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December 12, 1975 - Image 10

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Page Ten


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# U-M Stylists
Christmas Spcial
sale on all
10% OFF on RK'
and up to 50% OFF
the old stuff
~ Michigan Union ,
open 8:30 am.


There'll be no holiday break
for the Michigan hockeyateam
the next three weeks as the
Wolverine icers hit the road to
take on Wisconsin and Colorado
College. In between the Wis-
consin and Colorado series, the
dekers will return to the area
for the prestigious Great Lakes
Invitational at Detroit's Olym-
Michigan travels to Madison,
Wisconsin this weekend to meet
the last place Badgers, a team
that has been hurt by the loss

busy over


SPOrts of the Daily
S rPorter undergoes surgery
ANN ARBOR - Detroit Piston's guard Kevin Porter, oper-
ated on for a chipped leg bone yesterday, will be out for "at
least 10 to 12 weeks," the National Basketball Association team


will be meeting with his old fans
and authographing his latest book-
A Teacher's Notebook
An autobiography now available in

of some key personnel to the
U. S. Olympic team. Bob John-
son, the Olympic coach, was
the coach at Wisconsin but was
granted a leave of absence to
coach the Olympians.
DESPITE their record of
2-7-1, the Badgers have been
playing good hockey lately. Two
weeks ago they split with Min-
nesota in Minneapolis and last
weekend they tied one and lost
to Notre Dame.
"We're a better team than
our record shows," commented
Wisconsin's acting head coach
Jim Rothwell. "We're a good
hockey team. We've played five
league games and I haven't
seen anybody better than us.
It's just a matter of doing the
right things at the right times."
Rothwell was unsure of his
lines for this weekend, but the
Badgers expected to see action
are center Mike Eaves and
right wing Tom Ulseth on the
first line, Dave Lundeen (cen-
ter) and Murray Johnson (right
wing) on the second line. Rod
Romanchuk will be centering
New Year's Eve
at the famous
Pier 17 Lounge
Dancing, favors,
hors d'oeuvres
TICKETS: $7.50 at door
$6.50 in advance by mail
(tickets will be
mailed to you)
Send check or money order to:
1717 NW 17 Ave.
Miami, Fla. 33125
or CALL in Ann Arbor

MacIntosh are his top defense
pairing followed by John Greg-
ory and Craig Norwich, and
The Suter brothers, John and
Goalie Mike Dibble, the Bad-
gers' MVP last season, returns
this season and, according to
All Michigan hockey games
during the winter break will
be carried on radio. Stations
WAAM-1600 AM and WCBN-
89.5 FM will broadcast the
Rothwell, "is playing very
well." Dibble has an average
of 4.7 goals allowed per game.
Michigan coach Dan Farrell
believes that the penalties have
been the Badgers' downfall,
commenting that "they're a
young team and they have tak-
en a lot of penalties. That's
probably what has hurt them
more than anything."
DECEMBER 29-30, the dek-f
ers will be back to participate
in the Great Lakes Invitation-
al, hosted by Michigan Tech.
Besides Michigan and the host

semi-finalist last year and 1s The Piston's other starting backcourt man, John Men-
led by All-American Rick Mea- gelt, escaped surgery for a knee cartilage problem and could
gher. Penn is led by high scor- be back in uniform in about three weeks, a team spokesman
ing Mark Irwin. said. Earlier, it was believed Mengelt also would need an
Michigan will face Penn in operation.
the opening round on the 29th, Porter and Mengelt suffered knee injuries in the Piston's
the Tech-Boston U. contest at 129-124 loss to the Golden State Warriors Tuesday night. -AP
9:00 pm.
The two losers will meet at ! Pito s.R bar a t A . 11-Strsg


5 pm on the 30th in the conso-
lation game while the winners'
will play the championship
game immediately following
the conclusion of that game.
FOLLOWING the tournament,
the icers will head west to Colo-
rado Springs to battle Colorado
College, the third place team
in the league. The Tigers are
7-3, coming off an impressive
sweep of fDenver

NEW YORK - Milwaukee fans have four of their players
among the leaders in yesterday's first report of voting for the
NBA All-Star Game.
Buck teammates Bob Dandridge and Dave Meyers lead the
battle for forward spots in the Western Conference. Dandridge
had 21,475 and Meyers, a rookie, has 20,696. Both lead perennial
All-Star Rick Barry of Golden State, who is third with 20,258.
Brian Winters of Milwaukee leads the Western Confer-
ence guards with 22,391. Kevin Porter of Detroit has 20,815,
just ahead of another Milwaukee player,. Jim Price, who has

the second line with Mike Pennsylvania and Boston Uni-
Meeker on his right. versity - will compete.
The Wiscsonsin mentor ad- Tech won the championship
mitted that he is "playing mu- last year, defeating Michigan,
sical chairs" with his left 3-2, but both teams will face
wing. strong tests from the eastern
schools. Boston was a NCAA-
BRAD MULLINS and Norm;_ . ,.-.___j - .


o vvocF t u v ~t .1 2,222.
i They have All-American goal- At center, the Western Conference leader is Bob Lanier with
ie Eddie Mio in the nets with 20,309, followed by another Buck, Elmore Smith, who has 18,-
ae4.2 average, and theytpos- 837. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of Los Angeles, a starter in the last
led by forwards Jim Warner five All-Star games, is third with 17,293.
Mike Haedrick and center Dave In the Eastern Conference, Boston's John Havlicek leads all
Delich. players with 24,223 votes at forward. Washington's Elvin Hayes
The weekend series will be is running second with 18,454.
played January 2-3, after which At guard, the leaders are Dave Bing of Washington with 21,-
the Wolverines will return home 682 and New York's Walt Frazier, who has 19,330. Bob McAdoo
for a one game series against of Buffalo leads the voting at center with 17,392 followed by
the Czechoslovakian National Bsto ' D ae Cnwens whn has 119 -AP

paperback for just $1


Come and talk to Preston Slosson
Sunday, December 14, 1 p.m.
Little Professor Book Center
Maple Village Shopping Center



, a- - - - --- sL flit'1. r , l v .L.'t4UV, '..A S , VV Iid A ±,J . "^-1
two teams from the East - team on January 7th.
*5TOsyyiE 4sw;s Yanks deal Bonds, Medich
THE-STONE-5IOFE HOLLYWOOD, Fla. - The New York Yankees, frustrated
in their bid to win the American League pennant last season,
nD SU P ERcompleted two trades Thursday, unloading slugging outfielder
Bobby Bonds to California and acquiring five players-three
from Pittsburgh.
E, The Ynkees landed pitched Ed Figeroa and speedy out-
SAE "fielder Mickey Rivers from the Angels for Bonds, and short-
lv afterwards, the Yankees sent pitcher Doe Medich to the
YrMA S Pittsburgh Pirates for Willie Randolph, a highlv-regarded
Q U , young second baseman, and veteran pitchers Dock Ellis and
IKen Brett.
YES FOLKSv In another trade, the San Diego Padres acquired third base-
FOLKS man Doug Rader from the Houston Astros for right-handed pitch-
WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER SALE! Z Cers Joe McIntosh and Larry Hardy. -AP
Everything's 20% OFF. That means our r
9 TURQUOISE PRICES are the lowest of omei ooster injured
f an place around! So . 0. Stop by and ST. LOUIS - Rookie forward Steve Green, purchased by St.
iLos after the American Basketball Association's Utah Stars
do your Christmas shopping early! folded, has suffered a broken left wrist, the team said Thursday.
TH E STONE SHO P P E A club spokesman said it was not determined when the
T HS6-foot-7 Green suffered the injury but that it may have been
1103 S. UNIVERSITY 662-6054 during the former Indiana University standout's debut with
OPEN TILL 9 P.M. MON . THURS., and FRIDAY the club last Friday.
SUNDAY 12-5 P M. TILL XMAS Green is expected to miss at least the next two games and
C will wear a cast on the wrist fo rabout a month. -AP
- soton ymison osalsre.
Symph CTs l
Boston Smhon.
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