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April 06, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-04-06

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Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48104

Tuesday, April 6, 1976
Edited and managedE

News Phone: 764-0552

by students at the University of Michigan

lmd -

Support Soc for MSA

for the 13 seats available in this
week's Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) election are the five mem-
bers of the Student Organizing Com-
mittee (SOC) party.
More than any of the other candi-
dates who sought the Daily's sup-
port, the SOC members demonstrat-
ed an eagerness to use positions on
MSA to advance the interests and
influence of students in both aca-
demic and non-academic affairs,
The five are all against CIA and
NSA recruiting on campus, in favor
of mandatory collection of an MSA
funding fee from students, and in
favor of reduction of the number of
members of the Central Student Ju-
diciary from ten to six.
freshman in economics, consid-
ers increasing "student involvement
in University decision-making" an
important goal. "There are no stu-
dent members on the LSA Executive
Committee," he point out, and pro-
mises to press for the seating of a
voting student member on that panel.
Freshwoman Wendy Goodman,
who is studying education of the
deaf, lists as her top priority raising
the ratio of minorities in the stu-

dent body. "The University should
fulfill its affirmative action pro-
mises," she says. "An educational
system where you have all non-mi-
nority people will be less enlighten-
ing" than an integrated one. Good-
man favors increasing the number
of courses in minority affairs.
Amy Blumenthal, a junior in the
Residential College, also holds re-
form as one of her top priorities. And
she favors the establishment of grie-
vance procedures for students alleg-
ing violations of the Title VI or Title
IX rules forbidding discrimination
against women in athletic competi-
tion and facilities.
Freshman Nathan White, an engi-
neering student, is particularly inter-
ested in making MSA as orderly and
efficient as possible, so that the body
will be better able to exert its influ-
ence in whatever areas it decides to
(ALVIN LUKER, a senior in politi-
cal science, lists as his major
priority making MSA "more effec-
tive in the presentation of student
concerns to the administration." He
is also in favor of holding the ceiling
on tuition.
The five SOC candidates are the
only MSA hopefuls who the Daily can
endorse without reservation.

It is the strange nature of our politi-
cal spectrum that the far right and the
far left, somewhere in the hazy reaches
of their domains, circle back and join
hands in a dangerous void of irration-
ality. Today and tomorrow the students
of the University may voice their dis-
approval of this sinister partnership
with their vote on the question of CIA-
NSA recruiting on campus.
Editor's Note: The Daily staff was so
divided on the controversial issue of
CIA-NSA recruitment on campus that
neither faction could be satisfied with
only one consensus editorial. That is whyi
both arguments are being represented on
today's editorial page. This opinion was
written by Daily staffers Ken Parsigian
and Jim Tobin, along with LSA junior
Bruce Chew.
The harsh scrutiny of the intelligence
community throughout the many months
since Watergate has been, we feel, large-
ly justified. However, the trend has be-
come fashionable, and in such a fad
we see a blindness to the crucial is-
sue of civil rights. The issue here goes
beyond the confines of the campus and
beyond any ethical consideration of the


performance of the CIA and NSA.
THOSE WHO WOULD deny access
to the agencies expound upon the need
to "draw the line" of morality against
their crimes. This is nothing more than
a righteous disguise for a compromis-
ing of principles, a selling down the
river of civil liberties. No matter how
grave the CIA's past infractions, Uni-
versity students have the same right
to be interviewed by them and to hear
them out as they do to hear out the
colleges, universities, and corporations
which recruit here every day.
Of course, a fine precedent for such
a "line of morality" has become ab-
rasively apparent in recent months -
the CIA drew a similarly oppressive
line against radical groups in the U.S.,
the Allende government in Chile, and
a fair number of mail-receiving Ameri-
cans. Sure, declared the intelligence of-
ficers, they had civil rights, but only
to a point. .William Colby and his boys
had to draw the line against civil rights,
privacy, and self-determination.
Shall we remember the reason for
career placement and planning? The Uni-
versity offers such non-partisan services
as services to students. The CIA is not
disrupted by our refusal to allow them.
on campus. Only interested students are
hurt. Our dissenting colleagues argue
that the banning of the agency does not

vote on

>revent students from being hi
rey need do, they say, is dro
in the mail. Easy as that m
s not right to deny all stude
ccess to the organizations
hoice Of course, our opponen
rgue that students who wis
recruited do not deserve equ
o such an immoral organiza
regard that as their own bu
ur colleagues is inspiring in
demnation of the alleged crim
:IA, which we heartily agre
pugnant. But beyond the rh
ee a die-hard defense of the
eft, an attack on the right n
what the consequences to tho
We wonder what their react
>e to such an exclusion of the
or a Democratic Society from
n organization which include
onvicted felons. The linei
gainst the CIA's overthrowo
governments, but it is prov
he bombing of buildings would
s well on this side of the1
This blunt dismissal of th
intelligence community is hard
ight of, the House and Senat
ations thereof - the judgme
the archaic practice of refusin
onvicts who have served thei

Strange. vibrations in posi

Vote CIA, NSA off campus

THE DAILY URGES a "no" vote on
the advisory ballot question of
whether the CIA and the National
Security Agency (NSA) should be al-
lowed to recruit on campus.
Mention the CIA today and many
followers of current events will think
of cloak-and-dagger dirty tricks -
assassinations, pay-offs, and spying
--perpetrated on the citizens of the
U.S. and foreign countries.
Mention the NSA and many news-
paper readers won't know what
you're talking about. But just be-
cause this lesser-known intelligence
agency doesn't have its abuses ex-
posed by the press doesn't mean that
we should trust that NSA functions
either within the law or within the
bounds of morality. NSA, second fid-
dle to the CIA, carries on domestic
intelligence gathering as well as sup-
plementing the CIA's collection of
foreign information,
States needs an intelligence
gathering service to stay afloat in
the modern world. But the CIA is
the wrong one. By having CIA re-
cruitment on campus, some argue,
more responsible people will have

the opportunity to rise in the agen-
cy's ranks, paving the way for re-
But reform isn't enough to make
the CIA into an acceptable govern-
ment body. Its faults are so deeply
ingrained - the attitude that it is
permissible to flaunt the law is so
intergal to the agency's mentality-
that the CIA should be scrapped
completely. A new intelligence gath-
ering body should be started from
scratch, and properly supervised.
Until the NSA submits to scrutiny
by some proper watchdog group, no
number of responsible recruits will
insure a legal and ethical agency.
Until intelligence gathering be-
comes demonstrably legal and ethi-
cal, the University should not have a
part in helping these agencies gather
new recruits.
The results of the ballot nuestion
will not bind the University to either
retaining or halting on-camus CIA
recruiting. The question Is only in-
tended to gauge student oninion. But
the University administration should
learn whether students are opposed
to the recruitment.
Vote against CIA/NSA on campus.

HANOI, (Reuter) - To make
a "Saigon cocktail" mix togeth-
er milk, orange juice, a jigger
of cognac and a raw egg, then
serve ice cold.
It's the most popular drink in
the bamboo-lined bar of Hanoi's
new Thang Loi (victory) Hotel.
the North Vietnamese capital,
recovering from longest war
in modern history, is an even
stranger mixture - a cocktail
of old and new, of communism
with a dash of private enter-
The modernistic hotel, built
last summer by Cubans among
fishing villages and crumbling
Buddhist temples on the banks
of Hanoi's big Ho Tay Lake,
is the pride of the city.
Most of the guests' like the
cognac served in the bar, are
Russian. At dinner they share
the almost empty restaurant
with a handful of other East
Europeans and Swedish aid of-
THE THANG LOI is the only
noticeable new construction in
post-war Hanoi apart from a
pagoda-like guest house for
foreign dignitaries and the som-
ber, gray marble mausoleum
housing HoChi Minh'snbody.
The tomb, reminiscent of a
giant pillbox, is guarded by
goose - stepping soldiers. Five
days a week, hundreds of Viet-
namese line up to file slowly
past Ho's embalmed corpse.
In the city center, unkempt
French colonial - style houses
line quiet avenues dotted with
tropical trees, their bark peel-
ing like the stucco on the build-
HANOI IS a strangely silent
city. There is little motor traf-
fic on its bicycle - crowded
streets, no private cars and no
taxis - except three-wheeled
pedicabs propelled at a snail's
pace by bearded old men in
tropical pith helmets.
The only public transport
consists of rickety cream-color-

ed streetcars and a few an-
cient, overcrowded buses.
In the suburbs, a maze of
low, thatched dwellings with
clay walls blend in with an oc-
casional small factory.
ALONG THE meandering Red

The wreckage of U. S. bomb-
ers is displayed in various parks
around Hanoi. Hotel souvenir
shops sell alloy combs made
from the remains of B-52s. On
them is engraved a Ho Chi Minh
quotation: "Nothing is more

The wreckage of U.S. bombers is displayed
in various parks around Hanoi. Hotel souvenir
shops sell alloy combs made from the remains
of B-52s. On them is engraved a Ho Chi Minh
quotation: "Nothing is more precious than in-
dependence and freedom."'

sound of rei
and gunfire{
voice announ
totally liberat
eign forces."
noi in the mu
lution, former
toms house, t
U.S. War Cri
Examples c
flame - throve
sonnet pilots,
with steel dat
In Hanoi's
fewer uniform
in nearby Chi
signs the city
a war until1
scarce and
needed to buy
grain in state
Even the R~
nuoc marn fig
But there is
market in m1

red - all prison. Moreover, the Daily in today's
p a card editorial admits the need for an Ameri-
ay be, it can intelligence organization, but then
nts equal proposes to deny it sources of person-
of their nel. Mightn't Ann Arbor foster the type
nts might of candidates who would. make for an
sh to be honest and responsible intelligence ag-
al access ency? At any rate, can we deny our
ation. We fellow students the right to make such
usiness. a try?
nation of WE ALSO OFFER a plaintive hope
its con- that the University might rise above
es of the politics, that it establish itself firmly
e are re- as a community devoted to the free
etoric we exchange of ideas, however far right
political or left, up or down they may be. Let
o matter the American Nazi Party, the Weather
se of its Underground, the Palestine Liberation
Organization, and the Jewish Defense
ion would League make all efforts to convince us
Students of their respective positions under the
campus, sunny skies of the Diag. Let us wel-
s several come dissent and controversy from the
is drawn farthest extremes. We owe it to our-
of foreign selves.
able that We emphasize our own condemnation
d be seen of the wrongs of the CIA and NSA.
line. But by allowing the organizations to
e nation's recruit on campus, however, we neither
ly fair in support nor condone their past actions.
e investi- We wish merely to treat them as we
nt is like treat all other corporations and organi-
g to hire zations, while leaving our fellow students
r time in the right to determine their own future.
rwar Hanoi
volutionary music A big indoor food market of-
dies down and a fers a wide variety of seasonal
ces: "Vietnam is vegetables, live carp, eels and
ed and free of for- poultry.
At night, dimly-lit streets are
dotted with the glowing lan-
'THER side of Ha- terns of little food stalls where
iseum of the revo- toothless old women, their lips
ly the French cus- stained red with betel nut,' sell
here is a "Hall of tea and cook hot spicy snacks
imes." on spirit stoves.
of napalm bombs' SOME PEOPLE even make a
shae anga ss case living by standing on street co p.
shrts adgbalsfrom ners with bicycle pmps offer.
cluster bombs. ing to inflate the tires of pass-
cluser b mbs, ersby for a couple of su (about
streets, there are four cents).
s to be seen than There is no shortage of en-
na and hardly any tertainment. Movie theaters
y was involved in show Russian and East Euro-
less than a year pean films (a Soviet version of
"Hamlet" was proving popular
during my visit) and the ma-
R ITEMS are jestic opera house, French-
ration cards are built in 1911, was featuring a
y meat, butter and North Vietnamese pop group.
e-run shops.
-ous sietnamese Two youth with tight black
sh sauce is ration- suits and pointed shoes strum-
med an electric guitar and
sa flourishing free plucked a double bass to a back-
aos forshingcfre ground of accordion, clarinet
ost foods except and drums to produce a sound
not unlike the bossa nova.
THE AUDIENCE, packing or-
on the city nate galleries on fading red-up-
Ote, a little iholstered seats, applauded wild-
of the Amer- Hanoi's many Buddhist tem-
ples are well cared for and still
revolutionary attract worshippers.
"Many old people come here
d a voice an- to pray," an elderlyFrench-
'ated and free speaking custodian told me in
one of the city's most beauti-
ful incense-filled temples.
saw a Buddhist funeral proces-
ef for those who ion, weeping women fingering
gherbeads preceded by young men
plaving a lament on pipes.
o the bazaar dis- The coffin was in a battered
a wide spectrum bus crawling along in the mid-
capitalism along- die of the procession. Behind
p-run sector. Ev- it followed 40 mourners with
nHo Chi Minh T- white armbands - the Buddhist

ctrical goods im- color or mourning.
Saigon can be
roadside stalls and Peter Griffiths is a Reuters
news service staff writer.

River, villages, huddling under
palms and banyan trees, oc-
cupy islands and strips of re-
claimed land. There the sam-
pan replaces the bicycle.
Hanoi's biggest surprise is
the absence of bomb damage.
Foreigners who lived there dur-
ing the American air raids re-
port very few bombs hit the
city proper. They say accurate
pinpoint attacks destroyed vir-
tually all bridges, roads and
railways into the capital.
The big Long Bien Bridge, the
only rail and road link over the
Red River and the main route
to China, was knocked out and
repaired three times before the
Vietnamese finally gave up and
relied on ferries and pontoons.
Trains still crawl over the re-
paired span at a walking pace.
casualties. Visitors are shown
a little monument in rebuilt
Kham Thien Street near the,
city railway station. It was
there that 283 people are said
to have been killed by bombs
from B-52s on Christmas Eve
in 1972.
There were foreign casualties
when two F-4 fighter - bombers
dropped their loads over the
French Embassy. The ambas-
sador and several of his staff
were killed by a direct hit on
the embassy residence.

precious than independence and
hibition hall, visitors are shown
an elaborate "display of 30
years war." Outside, Russian-
supplied surface-to-air missiles,
MIG fighters and tanks face
captured American planes and

'As lines of toy tanks converge
and miniature field guns puff sir
helicopter lifts off from the roof
ican Embassy. The sound of r
music and gunfire dies down an
nounces: "Vietnam is totally liber
of foreign forces.''

CSJ: Needs streamlining

guns across a gravel walkway.
. Inside, hundreds of Vietna-
mese, many in uniform and
some with missing limbs, crowd
around the star exhibit - a
working model of the fall of
As lines of toy tanks converge
on the city and miniature field
guns puff smoke, a little heli-
copter lifts off from the roof of
the American Embassy. The

pork and be
can afford hi
trict reveals
of small-time
side the stat
erything fronr
shirts to ele
ported from
bought from
tiny shops.

THE SCARCITY OF qualified can-
didates for MSA seats is strong
evidence that it is difficult to find
good people willing to work on stu-
dent government. This supports the
argument that because there aren't
enough qualified people to fill ten
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ)
seats, the number of members should
be reduced - from ten to six, as spe-
cified on the ballot,
The CSJ issue is a sticky one on the
wake of MSA's disbanding the pre-
vious CSJ court. Critics of the dis-
banding argue that the move was un-
ethical, simply intended to prevent
the issuing of several unwanted rul-
But defenders of the action assert
that the expected rulings would have
constituted an overstepping of CSJ's
authority, and would have been
needlessly nullifying the three years

of preparation that went into the
forming of MSA. Apparently, the de-
fenders of the move are in the right.
One approach to attacking the pro-
posed change in the number of CSJ
members centers on the assertion
that MSA should stop its rough han-
dling of the court, and allow it to re-
main the same kind of check in the
student government system which it
has been up to now.
JT IS ALSO ARGUED that one prob-
lem with the ten member court
is that few of the justices would
show up during any one session.
With only six members, it is pre-
dicted, absenteeism will be even more
of a problem than it was before.
But six dedicated CSJ members
would do a better job than would a
ten member court consisting of six
qualified judges and four unquali-






the fees voluntary, as ordered
by the November vote. In Feb-
To The Daily: ruary, five days before the full
DURING THE PAST few hearing on the matter, MSA im-
months and weeks, students peached all of the court justices
have witnessed corruption on on CSJ (Central Student Judici-
behalf of MSA (Michigan Stu- ary). This obvious political
dent Assembly) almost unparal- move prevented student due
leled even with the old SGC. process, and the right to a
In fact, the $20,000 law suits democratically chosen judiciary,
against former SGC presidents as ordered in the constitution.
Lee Gill and Bill Jacobs look Furthermore, it prevented the
benign in comparison. impending order to return the
Last November, the student money to the students. Again,
body passed a constitutional the students were screwed.
amendment, byta 62 per cent In March, however, Fleming
magito institutet ornta changed his mind, and stated
fundngryinpaefundsthat pending this week's elec-
Unfortunately for the students, ion, funding would become vol-
the student government leader' nutary next year. Unfortunate-
met with University President ly, it gave MSA another chance
Robben Fleming before the De- to pass a mandatory funding
cember Regents meeting. At proposal, and once again de-
that Regents meeting, no stu- feat voluntary funding.
dent government member spoke,
up in support of voluntary fund- MSA HAS MADE the most
ing. Instead, Fleming recoin- of that opportunity. MSA is
mended to the Regents that considered a non-partial body
mandatory funding be continued with respect to elections, since
regardless of the student vote. it runs the elections which are
Students were obviously upset supposedly fair. Nevertheless,
at both Fleming and SGC when MSA is dumping undetermined
they received their January tu- amounts of money campaigning

ately overspent the $60 cam-
paign limit specified in its own
election code. This is evidenced
by huge ads in the Daily, and
hundreds of leaflets posted on
campus. The election director,
appointed by MSA, has done
nothing. The student court,
hand-picked by MSA just in
time for the election, has re-
fused to take any action until
after the election, despite a
court suit filed against MSA.
to end once and for all the
student government tyranny and
corruption. MSA will become re-
sponsive to the students only
when funding is voluntary. How
many students even know when
MSA meets, or what they spend
their money on. With voluntary
funding, MSA will have to in-
form the students of such things
if they expect to be supported.
Further, as outgoing MSA mem-
her Greg Higby said at the
March Regents ieeting, volun-
tary funding would take away
MSA's "playground money."
There is no doubt that this is
true -- students are tired of
hating student government play

their illegal mandatory assess-
ments, their attempt to buy this
election, and their disregard of
their own campaign finance
laws. For this corruption to
ever end, mandatory funding
must end. Return government
to the students by voting NO
on Proposition I. Otherwise,
we may have only seen the
beginning of MSA corruption.
Bob Garber
President, Committee
for an Honest
Student Government
To The Daily:
WAS THERE a sociological
error in the Daily editorial,
March 25, which editorial was
entitled "U.S. Cuba Threat Ut-
ter Folly."? Should not the next
to last paragraph have stated
But with capitalism at the helm
instead of having stated "But
with Kissinger at thehelm..."?
What can be expected but con-
stant threats by both sides when
both United States capitalists
and Russian bureaucrats exploit
their working classes and con-
tend for control of the markets

entirely new form of govern-
ment which will be based on
Industrial-occupatipn constituen-
cies. Local productive and ser-
vice units will possess the per-
sonal and day to day democracy
of the colonial town meetings.
Higher administrative positions
will be filled by representatives
elected by workers according to
industrial classifications and to
a national industrial congress
which will bring together repre-
sentatives from all industries.
The whole administrative pro-
cess will be geared to making
the best uses of materials and
of human capabilities to provide
an abundant livlihood for each
individual in a healthy and hap-
py environment. An atmosphere
of self-respect and mutual es-
teem will then arise under which
greed and special privileges for
a few will be socially unaccept-
Ralph Muncy
March 25, 1976
Letters should be
tvned and limited

Favor mandatory funding

HE DAILY URGES campus voters
to cast their ballots in favor of
continuing the automatic assess-
ment on tuition bills of 75 cents to
fund student government.
Student government allocates
much of its money to commendable
community projects and organiza-

tions predominantly involving stu-
dents. Recent donations have in-
cluded a contribution to the Ann Ar-
bor Tenants Union to deal with legal
problems in the recent tenants strike,
a disbursement to the Alpha Phi
Omega blood donation drive, and an
allocation for child care center op-
erating funds.

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