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January 28, 1976 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-01-28

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Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Cleaver returns

to cold greeting

Wednesday, January 28, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Dismantle the CIA

IN 1973-74, the nation went through
a long period of investigating
and slowly uncovering the Watergate
scandal. For weeks we were saturat-
ed by the remarkable sight of our
topmost leaders spending their after-
noons telling Senators and TV audi-
ences of corruption of, by and' for
the White House.
It seemed to go on forever before
any large-scale action was taken to
rid the government what John Dean
aptly termed "a cancer," but finally,
after many months, we achieved the
limited justice of kicking Richard
Nixon and his henchmen from power.
More than 60 other government and
business officials were convicted on
Watergate charges, and a new cam-
paign finance law passed.
The law was a shaky attempt with
its share of loopholes, and the big-
gest crook was pardoned before he
could even be arraigned. Nonetheless,
Watergate gave us much-needed pre-
cedent. The preventive medicine for
corruption-prone institutions is ruth-
less reform, and the cure for high-
level crime is good old-fashioned
Now we can put that precedent to
use, and improve on it. For a year,
the Senate and House Intelligence
Committees have battered away at
the Central Intelligence Agency's in-
credible record of illegal activities
and officially - approved corruption.
We have learned of plots that bog-
gle the mind more thoroughly than
the tales of Donald Segretti and Gor-
don Liddy.
could be the fatal one. The CIA
has become an organization of vast,
ill-controlled resource; from what
we know, we can see that its main
goals include harassment of inter-
nal "national security" threats and
manipulation of other countrys' af-
fairs. And there may be no limit to
what we don't know about this tight-
lipped monster.
The CIA must be disbanded. Con-
gress must complete its examination
of the Agency and the numerous
other "intelligence community"
members, and take whatever time is
necessary to right a strict new char-
ter of intelligence goals and guide-
lines. The rules must be neither
vague nor flexible, and they must
have teeth: interference in other
nations' affairs, plots to kill foreign
leaders, aid persecution of domestic
News: Elaine Fletcher, Ann Marie
Lipinski, Cheryl Pilate, Tim Schick,
Bill Turque
Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Dan
Biddle, Stephen Hersh, Tom Stevens
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

dissidents must become


The function of intelligence gath-
ering should be taken over by a new
staff of government employes. Any
kind of shake-up of the CIA's ranks
short of clearing out the old staff
completely would be unsatisfactory
because the standard operating pro-
cedures are probably so ingrained in
the members of "the Company" that
force of habit would keep those pro-
cedures alive.
Two publications, apparently in at-
tempts to weaken the CIA, have re-
cently revealed the names of some
CIA agents. The publications are
Paris's Liberation magazine, and
Counter-Spy, the magazine of the
anti-espionage group Fifth Estate.
v' agents is not the most effective
way to strike blows against the CIA.
It may be a self-defeating tactic be-
cause it could bring about public
sympathy for the agency. Ford and
other public officials have cried
"Secrecy!" at the revelations, com-
plaining that an undercover group
cannot operate when its cover is
The exposed agents were under
what is called "shallow cover" -
their identities were no secret to
anyone with the least knowledge of
CIA. And the KGB, the governments
of the countries where the agents
were stationed, and any number of
others have this knowledge.
So the chances that the agents will
be assassinated by some sinister
force serious about destroying the
CIA were not significantly increased
by the revelations.
Although the tactic of exposing
agents may not be effective, its ap-
parent goal - to stop the CIA - is
worthy. The company should be dis-
Pbotographv Staif
Chief Photographer Picture Editor
Editorial Staff
DAVID BTOMQTIIST........ ....... Arts Eitor
BARBARA CORNELL .. sundae Maasinne Editor
PAUL HASKINS ............,Editorial idreetr
SARA RIMER.........Executive editor
STEPHEN SF.I ST...........Cty ditr
JEFF SORENSON. .Managing Editor
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
MARCIA MERKER .. Executive Editor
LEBA HERTZ ... Managing Editor
JEFF SCHILLER ......."."" Associate Editor
Liebster, Ray O'Hara, Michael Wilson
NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, Tom Cameron,
Tom Duranceau. Andy Glazer. Kathy Henne-
ghan Ed Lange, Rich Lerner, Scott Lewis Bill

(EDITOR'S NOTE: After fleeing the
country in December 1968 while facing
prison on charges of parole violation,
Eldridge Cleaver returned to the U.S.
in November 1975. He now awaits trial
in jail on six counts stemming from an
April 6, 1968 shootout between members
of the Black Panther Party and Oakland,
Cal., police and on the parole violation
charge. He cannot be released, even on
ball, until the parole matter is settled.
His next court date is February 10.)
OAKLAND, Cal. (PNS)-"I'm in the
position of a ghost coming back,
and a lot of people wish I'd just go
away," former Black Panther Party
Minister of Information Eldridge Cleav-
er said here in his first interview since
returning from exile in Paris to face
trial in the U.S.
"A lot of people have turned their
backs on me because of political posi-
tions I've taken," Cleaver said. "They
say I'm a traitor; I say that's bull-
Cleaver was interviewed twice by
telephone from a holding cell in - the
Alameda County jail in Oakland, where
he awaits trial on three counts of as-
sault to commit murder and three
counts of assault with a deadly weapon.
Kathleen Cleaver, wife of the 40-year-
old former presidential candidate and
author of Soul On Ice, said in a sepa-
rate interview here that "A lot of peo-
ple came to the conclusion when they
saw Eldridge come back that he made
some kind of a deal (with police au-
thorities). They just automatically as-
sumed that. No one seemed to be able
to understand that maybe somebody
really wants to come back so bad that
he'll stand trial."
susnicions, plus resentment toward his
1971 split with the Black Panther Party
and the conservative elements in his
present politics, have hindered his ef-
forts to raise support andrfunds for
his defense.
The Cleavers have been unable to hire
a topnotch attorney because none have
volunteered their services, and the Cleav-
ers cannot afford their asking price.
Black Panther Party lawyer Charles
Garry, accbrding to Kathleen Cleaver,
told her he would provide back-up help
in the case but is too tied up in a
lengthy prison trial in nearby Marin
County to serve as Cleaver's chief de-
fense counsel.
"I didn't think it would be this bad,'
Cleaver said. "I thought if I came back
people would listen to me. But it's like
they're hiding from a ghost.

ELldridge Cleaver

"I struggle not to feel down. But
when I think that I'm here in Oakland
very near a lot of people I used to
be close to then I don't know, man,
it's not a good feeling. I'm in the hands
of the opposition and my friends don't
give a damn. It's sad." But he added:
"I don't feel bitterness.
WHY DID CLEAVER decide to come
back to a country where he faced a
possible prison sentence of 75 years?
"I always wanted to come back. It
seemed from Paris that the situation
had changed and that I could have my
day in court without the hysterical
climate that was here in 1968.
"The Nixon regime was exposed and
discredited and Ronald Reagan was .no
longer governor. Governor Brown, who
took over, is a progressive person,
whereas Ronald Reagan is a repressive
person. Alsothere are many black peo-
ple who have won elective office in this
country. And the change has been for
the better."
Kathleen Cleaver stressed the nega-
tive aspects of life in exile. The Cleavers
lived in Cuba, Algeria and France, and.
visited China, North Vietnam and North
Korea. "The things thnt he did anticipate
finding," she said, "he never found -
support for the struggle in which he was
involved in the United States.
"Exile is an endless process," she
continued. "It's not a progressive life
to be in exile - to be isolated, to be

separated, to be always unable to be
really yourself ... The people that you're
around are not people that are part of
your own culture. Everything is twisted
around. It's a process that will wear you
out and wear you down.".
the repressive atmosphere 'in the U.S.
in 1968 that caused her husband to flee.
"He felt it was an alternative to going
into San Quentin and getting his head
blown off,""she said. "Considering the
case of the San Quentin Six and what
happened to George Jackson, I don't
see how anyone could fail to under-
stand why he didn't want to go' to
San Quentin."
Recent congressional revelations of
FBI harassment of the Black Panther
Party will be central to Eldridge Cleav-
er's defense. "Now everybody knows
that the things they were calling us
paranoid for in 1968 are true ... One
of the potentials of my case is that it
will allow these abuses to be more
thoroughly investigated," he said.
Cleaver now describes himself as
"conservative in some respects ... I've
found some values in American society
I want to see conserved. I think Ameri-
ca is a beautiful country, but I'm not
abandoning my desire for change in,
tions here. That doesn't mean we have

perfect institutions, but it does have
to be taken into account in your ap-
proach to change."
Reflecting back to the decade in which
he was A major political figure, Cleaver
said, "I look upon the movement of
the '60s as a success. We conquered
the minds of the American people. But
I see a failure to consolidate those
This consolidation should occur, he
said, through the electoral process and
patriotic action. "I'm ready to stand
up in public and sing the Star Spangled
Banner," he said.
"Movements that have been success-
ful have not been alienated from the
people of their countries. They're patri-
otic: They do it in the name of their
"But in the '60s we came across
as an alien fifth' column that was
manipulated from abroad. We need to
break away from that image and con-
tinue embracing our original goals while
reembracing our patriotism.
military. "We have to recognize it (a
strong military) is necessary and de-
cide how we want it conducted. A
world in which the American military
has ceased to exist is a world in which
the United States is ground underfoot
The problem (is) the kind of orders
they're taking."
While waiting for his trial to begin,
Cleaver is trying to get his parole viola-
tion charges dropped so that he can be
released on bail. Cleaver served almost
11 years as an inmate and parolee on
a 14-year sentence before fleeing the
country, and claims that California state
law dictates he has served enough time
to drop the remaining three-year parole
requirement. .
Ifreleased and ultimately acquitted,
Cleaver says he will devote his time
to writing (he has a manuscript cover-
ing the last 10 years of his life), pol-
tics and clothes designing. His design
for a pair of erotic pants called "Cleav-
ers" has been well publicized. "This is
one of the best ideas I've ever 'had,"
he said. "It's the first concrete advance
in clothing during my lifetime. It would
open up the relationships between men
and women,"
AND HE BELIEVES he will be ac-
quitted. "I'm confident that I'll receive
a fair trial. I'm not saying a perfect
trial, but a fair trial.
"I .will have my day in court and
I will be vindicated."
Ray Riegert is a freelance
magazine writer and a staff
writer for the Berkeley Barb.

Stalking the wild Herpes Simplex 'H

Question: An article recently
appeared in the Chicago Tribune
concerning a form of Herpes
called Herpes Simplex II. If
possible could you describe this
form in detail, its causes, in
what ways it can be contracted,
is there any relief, etc? This
disease was equated with VD
as a possible cause of birth de-
fects and cervical cancer! Is
there any truth to this?
Answer: Not that we want to
be pushy, but we'd like to rec-
ommend that you watch care-
fully for our column in the Daily
every Wednesday. On Novem-
ber 13th we gave some of the
basic facts about Herpes I (the
variety- of virus that occurs
above the waist in the form of
cold sores and fever blisters)
and Herpes II (which occurs
below the waist and is thought
to be transmitted sexually).
However, since Herpes II
(known as genital herpes) seems
to be very much on the rise
these days, we'll be pleased to

expand on this topic.
Both types'of herpes viruses
are typical of all viruses in that
they live in the cells of the body
probably for all of a person's
life and simply erupt every so
often for such diverse reasons
as fever, colds, emotional upset,
fatigue, sunburn, etc. With spe-
cific reference to Herpes II,
after an unknown incubation
period following sexual inter-
course, one or more groups of
small and painful bumps or
blisters appear on the sex or-
gans or anus. The blisters soon
rupture to form soft, extreme-
ly painful open sores on a red-
dish base. After 4 to 5 days,
the sores become less painful
and begin to heal by themselves.
They are usually , completely
healed by the end of 10 to 20
days and leave little if any
scarring. The problem, however,
is that even after the sores are
totally gone, the virus continues
to be shed for about 10 to 14
days and so it is recommended
that sexual intercourse be avoid-
ed during that period as well.
There are a number of com-

plications associated with Herp-
es II. Some people undergo re-
curring bouts with this virus
where' the sores reappear 'one
or several times and the 10 to
20 day healing process has to
occur again. Since this reacti-
vation is more likely to occur
when the body is weakened, it
is thought that the best de-
fense against recurrenceis to
maintain oneself in a state of
good health by sufficient good
food, rest and exercise. Another
complication is the possibility
that infection by this herpes vi-
rus makes a woman slightly
more susceptible to cervical
cancer. Fortunately cervical
cancer can be detected at an
early stage by the simple Pap
test. If detected early, it has a
100 per cent cure rate. A new-
born infant may become infect-
ed during birth with Herpes II
while passing through its moth-
er's infected cervix or vagina.
It is also possible that some
infants become infected while
still in the uterus. Premaiure
babies are particularly suscepti-
ble to such infections. The re-
sults of herpes infection of the

newborn are extremely vari-
able; in some cases the child
-recovers completely, while in
others, it develops a severe
brain infection which is .rapidly
fatal. The incidence of such in-
fection is not known, but it has
been suggested that many still-
births and miscarriages are ac-
tually the result of herpes in-
Unfortunately there is no anti-
biotic available yet which can
kill the virus. Experiments have
been conducted with various
chemicals, dyes and radiation
but results have been inconsis-
tent. At present, the only treat-
ment is a pain killer to reduce
discomfort, trying to keep the-
body healthy and just checking
the sore tissues for any possi-
ble secondary bacterial infec-
tion. If the latter occurs it
should be treated with an anti-
biotic by a doctor. Women who
have genital herpes and who
have regular sexual intercourse
with a man who develops it
must have a Pap test for cervi-
cal cancer every six months.

Question: I like honey and in
fact I eat some every day. I've
seen it recommended as an aid
in curing sore throats, colds
and other things. 'Can you tell
me how good it is for me?
Answer: At this point in our
history, everyone is so fed up
with refined foods that anything
made by any creature other
than humans takes on magical
qualities. However, honey is not
a medicine. It is a food. It is
a mixture of two common sug-
ars, glucose and fructose. It also
contains a small amount of su-
crose or table sugar. A table-
spoon of honey has 65 calories,
a trace of protein, and a few
other ingredients. It is 25%
sweeter than sucrose. The cura-
tive value of honey has not
been established.
Send any health related
concerns to:
Health Educators
U-M Health Service
207 Fletcher
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Al4 MSW \M4O

To The Daily:
THE CIVIL WAR in Lebanon,
which is now hopefully coming'
to an end, is yet another illus-
tration of a recurring process.
This process is Arab intoler-
ance of minorities. With the
Syrian-trained forces of the
Palestine "Liberation" Army
present in control of the major-
ity of Lebanon's territory, I
think it an appropriate time to
review the historical implica-
tions of the present situation.
When speaking of Arab intol-
erance one must be careful to
differentiate between Moslem
Arabs and non-Moslem Arabs.
It is the former which I will
concern myself with here. His-
torica1lv the Tlamic faith has

to bring to light an ongoing his-
torical pattern which is having
an enormous impact today in
of Arab intolerance can be
found in their mistreatment of
the Kurdish people.
In Iraq, the Kurds, who com-
prise approximately 25 per cent
of the population, have been
fighting for their independence
since 1961. In reply to this
movement, the Iraqi govern-
ment has waged a genocidal
war against them, utilizing so-
phisticated weaponry supplied
by the Soviet Union against the
poorly equipped Kurds. Many
accords were reached between
the Iraqi government and the
Kurds, but they were never



Muslims from Northern Sudan.
It is estimated that 500,000
Southerners have been slaugh-
tered by the Muslim Arabs.
large Jewish communities in
Arab Lands is another illus-
tration of intolerance. At the
end of World War II there were
125,000 Jews in Iraq, 75,000 in
Egypt, 54,000 in Yemen, 45,000
in Syria, etc. Since 1948 each of
these communities has been
subject to persecution by their
respective governments. This
tragic situation led to a fleeing
en masse to Israel, where more
than 600,000 of these refugees
have found sanctuary.
However, not all who wished
to leave were allowed to go. In
Syria today, for example, there


"guards" the Jewish enclave
are common occurrences. These
unfortunate individluals find
themselves as hostages of the
Syrian regime in its political
battle with Israel.
in Lebanon today is another
example of Arab intolerance of
minorities This situation has
much in common with the
above examples. The Lebanese
civil war is often described as
a political war. In reality, it is
not quite so simple. Underlying
the war is a religious power
struggle with the Muslims at-
ttemuting to achieve suprem-
acy by force. Since 1943, Leba-
non has maintained a political
balance between the Christians
and Muslims, the two princinal
concerns in the country. Leba-

facto separation into two states,
with the Muslims controlling a-
clear majority of the territory.
This situation, where the Mus-
lim faction has the upper hand,
was brought about by the influx
'of foreign Arab troops, such as
the Syrian - trained P.L.A. Be-
'fore the entry of thousands
of these soldiers via Syria, the
war was, in many respects, a
a stand - off. Lebanon, the only
"secular democratic state" in
the Arab world has been de-
stroyed. It is obvious that the
civil war in Lebanon has not
been an isolated incident, but
rather a fragment of the con-
tinuum of Arab intolerance, a
continuim which is now threat-
ening the very existence of
Christians in Lebanon.
Gil Grant

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