See Editorial Page
l~t igzr
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No, 147
Ann Arbor, Michigan--Wednesday, March 31, 1976
10 Cents Eight Pages
if I
Turn for the better
Michigan joined a host of other states today as
the new state law allowing drivers to turn right
on red went into affect at midnight. Of course,
there will be designated intersections where the
turn is not permitted, including corners where
oncoming traffic has a left turn arrow. And motor-
ists are also reminded that the turn is allowed only
when traffic conditions are safe. So, look both
ways before you cross and don't take any turns
for the worse.
Enough is enough
After a while, one begins to wish that Rock Bot-
tom Productions had never come up with the Pet
Rock. After shampoos, rock food, and geneology
books, the question arises: What will be next? You
guessed it, the Invisible Piranha. Selling at $4 re-
tail, the Invisible Piranha comes complete with
goldfish bowl and tiny skeleton - the bare essen-
tials to prove that the fish is there. The package
includes an instruction book on Piranha care,
which incidentally explains that a bowl of spa-
ghetti, a cow, or sheep will keep the creature
happy. Inevitable, all this competition is bound
to make real animals feel unloved.
In yesterday's Daily, we reported that Fourth
Ward City Council hopefuls Jamie Kenworthy and
Madelyn Elder support the repeal of preferential
voting while GOP Mary Lou Slater opposes its re-
peal. In fact, it's just the other way around: Ken-
worthy and Elder don't support PV's repeal and
Slater supports the move. We regret the error.
Happenings. . .
C..stoday begin with a gathering at the Student
Counseling Office; for a mere 15 cents, one can
dine on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and
potato chips; dessert will include a short cartoon
... the Art School will sponsor a talk by Martin
Hurtig - a Chicago artist - at 4:30 in the Artt
and Architecture Auditorium . . . Prof. Brian Mor-
ton will speak at 8:00 tonight in the E. Conference
Room at Rackham . . . "Sunseen," -a film about
American youth, will be shown by the Sufi Order
at 7 and 9 in the Nat. Sci. Aud. . . . the Organiza-
tion of Arab Students will hold a rally on the Diag
at 11:30 in support of the Palestinians on the West
Bank; all are invited to participate . . . Dr. Igor
Dawid of he Carnegie Institute will speak at 4:00
in Lecture Room 1, MLB on the organization of
Animal Ribosomal DNA . . . the International Cen-
ter will hold a meeting from 3-5 p.m. for anyone
travelling in Europe over the summer . . . the
Association of Black SocialhWork Students will
have a conference in the Rackham Ampithea-
tre from 1:30-5 this afternoon; the topic will be
"Strategies for Change: Social, Political and eco-
nomic . . . "The Last Grave at Dimaza" will be
shown at 7:30 in MLB Lecture Room 1; the film is
a documentary on South Africa and is sponsored
by the Struggle for Angola mini course . . . and
Prof. Gardner Ackley will speak on "The Current
Economic Situation" at 7:00 in East Quad's Greene
Lounge; Ackley is a past member of the Presiden-
tial Council of Economic Advisors.
BuyCentennial notes
Awards were recently handed out for "the most
tasteless exploitation" of the bicentennial. For
your information, Omaha was dubbed the Bad
Taste City for publicizing a bison named Tennial.
Two firms tied for an award - the Falstaff Brew-
ing Co. for bicentennial beer cans, and the Jack-
son Casket Co. for its red, white, and blue flag-
lined caskets. The "Bob and Betty Sanders Show"
on WBBM in Chicago was cited for the greatest
verbal abuse of the buycentennial, often remarking
that they were "in it for the buck anyway." And a
special award went to the NFL for sponsoring an
essay contest on "The NFL's Role in American
Gay rights wronged
The Supreme Court Monday ruled that a Vir-
ginia law which punishes voluntary homosexual
acts committed by adults in their own homes is
constitutional. At the same time the court rejected
the appeal of Eugene Enslin who was convicted
in North Carolina of performing oral sex in his
home with a consenting adult. The Virginia case
stemmed from a civil suit by two unnamed gay
males who have sought to have the law in that
state thrown out as an unconstitutional invasion of
On the inside...
Editorial Page presents a Reuter News
Service story on Izvestia, the Soviet Government
newspaper . . . Sports Page has a story by Bob
Miller and Ernie Dunbar on the Laver'Newcombe
tennis match . . . and Arts Page features a story
on the Academy Awards by Jim Valk.
State adopts graduated power rate
The Michigan Public Service Commission yesterday rejected
Detroit Edison's requested rate increase in favor of a PIRGIM
(Public Interest Group in Michigan)-sponsored measure that calls
for a graduated rate scale.
According to PIRGIM staffer Richard Conlin, the adopted
proposal works "something like a graduated income tax-basically,
the more electricity you use, the more you should pay." He added
"the idea is that if you can afford to use lots of electricity, you
can sure afford to pay the higher rates."
THE RULING sets up three distinct energy consumption
brackets, each succeeding bracket featuring a higher rate.
The rate for the first 500 kilowatt hours per month is 3.6 cents,
the next 500 hours will cost 3.8 cents with any additional hours
selling at the rate of 4 cents per hour.
Callaway qi
However, each successive price level does not cover the 500
kilowatt hours from the bracket below.
For example, the consumer who uses 501 kilowatt hours will
be charged 3.6 cents for the first 500 and 3.8 cents for the last
hour. The present electricity rate calls for a flat 3 cents an hour.
CONLIN TERMED the new rate hikes "life-line utility rates"
saying that "it provides the average home with the needed
amount of electricity at a fair rate."
He added that the "inverted" price boosts would benefit low-
income families who are "typical low-users of electricity."
The other major effect of the measure according to Conlin is
that energy conservation will be encouraged. "This should de-
crease energy consumption," he commented, "and that will par-
tially relieve the current energy crunch."
Detroit Edison issued a press release concerning the Com-
mission's ruling charging that "the Commission's action is irre-
[its Ford cai
app roves
dog leash
After several years of heated
meetings and public comment
sessions, City Council voted 7-4
late Monday night to approve
changes in the Animal Control
The most important part of
the new law are th'e controver-
sial "leash" and "scoop" pro-
visions. Once the ordinance
takes effect, in two to three
weeks, dog owners will be re-
quired to keep their dogs on a
leash when they are anywhere
other than on their own pre-
mises. The "scoop" provision
makes the dog's owner respon-
sible for cleaning up hisrorsher
pet's feces. Violators are sub-
ject to a $100 fine.
"I WILL say that requiring
people to have their dogs on
leashes at all times strikes me
as the harassing type of thing
that will be enforced selective-
ly," said Councilwoman Eliza-
beth Keogh (D-First Ward),
who opposed the measure. She
added that she thought the leash
law was aimed against the cen-
tral campus area.
"My so-called suburbia will
be very upset if this is not uni-
formly enforced across the
board," said Councilman Lou
Belcher (R-Fifth Ward), who
added that he had received
complaints about uncontrolled
dogs from his constituents.
Besides Keogh, the ordinance
was opposed by council mem-
bers Carol Jones (D-Second
Ward), Kathy Kozachenko
(SHRP - Second Ward) and
Mayor Albert Wheeler, also a
THE COUNCIL deliberated
for over two hours on details
such as impoundment costs,
city pet licensing procedures
and langiage used in the ordi-
One of the major problems
the city will face with the strict
new law is enforcement. Cur-
rently the city has only one
truck for picking up animals
and two animal control offic-
ers. The officers only work
from Monday through Friday.
ordinance's passage that in ef-
fect it is only enforcable during
See LEASH, Page 8
sponsible, grossly unfair and contrary to law." The statement
cited several specific objections to the ruling.
A PRIME concern was the supposed need for more power
plants to meet increased consumption. "It (the ruling) disregards
the need for more power plant construction to prevent black-outs
and brown-outs in the future," the official complaint said.
As for the allegation that the ruling constituted an unlawful
act Edison Chief Executive William Meese declared that "it is
contrary to law because the rates set are so low and unreason-
able as to amount to confiscation of the property of the company
and its shareholders without due process of law . .."
Finally, the release asserted that the Commission's action
could "cause great harm to the people of Michigan because it
can lead to a paralysis of economic growth."
See PSC, Page 8
npaign post
Mo tion appoite s
replacement by Ford
By AP and Neuter
WASHINGTON -- Howard "Bo" Callaway submitted
his expected formal resignation as President Ford's cam-
paign manager yesterday and political handyman Rogers
Morton was appointed to succeed him.
Callaway, 49, temporarily stepped down at his own
request on March 13, pending any investigation of alle-
gations that as Army Secretary he had intervened with
government agencies on behalf of a Colorado ski resort
of which he is part-owner.
FORD announced the change in campaign manage-
ment, saying that Callaway resigned "in his typically un-
selfish way" to avoid any cloud of controversy.
Callaway said in an interview that he quit rather
than subject the campaign to rumor and innuendo dur-
Long time no see
Anthony Fagundes, elephant trainer for Clyde Bros. Circus, receives an affectionate h
Judy, one of his charges.
Supreme Court hear
attack on death pena
ing the Justice Department
Reiterating his denial of the
allegations, Callaway added
that he is confident he will be
Ford said he feels Callaway is
"an absolutely honest person"
who would not undertake any-
thing improper.
CALLAWAY submitted his
AP Photo letter of resignation Monday.
"In view of recent publicity, I
do not feel it is in your best
iug from interest, nor in the interest of
ug from the campaign committee, for
me to continue," he wrote Ford.
Though Ford said he accepted
the resignation reluctantly,
Callaway said Richard Cheney,
the White House chief of staff,
had wanted it about 10 days
ago. Callaway said he had ask-
ed then for more time to exon-
erate himself, but stepped aside
when it became clear the inves-
tigation would not be concluded
Callaway said he did not be-
lieve the controversy had hurt
make that Ford's campaign against Re-
ainful as it publican challenger Ronald
sistant dis- STUART SPENCER, the dep-
L a k e uty campaign manager, has
msterdam's been running the Ford operation
isiana law and is likely to remain the key
scretion in person guiding Ford's campaign
udges, pro- under Morton.
as to which Morton, 61, is a former Mary-
-" land congressman and Republi-
retion by a can national chairman who held
r any par- two cabinet positions before
ge 2 See CALLAWAY, Page 2
close in
on Beirut
By AP and Reuter
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Leftist
Moslem and Palestinian guer-
rillas thrust closer to Christian
headquarters in savage fighting
yesterday and some Lebanese
politicians expressed fears Syria
might send troops to force an
end to the civil war.
United Nations Secretary-Gen-
eral Kurt Waldheim, in an un-
usual move, alerted the Security
Council to the situation, saying
it carries "obvious potential
d a n g e r s for international
EMERGING from a three-
hour meeting of fellow left-wing
leaders, Kamal Junblatt said it
was regrettable and wrong for
Waldheim to draw the Lebanese
crisis to the attention of the
Security Council.
Waldheim's move set a dan-
gerous precedent "which cannot
See LEFISTS, Page 2
ford University law professor
argued yesterday that all death
penalty laws enacted since the
Supreme Court abolishedcapi-
tal punishment in 1972 are un-
In urging the Supreme Court
not to reinstate capital punish-
ment, Anthony Amsterdam said
all 34 new laws violate the Con-
stitution because:
* The new laws are so in-
distinguishable from the old
ones that they are invalid un-
der the reasoning adopted by
the majority of the justices in
the 1972 decision.
The death penalty under
any circumstances is a cruel
and unusual punishment forbid-
den by the Constitution.
A M S T E R D A M, repre-
senting the NAACP Legal De-
fense Fund, made his argu-
ments as the justices heard
cases about two men condemn-
ed to death in Texas and Louisi-
ana. Capital punishment cases
from Georgia, Florida and
North Carolina will be argued
to day for the states, the con-
demned men and the federal
Texas Atty. Gen. John Hill de-
fended the Texas death penalty
law as a deterrent against the
limited categories of murder for
which the state has imposed it.
"Why shouldn't it be allow-
able as a goal of society to have
someone who intends tohkidnap
a small child consider his own
life as an incentive for return-
ing that child?" Hill asked.
"T H E Constitution created
the right on the part of our
state legislatures to
rifficult choice -p
is," he said.
James Babin, an as
trict attorney from
Charles, disputed Ar
assertion that Loui
places too much di
the hands of juries, j
secutors and others
defendants should die
"There is no discr
person as to whethe
See LAW, Pa
Otterbacher underdog in bid
for Dem. Senate nomination
With only four years of state
politics under his belt, John
Otterbacher is the decided un-
derdog in the August race for
the Democratic nomination for
the U.S. Senate.
pointed chairman of the Health,
Social Services and Retirement
Committee. He is currently lead-
ing an investigation of nursing
home practices in the state.
The senator is a clinical psy-
chologist and claims this helps
him in his role as lawmaker.
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