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December 12, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-12-12

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Friday, December 12, 1975

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,age a wo

Wheeler runs city with iron hand, draws flak from GOP

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FLASHI REDFORD in trouble! DUNAWAY to the rescues

(Continued from Page 1)
roles for citizens in govern-
ment, and urged citizen involve-
ment on issues. But since
Wheeler got in, I've seen inci-
dent after incident of taking
citizen input and discarding it.


"I don't view him as power-
hungry," Bertoia continued,
"but he's wielding a lot of pow-
er for one man in this town."
"Up to this point, I don't
think Wheeler has been an ef-
fective mayor," said Council-
man Robert Henry (R-Third
Ward). "He's tried to bulldoze
things through, tried to ap-
proach the administration
more antagonistically. I think
it's a result of inexperience."
ACCORDING to City Admin-
istrator Sylvester Murray, Hen-
Iry' s appraisal of Wheeler's at-
titude towards his office is
painfully accurate. Murray
feels that Wheeler has come
close to usurping the powers of
his administrative position.
''There's been a redefinition
of my role as city administra-
tor," said Murray. "I've felt all

along that Wheeler had a gen-
eral distrust of administrative
people - from day one. There's
been an abbreviation of my
power, a boxing-in of power."
Murray added that he felt
his input into the Wheeler ad-
ministration has been less than
it could be.. He feels his ad-
ministrative capabilities have
not been completely utilized.
"THERE'S A general feeling
that the bureaucracy does not
want to do their job even if
they're capable of doing it.
Fewer of my recommendations
are sought by council,.and few-
er of my resolutions are ac-
cepted by council," said Mur-
ray. "Am I an obstruction, or
am I just paranoid on my
Wheeler simply says that
Murray's complaints stem
from a philosophical difference
the two have on how a city
should be run. According to
Wheeler, however, Murray has
won out.
"I'm a very pro-strong may-

' or, strong council type of guy, work together and then said, 'I gime and says, "I'm willing to While Wheeler's insistence on
and Sy doesn't agree with me," will put together the details.' He be flexible and compromise, but being his own man has given
Wheeler said. "He thinks there did not consult the bureacracy. I'm not gonna sit here and act somescity officials nightmares,
Ishould be more administrative No way would Stephenson have as if Jim Stephenson is still in that same quality has earned
input. But I have sense enough put that (CDRS plan) together this seat. I'd be a damn fool. him a certain admiration among
to know that what we have is and not ask what it would cost . . . We don't feel we can be some council Democrats.
what Sy likes, and we have to to hire a building inspector. No a rubber stamp for administra- "Wheeler understands how
work with that. 90 per cent of way does $17,000 pay an inspec- tive policies and that's the way you get things done," said Coun-
the things we act on in coun-"tor and his fringe benefits," it was during 'Stephenson's ad- cilwoman Elizabeth Keogh (D-
cih comes to us through depart- complained Murray. ministration. First Ward). "In terms of his
ment heads, which have to go According to Councilwoman "Look, I want to reorganize personal style sometimes he
through Sy first." j Kathy Kozachenko (SIRP-Sec-the police department in this does go off and do things by
ond Ward), Wheeler's habit of town," Wheeler added. "But himself. I sympathize a lot with
WHEELER'S attitude is in indidally atempin t an- hell, I'm not gonna rely on the his style. . . . There are things
sharp contrast with that of his individutorall city programs from his police command to tell us that he's the only one that
predecessor, James Stephenson, office, often times leaves cou- through the administration how should be doing it. I think some
says Murray. On the issue of ebers in to do it." people reesnt that.
Community De.velopment Rev- lrhh.WHEELER also revealed that "During t h e campaign, I
enue Sharing (CDRS) specifical-'lurch. he sometimes is suspicious of heard things about him like he
ly, the administrator says that "THERE'S MUCH more un- information he gets through ad- was autocratic, he wants his
the difference in his level of certainty as to what's what now ministrative departments on own way, he is opinionated and
participation in the program than there ever was with Ste- proposals, because he fears they on a number of counts the folks
' since Stephenson left has been phenson," she said. "At least too often operate in their own that made those comments are
the difference between night and Steenson was real straight self-interest right. Al is old enough, he's
day. forward. He was very upfront "Sometimes you don't trust been around long enoughso that
"With Jim it would have been about where he was at, and he the information you get until he knows what he wants. He's
upfant 'Tis s m poitialdid things from the council you know what game they're in- independent, he sometimes gets
r framework, hiand syou, het bu- arena,hasgopposed tothe May- to. They work with their priori- angry if you question what he's
reacracy, put the details to- or's office which is the way ties. You never know whether doing or saying."
rgether within that framework,"' things are done now." any proposal is really for the Councilwoman Carol Jones(D-
explains Murray. "With Wheel- But Wheeler scoffs at the com- city or just some special interest Second Ward) c I a i m s that
- I er, he put the general frame- parisons to the Stephenson re- group," Wheeler said. See THE, Page 12



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