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December 12, 1975 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1975-12-12

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Friday, December 12, 1975


Pctt Sevon



Controversy marks clerical HDEINES LAW
CHICAGO (AP)- Illinois has
tfsa new law defining death as
u n io n total brano-functionaccordinge
to the usual and customary.
(Continued from Page 1) party head, Doyle Sharbach Unity Caucus now are the ones standards of medicine.
would remove the ultimate au- adds, "We'd like to see the by- who negotiated our last lousy The bill received strong sup
thorty of the local from the laws amended but it's not a contract."' port from the Association of 11-
hands of the membership and priority. The contract is too im- ALTHOUGH the two sides linois Transplant Surgeons. The
vest it in a governing body call- minent an issue. may disagree on the bargaining law was signed by Gov. Daniel
ed the representative council. "We have to put an end to process itself, both factions Walker Sept. 11, 1975.
The proposal would also in- factionalization, and going into agree that economic demands Dr. Frank P. Stuart of the
crease the salaries of paid union the bargaining table divided at will be key concerns in next University of Chicago, chair-
officials this time would be playing into year's contract talks. man of the association, said,
Unity Caucus candidate for the University's hands." "We will demand a decent "In a theoretical sense, there
president Deboreh Morehead ex- However, according to CDU wage increase," said Morehead. might be no need to define
pressed her support for amend- candidate for the bargaining aUWe will demand ongevity death since the law for year
ing the newly established by- team Marianne Jensen, elimi- because we feel that senor em- has authorized physicians to de- ie
laws, saying, "It is my hope nating the political divisions ployes deserve a bonus for their termine individually the cri-
that once our officers are elect- within the local is not as impor- years of service. We will also teria for and the time of
ed we can get on with the busi- tant as insuring "membership emand a cost of living esca- death.
ness of ratifying a set of bylaws control over their officers and Weeks cited 'u demands for re llinoisneurosurgeons;with
which make the leadership of their bargaining team." aW0 er cnt ge J iemnsfr eareaseth co cofrta eh saidh
the local responsible to thea20prenwgenreshecnptfbridatad
membership, but do not tie their "You have to look at past elimination of forced overtime, R. Stuart.
hands so that they cannot ef- performances," said CDU re- holiday layoffs, and an end "to
fectively carry out their duties." cording s e c r e t a r y candidate the University's racist hiring 207 E. LIBERTY 663-8611
Helen Kelley. "The same people practices, as being of dominate
HOWEVER, U n i t y Caucus who are running for office in importance. AT . .
ooLoyfs jook
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