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January 15, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-15

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iiV £f4§n Dati1
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Thursday, January 15, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Ford's old-tne patronage

E Rogers Morton was appointed
this week by president Ford to a
job that carries an annual salary
of $44,6,00 per year of Federal mon-
ey: the post of "adviser to the Prsi-
dent of domestic and economic poli-
It's very interesting that Morton's
appointment reportedly was urged on
Ford by Howard (Bo) Callaway, head
of Ford's central campaign organiz-
ation. It is common knowlegde in
Washington political circles that
Callaway has been complaining for
months about his lack of input on
Ford's policy decisions, and now it
looks as if he finally has what he
wanted, a man who will stand next
to the President and advise him as to
political expedience.
Ford supporters may argue that
such games have been played in the
past. Perhaps they have. Almost in-

dubitably they have. Over the years
we have seen many things done in
the past that should nevr be done
again, and using Presidential funds
to pay for a political campaign is
one of them.
Somehow, with all the normal ad-
vantages of an incumbent, all of the
big plusses in a political campaign
like instant news coverage; almost
100 per cent name recognition, and
the authority of the Oval Office, we
find it difficult to comprehend why
Ford insists on using his political
pull to get the government to pay
for his campaign. Isn't there enough
money in the Republican war chest?
If Ford wants a political advisor,
that's fine with us. Frankly, after all
the political blunders he has com-
mitted recently, we rather think he
needs one, or maybe several. How-
ever, it's about time Ford started
paying for his political campaign
expenses himself.

Like millions of identical little
spermatozoa closing in on a
human egg, no less than 14 can-
didates of both parties are wigg-
ling their way toward the Presi-
dency. As in conception only
one gets to be the One.
Notwithstanding the lack of
a symbol for incumbency in this
allegory, it is time to examine
the racing form and place some
Presidential bets.
Part of the idea here is to
pull the old Jeanne Dixon trick:
make dozens of predictions
early on, and you can look back
later and say, "Hey! I told you
so. I predicted on January 15
that Marvin Esch would be
, THE KEY TO this shenanigan
is not reminding your listeners
that you also predicted the top
job might go to Rabbi Baruch
Korff, New York Mayor Abra-
ham Beame, or Political Science
Prof. Milton Heumann.
With that in mind: right now,
the good money seems to ride
on Jimmy Carter, Hubert Hum-
phrey and Ronald Reagan. Pres-
ident Ford has taken a pasting
in the polls of late, and even if
he wins the nomination, tne
wisdom goes, he can't be con-
sidered a real winner since
there is such a likelihood he will
fall off the platform before he
can be inaugurated. That raises
the distant question of who the
Republicans choose for vice
president, but. first things first.
The President's New Hamp-
shire aides say they seek only a
victory in that state's cruzial
February 24 primary, but the
assumption is that a good '2ea-
gan showing-more than 40 per
cent-will effectively undermine
the Grand Rapids Tumbler.
What with the polls, that nearly
writes off Ford before he can
open his mouth.
NOT SO fast. Already-with
more than a month before the
first primary is. even held-
Reagan's popular complexion
has been pimpled by his poo ly
planned proposal for a $90 billion
transferral of federal programs
to state and local control. New
Hampshire's canny voters may
not pronounce the R at tne end
of "car," but they quickly poked
at the plan, which would likely
raise their taxes.

President will consolidate and
perhaps survive his own stupid-
ity-note the Rogers Morton ap-
pointmente. Reagan will also b
stupid but he is not President-
thus he must dope it alone.
cagey sideline sitter, might get
the nomination. The Democrats
will look for something more
exciting and younger. The lib-
erals will have power to wield:
U~dall and Harris will not win
but will reach the convention
with surprising strength. Henry
Jackson, too, will fall just short:
this leaves only the aging Hube,
who might win with an ooze to
the left.
Or, California Gov. Jerry
Brown, so young and idifferent,
could emerge victorious with
Carter hanging on for" veep,
after a long, tough convention.
BROWN could clobber Ford
in November. Humphrey would
edge him. Wallace, sucking in
the debris of Jackson and Rea-
gan, will get enough votes to
put the election in the House of
Representatives-if his health
holds out.
Where Brown or Humphrey
will win again.
Then again, if Reagan edges
Ford in 'New Hampshire'.


Pots hots at hotshots


Humphrey Reagan

Oddly, this bumbling virtually
parallels Ford's habits, most
recently demonstrated in- the
President's waffling and veto of
the important building site pic-
keting bill.
So the GOP may face a
malaise not unlike the Demo-
crats': a dearth of candidates
with the vital combination of
excitement and competence.
Reagan may be a charmer, but
can he govern? Doubtful. Ford
may be President, but is he a
dope? Yes.
Then there are t'te Dems:
Clearly unswayed by any can-
didates for President, the party
has logically rushed toward an
unbreakable stance on its vice
presidential frontrunner: Jnmy
Carter. He is cute, a former
peanut farmer, reputedly honest
and reputedly liberal. He is
well organized for Iowa's Jan-
uary 19 caucus, New Ramp-
shire's kickoff, and Florida's
March 9 primary. Hle can win
southern votes.
If this Georgia peach stuff,
persists, the party will soon
face, as the old saying goes,
an agonizing reappraisal. Car-
ter's foreign policy is oresently
undefined-and you know what
happened the last time a south-
erner got his hands on the Com-
mander-in-Chief branding iron.
And the early signs on Carter
are unencouraging.
IT IS KNOWN, for example,
that one of his acts as governor
was an executive order creating
"American Fighting Men Day"
in April 1971 to honor Lt. Wil-

liam Calley. He urged Geor-
gians to mark the event by
shining their headlights. This
conjures up nightmarish car-
toons of Vietnamese babies
wearing "Carter for President"
As the Village Voice noted this
week, Carter also demanded a
1968 court martial of Lloyd
Bucher, the captain who sur-
rendered the Pueblo to North.
Korea. Carter said Bucher
should have fought 'em to the
The Voice also got a great
quote from former Ailanta
Journal Editor Reg Murphy on
Carter: "I've known him since
1962 . . . and he's one of the
three or four phoniest men I've
ever met. There's not rmuc to
choose between him and George
Speaking of which: the two-
fisted, two-wheeled Alabaman's
health is clearly a big question
in his candidacy, but as National
Lampoon joshed recently, W&A-
lace is the only candidate who'
can boast of having already been
SPEAKING OF which: S;af-
fers for Fred Harris and Morris
Udall say the guys in their
Secret Service details openly
conclude that at least one of the
hopefuls will be eliminated by
gunfire this year. Udall,, for
example, was resting in his hotel
suite recently when guards sr-
rested a man crawling up from
ledge to ledge several floors
below, gun in hand. The man
claimed his actions had nothing
to do with Udall.

Speaking. of which: Udall got
himself in a jam by ordering the
state police cars on his motor-
cade to turn off their flashers
one day in Pennsylvania. The
result was confusion. Passing
motorists cut iinto the motor-
cade line unawares, only to be
scared off the road by tough-
minded Secret Servicemen. This
sort of thing won't win votes.
What will?
Ford will be the GOP can-
didate if he does not die falling
out of bed first. Reagan will
batter him a bit but lose. The

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Contact your. reps-

Seafarer' Harmful defense

Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol


JT'S ENOUGH THAT we have to
worry about contracting angio-
sarcoma from the profusion of poly-
vinyl chloride (plastic) packaged
foods, skin cancer induced by a pos-
sibly deteriorating ozone layer, and
slow death by accumulative ingestion
of the myriad of chemicals in the
junk-munch we put away. Now we
have to think about our own Navy
suppressing and even lying about in-
formation pertinent to the health of
thousands of people.
Project Seafarer in Michigan's
own upper peninsula is the enter-
prise of potential hazard and du-
bious worth. Designed as an under-
ground network of cables which
would act as a giant transmitter of
extremely low frequency (ELF) ra-
dio waves to send messages to missile
carrying submarines, Seafarer would
cover a 2,700 square mile area.
Back in 1973, a team of seven
civilian scientists turned over to the
Navy findings that the project could
well endanger human life because of
the ELF radio waves' effect on the
heart. In 1974, a Navy official told
a Senate committee that five years
of study had uncovered "no detri-
mental effects" from Seafarer.
At last, thankfully, a congessional'
investigation of Seafarer by the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee has
been ordered.
Senator Gaylord Nelson (D- Wisc.)
News: Lois Josimovich, Jo Marcotty,
Rob Meachum, Stephen Selbst
Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Dan
Biddle, Stephen Hersh, Ted Lam-
bert, Tom Stevens
Arts: Jim Volk
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens

whose state was the originally pro-
posed Seafarer site, commented, "We
now know that the very highest lev-
els of the Navy reviewed this scien-
tific evaluation."
Nelson said Tuesday, upon an-
nouncing the start of investigation,
that a main goal of the probe is to
determine why the Navy has delib-
erately misled the Congress" about
the possible dangers of Seafarer.
If a second scientific survey cor-
roborates the results of the first,
clearly the Navy should abandon the
Seafarer project. Its value is 'dubious,
the reasons for it are unclear, and
its potential dangers are many.
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer Picture Editor
Editorial Staff
W. SUSAN SHEINER ........Staff Photographe'
DAVID BLOMQUIST...............Arts Editor
BARBARA CORNELL .. Sunday Magazine Editor'
PAUL HASKINS .............. Editorial Director
MARY LONG.........Sunday Magazine Editor
JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY Sunday Magazine Editor
SARA RIMER ......:........... Executive Editor
STEPHEN SELBST................ City Editor
JEFF SORENSON............. Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Tof Allen, Glen Allerhand,
Marc Basson, Dana Baumann, Michael Beck-
man, 'Ellen Breslow, Mitch Dunitz, Ted Ey-
anoff, Jim Finkelstein, Elaine Fletcher, David
Garfinkel, Tom GodeUl, Charlotte Heeg,
Stephen Hersh, Lois Josimovich. Tom Kett-
ler, Linda Kloote, Chris Kochmanski, Doe
Kralik, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly, Ann Marie
Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lubens,
Teri Mageau, Angelique Matney, Rob Mea-
chum, Robert Miller, Jim Nicoll, Maureen
Nolan, Ken Parsigian, Cathy Reutter, Jeff
Ristine, Annmorte Schiavi, Tim Schick, Kar-
en Schulkins, Rick Soble, Tom Stevens, Steve
Stojic, Cathy Suyak, Jim Tobin, Bill Turque,
Jim Valk, David Weinberg, Margaret Yao.

Washington, U.C. 20515.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate,
Lansing, Mi. 48933.
Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem), House of
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933.

State Capitol Bldg.,
Representatives, State

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Ltpt e s


Minorities in SGC

QUESTION: I read in the
newspaper that October was
Immunization Action Month but
I didn't hear anything about
what shots people ought to get.
What should ew be immunized
ANSWER: The World Health
Organization's world-wide cam-
paign to eliminate small pox by
universal vaccination has prac-
tically won that battle. Small
pox vaccination is no longer
routinely advised for residents
of the United States. But there
are several other diseases ev-
ery bit as devastating which
can also be eliminated,.by im-
munization. Poliomyelitis is a
good example. If it doesn't kill,
it may cripple for life, and
there is still much evidence
world-wide of its crippling ef-
fect. If everyone were to have
2 doses of oral polio vaccine,
a month apart, followed in one
year by an oral booster dose,
this disease could be eliminated
by immunization Tetanus
(lockjaw) is another unneces-
sary disease. An injection of
tetanus toxoid, usually given in
combination with diphtheria and
whooping cough immunization,
could eliminate each one of
these diseases. The problem
is that these immunizations re-
quire some repeated boosters
to maintain immunity. For all
adult populations who have
never had such immunization
and who may be susceptible, 2
doses of tetanus - diphtheria
toxoid at least a month apart
should be followed at 10 year
intervals by boosters of this
QUESTION: In your October

16 column you mention that
Health Service has established
a Hyperlipidemia Clinic to
evaluate the presence of cor-
onary risk factors. Could you
give more information on what
hyperlipidemia is?
ANSWER: Hyperlipidemia lit-
erally means high levels of
fats (lipids) in the blood. Per-
sons with increased levels of
these fats, also known as chol-
estrol and triglycerides, are at
risk of developing atheroscler-
osis. As we noted in our earlier
column, atherosclerosis is a
condition which develops when
fat builds up on the inside of
walls of the arteries, resulting
in a narrowing of the arteries
and a decrease in the blood sup-
plied to the heart and other
tissues. As a result, persons
with hyperlipidemia have a
greater chance of developing
coronary heart disease, heart
attacks and other arterial dis-
Hyperlipidemia may be caus-
ed by several things including:
hereditary and genetic factors;
other diseases which secondar-
ilv cause high fat levels (such
as diabetes); and environmen-
tal or life style factors such as
diet (for example, a diet high
in animal fat), high intake of
alcohol, and lack of exercise.
Although hvperlipidema can us-
ually only be discovered by lab-
oratory studies done on blood
samnle. some persons with this
condition may have such svmn-
toms as abdominal rain or dis-
comfort and yellow - orange
lims or denosits found aroimd
the eves or on the heels, hands,
knees, elbows,' or buttocks.

THE LACK OF minority par-
ticipation in student government
at the' University of Michigan
should be an issue of great con'
cern to anyone working within
the student government stytem.
How can we hope to make re-
sponsible decisions for the stu-
dent body when an important
segment of our population re-
mains unrepresented, a group
that is traditionally ignored and
underrepresented in the univer-
sity system?
White students must accept a
large portion of the responsibili-
ty for this situation. Several
years ago a council was elected
that had among its members a
diversified representation of mi-
nority students - led to the
formation of an SGC minority
affairs committee with a staff
of hard-working volunteers. The
committee formulated an SGC
program to deal with the unique
problems that face minority stu-
dents. Almost immediately this
committee drew a relentless at-
tack from many white council
representatives, liberals and
conservatives alike.
posals against affirmative ac-
tion and against the BAM strike
victories, and attacks on vari-
ous minority vice - presidents
were among the motions intro-
duced and sometices passed by
that council. Eventually motions
were introduced to include
among minorities represented
on the committee such groups
as Jews, Poles, women, etc.
Although these groups are cer-
tainly oppressed minorities with-

in our society, the nature of
this committee to lead in ac-
tions promoting the interests of
non-whites on campus, was ef-
fectively destroyed.
It's not hard to understand
the lack of interest that minori-
students have shown in student
government since that time.
Blacks, Chicanos, and Asians
have found they can work much
more productively outside of the
SGC offices. However such an
understanding does not absolve
white students of their irrespon-
sibility in the fight against ra-
cism. Since the fall, SGC has
tried to involve itself in support-
ing affirmative action, and fight
racial discrimination (as well
as sex discrimination) wherever
we have found the opportunity.
YET I HAVE BEEN criticiz-
ed both privately and publicly
for not establishing a Minority
Affairs Committee. The idea of
having an established commit-
tee, consisting of representatives
of various minority groups and
their organizations, sounds nice,
but in practice some serious
questions arise. How does an
almost entirely white council
start a "Minority Affairs Com-
mittee?" Write up a plan and
interview minorities to fill the.
seats? Call a mass meeting of
minority organizations in order
to plan a minority affairs com-
mittee? Appoint some Black
friends to decide what to do?
Ask the two Minority Advocates
to appoint a few .people? All
these suggestions sgunded pa-
tronizing and smelled of racism.
What right does a small group
of white students, even those

elected by the student body,
have to even make such deci-
sion? How do we know that
minority students a& interested
in even having such a commit-
foresaw in the initiation of such
a group was the way that mi-
nority committees are often
used to box up certain types
of problems, and let them even-
tually dissolve in committee red
tape. The idea of a minority af-
fairs committee at this point
in time was rejected.
This does not mean that I,
or the other members of coun-
cil, have decided to do nothing
about the serious underepresen-
tation of minority students on
student government. But it
seems obvious, judging by past
experience, that SGC is a waste
of time to those people interest-
ed in attacking the questions
of racism and its outgrowths on
campus. Affirmative 4ction is
important to us all as an at-
tempt to .build a multi-cultural
educational program in our mul-
ti-cultural society. It is especial-
ly important as a counter bal-
ance to systematic discrimina-
tion that existed against racial
minorities and women in this
country for hundreds of years.
Student Government voted last
Thursday to solidify and expend
upon our work on this issue by
establishing an Affirmative Ac-
tion committee.
Debra Goodman is president
of the Student Government


"WA M'= ITiLL PL,#%Nlt* ~ Wr N 6-ILMST
16% 4l -

a 1

To The Daily:
apparently politically selective
cutbacks being made by the
University as a result of budg-
etary problems. The first cours-
es to be effected by cutbacks
are the innovative progressive
courses that are the basis of
the quality, well-rounded educa-
tion that we expect from this
University. Examples of this
sort of cutback can be seen in
the Geography department. (Al-
though we realize this problem
is campus-wide.) Recently gain-

tion efforts.
For example, Future Worlds
has had immense problems in
attempting to handle the num-
ber of students and the range
of ideas that could be part of
the course. Many students try
unsuccessfully each day to add
it, while lecture facilities, and
interested staff abound. How-
ever, political infighting at ad-
ministrative levels prevents the
course from being opened. Low
Energy Living, a course noted
for its practical and responsibili-
ty-provoking nature has had its
best feature, its workshops, ob-
literated. Furthermore, a numm-

to Th
not understand why the courses
being most affected' are those
most vital towards creating
aware and responsible individu-
als. As the University stagnates
in its abundance of irrelevant
standard courses, the possibili-
ty of a quality education as
well as the possibility of cre-
ating future-oriented individuals
is ignored. If the University is
to remain a worthwhile part
of the world community its vi-
tality must remain a priority
Kim Keller,
Louis S. Tenenbaum,
Debby Greenspan,


praise of him: gratitude that
such incredible journalism can
be found in this community
(and not just in the Worker's
Vanguard); hope that the .revo-
lutionary spirit which so obvi-
ously animates the staff of the
Daily might someday triumph
throughout the world.
The Daily staff can justly take
pride in the fact that they are
among a very few who perceive
the greatness of Chou. The rul-
ing class media will undoubted-
iy emphasize Chou's role in the
elimination of the ten million
or so social undesirables who

Washington possessed the revo-
lutionary insight of comrades
Mao and Chou, and extermma-
ted those reactionaries who cor-
rupted us with private property.
and "liberty," we too might be
living according to Chou's ideal.
What a glorious vision! The ex-
tinction of the selfish individual
in the collective consciousness,
days spent in hard work and
blissful adoration of the su-
preme leader.
if we adopt the attitude of the
Daily: the triumph of the revo-
lutionary will over bourgeois


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