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February 25, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-25

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Arts & Entertainm ent Wednesday, February 25, 1976 Page Five


Playing the "dummy
BRIDGE: o 'You, too, can make accurat
North play is to pretend North is the Although it may seem a bit
* A J S 3 declarer. After winning the club premature, Academy Award /
V Q 10 9 return, play a spade to the ace { fever is starting to build. With
f A 7 2 and ruff a spade with the ace the announcement of the nomi-
4 8 5 2 of trumps. Then lead a trump nees last week, speculation has r
West East to dummy and ruff another already arisen concerning the
A K 9 7 A 10 8 6 4 spade, this time with the king. perennial Tinseltown classic.
V 5 4 2 V 8 3 Another small trump to dummy But second guessing the vot-
* 10 8 f J 9 6 5 is followed by a final spade ing patterns of the Academy.
4 J 10 9 6 4 4 A 7 ruff. The North hand is re-en- requires a working knowledge
South tered with the diamond ace and of their past performance, as
the last trump pulled. All that one must remember this is bas-
4A J 7 6 required is a 3-2 break in ically the same group that slid
f K J 7 6 trumps, and in the event of a' John Wayne's eyepatch sand Art
* K O 3 4-1 trump break, the diamond Carney's cat through in the past
South West North East break can be relied upon be- years.
1? pass 14 pass cause declarer will discover the So in order to "predict" the
2* pass 311 pass bad break intime. The total ;winners, I have devised a svs-1
4NT pass 5V pass chance of success of this line tem of handicapping each film
6r all pass is about 78 per cent. with points, according to the
Academy mentality. And, of
Opening lead: J of clubs There is another line of play course, the film with the most
that is inferior to the dummy "Oscar honor points" wins. It's
HE TRADITIONAL plan of a reversal, but interesting none- easy - anybody can play, in- Major Academy Award contenders: Director Federico Fellini (left), actor George tns (cen-
declarer in a suit contract theless. After winning the club cluding members of the Acad- ter), and actress Glenda Jackson (right). u
s to ruff any losers from his return, cash two high trumps, m
and in dumm before however, r f a spade high. Leadce atrup Best Picture: Tinseltown with George Burns won best actress for A Touch of Brad Dourif - first major'
eclarer has problems that can- to dumm and ruff another Al Dog Day Afternoon - stars a lot lately (+2); is a lovable Class (-1); no one has heard film role (-1); possibly the
got be solved in this manner. In sade, bringing about this pos- IAl Pacino (+1); based on a slob (+1); net: +2. anything about her recently (- most sympathetic character in
hat case he must reorient his tpono true-life event that was in all Maximilian Schell - no one 1); net: -2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
prepare to ruff ' the papers (+1); Kathleen Car- in the Academy saw The Man Ann-Margret - was in Tom- Nest (+1); was in One Flew
inking and losers in his own North roll gave it four stars (+1); the in the Glass Booth (-1); no one my (-1); was terrible in Tom- Over the Cuckoo's Nest (+1);
and. This is called a dummy A J main character is a homosex- in the Academy knows who my (+1); received a nomina- shows his derriere (-1); net:
'eversal v - ual (-3). Net: zero. Maximilian Schell is (-1); net: tion for Carnal Knowledge and: zero.
+ A 7 2 Barry Lyndon - Kubrick's -2. didn't win (+i1); Mike Nichols Burgess Meredith - has been
Let us examine the alterna- 4 8 first film since A Clockwork James Whitmore - Give 'Em is now a nobody (-1); fell off around a while (+1); hasn't
ive lines of play declarer has East West Orange (+2); cover story in! Hell, Harry is a one-man play a platform during her act in been around as long as George
t his disposal after East wins 4 Q A - Time magazine (+1); length 3 on film, literally (-1); strong Las Vegas and has since made Burns (-1); plays an aging
he first club and returns a sec- V - V - hours, 4 minutes (-1); net: +2. public sentiment for Harry Tru- a remarkable comeback (+1); Vaudevilliean actor (+1); was
nd one. The simplest line is * J 9 6 5 + 10 8 Jaws - largest grossing film man (+1); Whitmore starred net: +i. in an Otto Preminger film (-
o pull trumps and bank every- 4 - 4 10 9 6 in history (+3); finely crafted in The Harrad Experiment (- Carol Kane - has a plain 1); shows his derriere in an
hing on a 3-3 division of the South by Steven Spielberg (+1): Spiel- 1); net: -1. face (-1); members of the Otto Preminger film (-1); net:
dverse diamonds. This has a' - berg didn't get a best director Al Pacino - lost best sup- Academy don't frequent movies -1. -
6 per cent chance of success., - nomination (-1); no actors porting actor for Godfather I like Hester Street (-1); has Jack Warden - was excel-
K Q 4 3 from the film received nomi- (+1); lost best actor for Ser- a name very similar to lent as the father in The Ap-
THE FOURTH DIAMOND 4 Q nations (-1); cover story on pico (+1); lost best actor for Citizen Kane (+1); net: -1. prenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
i declarer's hand poses a; Time magazine (+1); net: +3. Godfather II (+1); has public- Louise Fletcher - was in'(+1); gave an excellent per-
icky problem. Three rounds When you cash your last Nashville - directed by Ro- ly stated he would accept the One Flew Over the Cuckoo's formance in Shampoo (+1);
the suit must be played be- club, East is squeezed. Any bert Altman (-10); in color award if he won (+1); plays a Nest (+ 1); played Big Nurse in has been around the industry a
re it can be ruffed in dummy, discard he makes will give you (+1); net: -9. homosexual (-1); net: +3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's long time (+1); hasn't been
d if all three rounds go the rest of the tricks. This re- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Jack Nicholson - lost best Nest (+ 1; has the cold, icy around as long as George Burns
rough, the ruff is not neces- quires, however, either a 3-3 Nest - stars Jack Nicholson supporting actor for Easy Rider stare down pat (+1); was rela- (-1); net: +2.
ry. Therefore, a slight im- diamond break, or the hand (+1); based on an enormously (+1); lost best actor for Five tively unknown until now (-1); Chris Sarandon - no one can
ovement on the above line is with the long diamonds to have popular noved (+1); swept the Easy Pieces (+1); lost best ac net: +2. figure out what role he played!
play two rounds of trumps, the only spade guard, plus the Golden Globe awards (+1); pro- tor for The last Detail (+1); Isabelle Adjani - appeared in in Dog Day Afternoon (-5);
nd then attempt to ruff a dia- bonus chance of dropping the ducer is Kirk Douglas' son lost best actor for Chinatown a film that has garnered rave net: -5.
fond, hoping that the defender K Q of spades doubleton or (+2); net: +5. WINNER. to Art Carney (+2); is the best reviews that 99 per cent of the George Burns - old (+1);
hort in diamonds has at most tripleton. S t i l l, this only , BEST ACTOR: actor in the field (-1); net: Academy hasn't seen (+3). knew Jack 'Benny (+1); has
io trumps. This works about amounts to about 55 per cent Walter Matthau - won pre- +4. WINNER. WINNER. been hanging around Tinsel-
per cent of the time. and the hand should be played viously for The Fortune Cookie BEST ACTRESS: B E S T SUPPORTING AC- town with that lovable slob Wal-
But by far the best line of as a dummy reversal. :(-1); has been hanging around Glenda Jackson - recently TOR: ter Matthau a lot lately (+1);
x-FCC Indian Senator Swami chides FREDIC MARCH as 1932
ad blG -d f otDR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE
,a I G a dh for ore.ssiv e tactics This classic chiller features a dazzling array of
p p film techniques. Also starring Miriam Hopkins,
(Continued from Page 1) cerely censored newspapers, "indifferent" attitude of the U.S. Cinematography by Karl Strauss
(Continued from Page 1) present situation would lead one Swami cited one instance where' "AMERICANS have kept a
(ole, but also an the way in- to believe that there is no na- a newspaper ran a large head- low profile, and maybe it's a ( NGMAR BERGMANS 1955
,u als o othewy tional emergency in India, but I line reading, "People ask Prime lack of self-confidence in for-
id perceive themselves rather Indira Gandhi's owni Minister to Step Down," with
sid.sprev hesle eo eign affairs after Vietnam,
d emergency in attempting to ex- small clarifying headline below Swami suggested. "One might D A MS
"Often a person's sense of 'tend her tenure in office " he reading "In Portugal." regard the American tone as a)
lf-identity stems from an ef- said. ECONOMICALLY speaking new kind of racism-democracy Two w t two different kinds of dreams
rt to meet the standards set "Gandhi has spoken of a deep, the former Harvard professor is alright for European nations about how to achieve happiness journey to-
advertisers. Every commer- dark secret conspiracy to un- maintained that big business and and America but poor countries gether into the sobering suburbs of reality.
al advertises a way of life, an seat the government led by the the upper class had profited as like India need an authoritarian C BOTH SHOWS OLD ARCH.
eology or theology. The actual, opposition," he continued. "If a result of the National Emer- government." CINEM $UILD AU
"oduct being shown is just in- this is so, why doesn't she bringhE gey FOR $2.00 AUD.
n~gency at the expense of theI Swami had equally sharp,'
dental. What you're really be- these leaders before the public individual tentrepreneur and words for what he feels has
sold is an attitude toward and explain the charges against lower classes. been a sore lack of American
mercialism." them?" "In the last eight months," press coverage of recent events
ohnson warned that television THE FORMER Nobel prize- said Swami, "more small busi- in India. "Lots is happening, but . .
uld not be controlled solely winner in economics also charg- nesses have closed dow bsn it is not reported because what
commercial interests. :ed Gandhi with a lack of popu- in the last ten years. The gov- we (the opposition) have done: TONIGHT: Wed., Feb. 25th
'ar support. If Gandhi has the ernment has granted all the has been peaceful," he said. , Feb. 25th
'BROA CASTIN should not i confidence of the people, why licenses and permits to big busi- "Perhaps if we turned India A BLOOD AND GUTS EXTRAVAGANZA!
1 notehnso e did she feel it necessary to post- ns. t oekn fLbnnwt
ge corporations. The air-I on lcin?" he ase." h ess." i to some kind of Le etson with BLU WA TER,~ W ITE DEAT
ges re natural res pone elections?" he asked. Why Regarding the American re- gunfights in the streets and on DL U E W AT E , H EEA
d should be available to;. does she arrest people under no sponse to the Indian crisis, the rooftops, CBS and NBC would 1 1 D A TH
d soul beavalabe t chrge? Why does she put people jexiled senator struck out at the park their TV cameras there. (Peter Gimbel, 197 1) AUD. A-7 ol
eryone, he said. in jail with no trial or explana- ._.------ _- ---- - A documentary made years before JAWS, and lust as
He sees public broadcasting tion?'' frightening, if not more so. A group of scientists and

I ocean enthusiasts set sail in search f the Great Whire
a possible alternative to com- According to Swaml, an es- Shark. Along tw
Shar. Aong he ay hey nconterman ofthe beau-
ercial television. Listener-sup- timated 140,000 have been jailed a tiful and dangerous sights in the alien world under the
rted, cable, and pay televi- since the declaration of the sea. The film ends with ten minutes of the most exciting,
n may be other alternatives 'National Emergency. He noted UUWU~U heart-stopping footage ever recorded, when a man trapped
the problem, he suggested. that the popular belief in the l NAKED & in a shark caae becomes the prey of the elusive Great
White, a gigantic shark with the power to shred the cage
eferring to studies attempt- U.S. was that the majority of: U. like paper-mache. You get the ringside seat as the whole
to show a correlation be- those jailed were opposing poli-I scene is shot by the man in the cage.
een television violence and ticians. The TeXas Choinsow M assacre
-gressive behavior, Johnson "BUT dissenting members of
id much of the damage done Gand-hi's own party have been 4(Tube Hooper, 1974) AUD. A-9 only
television is independent of imprisoned as well as many stu- Marilyn Burns, Gunnar Hansen as "Leatherface." Makes
actual programming. The dents, professors and lawyers," WT PSYCHO look like a nursery rhyme and THE EXCORIST
r posture and bad dietary said Swami. "Many of the law- X) look like a comedy. "It is a horror film to end them all!"
exercise habits that accom- y --Rex Reed. Who will survive and what will be left of
ercshbtsttacm-yers were imprisoned while - n ns]te
y excessive viewing are trying to protect the habeas BRING YOUR PUKE-BAG!
ugh to cause physical harm," corpus rights of those already sHOWTIMRIS: MON.-SAT. 7:00 & 9:00 A U D. A- A NG E L L HALL
said. jailed' SUNDAY j:0.-7:00-9:00
illegally uCommentn on the "oppres- $1.25 SINGLE SHOW $2.00 DOUBLE FEATURE
OHNSON urged citizens to Comnig nte"prs
ress dissatisfaction with the sive censorship" of the Indian
dia by voicing their objec- media, Swami said that not only
at a station's license re- newspapers, but scholarly books, 761-9700
val hearing. Every three cartoons, magazines and even E YI760M E -- d
a a television station is re- music sheets have been subject Mr------- ----- --- . s A.M. T10 .S. s M LSts, NOON TIL V3 Pm
red by the FCC to apply for to censorship as well. .M TUDEAT. DI.C NT.(ExU. . SaL . Ee .C
ewal of its license to broad- Remarking on the "guerilla, University of Michigan
-t. I warfare" practiced by the se PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM the the
S------ -- -- - presents °.{ , ;, J i y ,

e Oscar picks

Fred Astaire lost in this cate-
gory last year for an equally
weak performance (+1); net:
Ronee Blakley - is in a Rob-
ert Altman film (-1); Nash-
ville is her first major film role
(-1); net: -2.
Lee Grant - was mediocre in
Shampoo (+1); played Port-
noy's mother in the ill-fated
film (-1); numerous Route 66,
appearances (+I); net: +1.
Sylvia Miles - dumped a
plate of hors d'oeuvres on John:!
Simon's head at a New York :
party (+10); hangs around
wvith Andy Warhol (-11); net:
Brenda Vaccaro - didn't
play a whore in Midnight Cow-;
boy (+1); does Polaroid com-
mercials (-1); Lord Lawrence

Stanley Kubrick - directed
his first film since A Clockwork
Orange (+1); got favorable re-
views from the Christian Sci-
ence Monitor (+1); has never
won the best director award de-
spite numerous nominations
(+1); thinks he's "hot snot"
(-2); net: +1.
Robert Altman - directed a
Robert Altman film (-10) ;
net: -10.
Milos Forman - directed a
film starring Jack Nicholson
.(+1I); directed a film based on
an enormously popular novel
(+1); won the Golden Globe
award for best director (+1);
rubs elbows with Michael
Douglas (+1); net: +5. WIN-
James Valk is The Daily 's
fiir critic.
SALT AKE CITY (:') -- Can
TV comm ercials tell tickets to
ballet performances?
Ballet West here, with a $25,-
000 gift from the National En-
downment for the Arts, is try-
ing to find out. The company
has undertaken a $55,000 pro-
jectwhich will result in profes-
sionally produced commercials
to be broadcast on the three
Salt Lake City commercial tele-
vision stations.

Olivier does Polaroid com-'
mercials (+ ); went with Mi-
chael Douglas, producer of,'
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
Nest (+1) and son of Kirk!
Douglas (+ 1); lived in sin with
Michael Douglas (-1); stars in
Jacqueline Susann's Once Is,
Not Enough (-1); net: +1.
Lily Tomlin - is in a Rob-!
ert Altman film (-1); was one
of the few sympathetic charac-
ters in Nashville (+1); won the
New York Critic's Award for
best supporting actress (+2);
net: +2. WINNER.
Federico Fellini - foreign di-
rector who made a foreign film
(-5); net: -5.
Sidney Lumet - directed'
Murder on the Orient Express
(+1); is often confused with
Sidney Pollack (+1); directed:
a film who's main character is
a homosexual (-1); net: +1.


FRI., FEB. 27 & SAT.,
FEB. 28-8:00 P.M.
Frieze Bldg.
(Washinaton & State St.)

The Spinners
Friday, March 12
8 p.m.-Bowen Fieldhouse
$6.50 reserved-$5.50 general admission
Tickets on sale at McKenny Union
Also at Mr. Music at Briarwood, Huckleberrv Party Store,
Richardson's Pharmacy, Where House Records, Hudson's.
No smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed
in Fieldhouse




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