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March 28, 1976 - Image 1

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:43 ity

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 145

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 28, 1976

10 Cents Ten Pages




ro s


86 70

Cough, cough
Federal prosecutors won permission Friday to
take a sworn statement from a dying Indiana man
who is a key witness in the investigation of myster-
ious breathing failure deaths last summer at the
local Veterans Administration Hospital. The unpre-
cedented ruling from U. S. District Court Judge
Philip Pratt marks the first time a federal court
has permitted testimony against suspects not
charged with any crime. Pratt said recent revi-
sions in federal court rules permitted his ruling.
He also said the man's condition was too serious
to gamble that he would survive for a later trial.
Investigators have determined the breathing fail-
ures were caused by injections of a powerful drug
based on curare, an exotic poison used by South
American Indians on the tips of hunting weapons.
The Big Wheel
Governor William Milliken has proposed a five-
point plan to provide an additional $35 million in
the coming fiscal year for financially troubled De-
troit, but the city says it's not enough. City offic-
ials disclosed Friday that Milliken outlined the
plan earlier in the week during a meeting with
Mayor Coleman Young, and the mayor told him
the plan did not provide enough money. The city,
projecting a $100 million budget deficit by July
1977, has begun laying off hundreds of employes. To
alleviate the problem, Young proposes a statewide
nuisance tax on beer, liquor and cigarettes, but
Milliken says such a tax would be "inequitable."
Wonder if the good gov will use "No State money
to bail out Detroit" as his next campaign theme?
Happenings ...
. ..today are very slim. The "aMaizin' Blues"
will perform a singing/dancing act tonight at 7:30
in Rackham . . . the Ann Arbor Art Association
will have a student exhibition at 117 W. Liberty
. Science for The People will have a general
meeting tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in 3056 Nat. Sci....
and informal memorial services for Tim Domzal-
ski and Kevin Cullen - the two students who died
last week - will be held at Alice Lloyd hall to-
night at 9:30.
Sticky picket
Picket lines in Las Vegas were withdrawn and
15 hotel-casinos that account for up to 40 per cent
of Nevada's gaming revenue reopened for business
yesterday after 17 days of strike. The stagehands
were the last to withdraw pickets early yester-
day. Three other unions which had announced ten-
tative agreement with the management of the
hotel-casinos earlier, withdrew pickets Friday
night. "We pulled out picket lines in respect to
Las Vegas and also with full assurances that
management will bargain in good faith," said at-
torney Renny Ashleman, chief negotiator for the
Stagehands Union. The Las Vegas Convention Au-
thority estimated the loss from the strike at a
whopping $98 million in the private sector alone.
That did not include multimillion-dollar tax losses u
to the state and local governments and did not
include the full impact of wages lost by the 11,000
strikers, the 12,000 other hotel employes laid off
by the strike, and hundreds of workers laid off by
firms dependent on hotel business, such as laun-
dries, beauty shops, linen services and meat pack-
Ding dong, Brittanica
The Federal Trade Commission ordered Ency-
clopedia Brittanica Friday to require its sales-
persons to display 3x5 inch cards stating that they
are trying to sell encyclopedias. FCC commission-
ers unanimously agreed that Brittanica "has used
deceptive acts in recruiting sales personnel, in
gaining entry to the consumer's home, in selling

its encyclopedias." The company issued a state-
ment from its Chicago headquarters terming the
FTC ruling "discriminatory" and the business card
requirement "ridiculius." They will appeal the
ruling to the U. S. Court of Appeals.
On the inside...
Sunday Magazine features an article by
Stephen Hersh on the Life and Death Commit-
tee at 'U' Hospital, and a story by Jeff Ristine
outlining the recombinant DNA controversy . . .
and Sports Page has the fine points of yesterday's
basketball victory in Philadelphia.

Faces Indiana tomorrow
night in NCAA finals

Special To The Daily
lightning - quick Michigan
basketball team raced past
an outmatched R u t g e r s
squad, 86-70, yesterday in
Philadelphia's Spectrum to
move into an all-Big Ten
championship final against
conference kingpin Indiana.
They came via complete-
ly different routes, but the
Wolverines and the Hoosiers
will meet for third time
this year tomorrow night,
with Michigan hoping to
avenge their two previous
losses to the nation's top-
ranked team.
BIG TEN champion Indiana,
ranked number one in the na-
tion the entire season and fea-
turing two first-team All-Ame-
ricans in Scott May and Kent
Benson r e a c h e d the finals
through physical strength. Yes-
terday, the Hoosiers (31-0) used
that power to muscle past de-
fending champion UCLA, 65-5I,
and earn the right to meet
Michigan in the final.
The Wolverines' quickness left
previously undefeated Rutgers
lagging behind. Michigan beat
the Scarlet Knights with an ex-
cellent defensive performance
and a whippet-quick offense.
Rutgers had recorded 31
straight victories by blazing
past its opponents with a dyna-

mic fast break. But yesterday,
the Wolverines strangled the
Scarlet Knight running game,
refusing to yield a single basket
on the fast break.
"I'VE NEVER seen a team
get back on defense as well as
we did today," said Michigan
guard Steve Grote. "I don't
think therevareany teamsdthat
could have beaten us today, and
that's because of our defense."
Wayman Britt handcuffed Rut-
gers All-American Phil Sellers,
limiting him to 11 points. While

Michigan was piling up a 17-
point lead in the first half, Sel-
lers, who averages 20 points
per game, only managed three
points. Britt's sticky defense
frustrated Sellers and affected
his shot.
The 6-5 forward could only hit
on one of seven shots in the
first half, three times missing
the rim completely. On several
occasions Sellers rifled off some
heated words in Britt's direcT
See SOME, Page 10

Ford designs panel
to investigate bribes
LA CROSSE, Wis. (UPI) - President Ford announced last
night he is creating a cabinet-level commission to investigate all
domestic and international implications of bribes paid by U. S.
corporations to promote foreign sales.
Ford told a campaign audience Commerce Secretary Elliot
L. Richardson will head the panel. "America must compete if we
are going to sell American products abroad," Ford said, but "we
have to compete fairly and within the law."
FORD GAVE NO details of the commission's makeup or
authority but said it was needed as a result of revelations that
dozens of major American corporations gave millions of dollars
to officials of other countries to secure foreign contracts.
"I have a firm personal conviction that we can't tolerate any
businesses from the United States who are violating our own

AP Photo
Rickey Green (24), Michigan's unanimous All-Big Ten guard, scoots past Rutgers' backcourt
ace Ed Jordan (30) in a typical scene from Michigan's fast-paced 86-70 NCAA semifinal win over
the previously unbeaten Scarlet Knights. Michigan, 25-6, ran through Rutgers into Monday
night's championship clash with arch-rival Big Ten champion Indiana.




The political fortunes of the Socialist Human Rights Party
(SHRP) have travelled steadily downhill since the 1972 spring
elections which gave the leftist party two City Council seats.
The party managed to retain one of those seats in the 1974
municipal elections, but now even that position is insecure, since
Democrats and Republicans alike will vie for the spot against
weak SHRP opposition on April 5.
THE SIGNS of the party's decline have become very visible.
The SHRP office had to be sacrificed in January for lack of rent
money. The party's local mailing list is clown to 90 addresses.
Arid SHRP "mass" meetings simply aren't attracting the crowds
they drew in years past.
"Our mass meetings are quite small now compared to what
they used to be," admitted party spokesman Phil Carroll. "We
couldn't mobilize as many people to go out on a GEO (Graduate
Employes Organization) picket this year as we could last year."
Most SHRP members recognize that student activism in
particular seems to have subdued lately. But they deny that
this phenomenon is part of a national trend toward conservatism
or a backlash from the rebellious sixties.
ACCORDING TO Carroll, the end of the Vietnam war sig-
ts in a name
for 'Udormitories
By SHARON SAKADA male faculty m e m b e r s has
Quick - what comes to your forced the women name selec-
mind when you hear these tion criteria to be broadened to
names: M ar k l e y, Couzens, include past alumni and out-
Stockwell, Lloyd, Bursley, Mo- standing students. ,
sher and Jordan? To most folks UP ON THE Hill, Mosher
around here, this list would con- Jordan Hall is named for the
jure up the sight of ivy covered first two Deans of Women: Dr.
walls, cinderblock interiors, stu- Eliza Mosher and Mrs. Myra
dy lounges, blaring stereos and Jordan. Couzens Hall, a stone's
questionable cuisine. throw from the Hospital and a
But many don't know that past behomoth for nursing stu-
these dormitory names once be- dents, took its name from Mich-
longed to some of the more dis- igan Senator James Couzens, a
tinguished members in the Uni- strong supporter of the school's
versity community. nursing program.
AND THE University has been Stockwell and Markley, two
very particular in choosing dis- other Hill dorms, are named
tinguished names for its dorms. for east students. The Stockwell
"Association with the academic student was the first woman
program is fundamental to the enrolled at the University, and
naming of houses," explained Mary Markley met a tragic
Associate Housing Director Pe- death on the Huron River, but
ter Ostafin. w-s honored anyway.
According to Ostafin, this as- The sprawling, recently built
sociation is important to the B',rslev Hall on North Campus
education of students, and since tikes its name from Joseph

naled problems for the SHRP, since this issue provided the focus
for campus radicalism.
"The whole trend started in 1974. The Vietnam war ended
in 1973, and new people came into town without ever seeing the
anti-war movement," Carroll explained.
Without an issue as spectacular as the war to unite them,
SHRP members began to go their separate ways.
"THE GENERAL trend in Ann Arbor in the last two years
has been toward a lessening of political activism and the tendency
of radicals to gather in smaller groups to discuss single issues,"
Carroll observed.
But Diane Kohn, a candidate for fellow party member Kathy
Kozachenko's Second Ward Council seat, blames the SHRP itself
for turning off potential supporters.
Although claiming to be uninterested in "eulogizing the
SHRP," Kohn criticizes some of her compatriots for ignoring the
bulwark of the party-student support.
"ONE OF THE things that has hurt us is that some of the
people most focal in the party have been disdainful of student
support," said Kohn.
"They are more interested in speaking to the unemployed,
because Marx says that revolution will come from the working
class and the poor," she added.
SHRP regulars have stopped canvassing the dorms and hold-
ing dorm raps in order to spend more time at the local Michigan
Employment Security Commission (MESC), counseling the jobless.
BUT THE party is finding out that "working people are just
not into SHRP politics," according to Kohn. The unemployed hear
See SHRP, Page 2

laws" or which are failing to "live
in which they dobusiness."
FORD SAID the commission
would investigate the entire
problem because "it's got to
be solved."
Earlier in the day, in Califor-
nia, Ford told a Republican
fund-raising luncheon he was
basing his presidential cam-
paign on the issues of rising
prosperity, peace, and his
White House experience.
"I will not lead the American
people down the road to need-
less danger and senseless de-
struction," he said in defense of
his policy of "peace through
"I HAVE taken affirmative
action to insure that America's
alliances are strong, or com-
mitments are worthwhile and
our defenses are without equal
in the world," Ford said. "And
let me assure you-they are."
R o n a 1 d Reagan said yes-
terday the networks are refus-
ing to sell him time for a nation-
wide television address he hopes
to deliver in a few days.
The former California gov-
ernor said he still intends to
make the TV address but he
will try to put together a "good
network of independent stations"
to carry the address.
A spokesman for CBS said,
"CBS did not refuse to sell time I
to Ronald Reagan. Any further ;
questions should be directed to
Mr. Reagan or his committee."

up to the laws of the countries
The strike between United
Auto Workers (UAW) Locals
1975 and 1976 and Eastern Mich-
igan University (EMU) ended
yesterday after 25 days.
The members of the two lo-
cals, representing clerical, tech-
nical, administrative and pro-
fessional workers, will return to
work tomorrow following rati-
fication of a contract presented
by the university on Friday.
IN THE two previous meet-
ings since the strike began, the
state mediator broke off nego-
tiations after failure to reach a
Vice President for University
Relations Gary Hawks said that
no information was yet avail-
able on details of the contract
which was approved following
See EMU, Page 2

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