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September 05, 1975 - Image 20

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-05

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rage Twenty


Friday, September , 1975

Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 5, 1975



14 Reasons
to wash and dry clean your
clothing at MR. STADIUM
1. 104 washers & dryers (no waiting)
2. 36 top load washers
3. 24 double load washers
4. 12 triple load washers (Only 50c on our
Tuesday & Friday special)
5. 32 30 lb. clothes dryers
6. 3 dollar bill changers
7. 4 dry cleaning machines (Use our drop-off
service-we do it for you)
8. Air cooled for your comfort
9. Plenty of parking (over 50 spaces)
10. Lots of hot (Miracle Soft) water
11. 2 free clothes steamers (removes wrinkles)
12. Open 24 hours every day
13. Attendant always on duty
14. We guarantee our services.
Coin Laundry &
Dr y Cleaning
958 5. Industrial Hwy,
Ann Arbor
The most beautiful laundry in the midwest

AP Sports Writer demption
NEW'YORK (P)-It's back to next wee
school time. Everybody starts for most
with a clean slate, new play- his w
books and pressed pants-and
with no losses, no missed lightedx
blocks and a minimum of cut battle ba
classes. Alabama
It's a time of optimism and game win
enthusiasm. Even Oklahoma, year whi
the class cheat, has been for- on a one
given. Of c
AFTER SERVING two years after the
on athletic probation for re- most of A
cruiting violations, the unde- one cam
feated, untied and uninvited e i g h t h
Sooners of last year have post-seaso
stepped out of the principal's ant's boy
office and are ready to defend SO IT
their No. 1 ranking in The among I
Associated Press poll. I game is


klahoma's year of re- Monday Night Television Bowl.
doesn't begin until But it won't work. It's sill th
k, when the bell rings regular season to Bryant, anc
of the major teams. the Crimson Tide should rol
f t. impressively . . . Alabama 35,
eek's schedule is high- Missouri 3.
by a Monday night Mississippi at Baylor: Las
etween Missouri and season, the Baylor Bears ended
at Birmingham, Ala. 50 years of non championship
carries over a two- status by winning the S uth-
ining streak from last west Conference title. So 11
ile Alabama is sitting: won't be much of a surprise
-game losing streak. when Baylor ends Mississippi"s
ourse, that loss came undefeated season on Saturday
regular season. Like . . . Baylor 28, Mississippi 7.
Alabama's defeats, this Pittsburgh at Georgia: Next

e in a bowl game, the
straight non-winning
on trip for Bear Bry-
isn't surprising that
Missouri backers, this
being billed as the



ru n twn


DELTA Restaurant
& Pizzeria
Greek and American Food
" Breakfast anytime
" Different Specials every day
" Complete Dinners on Sunday
for $2.75
* Special Room for groups
" Pizza
HOURS: 7 a.m.-1 a.m.
7 days a week
640 PACKARD (corner of State)


Mississippi at Baylor
Western Michigan at Central
W. Kentucky at Dayton
Drake at N. Mexico St.
E. Carolina at N.C. State
E. Michigan at Ball St.
Fullerton St. at Fresno
Pittsburgh at Georgia
Lamar at Houston
S. W. Louisiana at Long Beach
Marsnail at Akron
Mississippi St. at Memphis St.
William and Mary at N. Carolina
Pacific at NE Louisiana
Texas (El Paso) at San Diego St.
SMU at Wake Forest
W. Carolina at Toledo
viiianova at Maryland
West Texas St. at Wichita St.

Saturday is Pittsburgh's lost
e weekend. The Panthers will
d face Oklahoma so they'll ht-ve
1 to put all their points for their
first two games in one basket-
first two games in one basket-
t Georgia's end zone . . . Pitts-
burgh 24, Georgia 16.
Lamar at Houston: It won't
- take very long for Houston to
iget its Veer offense on the right
track. As always, Houston has
s only one track-it's offense. But
a lack of defense won't hurt the
Cougars against the Cardinals
:t ... Houston 49, Lamar 14.
VILLANOVA at Maryland:
Two big basketball schools on
the rebound with ravitalized
football programs. Maryland,
8-3 and a trip to the Liberty
Bowl last year, should deflate
Villanova's football again .
Maryland 34, Villanova 16.
Mississippi State at Memphis
State: Memphis State has a new
sideline pacer this season in
head coach Rich Williamson,
whose opening night will be a
long one . . . Mississippi State
20, Memphis State 3.
East Carolina at North Caro-
lina State: East Carolina is in
the same state as the Wolpack
but not in the same league .. .
North Carolina State 30, East
Carolina 13.
Penn State at Temple: Penn
State is the best in the East
and Temple is not far behind.
But this isn't horseshoes . . .
Penn State 28, Temple 20.


4:00 P.M.
Sat., Sept. 6
Campus Chapel
Forest & Washtenaw
Christian Graduate

AP Photo
INDIANA'S HEAD football coach Lee Corso watches his
Hoosiers work oit. While m pry collegiate football games
get underway tomorrow, the Big Ten season doesn't start
until Sept. 13. Indiana opens at home against Minnesota.


*.. .*

. _ _

A message for the influencers:

Today, millions of people who have never had a course in econom-
ics are influencing the structure of our economic system by their
action, or inaction. Yet the well-being of each individual and family
depends on sound economics. Realizing that "the doctor" needs to

know "the patient", The Business Roundtable is sponsoring mes-
sages that discuss innerworkings of ourAmerican economic system.
They are giving this special "mini course" monthly exposure be-
fore the country's largest reading audience in Reader's Digest.

SGC Needs Students
- U-Cellar Board of Direc-
tors has two openings for
graduate students.
" University Council has
two student openings.
INTERVIEWS for these committees will be
held Tues. and Wed, nights, Sept. 16 & 17.
Need more information? Stop by SGC Offices,
third floor of the Union; sigh up for an inter-
view and pick up an application.

Big Ten games
September 13
MICHIGAN at Wisconsin
Ohio State at Michigan State
Mirnesota at Indiana
'ni-ois at Iowa
P 'rdue at Northwestern
The American League had
nine .300 hitters last season.
Bill Treehan of the Detroit Ti-
aers missed the select group at
The Yonkers Raceway winter
harness racing meet continues
until March 1.




ton, N.C., PPG Industries
N INE years ago near Lexing-
converted a 150-acre farm
into a sleek new factory.
Today that factory employs more
than oo people and produces 140
million pounds of glass fibers a year
-for everything from draperies to
lightweight automobile body parts.
" On Michigan's Escanaba River,
wood pulp is fed into one end of a
new Mead Corp. papermaking ma-
chine that almost fills a building a
quarter of a mile long. At the other
end emerges a band of paper 25 feet
wide. Up to 6oo workers harvest the
wood for this plant, while i100 make
the paper-annually enough paper
to cover a 16-lane highway around
the earth at the equator.
" At New Johnsonville, Tenn.,
DuPont built a plant to produce ti-
tanium dioxide, the safe whitener
that has replaced lead in paint and
is used in scores of other products
including paper and textiles. The
year it opened, the plant provided
jobs for more than 300 local resi-
dents. Now, nearly three times that
number are on the payrolls-which
ran about $14 million last year.
These three factories are the result
of what economists call capital in-
yestment. Their cost adds up to a
huge sum-approximately $250 mil-
lion. Each was financed with re-

or borrowed funds, or both.
Such capital investment is what
our forefathers called "thinking
ahead." When we still lived on farms
or in villages, no one but a fool
would consume all his garden, herds
and flocks. A smart man kept some-
thing for breeding stock and seed.
But for some years now our coun-
try has lived as if this commonsense
wisdom applied to everybody except
us. Between 1960 and 1973 we rein-
vested an average of 13.6 percent of
our real gross domestic product in
new plants and equipment, com-
pared with 18.2 percent in France,
20 percent in Germany and 29 per-
cent in Japan.
Some 6o to 70 percent of our exist-
ing manufacturing capacity has been
installed since 1960, versus 85 percent
of Japan's. While our government
was increasing demand by incur-
ring deficits and voting new money
payments to our people, we ran
our old, lessefficient factories above
their proper operating level. Nat-
urally, this caused costs and prices
to spiral.
If we are to pull out of this reces-
sion and avoid worse ones, we must
begin now to invest much more in
job-creating plants and equipment.
But how? Most economists believe
one solution lies in substantially in-
creasing the investment tax credit,

With today's unemployment,
and with millions of young people
getting ready to enter the job market,
we must make it possible for companies
to invest far more of what they
earn today so that they can produce
more tomorrow
ings). Congress recently raised the among the last t
credit from seven to ten percent. Re- black high scho
spected economist Pierre Rinfret be- desegregated all
lieves that we should permanently Clark directs a s
enact a 20-percent federal investment The benefits
tax credit. This would put us on a elsewhere. Surro
par with most of our major foreign mills found the
industrial competitors. pay scales to cor
More liberal depreciation allow- labor was so sca
ances would also help. Present tax came close to zer
laws assume useful lives for build- According to1
ings and equipment during which Commerce figur
companies stretch out tax deductions PPG paid last
for their cost. But the assumed lives spent by empl
often exceed the period of years like this: $1.8 m
when the buildings and equipment million for hou
are truly competitive. Thus, business operation; $800,0
frequently .finds itself still trying to million for transi
recover original cost for buildings and education; $
and equipment which progress has and Social Sec
rendered obsolete. medical care; $
To raise the level of capital invest- and $1.2 million
ment and create jobs we must also including saving
change popular attitudes. Too often .Beyond this,t
when a new factory or power plant effect that opera
is proposed, our response has been plant comes to t
"Don't put it here." Nobody can Labor Statistics
quarrel with the need for informed job in manufactu
concern for the environment, but three other job
nobody can quarrel, either, with the Lexington roster
need for jobs. Consider the exhila- 1000 mark, thef
rating benefits of capital investment porting 3000 ot
in that PPG Industries plant in Lex- bus drivers to do
ington, N.C.: Lexington can
" Horace Hill, 36, was born on a PPG plant. Th
tobacco farm, had to quit school after brick building, f
the ninth grade, spent three years in white tent-likev
the Air Force, got a low-paying mill architecturally, a
job. Then PPG hired him and an keeps her kit
trained him to make and repair the If the United
$5000 platinum nozzles from which its pre-eminence
the molten glass is spun. He now petitive industri
heads a work force of ten. duce what we n
" Carolyn Blevins, now 25, was full employment
working in the spraying department thousands of nee
of a furniture factory when she got one will have t
the chance to go to PPG as an "end giving realities.
finder," a highly skilled job which we allow Amer
involves finding thread ends which cover the costs
are then twisted onto bobbins. "I've much more rapii
worked lots of places where they let sible. Only then
a woman do a man's job-but they the means to kee
don't >ay you for it," she says. "At perously expand
PPG everybody's treated the same."_
" Charles Clark, also 25, the son Readers iges, r
of a common laborer, is one of four Prices: 10-75 5

0 0
o graduate from the
ol before Lexington
its schools. Today,
taff of 40.
from PPG are felt
unding factories and
y had to raise their
mpete. For a while,
arce that Lexington
ro unemployment.
U.S. Department of
res, the $1o million
year in wages was
oves approximately
illion for food; $1.6
sing and household
oo for clothing; $1.9
portation, recreation
$1.9 million for taxes
urity; $6oo,ooo for
200,000 for interest;
for everything else,
there's a multiplier
tes whenever a new
own. By Bureau of
calculations, each
wring makes possible'
s. So when PPG's
r last year passed the
employes were sup-,
her workers, from
be proud of the new
e low, central red-
lanked by blue and
wings, is handsome
nd inside, no wom-
chen looking nicer.
States is to regain
in the highly coin-
al world and pro-
eed with reasonably
t and stable prices,
w factories like this
o become solid life-
Thus, it is vital that
ican industry to re-w
of new investment
dly than is now pos-
will industry have
p our economy pros-
L:Reprint Editor, The
easantville, N.Y. 10570.
0-$2.5 ; 100-4 ;500-


We know that schedule decisions
are a problem right now and we would
like to help. The University Theatre
Program gives you a chance to buy a
two series book of coupons at a DIS-
COUNT now and allows you to choose
the show and date later. It's called our
contains 10 special coupons, four cou-
pons for each of the series listed here,,
the Guest Artist Series and the Show-
case Series, plus two Bonus Coupons
whose use will be announced later. Use
each series coupon as you like, all four
for one production or one for each of
the four shows in that series. The Spe-
cial Discount Book is designed to fit
your schedule and budget ( it's only
$10). Inquire at our ticket office for
more information.

Guest Artist Series
A selection of distinguished
actors or directors join with
our department's finest actors,
directors a n d designers to
create our own presentations
in Power Center.
Oct. 8-12
Arthur Miller's
Nov. 26-30
William Shakespeare's
Feb 18-21
the musical
April 7-11
Tennessee Williams'

In addition to o u r Power
Center productions, we en-
courage our graduate students
in direction and design by
U iiversity
Showcpse Productions
Oct. 22-25
in Truebloodi Theatre

i m



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