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4 A&F A6F
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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 150
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 3, 1976
10 Cents Eight Pages
Capital offense
This week's episode of "Lansing Follies" takes
place on the House of Representatives floor, and
stars Ann Arbor's own Rep. Perry Bullard, fight-
ing to have his name placed at the top of a
resolution praising the basketball team for fin-
ishing second in the NCAA tournament. Bullard
introduced the resolution late Thursday, with
House Speaker Bobby Crim (D-Davison) as a
co-sponsor. As might be expected, the proposal
passed, but someone moved that the sponsor be
listed as only Crim, on behalf of the entire House.
Bullard objected, since the measure involved his
district, but Republican Floor Leader William
Bryant threatened to delay the whole mess un-
til next week. Eventually, Bryant withdrew his
protest. According to Bullard, the Republican
was told "If you start screwing around with
our resolutions, we'll start screwing around with
Happenings ...
... begin with two all-day events. The Michi-
gan Geology and Gemcraft Society's Second An-
nual Educational Seminar starts at 11 am. in
the Exact Science Bldg. at Washtenaw Communi-
ty College. Lectures and demonstrations abound
... Air Aces III, a professional Frisbee-flinging
squad, show their style all day at Briarwood
Mall ... the local chapter of Common Cause holds
a reorganizational meeting at 10 a.m. in the
Ann Arbor Public Library ... the Food Action
Coalition sponsors a series of Food Week work-
shops, all beginning at 1 p.m. They consist of
a panel discussion on Nutrition for the Elderly
at the public library, a Food Stamp workshop
at 331 Thompson, and an Agriculture workshop
on local marketing and a new "Farmer's Mar-
ket" in the community room at Briarwood Mall
... Navy-Marine ROTC holds a run-a-thon for
the March of Dimes beginning at 1 p.m. in the
Arb ... Phi Beta Kappa holds an initiation ban-
quet in the Michigan League ballroom at 6 or
6:30, depending on which press release you want
to believe ... and there's a talk on "Women in
China" at 7:30 in the Assembly Hall of the Michi-
gan Union, with newsreels and slides from China.
Scotch and water
The Scotch and water in the harbor of Galveston,
Texas is not exactly the kind drinkers usually
have in mind. About 9600 fifths of the expensive
booze dropped into the ship channel during the
unloading of a barge Tuesday. Witnesses said a
large container broke open and fifth after fifth
plopped into the salty water. Divers were still
searching for the Scotch yesterday, but underwater
visability in the area is only eight inches, and port
authorities said it would take some time to recover
the liquor.
Hizzoner, what 's-his-nrne
You might call it veto power for journalists
- newspaper and radio reporters in the South
American port city of Barranquilla, Colombia
have voted unanimously not to mention the may-
or's name in any of their stories. The city's
Reporters Circle took the move to repay the
mayortfor barring them from a swearing-in cere-
mony for the new treasurer, where he had posted
policemen to keep journalists out. Since the re-
porters approved the self-imposed silence four days
ago, neither the name of the mayor nor that
of the treasurer has appeared in any Barran-
quilla newspaper. Or ours, either.
Inside LR J
Exposure of former presidents' innermost lives
seems to be in fashion these days, and LBJ is
the latest target. According to a new book by
former Johnson aide Doris Kearns, LBJ was a
childhood victim of rejection by his parents and
was forced by his father to go through life prov-
ing his manhood. Kearns, who helped Johnson
with his memoirs, says LBJ told her his mother
"walked around the house pretending I was dead"
whenever he failed to satisfy her. The adulthood
result was "the Johnson freeze-out, hurting others
as much as his mother had hurt him years be-
fore." And because young Johnson's father sub-
jected him to tests of manhood that deeply hu-
miliated him, the President later developed his
own tests - like forcing visitors at the LBJ ranch
to shoot deer, and compelling White House staff
and cabinet members to accompany their boss into
the bathroom to continue conversations.
Oan the inside ...
We can't promise you'll find the ideal man or
woman, but if you haven't made up your mind
on Monday's city election, our full-page chart of
the candidates' viewpoints should lessen some of
the confusion. It's a handy reference tool that
shows ,each city council hopeful's stand on all
the major issues ... Rick Bonino kicks off his
new "Pretzel Logic" column for Sports ... and
Arts features its regal r weekly Happenings cal-
endar of movies, music and events.
Union boss Fitzsimmons says
all trucks may roll by Monday
From Wire Service Reports
Ill.-Two trucking associa-
tions and about a third of
the striking Teamsters
reached a tentative settle-
ment last night, Labor Sec-
retary W. J. U s e r y an-
Usery then went immedi-
ately back to the negotia-
tions with hopes a settle-
ment could be reached for
the remaining 250,000
Teamsters not covered by
the Motor Carriers Labor
Advisory Council and Ir-
regular Route Carriers
TEAMSTERS boss Frank Fitz-
simmons, who announced the
agreement along with Usery,
said he would not announce
terms of the settlementuntil
after the membership ratified
the pact.
He said Teamsters in this set-
tlement-plus those working un-
der interim agreements-meant
about 61 per cent of the mem-
bership would not be involved
in the national strike.
But Fitzsimmons said the
strike continued for 30 to 35 per
cent of the membership not cov-
ered either by the agreement
or by interim settlements made
with individual trucking com-
THE STRIKE, which began at
midnight Wednesday, started
having an impact on the econ-
omy by yesterday, with more
than 20,000 auto industry work-
ers laid off. Plant shutdowns
will take place despite the
agreement last night. The strike
was also marred by scattered
Usery termed the settlement
"a sig-ificant breakthrough in
the negotiations" and said' it
would have a "significant im-
pact" on continuing talks with
Trucking Employers Inc., bar-
gaining for the firms who have
not yet reached a settlement
and are continuing negotiations.
Fitzsimmons said the union
has not "concluded the reason
for the strike . . . It's a national
strike for those who will not
sign our agreement."
Unemployment rate
continues to decline,
Labor Dept. reports
Takin' a break
University student Perry Perrault pauses from classes under a tree to soak in some of the sun-
shine we enjoyed yesterday.
The State Treasurer's office pressed op
has informed the University that how thing
it can expect a month's delay in worse," sa
receiving the state's $10 million on, month
April allotment due to a severe ture ough
cash shortage in the state After all,
treasury. ing up."
The allotment, due to be is- BUT DE
sued April 15, is part of $45.5 er Carroll
million in delayed funds to state- dismal fut
supported colleges and univer- "It's qu
sities. again," h
THE DELAY will cause no in J u n e
immediate problems here, how- months."
ever, according to University
Vice President Wilbur Pierpont.
Pierpont said yesterday that
"although borrowed funds will
be required" the University will
meet its April payroll.
He added that the situation
would be discussed with the R h
University Regents at their
April 16 meeting, at which time
the question of borrowing money
will be put to them "if at that
time there is no further infor-
The borrowed funds will serve
to meet University General
Fund expenses at the Ann Ar-
bor, Flint and Dearborn cam-
puses, and the Medical Cen-
ter's Mental Health units.
DR. WESTON Agor, special
assistant to Governor Milliken
for higher education, said he
has no idea how long the delay
will last. "I don't think any-r
body knows," he claimed.
Agor declined to predict
whether any future delays seem- r
ed imminent. "It's all very
speculative," he continued, "it
all depends on how much money
flows in."
Jubilant A
settle ment
Representatives of the Ann Arbor Ten
Union (AATU) and Trony Associates signec
collective bargaining and recognition agreen
yesterday, settling a four month-old rent stri
However, the tenants' withheld rent will no
released from an escrow fund until Morn<
pending the final drawing of a new lease tc
used by the management company.
~I'14F, Sf(ZN1TNt2 marks the first time the
all, however, he ex-
ptimism. "I don't see
gs can possibly get
;aid Agor. "From now
by month, the pic-
t to start improving.
the economy's pick-
EPUTY State Treasur-
Newton saw a more
cite likely to happen
e declared. "Perhaps
, perhaps in later
-- -
lelay f
The situation could improve
by the end of April, according
to Newton, when the state's new
single business tax begins to
generate new revenue. The re-
lief, however, could be little
more than temporary.
"THIS REALLY isn't sudden,"
Newton said. "Our cash position
has been gradually deteriorat-
ing over the past few years."
He added that the state has
been patching its educational
budget for some time by bor-
rowing money from various
other sources, including the
State Highway and the Fish and
Wildlife Funds.
"We've been saying for some
time now that state institutions
are going to have to either cut
expenditures or raise more
revenue," he added sternly.
A few hostile words were
spoken here, too. Pierpont de-
plored the necessity of the Uni-
versity borrowing money, say-
ing it meant "paying interest
expenses in another situation
over which we have no control."
nation's unemployment rate
continued its steady decline in
March - dropping slightly to
7.5 per cent - while the total
number of persons who held
jobs hit an all-time .high of
86.7 million, the Labor Depart-
ment reported yesterday.
The March drop of0.1 per
cent capped a steady five-
month decline from 8.6 per cent
last October - the longest
sustained drop since 1962. It
also brought unemployment to
its lowest level in more than a
BUT THE overall improve-
ment of 1.4 per cent since the
recession peak last May ap-
peared weaker than in most
previous economic recoveries.
A Bureau of Labor Statistics
economist noted that while the
recent 10-month decline was
more dramatic than the recov-
ery period in 1971, it compared
unfavorably to economic recov-
eries in 1961, 1958 and 1954.
President Ford, campaigning
in Milwaukee, called the report
"encouraging news" and said:
"We're making real progress
in reducing unemployment and
at the same time increasing em-
See JOBLESS, Page 2
profs declare race war in
odesia inevitable at present
Uzoigwe Mazrui
A U 4
with Trony
THE NEW LEASE will be incorporated and
cross-referenced with the collective bargaining
ants agreement.
In light of Rhodesian Prime
Minister Ian Smith's recent re-
jection of a black majority rule
in that nation, speculation has
heightened that full scale fight-
ing will soon erupt in the Afri-
can country.
According to University His-
tory Professor Godfrey Uzoigwe,
if Smith adheres to his position,
a war will certainly break out.
UZOIGWE accuses the whites
in Rhodesia of failing to deal
realistically with the black na-
tionalists and says "Smith is
walking to the gallows blind-
"The blacks in Rhodesia are
well trained now and it is not
where one rap on the kunckles
and they will disappear into the
bush," he adds.
Uzoigwe and University Polit-
ical Science Professor Ali Maz-
rui agree that war will most
likely break out within a year
and that the current rainy sea-
son in Africa is one of the deter-
SMITH'S decision was the
culmination of lengthy talks be-
tween black and white political
leadersbover the installation of
a black majority rule to replace
the c u r r e n t white-dominated
Smith has proposed a multi-
racial government but Uzoigwe
says it is one in which the
whites "are perpetually in con-
Uzoigwe accuses S m i t h of
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Author tells tales
of Nixon, LBj
When Richard Neustadt's book, Presidential Power, was
published in 1960, it was like a new wave in the science of
U. S. politics. Analyzing the Truman and Eisenhower ad-
ministrations, Neustadt's work evolved a theory of power
that was to be heeded by administrations to follow.
Sixteen years, however, have passed. Camelot died on
one eerie Friday in 1963, and the bright young idealist. have
grown older. Surprisingly, Neustadt, 57, appears not to have
=,ged at all.
Tenants Union
ed that the rent
cluded on such;
officials were undoubtedly elat-
strike - rocky at times - con-
a successful note for their or-
"Trony said they'd never recognize the TU,"
asserted spokesman Robert Miller, "but we've
won what landlords and tenants thought was im-