuter
Bus Route. Rent negntiahle. CaflI Anna, f-S p.m.,
764-6274. dflst2
SUPER SUBLET FOR MALE-f furnished hedroom
in Village Green Apartments. Availahle fate May
through August. t75/mnth. CaflI 995-9430. fiU517
FEMALE NEEDED In share furnished one-bed-
room apartment. Callf995-8913 after5:0. 99U51 2
St'IifLf-fFsraished tlos h-driote sapartmeinl.liir-
nerl-i iiPack-ardl -Modsoso. Blclosnyasr c-siiisosg.
lIEY WMEN! Shy Aug.-.lone besdriom il atwo
IlldlcisimapilParking. AC.,isyights, scro Sante.
great rwmlmate- Rats- iegotiable. 1662-1051 . 359:41
SUBLET-ONE BEDROOM apartment. Ideal for,
couple. PFfl option. June-August, negotiahle. 76W-
4847. 98U511
Studying Take a
got you
_.l_ _
*,*ey YOU/Good Lookn'
Allow me to introduce myself.
SLhe 3iit wn ?W ilg **
* Csll me somfeftme-will ys honey?I
* Billing 764-0550
* Circulation 764-0558
* Classifieds 764-0557
* Display 764-0554
* News 764-0552
* Sports 764-0562