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January 22, 1976 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-22

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Page Eight \


Thursday, January 22, 1976


Senators call for panel
to watch spy agencies

Blood test may spot
clot risks with Pill

chairman of the Senate Intelli-
gence Committee, Frank
Church, and Senate Majority
Leader Mike Mansfield called
yesterday for the creation of a
permanent Senate panel to sup-
ervise the activities of all U.S.
intelligence agencies.
Testifying at the opening hear-
ing on ways to reform intelli-
gence-gathering operations, the
Senators said the proposed com-
mittee should have the power to
block what the Senate might
deem to be ill-advised U.S. spy
operations abroad.
THE HEARINGS, being con-
ducted by the Senate govern-
ment operations committee, got
underway following an investi-
gation into a long series of
abuses by the CIA and other in-
telligence-gathering agencies.
The proposal is almost certain,
to provoke an open confronta-
tion between Congress and the
White House, which has con-
tended that the proposed com-
mittee, with its unusual powers,
would usurp the President's con-
stitutional prerogatives in the
conduct of foreign policy.
The White House is also said
to be upset by another contro-
versialpproposalaadvanced by
Church requiring that the CIA
notify the Senate in advance of
planned covert operations.
REFLECTING the W h i t e
House views, Senator John Tow-
er of Texas, the senior Republi-
can on the Intelligence Commit-
tee, testified in opposition to the
creation of a permanent over-
sight commaftee, contending it
was premature and a simplistic

solution to a complicated prob-
Other points in Church's pro-
posal, expected to be formally
introduced in the Senate later
this week, included:
. -Membership of the proposed
committee be limited to nine
members with the membership
being rotated, giving every Sen-
ator a turn and avoiding the
dangers of developing too close
a relationship between the com-
mittee and U.S. intelligence;
-The imposition of stiff pen-
alties, including censure or ex-
pulsion from office, for Sen-
ators disclosing sensitive infor-
mation about secret U.S. opera-
The-Senate Intelligence Com-

mittee has issued two interim
reports and will issue a "final
report when its investigation is
completed by the end of next
In its earlier reports, the
panel documented such abuses
as CIA plots to assassinate for-
eign leaders and the agency's
covert operations aimed at top-
pling the government of Chile's
first Marxist President, Salva-
dor Allende.
THE HOUSE of Representa-
tives Intelligence Committee,
Which is conducting a parallel
inquiry, is holding a series of
closed door meetings to act on
a draft report of abuses by U.S.
intelligence agencies.

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - -A sim-
ple blood test now appears pos-
sible that would identify women
who may develop dangerous
blood clots while taking the con-
traceptive "pill," a research
scientist said yesterday.
For women thus identified,
the drug heparin - a so-called
blood thinning agent - could.
then be used for protection
against clots that may form
during surgery or after injury.
THE TEST might also relieve
the worry of millions of wo-
men by showing that they are
not in particular danger of
forming clots when taking the
oral contraceptive containing
estrogen, the female sex hor-
About 12 million American
women take such pills and ex-
perts say relatively few risk
formation of clots because of it.
The first steps toward such
a potential test were described
to an American Heart Associa-
tion science writers' forum by

estrogen effects the reaction
time to bring greater chance
that factor Xa could' induce.
clots in the legs, heart or brain.
ONLY A ,very small percent-
age of women taking the pill
ever get into trouble with blood
clots, Dr. Wessler said. Their
tendency to form clots is in-
creased if they undergo surgery
or suffer injury.
Small doses of heparin en-
hance the ability of antithrom-
bin-3 to neutralize factor Xa. It
thus can be given before sur-
gery or might be given 'in the
event of accidental injury.
Dr. Wessler stressed that
other laboratories would have
to confirm the findings before
the blood test or treatment with
henarin would be accepted.
He is associate dean of-ยข the
New York University postgrad-
uate medical school. His asso-
ciates in the research are San-
ford Gitel, Ph.D.; Livia S. Wan,
M.D., and Bernard S. Paster-
nack, Ph.D.

_ _ _ v ,

SGC dismantled,
replaced by MS/i

(continued from rage 1)
when it would go into effect,"
she said.
Goodman also noted that
David Schaper, a former SGC
official who representedrFree-
man at the hearing before CSJ,
has been charged with alleged-
ly embezzling some $33,000 in
SGC funds.
"There is no government
now, and all actions of the gov-
ernment are now halted," Good-
man said. "It's going to be so
destructive and really hard to
get the plan on its feet in a
positive fashion."

SHE asserted that it will now
take "another two weeks to a
month" to implement the plan.
The chief justice of the CSJ,.
Robert Diehl, complained that
the plan "should have been im-
plemented with all deliberate
speed" and'-that "it wasn't pro-
per for them to wait until Ap-
"CSJ didn't disband SGC, the
students did," Diehl said.
GOODMAN contended that
"everything we've done since
November is technically void,"
but Diehl said that SGC was
functioning constitutionally un-
til yesterday.
Freeman noted that MSA is
merely "a restructuring of SGC
and a name change." He said
that "in terms of what student
government does, there is no
change - but in how it does it,
there is a change."
For MSA to take effect, all
17 college governments must
be notified to select a repre-
sentative. That is expected to
take place today and MSA's
first meeting will be held to-
night in the old SGC offices
at the Union.

AP Photo
Miro mania
A Parisian pauses to ponder two ten-foot sculptures by Spanish abstract artist Juan Miro
which are quarter-size models planned to decorate a public plaza in the Paris business district.
Dems criticize Ford budget;
wantAmore for unemployed
By AP and Reuter HE SAID the key to prosper- levels," he said. He did not spell
WASHINGTON-Congressional ity is to put people back to work out how this might be accom-
Democrats last night attacked and said Ford intends to veto plished.
President Ford's $394.2 billion a jobs program pending in Con- Muskie avoided a direct at-
budget as "penny wise and gress which is designed to pro- ! tack on the $100.1 billion Defense
pound foolish" and called for vide short-term public works Department budget, the only
more action to reduce unem- and financial assistance to com- sector to show a significant in-
ployment. munities with high unemploy- crease, but criticized weapons
The attack was made on be- ment rates. costs that went above estimates.
half of the Democrats by Sen- Muskie said that plan, sup- Inept and often panicky man-
ator Edmund Muskie in a tele- ported by many Democrats, agement of the economy had'
vision a d d r e s s replying to would create 300,000 jobs this started with the first Nixon ad-
Ford's State of the Union mes- year alone. Thosp should be in ministration, Muskie said, add-
sage on Monday night. addition to jobs Congress could ing: "What this nation needs at
create in private industry "by this time is leadership that will
THE MAINE Senator heads additional tax cuts without in- not jump froft one economic
the Senate Budget Committee, creasing p r e s e n t spending panic button to another."
which is to set government ___
spending priorities as Congress
sees them.
Senator Muskie charged that F o rdh
the administration's budget un-
veiled earlier yesterday offered
no new jobs for the nation's un-
employed-now 8.3 per cent of indefenseaspendin
the labor force-but in fact cut


How blood clots form is an
intricate process involving
many elements in the blood.
One of those elements or fac-0
tors is antithrombin-3, which in-
hibits the action of factor Xa, apj
key in the final formation of
The test would show whether (Continued from Page 1)
Teeth h r THE student - faculty boa


The Rudolf Steiner I


Dr. Stanford Wessler of New
York University School of Medi- pn
cmne.pa e
THE BLOOD test would iden-
tify women in whom the estro-
gen pill interfered with defense ( O
mechanismssagainst formation
of' blood clots.

want to

recommendation will be for-
warded to Vice President for
Research Charles Overberger.
"I think it was 'an appropri-
ate vote and I am very pleas-
ed," Senior said last night.
Senior added that the pro-
posal will now be submitted to
the U. S. Air Force for con-
sideration. If the projectris ac-
cepted, it would cost about
$80,000 and take a year to com-





by DR. L. HEIRMAN, N. Ill. U.
FRIDAY, January 23 at 8 p.m.
by C. VAN HOUTEN, Emerson College--England
SUNDAY, January 25 at 3:30 p.m.
Admission each lecture $3-students $2



back an existing emergency job
"The President's budget is de-
signed to keep unemployment
over seven per cent and more
for aonther year and to keep
seven million American unem-
ployed at this time a year from
now," Muskie said.
MUSKIE included no specific
detailed proposals in his speech,
nor did he give dollar figures
to show how much his general
proposals would cost.
His response to President
Ford's Monday night State of
the Union address was televised
by all three networks, unpre-
cedented coverage for such a
In his prepared text, he said
most economists believe that if
Ford's policies are followed, un-
employment "will not fall below
seven per cent in this decade."
-- -~-~-~

(Continued from Page 1) taxes in 1977 by $227 for a
Ford hinted for the first time family of four making $15,000
he no longer would insist on the a year-compared with 1974 tax
$395-billion 1977 spending ceil- rates - the increase in Social
ing he demanded previously as Security taxes would take back
a trade-off for permanent reduc- $45 of that. The Social Security
tion in income taxes, although increase would amount to $119
he made clear he prefers that for families with incomes over
ceiling. $16,500.

COMMITTEE Chaifmran Law-
rence Brockway of the Chem-
istry Department refused to
(Continued from Page 1) discuss the group's action until
meeting last month by just one the results are made public
vote. through official channels.
"It's not going to cost any- But other members of the
body anything. We have a grant board confirmed the vote.
from the Michigan Art Guild The proposal in question out-
which will cover the cost of the lined the development of a ra-
project," protested the pin's dar antenna to be used to lo-
creator, Mike Ryan, a senior at cate objects in space. It dif-
Huron High. fered from present systems in
About 20 students staged a that it would be easier to con-
march supporting the pinhead's ceal.
erection, in front of the county

Referring to "uncertainties"
in the economic outlook thati
could change spending needs,
Ford said, "There has to be
some flexilibity. . . . We'll have
to wait and see how economic
conditions develop in coming
BUT HE SAID his budget
should put the economy on a
growth path that can be sus-
tained, even though unemploy-
ment will remain high for the
next several years.
While Ford said his tax reduc-'
tion proposals would cut income

The increase, amounting to
an additional three-tenths of one
per cent of a worker's gross
income, would take effect on
Jan. 1, 1977. Some increase
would occur anyway in 1977,
but Ford said the additional
hike is needed to ensure ade-
quate funds for Social Security
"This budget does not shrink
from hard choices where neces-
sary," Ford said. "If we don't
get a handle now on the growth
of federal spending, we're going
to be in serious difficulties in
years ahead."

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building yesterday afternoon.I
RYAN FIRST dreamed up the
project in a sculpture class last
spring. The huge pin is de-
signed to stand with its head'
up on a fifteen degree angle
and the point buried in a base
shaped like a map of Michigan.
"I was playing with a little
straight pin," said Ryan, "And
I said, 'how about enlarging
this?' We thought of maybe
putting it in school, or giving it
to the city for something in con-
nection with the bicentennial."
However the county event-
ually became the somewhat re-
luctant reciprocants of Ryan's
"ALL WE'RE asking fromj
them is 10 square feet," added
But 10 square feet is a lot to
ask "from the county Board of
Commissioners, the students
are finding. In order for the
pin plan to become a reality,
it must first be approved by
four different committees.
Tom Bowker, an art teacher
at Huron High School said,
"The Ann Arbor Art Associa-
tion and the University Art
School have both endorsed the
"Darvis and Associates (ar-
chitecture firm) did a struc-
tural analysis of it and they
said the project was perfectly
feasible," he added.
STUDENTS in the. sculpture
and drafting department at
Huron worked together on the
pin design last spring. However,
the pin itself has not yet been
made. Only a model has been
"We'll have it done profes-
sionally if we get the go-ahead
on the project," said Ryan.
"Right now, we're trying to
'enlist the support of other ar-
tists in the comminitv," said
Bowker, "We're hoping that
the physical plant committee
will annoint an artistic review
panel, to attest to the pin's es-

"THE der-lion could have
gone either way," Zorn said
last night. "There were serious
questions there. One question
is when do you start worrying
and call people's attention to
Prior to the committee meet-
ing, Zorn said: "I could be
mistaken but I believe this is
the type of device customarily
used with guns."
For that reason, he believed
the project violated the regent-
al regulation prohibiting the
University from "enter(ing)
into or renew(ing) any agree-
ment or contract ... the clear-
ly foreseeable and probable re-
sult of which is to destroy hu-
man life or to incapacitate hu-
man beings."
A MEMBER of the Research
Policies Committee said last
night "this particular decision
was not clear cut" but the pro-
posal appeared to comply with
the regental rules.
"Not everybody voting for it
favored the research but we
were not permitted to judge the
worth - only whether it met
the guidelines," he said.
Senior 'answered committee
members' questions but was
not present during the voting,
according to sources at the
THE PROJECT proposal was
a lengthy, very technical docu-
ment about which the commit-
tee "had a lot of questions,"
one member said. Before the
meeting, some members com-
plained that they found the pro-
posal difficult to understand.
The panel is comprised of
three students and. 11 faculty
members, most of whom have
little technical background in
this type of researcl.
At the end of yesterday's
meeting, the committee decid-
ed not to release any informa-
tion about the session to the
media, pending an official an-
BROCKWAY last night ex-

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thetic value."

mressed displeasure that The

_ _.


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Daily hqd run a story yester-
dav detailing Zorn's comments
on the research proposal. Zorn's


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