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January 14, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-14

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Page Two


oo eyS

U.S. hits French paper
for listing CIA agents

Wednesday, January 14, 1976
Ford names Morton
to Cabinet staff






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WASHINGTON (Reuter) - the continued publicizing of
The U. S. Government yester- the names of alleged. agents.
day branded as 'irresponsible, "We are naturally concerned
contemptible and inflammatory' at the publication by a foreign
the publication by a French journal of any list of persons
leftwing newspaper of a list of who are either correctly or in-
32 alleged agents of the Cen- correctly named as Central In-
tral Intelligence Agency. telligence Agency employees,
A State Department spokes- but we sincerely hope that no
man also said the United States Americans participated in this
had been in contact with the effort abroad against their fel-
French Government about the low citizens," the CIA said.
matter, though it was not clear A SPOKESMAN at the CIA's
whether it was before or after headquarters at Langley, Vir-
the names appeared in the daily ginia, said he could not elabor-
newspaper Liberation, ate on the one-sentence state-
DEPARTMENT s p o k e s- meet.
man Robert Funseth declined The White House made it
to comment directly on the clear that President Ford shar-
French newspaper article. ed the fears for the lives of U.
But, he declared, "In general, S. underciver agents, saying he
experiences show that the felt the same way as he did af-
printing of such lists is ex- ter the killing in Athens last
tremely irresponsible. month of CIA station chief Ri-
"It incites lunatics and fana- chard Welch.
tics to attack individual diplo- Welch was shot after an Ath-
mats," he said, "It is contemp- ens newspaper said he was
tible and inflammatory." the head of CIA operations in
THE SPOKESMAN declined Greece. Months earlier, the
to say precisely why the U.S. Washington leftwing quarterly
Government had approached "counter-spy" named Welch as
the French or whether the the CIA chief in Peru.
United States had tried to pre- WHILE THE CIA maintained
vent publication of the names. its usual silence as to whether
The CIA and the White House any 'of the 32 named by the
also expressed concern about Paris newspaper Liberation

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are agents, intelligence sources
made no secret of their grow-'
ing apprehension about the con-
tinued publicizing of intelligence
One particular danger, the
sources said, was that some of
the people identified might not ;
be intelligence personnel but
could be in danger merely be-
cause they were on a list of
Several members of Congress,
where select committees are
now close to ending months of
intensive probing of illegal and
questionable U. S. intelligence
activities, have expressed
alarm at the naming of alleged
killing, the Republican whip in
the House of Representatives,
Robert Michel (Ill;) said he
planned to introduces legisla-
tion soon to protect CIA agents
from having their identities de-
liberately revealed.
He said his legislation, to be
introduced after Congress re-
terns next Monday from its
Christmas recess, would make
s'ich disclosures a federal
Brit observers believed it
highlv unlikely that Congress
was likely to anprove any such
sweening legislation as that en-
visaged by Michel.
Volume LXXXVI, No. 89
wednesday, January 14, 1976
Is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
thnne 764-0562. Second class postage
taild at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a I I y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
ity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann-
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
tersi: $13 by mail outside Ann Ar-
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in ' Ann
Arbor: $7.50 by mail outside Ann

(Continued from Page 1)
job he is doing and quashed
rumors he would be replaced.
At a news conference yester-
day, Morton characterized his
job as "over-all adviser to the
President to many subjects.
My background in government
enables me to advise the Presi-
dent in an overall sense." He
disagreed with Nessen's label-
ing of his political activities as

the Economic Policy Board,
the Energy Resources Council
and the Domestic Council. He
held these posts, as commerce
Nessen said that "Morton and
everybody else at phe White
House is going to folly the let-
ter and; spirit of the federal
election regulations" that re-
quire a candidate's campaign
organization's to pay for all po-
litical activites.

"BUT THEY, certainly will Nessen said the White House
take no overwhelming major staff has been cut down from a
part of my job here," he said. level of 517 when Ford took
"If I see the campaign going over to the President's goal of
in the wrong direction, I won't 485.
bury my head in the sand, but: MORTON will take over his
I will advise and try to move it' new job later this week, occu-
in a different direction." ying a recently refurbished
Asked why the taxpayers Executive Office Building suite
should pay the salary for some- that former President- Richard
one to communicate between Nixon used as his private work-
the President and his cam- ing office.
paign committee, Morton re- Morton's commerce job will
plied. "This is part of the po- be filled temporarily by a dep-
litical system . . . I don't feel Iitv, Nessen said, until his suc-
you can separate the politics cessor, Elliot Richardson, can
and governmental issues, and take over.
I feel it would be conflict of A native of Lobisville, Ky.,
interest if someone advising the Morton 61, who lives in Eas-
President in the White. House ton, Md. was a Marylaid con-
was paid for by outside sources gressman, headed the Republi-
such as a campaign committee can National Committee and
or General Electric or someone. then was Nixon's interior secre-
like that." tarv, serving in that post from
THE PRESS secretary, who Jan. 1971 until Ford named him
sought. to play down the politi- to the commerce job last May.
cal aspects of Morton's job, When he resigned as com-
said the retired Commerce Sec- merce secretary last fall, Mor-
retary would take over political ton said he was tired and want-
liaison duties from two top Ford ed to return to private life.
aides - political adviser Rob-
ert Hartmann and White House Interestin
chief of staff Richard Chenev.
Both men had been handling Sports Facts
day-to-day contact with the Re- Rod Carew of the Minnesota
publican national committee Twins won his fourth American
and the Ford Campaign Com- League batting title, hitting .361
mittee. average in 1975.
President Ford had promised
at a recent press conference he Baseball's c lo s e s t division
would appoint "somebdy of race in 1975 involved Boston and
stature" to act as the White Baltimore. B o s t o n won the
House political contact man. American League East by four
NESSEN said that Morton and a half games over the
will retain his membership on Orioles.



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Second Annual Benefit Concert
for the University Musical Society and the School of Music
Saturday, February 28, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium
with the University Symphony Orchestra
YEHUDI MENUHIN, violinist and conductor, and GYORGY SANDOR, pianist, continue the
exciting and generous precedent set last year by Rostropovich-donating their time and
artistry in a benefit concert to "assure the continued well-being of the Musical Society and
provide scholarship funds for gifted School of Music students." The extraordinary Menuhin,
a legend in his own time, is offering his multi-faceted talents as violinist and conductor, teamed
with pianist Gyorgy Sandor, a University School of Music faculty member whose concert
career has spanned six continents.
MOZART: Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major, K. 219
Menuhin performing and "leading" in the baroque style

BARTOK: Divertimento for Strings
Menuhin conducting
BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat ("Emperor")
Menuhin conducting; Sandor, soloist
TICKETS AT BURTON TOWER, OR BY MAIL: $25 includes a main floor seat and a special reception ticket to
meet the artists after the concert; concert tickets only, as follows: main floor, $8; first balcony, $7; second bal-
cony, 1st 8 rows, $6; second balcony, remaining rows, $4.
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uances seven
warning sig3nas
* as1. Change in bowel or bladder habits. i
2. A sore that doesnotheal. I
i 3. Unusual bleeding or discharge.
* 4. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere.
5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
6. Obvious change in wart or mole.



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