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April 02, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-04-02

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See Editorial Page



4:3 46maw t
at 1 9

Loyv-30 s
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 149

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 2, 1976

10 Cents Ten Pages

U *1

Sprimary issue
Lawyers were dashing in and out of court
yesterday as the Michigan Presidential Primary
started and stopped once more, all within a mat-
ter of a few hours. First the state Court of Ap-
peals overturned a restraining order which had
halted the primary last week. A short while later
Judge Ray Hochkiss, who issued the first order
halting the election, issued a second one. The
fight is centered around who will foot the bill
if the election is held. In 1972 the primary was
funded by the state, but the law providing the
money expired in 1973. Local officials say they
can't come up with the $2.5 million needed to
run an election. In the meantime, Michigan is
without a primary and the lawyers are getting
... start off with a luncheon at noon, sponsored
by Guild House, where George White of MIT is
speaking on "Simon Weil's.'Great Beast' and the
American Bicentennial," 802 Monroe ... at 1:00
the Food Action Coalition is sponsoring a film
showing focusing on critical food issues, at Thomas
Francis School ... at 2:00 Dr. Robert Spicer will
conduct a seminar on "Formation of Fossil Leaf
Deposits" in Lecture Rm. 1 of the Modern Lan-
guage Bldg. ... throughout the day the "Our Own
Thing" bucket drive will be going on ... tonight
at 9:00 the first all-campus happening will be
held at 548 S. State, dancing is promised.
Numbers games
The battle of the century was fought recently.
The mighty opponents were a modern pocket cal-
culator and an ancient abacus. It looked like an
easy way for an Australian department store to
show the speed of its wares. Out of 10 separate
competitions, the abacus came out ahead. The
calculator operator was bogged down by having
to press the "plus" button between each num-
ber. While the backers of the abacus admit it
can't perform more complicated operations, they
asked "can your calculator go up to 922,980,000
like the abacus?
Nice giys finish last.
In a fit of honesty straight from the legends
of George Washington and Abe Lincoln, Mas Web-
er, a 13-year-old newspaper carrier turned in an
envolope he found which was stuffed with $2,300
in $100 and $20 bills. "I would rather maybe
bet a $5 reward for this and make sure it gets
to the person it belongs to," Weber said. With
honesty like that, he'd never make it far in
big-time politics.
Postal pennies
If the Postal Service is going to break even
financially, it will probably mean that first class
stamps will cost 19 cents next year and 34 cents
by 1984. This cheery prediction came from the
Government Accounting Office in a report to Con-
gress. These estimates are based on the "self
sufficiency concept," meaning no government sub-
sidies to pay for Postal Service deficits.
On the inside...
den David Goodman writes about Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly funding on the Editorial page...
the Sports page takes a look at the men's tennis
team by Scott Lewis . . . Arts page has the long
awaited review of "All the President's Men" by
Jim Valk.
On the outside ...
Today will be much nicer, especially in the after-
noon. The storm system that gave us yesterday's
weather will be moving away so skies will be-
come fair by afternoon with temperatures getting
milder. Tonight will be fair and cool. Highs today

will be 46-51, lows tonight 30-35.
Kissinger denies
Reagan charges
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger yesterday accused former California Gover-
nor Ronald Reagan of uttering "false and irresponsible
inventions" about his foreign policy positions.
A statement released on behalf of Kissinger by State
Department spokesman Robert Funseth said a speech
Wednesday night by Reagan, who is challenging Presi-
dent Ford for the Republican presidential nomination,
contained false quotations attributed to Kissinger.
REAGAN QUOTED Kissinger as saying he thinks of
the United States as Athens and the Soviet Union as
Sparta, with the United States in a second-best position.
The quoations are from a book by Admiral Elmo
Zumwalt. former Chief of Naval Operations who is seek-

'U ,

e mp bye



- who wished to remain
She then listed various
arose among her fellow


An employe of the University's Engineering Services
Department has filed a union grievance against the
University, through her department, for racial discrim-
ination on the job.
The secretary, Jackie Kischuk, is white, unmarried
and pregnant. The father of her child is black.
"I THINK the relevant fact is that there is racial
discrimination going on, and it's being condoned by
the management," said Kischuk,
In the grievance-filed with United Auto Workers
(UAW) Local 2001-Kischuk charges that specific mem-
bers of her department were making discriminatory
remarks to her and to other employes concerning her
interracial relationship.
-W --

Racism charged
She also claims that her workload was being increased
to "discipline" her after she was first seen with her
black friend.
"IT'S HARASSMENT - pure and simple," said
23-year-old Kischuk in an interview this week. She
added, "I think it is all related to the discrimination."
Department supervisor Kenneth Beaudry declined to
comment on the matter, saying, "It's in the union's
hand now, it's going through the procedures."
Kischuk said department members became aware
"almost immediately" when she began seeing the man
ma rks

unidentified - last November.
reactions which she claimed

"THERE ARE the people who ignore you, the people
who stare at you when they think you're not looking,
and the people who don't care whether you're looking
or not," she said.
''They said things about sticking to your own kind',"
Kischuk added, "and one of them asked if it's true
that 'they' (black men) are 'bigger' than 'we' (whites)
She said she was also asked how much she 'charged.'
THE SECRETARY claimed she went repeatedly to
Beaudry, to complain of the alleged discrimination,
See SECRETARY, Page 10
truck s

'I think the relevant
fact is that t here is
racial discrimination
going on, and it's be-
ing condoned by the
-Jackie Kischuk
'U' clerical worker


Prof criticizes
hi~ke in health
insurance rate
A University public health professor yesterday called Wednes-
day's 28 per cent Blue Cross-Blue Shield rate increase "insanely
high," and proposed that the state create a commission to control
medical costs.
"These exorbitant increases to the swollen Blue Cross bureau-
cracy and to the doctors and hospitals must be brought to an end
before they bankrupt us all," said Prof. Max Shain in a statement
released yesterday.
BLUE CROSS-Blue Shield is a corporation which provides
medical insurance to approximately 55 per cent of the state's resi-

Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity's Board of Regents yester-
day approved contract agree-
ments with United Auto Work-
ers (UAW) locals representing
clerical, professional, adminis-
trative, and technical employes
at the university.
The contracts, ratified by
members of UAW locals 1975
and 1976rlast Saturday, were ap-
proved by a 6-0 vote. EMU
President James Brickley said
last night that two board mem-
bers were absent when the vote
was taken.
BOTH contract run for two
years. They provide a five per

dents. In return for certain
exemptions, the corporation
must submit rate increases for
approval by the state Insurance
Responding to a Blue Cross-
Blue Shield request for a 35
per cent, $355 million hike for
the coming year, Insurance
Commissioner Thomas Jones
Wednesday granted a 28 per
cent, $284 million increase, the
largest in the corporation's his-
Jones stung the organization
with charges of inefficiency and
ordered a full audit of its quar-
terly reports.
BUT SHAIN, a specialist in
the health insurance field,
came down more emphatically
on the corporation than Jones,
lambasting it for a bloated
bureaucracy and a tendency
to cater to unnecessarily high
medical costs.
"The hospitals and doctors
don't need as much money as
they're getting now, (from the
insurance paymens)," Shain
said. "They're benefiting from
these increases at the expense
of 55 per cert of the other peo-
ple in the state."
Shain expressed particular
concern over the timing of the

Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
April fools
Although the steps of the Graduate Library usually sport no more than a harried scholar or two,
Karen Wallace (left) and David Laird celebrated yesterday's Hash Bash by gracing the stately
building's steps with their birthday suits.

By AP and UPI
D E T R O I T - Non-
striking truckers in Michi-
gan were shot at, allegedly
beaten and run off the road
yesterday in scattered inci-
dents of violence that
marked the beginning of a
nationwide w a lk o u t by
Up to 14,000 Michigan
union members joined the
strike, while hundreds of
their brothers remained on
the job under hastily sign-
ed interim agreements with
George Halverson ordered beef-
ed up freeway patrols out of
"concern for the public using
the same highways."
The walkout not only threat-
ened Detroit automakers, but
industry in the state as a whole.
Auto industry officials feared
plant shutdowns and layoffs
within a matter of days if a
national agreement were not
worked out soon between the
Teamsters union and Trucking
Employers, Inc., bargaining
agent for 16,000 trucking firms.
Consumers could start feeling
considerable difficulties after
about two weeks, federal offic-
ials said.
See VIOLENCE, Page 7
refiners to retain retail market-
ing outlets held prior to Jan. 1,
The Federal Trade Commis-
sion would be given authority
to review, approve, modify and
ultimately accept divestiture
plans filed by the companies.
Bayh also said the revised bill
would permit the FTC to allow
retention of otherwise prohibited
assets of up to $5 million if con-
sistent with the bill's purposes,
such as pipelines integral to
refinery operations.
UNDER the bill's definitions
of major producers;refiners and
marketers, the subcommittee
said, the following 18 companies
would be affected:
Exxon, Texaco, Shell, Stan-
dard Oil (Indiana), Gulf, Mobil,
Standard Oil of California, At-
lantic-Richfield, Getty, Sun, Phil-
lips, Continental, Cities Service,
Marathon, Sohio, Amerada Hess,
Ashland and Union.
William Tavoulareas, presi-
dent of the Mobil Oil Corp., said
in New York that the subcom-
mittee's approval of the bill was
"a first step toward higher
energy prices and a serious
weakening of the nation's ability
to become self-sufficient in
HE SAID in a statement "The

By AP and Reuter
antitrust subcommittee yester-
day approved a bill to force the
break-up within five years of the
nation's 18 biggest oil compa-
The measure, which faces in-
tense opposition, would require
the major oil companies to con-
fine their operations to one of
four principal segments of the
industry - production, market-
ing, refining or transportation.

Currently, the big oil com-
panies dominate much of the
refining, transporting and selling
of petroleum products.
SEN. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.) said
the forced splintering of the
industry giants would increase
competition and "result in enor-
mous benefit to the consuming
Critics say the industry al-
ready is highly competitive and
contend the bill would reduce

efficiency, increase costs and
hamper production, all of which
would mean higher prices for
The measure, which now goes
to the Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee, is a revised draft of legisla-
tion introduced by Bayh.
The new version was offered
by subcommittee Chairman Phil-
ip Hart (D-Mich.) in an effort
to win increased support.
ONE change would permit

cent adjustment in base wages v
retroactive to July 1, 1975 and "THE ECONOMY is just get-
an additional five per cent hike ting over a major depression,"
a year later. he said. "This is not the time
Professional, administrative to be throwing another burden
and technical workers will also on payrolls. Unemployment is
receive a four per cent basic still very high, the schools and
See EMU, Page 10 See PROF, Page 10

/ f
Motley masses mill
- and mash at Bash
4Despite cold temperatures and an almost constant drizzle,
yesterday's Fifth Annual Hash Bash enjoyed its largest turn-out
in recent memory.
Nearly five thousand people came to the bash, which
originated five years ago to celebrate the reduction of the
penalty for marijuana possession to a misdemeanor.
WHILE MOST people appeared to be enjoying the avail-
S:; ability of large quantities of dope and alcohol, some felt that
"the whole thing is getting too commercial." Besides the selling
reportedly attempted to sell a twelve pack of empty, crushed
"' . }r "::;;::beer cans.

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