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Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48104
PLO: Approaching acceptance
Friday, January 16, 1976
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Field Newpaper Syndie, 1A75
Kissinger Arafat
Pacific News Service
the U.S. still publicly sup-
ports Israel's denial of Pales-
tinian sovereignty, in . its sec-
ret diplomacy the U. S. has al-
ready made moves indicating
an eventual readiness to deal
with the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO).
Two signs of this basic shift
have emerged in recent months.
In November, Harold Saund-
ers, a top State Department of-
ficial, stated in a congressional
hearing that the Palestinians
and moderate elements of the
PLO would have to be included
in future Mideast negotiations.
This marked a radical depar-
ture from the earlier U. S. step-
by - step diplomacy approach
that regarded the Arab-Israeli
conflict as one between sover-
eign countries, automatically
excluding the Palestinians. That
policy aimed for Israel and her
neighbors to reach a settlement
in which the Palestinian ques-
tion would be treated as second-
ary. Saunders' testimony mark-
ed the abandonment of that
U. S. refused to veto PLO par-
ticipation in this month's Secur-
ity Council debate on the Mid-
east. Since the UN invites only
sovereign bodies (or those with
claims to -sovereignty) to par-
ticipate, the U. S. action meant
a tacit drawback from Israel's
cardinal principle of foreign pol-
icy - total rejection of the idea
of Palestinian sovereignty.
A\ll along, Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger has continued
to insist that American policy
has not changed; that the diplo-
matic boycott against the PLO
has not ended; and that U. S.
and Israeli views still coincide
on the Palestinian question.
U. S. officials have said the
decision to allow PLO partici-
pation in the Security Council
debate is a trade-off for Syria's
agreement to a six-month ex-
tension of the UN peace - keep-
ing force in the Golan Heights.
YET SAUNDERS' testimony,
clearly backed by higher-ups,
showed that the U. S. had made.
a basic shift in policy regard.
ing the central role of the Pal-
estinians in a lasting Mideast
settlement. As Saunders told
the committee, "Peace will not
be found until an agreement is
reached defining a just and per-
manent status . . . for the Pal-
estinians . . . The issue is not
whether Palestinian interests'
should be expressed in a final
settlement, but how. There will
be no peace unless an answer
is found."
Within bdth the Israeli and
Palestinian camps, dovish forc-
es - interpreting these signs as
a major policy shift - have
begun to push for some concil-
iatory gestures towards each
At a recent Israeli Cabinet
meeting, five of 20 ministers
suggested that every Palestin-
ian organization recognizing Is-
rael's right to exist - and
abandoning guerrilla tactics -'
should be acceptable as a ne-
gotiating partner.
of the influential Knesset Com-
mittee on Foreign Relations, is-
sued a similar call. They have
been joined in varying degrees
by Foreign Minister Allon and
UN Ambassador Herzog. Even
hawkish General Arie Sharon,
hero of the 1973 war, said, "If
we are prepared to speak with
the Syrians . . . there is no
reason we should not speak to
the fedayeen (Arab guerril-
Yet Prime Minister Rabin
has yet to acknowledge this
growing dovish sentiment. Pub-
licly he reiterates that Israel
will not withdraw to pre-1967
borders and that no Palestinian
state will be Rallowed between
Israel and Jordan. To empha-
size his views, he has ordered
bombing raids on Palestinian
settlements and' stepped up
plans for more Jewish expan-
sion in Israeli - occupied ter-
But even among American
Jews, the tide is shifting' away
from Rabin's hawkish stance. In
the past year a growing num-
ber have declared their disap-
proval of Israeli foreign policy.
Perhaps the fastest growing op-
position group is BREIRA (He-
brew for "Alternative"), an as-
sociation of Jewish theologians
and intellectuals who feel that
Israel's security depends on
peace with its neighbors.
also debating how to meet the
Saunders challenge. While in
the Western nress the PLO has
expressed uniform opnosition to
the "Zionist entity", some
PLO opinion-makers have open-
lv called for coexistence with
the State of Israel.
Last spring, in a much-pub-
licized speech, PLO London
re-resentative Said Hammami
stated that the PLO, as the
head of a Palestinian state in
the West Bank and Gaza. would
renounce violence and live in
neace with Israel - maintain-
ing onen borders and seeking.
economic and cultural ties. And
Hammami stated that Palestin-,
ians would now seek to estab-
lish a political dialogue with
any Israelis willing to discuss
the future form of Palestinian-
Israeli relations.
Others in the PLO agree with
Hammami - and their num-
bers are growing. Nabil Sha'-
ath, PLO planning director, and
PLO theoretician Sabri Jiryis
support the "two-state solution"
leading to economic coopera-
tion, cultural exchange and ev-
entual confederation. As Jiryis
told a recent group of Ameri-
cans, "I warn you, I am a de-
clared dove. I am not saying
I am alone, I am part of a
trend . . . There are others
even more dovish than I."
Arafat, while unable to ex-
press this position publicly, has
left wide maneuvering room for
the inevitable: negotiations and
mutual recognition. He repre-
sents a wide range of opinion-
indeed, his job depends on this
-but he is foremost a pragma-
As .long as progress is made
on the diplomatic front, the
numbers and political power of
hawkish forces will continue to
The alternatives are unmis-
takably drawn: movement to-
wards peace, or, intensified
raids and reprisals.
E Howard Frederick is on the
staff of the Middle East Mobile
Education Project. He recently
spent a year in the Middle East,
where he had extensive contacts
with both Palestinians and Is-
'Now this is the 14th Amendment, which guarantees
minorities equal educational opportunities, except
when a bus is involved!'
Busing decision: Right on
10i -M15 13Zk)TU~JIA1U
YA(2 -E QU~ iEI-,
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U.S. Circuit Court of
their decision to uphold
ordered integration plan
public schools.
WITH the
Appeals in
the court-
for Boston
bolic mixing of the races
perceived solution.
as a nobly
The Appellate Court's 51-page de-
cision praised U. S. District Judge
Arthur Garrity, who ordered the bus-
ing program last May, for his "care
and imagination" in producing "a di-
versified educational system offer-
ing superior opportunities for chil-
dren, both white and black."
The decision also said that, "The
plan is not a mechanical device to
ensure that the races share equally,
but serves its constitutional goals
within a framework offering educa-
tional hope for the children of the
The spirit of busing should be to
promote equality in learning, and
not taken as merely a clinical, sym-
Newh: Gordon Atcheson, Elaine
Fletcher, Pauline Lubens, Cheryl
Pilate, Sara Rimer
Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Michael
Beckman, Stephen Hersh, Jon Pan-
sius, Tom Stevens
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technician: Steve Kagan.
THOUGH THE citizens who have
children in the Boston public
schools may vehemently argue the
rationality and necessity of busing
to achieve integration there, integra-
tion through cross-district busing re-
mains the only plausible and demo-
cratic choice at this time.
Social restructuring is a lengthy,
evolutionary process: for now, those
children who have been wrongfully
deprived of a decent education must
be bused.
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer Picture Editor
'. SUSAN SHEINER. ..Stafr Photographer
Editorial Staff
DAVID BLOMQUIST ................ Arts Editor
BARBARA CORNELL .. Sunday Magazine Editor
PAUL HASKINS .............. Editorial Director
MARY LONG ..... Sunday Magazine Editor
JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY Sunday Magazine Editor
SARA RIMER ... ............... Executive Editor
STEPHEN SELBST.,.................City Editor
JEFF SORENSON ............. Managing Editor
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Irish Americans sneak aid to IRA
BELFAST (PNS) - American sym-
pathizers of the Provisional IRA have
raised millions of dollars and smug-
gled weapons to the IRA ever since
the violence began in 1969 - and have
gained public attention doing it.
Nearly five years ago, two Irishmen
who worked as ship stewards on the
Queen Elizabeth were tried after a
suitcase filled with guns from America
was discovered on the ship.
ON JUNE 1, 1972, a baggage handler
at London's Heathrow Airport was car-
rying two suitcases and a sea chest
on their way from San Francisco to
Ireland when the chest burst its seams.
Inside were machine guns with tele-
scopic sights and dum-dum bullets, ap-
parently intended for the IRA.
Beyond such shipment of small
arms and explosives, Irish sources in
Belfast and New York describe the use
of aid money sent legally from the
U. S. to purchase weapons on the Euro-
pean arms market.
In 1973, for example, IRA leader Joe
Cahill and five others were captured in
a boat off Ireland with tons of rifles,
Russian-built mines and hand gren-
ades - apparently purchased in West
Germany. While there was no proof
that the money to buy the equipment
had come from the U. S., Irish sources
agree this kind of arms smuggling is
often financed by American money.
A DEFENSE Department document
released several months 4go by Rep.
Les Aspin of Wisconsin claimed that 75
per cent of the money used by Irish
militants to purchase arms came from
the U. S.
Today the largest American sup-
port group is Irish Northern Aid - or
Noraid - which raised $400,000 last
year and more in previous years.
Though denying any connection with
arms smuggling, its leaders express
moral support for those who do the
smuggling and for the IRA Provision-
als, who have carried on the armed
conflict since 1969.
Noraid has 71 units with 80,000 mem-
bers in the U. S., each organizing its
own fund-raising. Their leader, Mich-
ael Flannery, shouldered a gun against
the British nearly 50 years ago in Tip-
FLANNERY insists Noraid's money
goes solely for relief of victims of the
Irish troubles. "If I could, I would
send guns," he says. "But if this mon-
ey was going for arms, we'd be put
out of business."
He is probably right. The American
government has begun to crack down
on aid to Irish militants, despite the ef-
forts of defense lawyers like New
York City Council President Paul
O'Dwyer and other sympathetic to the
IRA. Last year, for example, four
Irishmen living in New York were
charged with trying to ship 150 rifles
to Ulster and jailed.
To The Daily:
THE CDU HAS consistently
charged the Internationale
Union with interfering with and
exercising undue influence over
the affairs of Local 2001. Indi-
viduals have been attacked for
seeking and taking advice from
the International Union. Yet
how many of us have ever be-
longed to a union? How many
of us can honestly say we un-
derstand what unionism is?
How many of us can honestly
say we understand and have
experience in the processes of
collective bargaining and griev-
ance handling? Should we really
learn how to function through
the process of trial and error?
We chose to join the UAW be-
cause we did not believe we
could make it on our own and
because we felt the UAW had
the most to offer us. Now that
we have joined we suddenly
seem to feel we can make it on
our own. We seem to feel that
the years of experience and re-
sources the UAW has to offer
To The Daily:
ed force of white mercenaries,
organized by the rightist Portu-
guese Liberation Army, financ-
ed by the CIA and launched
from South African-held areas,
has been waging an attack n
the "People's Republic of An-
gola," the government set up in
Luanda by the Soviet-backed,
Cuban - staffed MPLA. To cre-
ate a neo-colonialist regime in
competition with the PRA, the
U.S.@South Africa axis effected
a paper unification of the rival
Angolan independence move-
ments - the virulently anti-
communist, Zaire - based FNLA
and the pro-imperialist UNITA
--in a puppet "Democratic Peo-
ple's Republic." This despicab-
le power play by U. S. imper-
ialism and its toadies, aimed at
containing Soviet influence and
establishing a buffer zone of
conservative regimes to pro-
tect white-dominated South Af-
rica, must be stonned! The SYL
stands for the military victorv
to T
Soviet Union to provide the
MPLA with all aid necessary to
defeat the imperialist-led forc-
U. S. supporters, the CP/YWLL,
we do not give the least politi-
cal confidence to the MPLA.
The anti-working class nature
of the MPLA was clearly ex-
posed earlier this year when it
broke the pro-MPLA dock work-
ers' strike and courted imper-
ialism. And the MPLA has al-
ready vowed to treat the Ba-
kongo people in the north as
a Biafran-type successionist
movement. While we oppose all
forms of national oppression,
we do not support petty-bour-
geois nationalism, which aims
only to create its own capital-
ist regime; instead, we seek
the creation of a revolutionary
working class party that would
struggle for a socialist Angola.
Furthermore, before October,
we did not take the side of the
MPLA which, despite its left-
nationalist rhetoric, was not
qualitatively more progressive
th i net-irm,.at-i ,i.qs
e Daily
THE COUNTER-revolutionary
C h i n e s e bureaucracy for
months has been aiding the
FNLA, whose stated intention
is to massacre "every single
communist" in Angola. In its
driving desire for "peace-
ful coexistence" with U. S. im-
perialism, the Peking Stalin-
ists are concerned only with
blocking the influence of so-call-
ed "Soviet social imperialism."
Now that the fight against the
Soviet-backed MPLA is being
waged from Washington and
Pretoria, China's treacherous
role has passed from training
FNLA troops to lining up be..
hind U. S. imperialism and the
South African apartheid regime.
Mao's unrecognized support-
ers in the U.S., the RCP-RSB,
after having ignored the war in
Angola in their press for
months, finally came out to
denounce both "superpowers."
Together with Mao and imper-
inlist - henchman Kissinger, the
RCP-RSB demands the with-
drawal of Soviet aid and Cuban
troops but "forgets" to call for
the withdrawal of the CIA-
in Luanda, and supported by the
peasant masses, will wipe out
capitalist exploitation, national
oppression and construct a so-
cialist federation of southern
Africa. We are holding a forum
on Monday, January 26 at 7:30
pm in the Michigan Union Ku-
euzel Room to discuss perspec-
tives for the struggle in Ango-
Spartacus Youth
Jan. 15, 1975
A clarification; An article on
yesterday's Editorial Page con-
cerning the 1976 presidential
race incorrectly stated that Jim-
my Carter, former governor of
Georgia, isslied an executive
order in April. 1971 proclaiming
"Aneriean Fighting Men Day"
to honor Lt. William Calley.
Instead, the resolition honored
all American servicemen in the
wv-ke of the "dist'urbing".events
sr-rrow'ninr My Tal and Calley's
convi-tion for killing 22 Viet-
namese civilians.
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