Thursday, January 22, 1976
'age. Seven
- we
r ;. _
breezed through the final period.
tion Al-
losed to Braves bounce
me and
in the ATLANTA - B o b McAdoo
into a i poured in 30. noints to lead the
By The Associated Press p
DETROIT - C u r t i s Rowe,I
George Trapp and Eric Money!
led a third-period assault that
enabled the Detroit Pistons toc
beat the Seattle SuperSonicst
111-104 last night and move intoE
a virtual tie with Milwaukee for
the National Basketball Associa-
tion's Midwest Division lead.
The Pistons, winning their
second straight after dropping
five in a row, soared from a
64-63 deficit after four minutes
of the third period into a 74-64
command with an 11-0 streak
and then went on to mount a
14-point bulge by the end of
the third period.
Rowe, had 11 points, Money}
eight and Trapp six during the!
third period when Detroit out-
'scored Seattle 37-22.
The loss was the third in a
row and fifth in the last six
gyames for Seattle
reer highs for the second-year ton had blown a 22-point lead
Detroit native. Trapp and Rowe and sparked a decisive rally
each finished with 15. that carried the Celtics to a
The Pistons again played with- 114-100 victory over the Phoenix
out star center Bob Lanier, for- Suns last night.
ward Howard Porter and guards Kuberski, a former Boston re-
Kevin Porter and Wali Jones, serve, re-acquired as a free
all out with injuries. agent last month, helped the
* * * Celtics to a 36-21 lead with 10
Kuberski cleans points in the first period. He
then retired to the bench and
BOSTON - Steve Kuberski the Celtics widened their ad-
came off the bench after Bos- vantage to 49-27 before the Suns
began a comeback.
Led by rookie sensa
van Adams, Phoenix c
within 57-49 at halftin
finally caught Boston
third period, pulling
65-65 tie. '
However, Kuberskiw
back into action and p
to score eight points
Celtics went on a 10-2
regain command. Bo
83-77 after three quar
was sent
as the
surge to
ston led
ters and
Buffalo Braves to a 102-94 vic-
tory over the Atlanta Hawks last
It was the Braves' fifth
straight triumph, their longest
winning streak of the season.
McAdoo, who s c o r e d 11
fourth period p o i n t s, took
charge after the Hawks got to
within 94-92 with 1:45 left to
The big Buffalo center scored
two baskets in the next 35 sec-
onds to give the Braves a com-
fortable 98-92 margin.
triumph overChips
The Sonics had rallied behind By STEPHEN SELBST But the Blue machine sptter- two minutes remaining. But the
Leonard Gray's 16 points and The Michigan Varsity Re- ed, and then almost stopped. game wasn't really decided un- NBA
Daily Photo by KEN FINK Fred Brown's 14 to lead 56-55 at serves held off a determined Suddenly CMU's guards-Dave til Michigan took at 88-83 lead Ccago 0, New Orlean
MICHIGAN CO-CAPTAIN Pierre Leclerc shows his form in the all-around competition at last the half. Central . Michigan University Sierra and Hubert McKenzie with just 24 seconds remaining.: Buffalo 102, Atlanta 94
year's Big Ten championships, held in Ann Arbor. On Friday night and Saturday, Michigan, Money finished with 25 points JV squad and pulled out a - started to find gaping holes Commenting afterward, coach NITL
Sand nine assists both NBA ca- scrappy 88-87 win last night in the Michigan defense. Dan Fife said he was pleased N. Y. Islanders 5, Wash.
the defending Big Ten champs, meet last year's second place finisher, Minnesota. 1--- - -a oeAeai on la- Wt :5rmiigi h ihtevcoyo h od hnnsK.Y na agr
at Rose Arena in Mount Pleas- IWith 6:OS remaining in the with the victory on the road, ist. Louis 4, Kansas City
ant. The win boosted their sea- first half, the Chips took the but admitted his team "had to Minnesota 5, Vancouver
W HECHALLENGE BL UEson record to 4-2. lead for the first time 34-33. learn to play-with more consist- COLLEGE BASKE
The Wolverines got extremely They stretched that lead to 42- ency." Clreas e 97, St.aosed77
T balanced scoring with six play- 37, and the reserves were reel- Fife praised Lelich's play, John's, N. Y. 53,
___elera breaking into double fig- ing. But as quickly as it start- saying the 6'6" forward's deft noston College 51
ures. The Baby Blue were paced, the Michigan malaise was touch from the outside was C.M gan 7,NKe tin
ed by Len Lillard with 18, while over, and they fought back to "one of the key factors" in the Ohio U, 74, E.M.U. 66
Rick Leach, starting his sec- 42-41 at intermission. victory. Fife also said fresh- Kansas St. 70, Colorado 6
ond game at guard, played a man Rich Leach, played a Duke 97, Wake Forest 93,
By ENID GOLDMAN fleur who lead a talented all- Danner, Richard Bigras and stated Coach Newt Loken. "An strong supporting role in the IN THE second half, the strong gaae, "considering he's M oui
AND MICHAEL WILSON around crew which includes JayI freshman Nigel Rothwell. 8.8 or 8.9 is now comparable to win, contributing 16 points. Chips opened up quick, ham- only been to 3-4 practices." Marquette 76, Creighton
An - eager men's gymnastic Lowinske and Jeff Stockwell. Specialists include Poynton the nine point something, under As the close score indicated, mering away with their guards, --- --- -------- -
team faces its stiffest test thus Top Gopher specialists are and Chuck Ventura on pommel the old system." this was no runaway, and the and setting good picks to set up
far this weekend when it hosts' Curt Adams in. the floor exer- horse; Chuck Stillerman and I" Loken nevertheless hopes for Wolverines never put the game high-percentage shots. CMU
the Minnesota Gophers in the cise, Jim Mohattic on the pom- Randy Sakamoto in the floor ex- a team score of 204 against the away until they built a five then fashioned their largest
first home show of the Wolver- mel horse and Mike Wilber on ercise Joe Neuenswander, Gophers. "They (the players) point lead, 88-83, with less than lead of the night; 56-48.
ines this season. the rings. Scott Ponto and Kurt Golder know what they have to do to a minute left. ' Now it was Michigan's turn
The meet, a two-day affair, on rings; Doug Shokes and John get the job done," Loken said. AFTER THE opening jump, to roar back, however, and they
will be held in Crisler Arena THE WOLVERINES mean- Corritore on the parallel bars; "I have a feeling the guys are however, it looked like Michi- tied the ball game 60-60 with
with the compulsory portion while, hold a 1 and 0 record and Carey Culbertson and Dar- really gonna turn it on this gan might blow the Chips right 10:05 remaining.. From then on
scheduled for Friday evening for 1976 by virtue of last Sat- den on the high bar. weekend." out of their home arena, build- it was a barnburner, and it
at 7:30 p.m. and the optional urday's 199 to 191 victory over Most of the Wolverine tumb- The weekend affair involves a ing a 29-20 lead midway in the looked like the last team with
half set for Saturday afternoon Ohio State. Minnesota has lers claim that their strongest double - header attraction as Ifirst period. Getting good out, a shot would win it. HURS FRI SAT
at 1 p.m. scored over 200 points a meet asset is the team unity present' Michigan's wrestling team will side shooting and dominating CMU's Hubert McKenzie con- THUlRS-FR 1-SAT-
against Iowa State already this during a meet. "The guys are host Purdue Friday afternoon the boards, the Wolverines' tined to hit with deadly aim,
"THIS MEET will be a big season. really jelling as a team," em- at 4 p.m. and Ohio State Sat- seemed ready to open a com- finishing with 30 points, and
test for us," commented Michi- "You compete to your com- phasized Poynton. "Everybody urday also at 4 p.m' manding margin. Sierra riddled the Blue defense'
gan co-captain Jerry Poynton." petition," noted Michigan's con- sticks together," Bigras agreed. -- - - - --- --- - for 20. But an unheralded re-.H
Minnesota is a great team, ference high bar champion Bob serve, Bill Lelich, kept the
with good technique. Of all the Darden who anticipates a bet- A SCORING change based on r y si f0 oMichigan JV's in the game
teams in the Big Ten, I have ter score for the Blue squad a perfect tally of 94 instead of G A Pt. Pn. M, Pat Hughes 9 15 24 18 44 with four consecutive jumpers
the most respect for them." this weekend. "The higher the 10. has been instituter for this Dave Denoi 22 12 34 3 6 Kip Maurer 8 16 24 2 4 late in the game.
The Gophers finished second caliber of competition, the high- season. However a performer Kris Manery 20 13 33 12 24 Tom Lindskog 1 18 19 4 8
to Michigan in Big-Ten competi- er the resulting individual per- may earn the .6 bank by exl ih- ,ngie Moretto 2013 33 15a4s Beil Thayer z 81 1 2 STEVE PERRY also came
tion last year and currently formances," he exolained. iting "risk, originality and vr- Greg Natale 3 11 14 19 38 off the bench to help out the
and 1. -no change from last Saturday. "The disadvontage of this ss-- Rob Palmer 3 10 13 13 26 throws to stretch the MichiganB
baadalnmet1reord o c hae folelia s hosaturdy oTdsit" ...-f thi-.'........ndi g Mrkle r ox501 420 40 lead hto8wintw tchfe
Minnesota's strongest per- Competing in the all-around tem is that it's hard for the A tMorrk Mi512 2 4lead to 84-81 with just over
formers are Jeff and Tim La- will be Pierre Leclerc, Harley nublic to get reducated to know W L T Pts John McahlI 0 9 9 7 1-
tht hescre ae owre,"Dan Comier 3 5 8 3 6
that the scores are lowered," Michigan Tech 13 5 0 26 Mike Coffman 2 4 6 3 6 HARSTY NG
________IN BUY 2-SAVE 30%
Minnesota 12 5 1 25 Dan Hoene 2 3 5 1 2
~~ ._ - - ----14-~-MICHIGAN 10 8 0 20 Russ Bianzy 1 1 2 0 0
i( Irl Mich. State 10 8 0 20 John Waymann 0 2 2 0 0 LONG OR $HORT
4 rnso , Cyci. t Bill wheeler 0 1 1- 1 2 R
Colorado Coll. 9 9 0 18 Rick Palmer 0 1 1 0 0 DASCOLA
Notre Dme 8 8 2 18 Goalie StatisticsGa Hair Stylists -
Minn.-Dl'~th . 8 10 0 16 GobeMoe1. 744avHai
North Dakota 7 11 0 14 Robbie Moore G A v 50 Sa Arborland-971-9975
- - - - -_ 11 Denver 6 12 0 12 Rick Palmer 3. 013 4.3 0 76 E. University-662-0354 -
3. 34. E. Liberty-668-9329
ByPARIK OD 11c r I r d Wisconsin S 12 1 11 iFrank
9 r0" Thisweekend's games Zimmerman 1.0 7 7.0 0 20 Maple Vil ____-71-- 73-
By The Associated Press Michigan Tech at Wisconsin SE ECTGROUP-
This winter's Intramural Basketball competition is now in COLLEGE PARK, Md. _ Mich. State at Colorado Coll. SELECTGROUP:
full swing. The Coliseum is at mnaximum use with many of the Sophomore Stan Rome scor- Notre Da'me at Minn.-Duluth
competitive games being played there. In a show of talent The ed all five of his points as North Dakota at Denver S4T R
Brotherhood, led by Pete Hill, winners in the Pre-Holiday Bas- Clemson rallied with six mm- THE TOP 10
ketball Tournament, opened this year's Independent season with tsrmnigadusts- 1. Mich. 'tech 17-6 P9 99
a 141-26 victory. ond - ranked Maryland 82-77 in 2. Boston U 11-1 (1) 85 st to up
an Atlantic Coast Conference 3. Minnesota 17-6-1 84
basketball game last night. 4. New Hampshire 13-2 65
With more sports coming up, a profusion of entry dates are The Tigers, now 13-3, in- 5. Bowling Green 13-2-1 45
arriving. For paddleball, graduate division entries are due cluding 3-1 in the ACC, led 6. MIcHiGAN1394K 11-11-1 'VA LLY,
January 26, Residence Hall.entries must be in on January 27, through most of the unme but 8. Brown 9-4 32
and Independent and Fraternity entries are due the 28th and fell behind 62-60 with 6:35 9 Clarkson, N.Y. 10-7 19
29th, respectively. left. 10. St. Louis 15-9 17
Five points by Rome and two-IDA R
mor by freshman Ge oe
All-Campus entries for billiards, singles bowling, doubles putmoremson ahead 67-62 reColesINTRODUCTION TO
pnddleball, singles racquetball, and singles table tennis are The Tigers continued their KUNDALN YOGA on SPRING BREAK
all due on February 2. Diving entries must be in by rebru- streak, with freshman Derrick
ary 10. Johnson scoring four points, toug
take a 73-64 lead with 3:36 left.' as Inhandbgn up for Sun Va lliey and
Women's team bowling entries are due February 3 and - ---- "" Swami Rudrananda weekend trips.
doubles badminton entries should be in on January 27. and
D - -C . Us)I I Michael Shoemaker MEETING: Thurs., Jan. 22
For those of vou who need a break from lbte night st'udving OPTOMETRIST Beoinners' Classes Every
and would like to see some hockey, intramural hockey is now FlContact Lens Service MWF at 5:30 7.m.
being hell. Monday through Thursday at Yost Arena from 10 548 CHURCH ST. RUDRANANDA ASHRAM Kuenze Mich. Ut a Ly
pm Visual 4 E4xamxnart.o99s-54K
pmto 1 am.j 663-2476. 640 Oxford. 995-5483 uom flf
s 93
3 (tie)
Ch's 60
:ate 53
is 61
The intramural denartment would like to remind everv-
one that information on most activities can be found on the
Intramural "Hotline" (763-0050). Information on all building
and pool hours as well as information on p-ddleball and hand-
ball reservations is run 24 hours a day. Before calling the
IM office, always check the Hotline number.
Several new things are happening at the IM building. If you
noticed after one of- your athletic outings that the IM showers
were getting cold, you won't have to freeze any longer. Earlier
this week work was done on two of the boilers and hot water
ought to be back in full force by today or tomorrow.
Two personnel zhanges have been made. Sandy Sanders has
taken over administration of the Faculty division and supervision
of officials and Ellen Gold is now in charge of the ResidenceI
Hall, Graduate, All-Carthpus and Independent sports. These du-
ties were formerly performed by Bill Ware.
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