See Editorial Page
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 20, 1976
Vol. LXXXVi, No. 121
10 Cents
Eight Pages
Trouble in fairyland
Contrary to earlier published reports, Bob Mat-
thews, a member of the Michigan Student Assem-
bly (MSA) constitutional convention, will not turn
over recall petitions to new Central Student Judici-
ary (CSJ) members, once they are seated. Mat-
thews has been circulating petitions calling for
the removal of 16 MSA members for their part
in unseating 10 CSJ officials, who have chosen
to ignore the removal action anyway. The judici-
ary will continue to convene meetings. In re-
sponse, one MSA member reportedly, plans to call
the police and have the CSJ arrested for tres-
passing if they try to conduct their hearings.
Sickle cell cure
Metal zinc may be a cure for sickle cell anemia,
a disease which afflicts one in every 400 black
Americans with crippling pain. Experiments here
and at Wayne State University show that a treat-
ment of six zinc pills a day, costing about $1,
decreases the number of abnormally-shaped red
blood cells and lessens pain. The pain is caused
by the sickle-shaped red blood cells jamming up
in the small capillaries of muscles, kidneys and
other organs.
Spy v. spy
Wednesday night's debate on CIA and NSA
activities on campus drew more than just in-
terested tudents. Two uniformed policemen and
one plainclothes detective were present at the
debate. One of the officers, according to some
observers, wore what appeared to be a micro-
phone. The police department refused to com-
ment on their activities.
Privacy rights
Sen. Basil Brown (D-Highland Park) is pro-
posing an amendment to the State Constitution
that would give individuals a right to privacy
identical to existing rights to liberty and property.
"It would seem obvious that the right to privacy
is at least as important as ownership of prop-
erty and liberty," he said. Brown points to re
cent technological advances, facilitating electronic
eavesdropping, as a major threat to privacy.
Happenings.. ..
run the gamut today. From 2-5 Gail Press-
burg is holding a workshop on "Assertiveness
Training for Nonviolent Social Change," Tm. 126
East Quad ... at 7 Tyagi Ji, a spiritual, teacher
will conduct a meditation session at the Friends
Meeting House, 1420 Hill ... at 7:30 the U.S.-
China Peoples Friendship Association will hold a
film festival at the Public Library at 343 S. Fifth
... at 8 Kim Bishop will give a recital featuring
the works of Durufle, Messiaen and J.S. Bach
in the University Reform Church.
Window shopping
A St. Louis dating service is advancing the
latest development for getting blind dates-video
tapes. Clients pay a $50 membership fee and make
a video tape of themselves. In exchange, they get
to view the more than 100 tapes the service has
on file. Both parties must approve before a date
is arranged. The project's director, Connie Maj-
kut, says "It's like window shopping. You can
see it ... but you don't have to buy it"
Loaded question
The House Judiciary Committee killed a bill
Wednesday that would have banned the manufac-
ture, sale, resale and importation of "Saturday
night specials." Prior to the 17-14 vote, Martin
Russo (D-Ill.) pulled several small-barrel revol-
vers from his belt and inside pocket of his suit
jacket, which he said he had been carrying around
all day to demonstrate their concealability. Maybe
if they had been loaded Russo could have won
more votes.
On the inside...
... Edit page offers a PNS story on the Black
Panthers suing the FBI ... Andrew Zurman of the
Arts page reviews "Purlie" ... on the Sports page
John Niemeyer previews today's hockey game
with Wisconsin.
pro t:
poten flu
Researchers in the department of Aerospace Engineering are
currently working on a project, involving the explosion of fuel
clouds, which could lead to development of a new type of military
The four-year-old project, however, may violate regental regu-
lations which prohibit research "any specific purpose of which
is to destroy human life or incapacitate human beings."
SCIENTISTS INVOLVED in the study describe two basic po-
tential applications of the research: its use in developing an ex-
plosive weapon and its- use in setting up safety guidelines in the
employment of combustible materials.
The project, entitled "Fundamental Aspects of Unconfined
Explosions," is being carried out under contract with the United
States Air Force Armament Laboratory.
"The Air Force is of course going to be interested in the
weaponry aspects of it," said Professor of Aerospace Engineering
J. Arthur Nicholls, one of the scientists directing the research.
NICHOLLS EMPHASIZED that the Air Force would also be
interested in the safety aspects of the study. "The ground blasts
we are studying," he said, "are the same kind that you would
get in the accidental spillage of natural gas."
Professor Martin Sichel, another principal figure in the re-
search, agreed that the Air Force might apply the study to the
creation of an explosive weapon.
"The work we're doing can be used for that," he explained
last night. "I think it is being studied for both reasons."
A 1973 laboratory report on the research was presented Tues-
day night by LSA senior Robert Miller at a debate on the issue of
Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency recruit-
ing on campus. University President Robben Fleming was a par-
ticipant in the debate.
THE REPORT IS not labeled as classified, but because the
researchers had access to classified documents in carrying out
their study, the project has been reviewed by a University classi7
fied research committee. The committee is charged with judging
whether projects violate Regental Policy on Classified Research.
Provision 3 of the Policy declares: "The University will not
enter into or renew any agreement or contract, or accept any
grant, the clearly foreseeable and probable result of which, or
any specific purpose of which is to destroy human life or incapaci-
tate human beings."
LSA senior Elham Elahi, a member of the Classified Research
Review Committee, said last night that when the committee re-
viewed the project, it was told the research would not lead to the
development of a weapon.
"They specifically ruled out destruction," he said.
See 'U', Page 2
for dorm
de layed
The deadline for signing fall
dormitory leases has been
pushed back a week to March
5 because the lease forms are
arriving late from a Pennsyl-
vania printing firm.
University Housing Director
John Feldkamp said yesterday
that the postponement of the
final signing date "gives an-
other week for people to make
up their minds." .;.-
HOWEVER, West Quad Build- -
ing Director Leon West assert-
ed that the delay will not have{
any appreciable effect" on the
prospective dorm dwellers.
West indicated that only 15
of 340 people have cancelled
their applications. West be-
lieves that fence-sitters decid-
ing whether or not to live in a
dorm will wait until the dead-
line, regardless-of when it is.
Markley Building Director Le-
roy Williams, who also over-
sees the Stockwell operation,
has 'a couple of cancellations"
in each building.
ACCORDING to Williams, peo-
ple in the two buildings have Two 1976
See 'U', Page 2 ors in a
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Ford's veto of a $6.1 billion
public works jobs bill was upheld yesterday when the
Senate failed to muster the two-thirds margin needed to
The vote in the Senate was 63 to 35 to override, three
short of the necessary margin.
THE SENATE VOTED less than three hours after the House
supported overriding the veto by a 319-98 margin, 41 votes more
than the necessary two-thirds.
The failure of the Senate to override was a victory for the
President, whose lobbyists had been pessimistic about chances of
sustaining a veto.
Ford picked up nine Repub-
lican votes while losing two
Democrats, compared to the
vote when the bill originally
passed the Senate last July 29.
WHITE H O U S E lobbyists
never held out much hope of
blocking an override in the
House which passed the bill by
a 4 to 1 margin.
They concentrated their ef-
forts on the Senate where the
vote had been closer although
still more than a two-thirds.
The Democratic congressional
leadership contended the meas-
ure would create up to 800,000
public works jobs.
IN HIS veto message last Fri-
day, Ford disputed that claim.
"The truth is that this bill
would do little to create jobs
for the unemployed," the Presi-
dent said.
"Moreover, this bill has so
many deficiencies and undesir-
able provisions that it would do
more harm than good," he add-
ed. "While it is represented as
the solution to our unemploy-
ment problems, in fact, it is
little more than an election
year pork barrel."
FORD ALSO contended that
See FORD, Page 8
GEO jo ins
By a majority vote of 58 per
cent, the Graduate Employees'
Organization (GEO) has ap-
proved, affiliation with the
Michigan Federation of Teach-
ers ' American Federation of
Teachers (MFT/AFT), a pow-
erful teachers' union coalition.
Last night's final tabulation
of a four - day balloting proce-
dure showed that of GEO's
2000 - person membership, 487
graduate employees voted - 266
in favor of affiliation, 195 in op-
position, and 26 in abstention.
tive committee member, said
last night, "We have been
working really hard to get this
through - publicizing issues,
holding departmental meetings,
and presenting the pros and
cons of the issue."
According to Art Schwartz,
See GEO, Page 2
AP Photo
Betsy Ross revisited?
versions of Betsy Ross stitch the Japanese and U.S. standards to win top hon-
recent USAF competition.
5% HIKE:
City I
Rental rates for apartments
near campus will increase
about five per cent next fall,
according to estimates from
city landlords.
Ann Arbor Tenants Union
(TU) spokesman Robert Miller
charges that the rent increases
are based on the recent nine
per cent hike in dorm rates.
ALTHOUGH "no systematic
research has been done," Mil-
ler says, "the figures we have
indicate that off-campus in-
creases reflect dorm in-
lousing rent to
City landlords, however, cite
increasing expenses as the
source .of the rental increases.
"Taxes have gone up and
utilities have jumped 20 or 30
per cent in the past few years,"
says Karen Fraccaro, a spokes-
woman for the Maize and Blue
rental agency.
AT MAIZE and Blue, "some
(rents) went up and some
stayed the same," according to
Fraccaro. The increases "would
probably be around the five
per cent range," she adds.
She said "I don't think dorm
rates would affect us too much
because we usually have our
rates set before the Univer-
sity -- by the middle of Janu-
Miller disagrees, saying "last
year when the dorm rates did
not go up, the increases off-
campus were moderate. This
year the rents we have seen
have gone up 10 per cent."
Feldkamp sees no correlation
between on- and off - campus
housing costs, although "ev-
ery time the University rates
go up the landlords will use it
as an excuse" to raise rents,
he says.
"We estimated the increases
off-campus last year at about
15 per cent," he says, "While
we didn't go up at all." He
adds: "many people say resi-
dence halls are still a bar-
Joe Hargett of Reaume and
Dodds says the parade of peo-
ple through their office "has
been rather steady. I didn't no-
tice any dramatic increase as
a result of the lottery."
MILLER believes the rent
jimp "highlights the necessity
to organize all tenants and
demonstrates that it's time to
'curb your landlord,"' a group
s~hg an.
At Post Realty, Claude Baeh-
ling predicts his company will
have a rate hike "somewhere
between five and seven per
cent, Pretty much across the
Baebhling savs his biildinus
fill "months before anybody
School of siness
honors GM official
General Motors Coro. Chairman of the Board Thomas Murphy
received the Business School's prestigious 1976 Business Leader-
ship Award yesterday and took the opportunity to defend cor-
porate enterprise.
Murphy, also Chief Executive Officer at GM, asked some 300
enthusiastic- aspiring business executives, "What is to be done to