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February 25, 1976 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-02-25

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ty miga tj?
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48104

Wednesday, February 25, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan



IT IS EASY TO GET the impression
that there are just two schools of
thought on the recent recombinant DNA
controversy. Both schools are in substan-
tial agreement on much of the issue, the
debate centering on which aspects of this
research should receive greater consid-
eration in the decision making process.
This piece was prepared by members
of the recombinant DNA study group,
Ann Arbor Science for the People.
Agreement seems to be on three
grounds. First, recombinant DNA re-
search has great potential for positive
contributions to the solution of important
practical problems. The most often cited
practical applications are in the fields
of medicine and agriculture. Second,
there are potential hazards, at least with
certain classes of experiments. Third,
there are important, political-social-ethi-
cal questions which must be dealt with.
(An additional point of agreement seems
to be a willingness to pay only lip ser-
vice to the third aspect).
tween these two schools is the degree to
which the benefits might outweigh the
potential hazards. One school feels that
the hazards are minimal with proper
containment while the potential benefits
are great. The other school agrees that
the potential benefits are great, but ar-
gues that the hazards are incompletely
understood and may be substantial
enough to outweigh the costs. No one
seems to contend the assertion that the
potential benefits to society are great.
Most frequently such benefits are postu-
lated in the fields of medicine and agri-
In the face of such important practi-
cal applications the question of the po-
tential hazards may seem small. Indeed
much of the proposed research is less
dangerous than some currently practiced

with no safety guidelines at all, while
physical and biological containment pro-
vide very low probability of substantial
danger even for the most potentially
hazardous experiments. In the face of
such facts can we afford not to do this
research? But some contend that all of
the potential hazards have not been
clearly defined, and in fact may be
great. Somewhere along the line the
social-political-ethical questions get lost,
or at least are given woefully inade-
quate consideration. We feel that both
groups are skirting the most important
issue. There is a fundamental flaw in
the method of analysis.
fits to agricultural science. Fortunately,
we are here benefitted with a similar
situation which provides the powerful
analytical techniques of hindsight. The
green revolution, at its inception, was
hailed as a savior of humanity. Miracle
crops provided almost unlimited hope
for freeing humanity from the pangs
of hunger. What has been the realiza-
tion of those promises? To what ex-
tent did the postulated benefits actually
come into being? Most ecologists and
agricultural scientists are in substantial
agreement as to what the green revolu-
tion actually did.
It made peasant farmers dependent
on the producers of chemical pesticides
and artificial fertilizers. It made them
dependent on outside sources for seed
and machinery. As a consequence of this
increased dependence, they were forced
to sell their land to large agribusinesses,
creating a rural proletariat where none
existed before. This accelerated the
growth and concentration of agribusiness
to the extent that the rate of concentra-
tion in agribusiness is perhaps the high-
est in the history of capitalism.
What, then, has been the realization
of the promises of the green revolu-
tion? Indeed the benefits have been
great, depending on who you want to
benefit. The owners of agribusiness are
benefitting quite nicely from the green

Jay drana
revolition. The now landless peasants
are not doing quite as well as they
were before. In fact, the green revolu-
tion has led to more hunger, not less.
CAN ONE TRULY dissociate the ques-
tion of potential benefits from politics?
Clearly some interests would like us to
try. But is it possible? When we speak
of the benefits of recombinant DNA re-
search in agriculture or medicine, can
we seriously approach such a question
without asking to whom should these so
called benefits accrue, and to what ex-
tent will our political system allow the
realization of that direction? It is either
naivete or charlatanism which suggests
that we can even begin talking about
benefits without including politics as an

ly as the potential hazards have been.
If the potential benefits are negligible
and the hazards great, the research
should not be done. We presume most
would agree.
But if those proposing that all or
most forms of recombinant DNA re-
search be pursued at the present time
use the argument that the benefits out-
weigh the hazards, and they agree that
when the potential hazards outweigh the
potential benefits the research should
not be pursued, thtn it becomes im-
portant to ask what is meant by a
potential benefit. Clearly such a ques-
tion is as much a question of politics
as it is a question of science.
Given the current political organiza-
tion of the United States, we would


given the current political organization of
the United States, it is unlikely that any so.
called benefits of recombinant DNA research
will benefit anyone but the elite of our land.'
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integral part of the consideration.
Are the large pharmaceutical corpora-
tions to benefit from the results of
recombinant DNA research, and if so
do we really wish to consider that a
benefit? Will recombinant DNA research
provide technology for the further con-
centration and profiteering of agri-
business, and if so do we really wish
to consider that a benefit? Or should
we insist that a benefit is a benefit
only if its access is made available
to all people?
IF, IN FACT, the justification for
doing recombinant DNA research is that
its potential benefits to humanity are
greater than its potential hazards, the
-methods of determining the potential
benefits must be examined just as close-

argue that it is unlikely that any so-
called benefits of recombinant DNA re-
search will benefit anyone except the
elite of our land (of course this is not
unique to recombinant DNA research);
that the plight of the poor, unable to
obtain adequate medical care, turned in-
to urban wage slaves by agribusiness,
will remain the same or worsen.
binant DNA research will not be realized
due to the structure of existing socio-
political systems. But our opinion should
be weighed no more heavily than oth-
ers. The community must decide, and
the community cannot decide unless it
is informed. Continually ignoring the
necessary political analysis only restricts
the options of the community.

Going on Schorr leave

Teeth cleaned, nutrition info explained

suspend Daniel Schorr from his
duties as a Washington correspon-
dent is fair. Due to the congressional
investigation of Schorr's role in the
release of a copy of the House Intelli-
gence Committee's report on vari-
ous CIA activities to the Village
Voice, Schorr can not presently func-
tion as a disinterested reporter. His
suspension until the controversy sub-
sides is necessary.
But Schorr's actions in leaking the
document were laudable. He was ap-
parently motivated by a desire to let
the public know about some improp-
er government activities. The Village
Voice's payment for the use of the
document did not go to Schorr, but
to the Reporters' Committee for
Freedom of the Press.
Leaks of this sort serve as an im-
portant check on the government's
abuse of secrecy.
singer, in his criticism of Schorr,
has claimed that the release of the
News: Mitch Dunitz, Charlotte Heeg,
Andy Lilly, Ann Marie Lipinski, Tim
Schick, Bill Turque
Editorial Page: Michael Beckman,
Stephen Hersh, Tom Stevens
Arts Page: David Blomquist
Photo Technician: Scott Ecker

documents had damaged the na-
tional dignity.
All that the release of the report
has done is to increase the public's
awareness of United States foreign
policy. The report blames Kissinger
for the deaths of thousands of Ira-
quis and for being too secretive in
handling possible Soviet violations of
the SALT agreement. Most import-
antly it criticizes the CIA for provok-
ing Soviet military aggression in An-
Leaks of this type should be en-
couraged because they can only help
to supply the public with valuable
knowledge concerning what's really
going on in government operations.
Editorial positions represent
consensus of the Daily staff.

QUESTION: Is there any
place that a student can go for
inexpensive dental care? Can I
come to Health Service for
ANSWER: Unfortunately, due
to an administrative reorganiza-
tion, i.e., our dentist left, the
services offered by the Health
Service Dental Clinic have been
temporarily suspended. You can,
however, arrange for treatment
of dental emergencies between
8 a.m. and 5 p.m. by calling
the University of Michigan Den-
tal School at 764-1516. For
treatment of dental emergen-
cies after 5 p.m. and before
8 a.m. call the Health Service
Emergency Clinic at 764-8347.
Non-emergency dental care can
be arranged through the Univer-
sity of Michigan Dental School.
However, because of their at-
tractive, substantially reduced
fees, you may find that you
have to wait for an appoint-
ment. Also, as most treatment
at the Dental School is by den-
tal students, and is carefully
supervised to maintain their
high quality, your treatment
here will probably take a some-
what longer time than it might
take elsewhere. Most students,
(as well as others using this
facility), seem to feel that the
low prices and high quality
more than compensate for this
extra time and wait.
QUESTION: Is there any place
at Health Service where I can
go just to get generalkinforma-
tion on nutrition? I know my
eating habits are terrible and
I'd like to know what I can
do to improve them.
ANSWER: Yes indeed. We are
happy to inform you that our
Nutrition Clinic here at Health
Service has set up a nutrition
education program for just this
purpose. The program, which
began this month, includes par-

ticipation in a group educational
session as well as up to four
follow-up consultation sessions.
The focus of the sessions is on
general nutrition, but in addi-
tion, assistance is provided to
individuals with special dietary
interests or problems such as
minor weight reduction or meat-
less diets. (For example, we
will help persons wishing to
lose weight to plan a nutrition-
ally balanced restricted diet ap-
propriate to their needs and
life styles). A new group will
begin every other Monday and
the next one is scheduled for
March 1st. Participation in the
program involves a minimal fee
which covers the cost of the
initialand follow-up sessions as
well as a packet of resource
materials. If you are interested
in an appointment to attend
these sessions, or would just like
further information, you can
call our Nutrition Clinic at 763-
QUESTION: Is there any evi-
dence that a particular type of
spermicide - foam, cream or
jelly - is more effective when
used alone or with a condom?
ANSWER: Vaginal spermi-
cides, when inserted into the
vagina before sexual inter-
course, prevent pregnancy by
blocking the cervix so that
sperm can't enter the uterus
and by killing sperm within the
vagina. Although statistics vary
regarding their effectiveness,
they are generally considered to
be around 80% effective; effec-
tiveness increases to about 99%
when they are used in conjunc-
tion with the condom. All three
are available in our Health Ser-
vice pharmacy and can be pur-
chased without a physician's
There is some debate regard-
ing the comparative effective-
ness of these three types of
spermicides - foams, creams
and jellies - when they are
used alone or with a condom.
Many people consider the foam

to be the most effective as it
seems to spread more easily
through the vagina. Others sug-
gest, however, that spermicidal
cream is at least as effective
as the foam because although
it doesn't spread as easily, it
isn't absorbed as readily. You
can probably take your pick
of these two types based on
which you find most aesthetical-
ly pleasing. Jelly does seem to

be the least effective when used
alone as it tends to congeal and
not spread very easily, and may
miss the cervix entirely.
It is important to note that
all of these comparisons change
when spermicides are used in
conjunction with the diaphragm.
The diaphragm can be used with
either cream or jelly (not foam)
and as it serves to hold the
spermicide in place up against

the cervix, spreadability is not
an ,issue. Here, creams and jel-
lies are equally effective and
the only real consideration is
your own personal preference.
Send any health concerns to.
U-M Health Service
207 Fletcher
Anb Arbor, MI 48109

Local police
[HE MOST INCREDIBLE part of last
( Wednesday's debate between President
I Fleming and The Coalition to Stop CIA/NSA
Recruitment was not that Kevin Stiers, as
spokesperson for the coalition, clearly "won"
the debate, or that the audience was so sup-
portive. That could have been anticipated.
What I had not anticipated, even in my wildest
feelings of gargantuan paranoia, were two
Ann Arbor policemen taking clandestine pho-
tographs through two small glass windows
off to the side of the audience.
As Mr. Stiers spoke of covert and illegal
actions taken by the CIA and emphasized the
moral and political implications of these ac-
tivities, Officer Cornell and another "tin-
named" officer were busy clicking ways with
their hidden camera. I had choosen what I
had thought was a good seat to see the de-
bate, but it turned out to be a great seat to
be seen by the watchful eyes of the Ann Arbor
IT WASN'T UNTIL half-way through the
debate that someone standing by the doors cas-
ually glanced through the windows and no-
ticed the camera. First, paper was put up to
cover the windows, which was then torn down
by a maintenance man. Then a few outraged
members of the coalition called it to the at-
tention of the audience. The hulking figure
of the maintenece man was enough of a de-
terrent to stop most people from entering
the doors. The debate proceeded. Finally,
about ten people, including Marcy Fink,

as criminals
armed with her instatmatic, barged through
the doors and photographed the officers. Both
officers had their faces and the one holding
the camera covered it with his hands.
The officers then exited down the back steps
when Brett Eynon grabbed one of the officers
by his arm and demanded to see his badge
number. It was clearly visible: number 93. I
have since called the Ann Arbor police to find
out that the badge belongs to Officer Cornell.
Then the officers left.
I'VE COME TO accept small amounts of
harrassment for being outspoken against the
CIA. I've learned to handle the continuous and
anonymous phone calls as pretty much low-
level "intelligence" work. Those who have
disrupted our group's activities are often fear-
ed to be agent provocateurs, but are ignored
ratherthan taken seriously. But when I sat
there Wednesday night to once again show
my support against illegal and immoral ac-
tivities, I really hadn't expected such activi-
ties to be taking place simultaneously.
The debate was a University sponsored ac-
tivity. It was not an underground meeting of a
terrorist group making molatov cocktails. I
can't imagine why anyone would want to take
covert shots of ME or anyone else in our coa-
lition . . . except that simply we stand up for
what we believe it. That is our only sin. When
it comes to legalities, in this case it is clear-
ly the Ann Arbor police who are criminal.
Colleen Chauvin is a member of the Coali-
tion to Stop CIA/NSA Recruitment.
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Editorial Staff



JEFF RISTINE................,Managing Editor
TIM SCHICK .................. Executive Editor
STEPHEN HERSH ............ Editorial Director
JEFF SORENSEN. ... . ............... Arts Editor
CHERYL PILATE .. Magazine Editor

I 41



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To The Daily:




To The Daily:

REGARDING your editorial
on the Deanship Search which
appeared in the February 21
edition, you raise the question
of the likelihood that the previ-
ous year's candidate's creden-
tials had slipped to such an
extent that she allegedly did
not appear on the alleged final
list of 10. Did it occur to you
that perhaps the former Com-

ideology or the desire to make
a grandstand play, may have
acted with poor judgment which
they later realized? A large
majority of the faculty, many
of whom are familiar with both
candidates, answer all the above
in a positive way. Are they all
dupes? Having served on sev-
eral search committees in re-
cent years, it is my strong im-
pression that a few vocal and
ideologically committed mem-
bers can unduly distort the fair

THE DAILY of Wed., Jan. 18
carried a story on the GEO af-
filiation vote in which I was
quoted as saying that affiliation
would undermine local autono-
my. I would like to correct this
serious misrepresentation of my
position. I said that some mem-
bers oppose affiliation for that
reason, among others, but I do
not hold that opinion myself.
A group of GEO members, of

The negotiating group obtain-
ed written statements of GEO's
right to determine our own po-
litical stands, bargaining de-
mands and strike policy. In ad-
dition the Federation guarantees
that they do not have the power
possessed by some international
unions, that of replacing the of-
ficers of a local or taking over
its treasury. It is my opinion
that these guarantees constitute
a secure base from which to

GEO structions we took a strong
stand on them.

ganization, would like to ex-
press our unanimous support
for the Tenants Union rent
strikes against Trony Associ-
ates and Reliable Realty. Only
by organizing tenants against
landlords can an impact be
made on the housing crisis in
Ann Arbor. This crisis is con-
tributed to by the university,
in that they do not provide
enough housing for their stu-
dents, and continue to raise

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