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April 03, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-04-03

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Saturday, April 3, 1976

PageTwo~HEMICIGANDAIY Sturay, pri 3,197

Co-op Council initiates
affirmative action program

Prof s declare gloomy

future for


By TOM STEVENS reserved certain numbers of
The Inter-Co-Operative Coun- roms for minority students. To
cil of Ann Arbor (ICC) has in- get into one of the houses, a
itiated an affirmative action pro- student has to complete an ap-
gram to promote an influx of plication available from the ICC
minority students into its 24 office in the Michigan Union.
cooperative units. Jonathan Stern, another Joint
ICC, a coalition of cooperative House resident, said, "The
houses, provides its boarders theory behind this is that once
with less expensive and more we do have minority students
equitable room and board. All in the co-op housing, they will!
the co-ops are run by the people continue to come."
living in them.


"OUR HOUSES are mostly
white," said Martha Finkelstein
of the Joint House at 923 S.
Forest. "This is what we're
trying to change by having this
affirmative action program."
The program specifically con-
sists of five houses which have

IERE HAS been minimum'
>onse to the program so far.
inkelstein said that there is
ty of space available in the
icipating co-ops, but that
e is a June 1 deadline for!
he five houses included in the
rams are Debs, Stevens,
r i a a '

Osterweil, Xanadu and Joint.
OF JOINT'S 43 rooms, for ex-
ample, ten are reserved for
minority applicants. The ratio
at Stevens is about eight of 21.
When joining one of ICC co-
ops (non-University affiliated,
incidently) the student pays an
initial $40 fee and then about
$130 per month for room and
"If the program is needed
again next year the houses will
have to re-vote," Stern said.
"Basically this affirmative ac-
tion is meant to make minority
students as a whole aware of
co-ops as a housing alternative."
The tides are a natural phe-
nomenon involving the alternat-
ing rise and fall in the large,
fluid bodies of the Earth caused(
by the combined gravitational!
attraction of the sun and moon.
Volume LXXXVI, No. 150
Saturday, Apri1 3, 1976
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published d a i l y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor, $7 50 by mail outside Ann

(Continued from Page 1)
or black without regard to in-
come, and the drafting of a new
constitution guaranteeing t h e
rights of both blacks and whites.
According to Mazrui, the re-
sistance to black majority rule
comes not only from the white
rulers but from the white popu-
lation as a whole, with the ex-
ception of a small liberal por-
Though he says whites in
Rhodesia are still strong enough
to avert full scale fighting, Maz-
rui cautions that "the regime
is doomed."
UZOIGWE adds that in the
event of war whites may not
offer much resistance. He says
there has been an immigration
of young whites to Rhodesia who
have come to make money and
have quit and "figure there's
nothing to fight for in Rho-!

ACCORDING to Mazrui, South
Africa is pushing for a settle-
ment with the black nationalists
because whites fear that a black
uprising in Rhodesia under a
right wing white government
will incite blacks in South Africa
to rebel.
Uzoigwe adds that he has "a
strong suspicion that Britain, the
United States, and South Africa
are working toward replacing
Smith with a moderate white
leader to negotiate with the
moderate wing of the black na-
tionalists" in order to avert

"They had better do it soon
or the game is up," Uzoigwe
point out a split among the
black nationalists.
First Mazrui points out a split
in the civilian wing between
Bishop Muzorewa and Ndaha-
ningi Sithole, who are in exile
in Zambia, and Nkoma.
According to Mazrui the split
developed over where the talks
should take place-inside Rho-
desia or not-and whether or
not a third party should preside.

Jubilant TU signs
pact with Trony


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un the otner nand the Rho- (Continued from Page 1> tor if management fails to re-
desian white population, accord- and better quality housing at spond to maintenance requests
ing to Uzoigwe, also contains lower rates." within a specified period of
numerous old f a r m e r s who Rose added that this formal time, and would require Trony
"think Britain is going to the recognition of a tenants union to pick up the tab.
dogs or have no wish to go to by a landlord "may be the be- In addition, tenants who par-
the people who will put up the gmning of a nationwide system ticipated in the strike will re-
dstggle a a nst the! of tenants unions," and called ceive a rebate of one month's
hadst sthe signing a "significant rent from Trony for any incon-
Ulacknationalits the lim, event." veniences incurred during the
war will drag an if there is any According to Rose, strong ten- tenant action.-.
foreign intervention from icon- ants unions will enable ten-
tries such rs Cuba or the United ants to bargain collectively with THOSE WHO re-rent from
States but predicts a swift ic-landlords in the setting of rents, Trony will not be subject to a
toytere.C w Cthe writing of leases, and the rental increase, which the rent-
ory otherwise. providing of maintenance." al agency has promised not to
HOWEVER, he doubts there ' boost by more than eight per
will be foreign involvement be- THE RENT strike was organ- cent next year.
cause technically Rhodesia is a ized last November in protest Tony Hoffman, signing the
British possession and "inter- of what some tenants claimed settlement on behalf of manage-
vention would be tantamount to to be inadequate maintenance ment, expressed optimism to-
the intervention in Britain." and security measures by the ward the intentions of the col-
But, "America may try to management company. Tenant lective bargaining pact.
creep through the back door complaints ran the gamut from brann at
and carry the burdenoka war lack of heat to structurallyun- "I think if both sides work
not of concern to the American sound apartment units. Some toward its success, it could do
people," he adds. 120 disgruntled Trony tenants nothing but be successful," he
U z o i g w e also says that withheld their rent in an es- said. "I think the whole settie-1
chances are, whites will be crow fund, most of them since ment is good for both sides."
evacuated by the British to Bri- December. In other housing action yes-
tain, Canada or Australia after+ According to the terms of the terday, the Tenants Union an-
the war. settlement, all future Trony nounced that another rent
Both Uzoigwe and Mazrui say renters will have to register as strike target, Reliable Realty,
they feel several outside coun- members of the Tenants Union has recognized the TU as the
tries are trying to pressure or pay fees equal to TU mem- sole bargaining agent for those
Smith into settling with the bership dues. The terms of the 100 striking tenants, although a
black nationalists and giving in pact allow future Trony tenants collective bargaining agreement

Ford attacks
Reagan criticism
of administration
MILWAUKEE (UPI) - President Ford. yesterday called
Ronald Reagan's attacks on the administration's defense
policies "fabrication and invention," charging Reagan
either does not know what he is talking about or is playing
The President made the sharpest attacks of his cam-
paign against Reagan in a news conference. Ford was in
Milwaukee on the start of a two-day campaign trip for
Tuesday's Wisconsin Republican primary.
-Said the efforts of his envoy, Ambassador Dean
Brown, in Lebanon "were significant in getting the cease-
fire which is now in place . . . If we can keep that cease-
fire, get a change in government, we think the danger of
invasion by any party will not materialize."
-Refused to indicate whether he would use the Taft-
Hartley Act to enforce an 80-day cooling-off period in the
nationwide Teamsters Union strike.
Ford said he is in touch with Labor Secretary W. J.
Usery at the Arlington Heights, Ill., Teamsters negotiations
and "the proper procedure is to let the negotiations take
their course . . . I think the settlement will be accom-
Ford said Reagan's nationally televised address
Wednesday was a "rerun" of what the former California
governor has been saying in -his campaign for the GOP
presidential campaign.
"IT WAS a speech that was filled with misleading
statements. It was a speech that attributed certain quotes
to Secretary Henry Kissinger which were a fabrication and
invention," Ford said.
Ford referred to Reagan's statement that Kissinger
said he conceded the nation has lost military superiority
to Russia and he is resigned to the fact. Kissinger vehe-
mently denies saying so or holding that view.
Ford called his defense record "impeccable" and dis-
missed a suggestion to debate Reagan.
"Any debate with a person who is not familiar with
the facts, I don't think would be very helpful," he said.
"If Mr. Reagan wants to make the kind of political criti-
cism that he has made on several occasions, including last
Wednesday, that is his privilege, but I don't think the
American people will buy it."
Teamsters reach
partial settlem--ent




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to their demands. to summon an outside contrac- has yet to be devised. USERY GAVE no indication
of how close to agreement the
" remaining trucking firms and
u o e sPouvr inemployers were.
"We would have preferred to
bring them all together and
" " that's what we kept trying . .
Johnson i.xonre ~imeS t get them together at the
same time," he said.
But he added, "We are hope-
ful by Monday we could have
(continued from Page 1) Neustadt was asked what would of Pigs the same way. But who all the trucks rolling."
"THE TET affair showed the have been different about a knows?, he added, "It's hard
American people something 1960 Nixon victory rather than to speculate, so much has hap- HE DECLINED to say wheth-
Johnson never meant," he said, his two later in 1968 and 1972. pened since." er he considers the settlement
describing how the term "cred- "That's hard to say," he The lectures form the basis inflationary but said, "In light
ibility gap" came into use.
"Newsmen were using the said. "First, he would have of the preface to this third edi- of the situation that faced us it
ewstdur singohnsoJ 's been surrounded by a different tion of Presidential Power. The is a very good agreement. And
term first during Johns set of people, the holdovers second edition revised and up- r. . we not only have to meas-
that we were winning the war from the Eisenhower adminis- I dated his theories regarding the ure the cost now, we have to
in Vietnam." tration, instead of the Califor- Kennedy Administration. His measure the cost of continuing
With in. utnia Mafia, most of whom didn't third, published yesterday, will the strike."
that "Washingtonians'tbelief in come along until later." embrace the Johnson and Nixon thedtentcled ettlaboraten
Nixon's legitimacy as Presi- ;years. the Motor Carriers Labor Ad-
dent was destroyed during the NEUSTADT added, "There Neustadt has been in and out visory Council and Irregular
Watergate affair," the cause of would have been continuity be- of the Washington scene for Route Carriers. The two groups
his downfall. In an interview,! tween his (Nixon's) presidency years. He worked in an advis- represent about 250 firms, all
- and Ike's. Next, he wouldn't ory capacity during Kennedy's common carriers.
-- -------- - - o rycpct urn end' The two groups employ more
PASSOVER have had the defeats of 1960 and! campaign presidential term than 130,000 Teamsters mem-
the California governorship in and worked under Johnson as
at HI LLEL 1962 to embitter him." a head of the former president's
T e n on w tains Neustadt conceded,t "he Task Force on Campaign Spend- o b less T
Weaenor taing wouldn't have handled the Bay ing in 1966 odrrlessasoe ras FTNPnCR ft . ~. oc
over S e de rs and all
other Passover meals. -~IlTN~lID itID J r ~ 9

bers, he said. They were part of
the industry bargaining group
with Truckers Employers. Inc.
but broke away to settle sepa-
Roy Lane, president of Team-
sters' Local 200 in Milwaukee,
said the agreement provides for
a,.$1.65 hourly wage increase
over the. life of the 30-month
coitract. The pact also calls for
$17 additional weekly in fringe
benefits and an unrestricted
cost-of-living increment-nearly
all that the Teamsters had
sought in money issues.
The uncapped cost-of-living
allowance was an issue the
Teamsters had fought especial-
ly hard to achieve. Sources said
under the tentative settlement,
in the second year' of the con-
tract, Teamsters would receive
an additional cent in, hourly
wages for every .4 per cent in-
crease in the Consumer Price
Index, based on the federal
government's 1967 figures. In
the third pear, they would re-
ceive an additional penny for
every .3 per cent increase.

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(Continued from Page 1)
B U T Leonard Woodcock,
president of the United Auto-
mobile Workers, told a House
labor subcommittee the unem-
ployment rate is close to the
peak during the 1958 recession,
and that Ford's plans to reduce
unemployment to 5 per cent
by 1981 are not adequate.
There were 7 million unem-

U"1 UVU/WJE E/.4t/


__________________ I I



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," II--Fec



aturing This


ployed persons in March, a
decrease of 100,000 from Febru-
ary. This reflected a 30 per cent
recovery from the depths of
the nation's worst recession
since World War 11.
Both in March and through-
out the recovery, women
benefited most from the in-
crease in employment. 'Unem-
ployment among blacks showed
the biggest monthly improve-
ment, dropping 1.2 per cent to
12.5 per cent. But this too bene-
fited black women the most.
The ranks of the "discourag-
ed" unemployed, who have
given up looking for work,
dropped by 940,000 during the
first quarter of 1976 from a 1.2
million high.
Great Sublet!
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Laundry Fac.
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