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Y r e
l1 iCtta
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVi, No. 82
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 12, 1975
1 0 Cents
I -
Twelve Pages
Ne u
Something to crow about
The battle between the Ann Arbor man whose
pet rooster crowed his neighbors awake and the
city has ended in a draw. The charge against Bill
Strauch, 59, of illegally raising a rooster within
the city limits was dismissed yesterday. Last
September Strauch's neighbors complained to po-
lice about the early morning crooner. Police found
the bird tied to Strauch's parked car. Strauch told
the officer he had been keeping the rooster inside
his house, but said he tied it outside when it began
to make too much noise. The rooster had formerly
slept in Strauch's bedroom, police said. Strauch
was cited for a city code violation but charges
were dismissed when Strauch moved the rooster
to an area outside the city limits.
Remember the long lines waiting to CRISP last
September? According to the Registrar's Office,
the process now averages 10 minutes. About 20,000
students have been processed through CRISP.
During vacation, students will be able to CRISP
without appointments. Permits will be available
January 4 for Dropping and Adding on Sunday
afternoon and Monday and Tuesday (January 5
and 6) evenings. From January 7-16, permits should
be obtained from individual schools. Beginning
January 19, permits will not be required. So now
you know.
Ta to
And as another snowy fall term slowly sinks into
the horizon, we bid you all a fair adieu. It is time
for all us staffers to once again pretend we are in
school and wing our way through those final exams.
Although it is probably too late for us to salvage
this term, we nevertheless wish you all the best
of luck for a glittering GPA and a fun-filled Christ-
mas vacation. For those of you who will be eating
oranges in the glorious sunshine of Miami, we
say good luck, go Blue, and may you- be stricken
with an insupportable sunburn. Until next term .
Research grants
Faculty research grant applications are now
available, so professors who want funding for pro-
jects beginning next May should drop by Room
1020 Rackham (764-4405). The forms are due at
the Graduate School no-later than Friday, January
30. Take a break from grading all those finals.
Happenings.. ..
have tapered off, so students can devote
more time to cramming. But psychologist and
Jesuit priest William Sneck will speak about psy-
chological, physical, spiritual and political heaing
at 8 p.m. at Canterbury House . . . Tomorrow
WRCN will broadboast a radiothon from Briarwood.
The money they raise between 9:30 a.m. and 9:30
p.m. will go to the Washtenaw Tuberculosis and
Health Association . . . The Renaissance Revival
Arts and Crafts fair and open market will be in
the Union Ballroom from 10 a.m. Ito 8 p.m. Satur-
day . . . A Woman's Bazaar featuring books,
records, information and art will be at the Guild
House, 802 Monroe, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. . . .
The Fred Harris for President campaign commit-
tee presents a game night at Corntree Coop, 1910
Hill, beginning at 8 p.m. Bring your own . . .
Faruk and the Griot Galaxy present "Cram Jams"
at Trotter House, 1443 Washtenaw, from 10:30 p.m.
until ) a.m. Donations will be accepted at the
door. . . On Sunday, the Renaissance Revival fair
will open again from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. ii the Ball-
room . . . the Fred Harris campaign committee
will meet at Corntree at 12:30 . . . From 1 p.m. to
5, you can join "Country Christmas at Cobbletone
Farm." Tours of the building, 2781 Packard, will
be conducted. Decorations and entertainment fea-
ture the theme of Christmas past on Michigan
farms . . . Professional Theatre Program presents
Broadway Spirit at 8 p.m. The original musical
revue featuring music by Foster, Berlin Cohan
and Porter. Admission is $1 for students with I.D.,
$3 for others. For more information, call the box
office, 764-0450 . . . Finally, Shoo-be-Doo and the
Utilitarians will entertain at Trotter House from
10 p.m. until 3 a.m.
Pizza lobby
There's a lobby for every cause and product in
Washington, D.C. And now there's the frozen pizza
lobby. The lobbying organization, called the Na-
tional Frozen Pizza Institute, represents some 30
pizza producers and "allied" firms such as equip-
ment manufacturers. The group wants to get you
the cheapest possible pizza and is trying to pro-
mote relaxation of federal quotas on imported
cheese. The pizza institute contends that the quotas
have helped drive up domestic cheese costs by 40
per cent since the start of the year, thus sharply
increasing producers' costs-and in turn upping the
retail price of pizzas plucked out of supermarket
frozen food bins.
On the inside ...
... Arts Page features a review of The Pirates
of Penzance by Jeffrey Selbst . . . the Sports Page
looks at sports during vacation . . . and the
If they get an expected go-ahead from a federal scientific
advisory board, University genetic researchers will plunge into
a virtually uncharted and potentially trecherous scientific frontier
sometime next spring.
And while scientists extol the anticipated benefits of "recom-
binant DNA" research, a number of critics assail the work for
what they see as prohibitive physical and ethical risks.
THE CONTROVERSY sprang up in June of 1974 when a Stan-
ford microbiologist, Paul Berg, worked out a way to create en-
tirely new biological organisms by combining the genetic informa-
tion from different organisms and chemically inducing reproduc-
Berg, president of the National Academy of Sciences at the
time, feared the possibly damaging effects of the research if ade-
quate guidelines weren't first established.
At the urging of the NAS, the nation's human geneticists and
microbiologists agreed to put off the research until ground rules
were set up.
AFTER AN eight-month investigation, a committee of the
National Institute of Health (NIH), a branch of the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), this week produced a
final guidelines proposal.
According to Dr. Ernest Chu, a University human genetics
professor and NIH committee member, the proposal dealing with
:acility and biological safety factors "will be presented to Donald
Frederickson (NIH director) for approval. It will take three or
four months.
Last week the Board of Regents approved a measure to allow
researchers to apply for a $300,000 federal grant slated for DNA
research-related laboratory renovations.
THE REGENTS also agreed to use University funds for the
renovations if the government, through the NIH, refuses the grant
In the wake of the Regents' move, a number of reservations
over the ethics and safety provisions of the research have sur-
Though the nation's scientists have all agreed to honor NIH
verdict on safety guidelines, there is presently no enforceable
GEO files
against 'U'
The Graduate Employes Or-
ganization (GEO) has charged
the University with failure to
comply with federal affirmative
action guidelines, in a com-
plaint filed yesterday with the
Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare (HEW).E,
The complaint asks HEW to
reconsider its approval of the
University's affirmative action
program because of "the failure
of the U-M to include GSA's
(Gr-aduate Student Assistants)
in the plan," and the alleged
"high degree of underutilization
of women and minorities in the
GSA workforce."
ALTHOUGH the complaint has
not been received by the HEW
regional office in Chicago, offi-
cials who were informed of its
contents indicated that it would
probably be rejected.
The University has obtained
H W aproval for its overall
affirmative action plan, which
does not include GSA's. Accord-
ing to the Univeristy, HEW does
not require a graduate student
affirmative action elan, but only
the collection and analysis of
The University does have an
affirmative action program for
GSA's, as required by its con-
tract with GEO. But GEO has
ojections to this plan.
THE MOST serious omission
in the University's plan, accord-
See GEO, Page 8
way to sanction researchers who choose to ignore the restrictions.
AND SOME critics say the results of that sort of abuse could
be disastrous.
According to Susan Wright, Associate Professor of Humanities,
"There's reason to believe many of these techniques could be
dangerous. If you transfer some of the information on in a tumor
virus, let's say, to a bacteria, it's possible that that bacteria could
take hold in a host organism. Nobody knows how DNA recombines
in host organisms."
Genetic researchers here admit there's no legal clout behind
he NIH precautions, but they feel professional and financial con-
straints should keep people in line.
"HEW WOULDN'T. give (researchers) any money if they
didn't abide by the rules," says Charles Overberger, University
Vice-President for Research. Microbiology Department Chairman
Frederick Neidhardt explains, "Every grant request for work in
this area would go to a committee (under HEW control). They
would make sure each request met NIH guidelines before they
See SAFETY, Page 8
u S 1Iul eR
Call's fo"rmerN Bureau
tactics outrageous
WASHINGTON M--Atty. Gen. Edward Levi said yes-
terday proposed Justice Department guidelines for the
FBI forbid the agency from conducting domestic security
investigations of non-violent groups which do not intend
to deprive persons of their civil rights.
The guidelines would establish the first departmental
limits on the FBI's domestic security investigations.
"THE ATTORNEY general would be required under the draft
guidelines to put a stop to any full investigation whose justifica-
tion did not meet an established standard," Levi told the Senate
intelligence committee.
He said the draft guidelines also would place strict controls on
the use of any technique by the
FBI which goes beyond the
gathering of information.
Testimony before the commit-
tee has disclosed instances in
- which the FBI attempted to
thwart activities of groups it
considered extremist by employ-
ing a wide variety of tactics to
discredit leaders and disrupt or-
LEVI SAID those tactics, in-
itiated under the late director
J. Edgar 'Hoover, ranged from
the foolish to the outrageous. He
said in the future the FBI would
use preventive action only in
circumstances involving an im-
mediate risk to human life or
to "extraordinarily important"
functions of the government.
The draft guidelines require
any preventive action proposal
AP Photo to be submitted to the attorney
general, who could authorize the
action only if violence was im-
Beirut's minent.
military "The preventive action would
ook over in all cases have to be non-vio-
T -lent," Levi said.
loses on
bowl trip
Unusually sluggish sales will
result in a several thousand
dollar loss for the operator of
the University's official faculty-
staff-student Orange Bowl tour,
a travel company executive in-
dicated yesterday.
"We will definitely lose money
on the student tour," said
Thomas Conlin, president of
Conlin-Dodds Travel Ltd. Con-
ln refused comment on exactly
what the final tour deficit would
be. But a -cost estimate gathered
by The Daily placed the loss at
over $13,000.
CONLIN-DODDS, a subsidiary
of Conlin Travel Co., 2763 Ply-
mouth Rd., booked and sold the
official tour under the auspices
of the University's Office of
Student Services (OSS). The
University, however, is not re-
sponsible for -any tour deficit.
Based on past Rose Bowl
sales, University officials orig-
See TRAVEL, Page 12
Beirut guerrillas huddle
Left-wing Nasserite militiamen plan their att ack strategy on Phonecia Street, in
fashionable hotel district. Luxury hotels in the city have been used by insurgents as
bases. The rural Nasserites recently joined the left-wing Moslems, who yesterday t
the Phonecia Hotel and surrounded the right-wing Christian Phlange-occupied Holida3
three sides.
y in oni
Fight looms over union
HE SAID that some proposed
guidelines still are under dis-
pute within the Department of
Earlier, Sen. Barry Goldwater
(R-Ariz.) said the committee
should listen to tape recordings
of FBI wiretaps on Martin Luth-
er King Jr. to determine if the
bureau was justified in spying
on the late civil rights leader.
The upcoming election of
officers to the University cleri-
cals union is sparking another
round of debate between factions
within the new United Auto
Workers (UAW) local.
A set of- new union bylaws and
next year's contract demands
will probably be the dominant
issues in the January contest
between the Unity Caucus and
C l e r i c a 1 s for a Democratic
Union (CDU).
BOTH SIDES are already hint-
ing strongly of a strike over the
contract, to be negotiated next
spring and summer.
"T h e University probably
won't consent to our demands
without a strike," said Carolyn
Weeks, CDU candidate for union
president. "We want clericals
to be so well informed on the
process of the negotiations that
when it comes time to vote,
they will know just whether
they want to go on strike or
"We're going to take the Uni-
versity all the way to the wall,"
asserted Susan McGee, an inde-
pendent candidate for the bar-
gaining team. "If the clericals
know what they want and the
bargaining team asks for it and
the University won't give it to
us, then we'll go on strike."
Wheeler's tough leadership
angers GOP council members
Last of a series
When Albert Wheeler began campaigning for the Mayor's seat
last spring, he immediately became known for his gentle and un-
assuming demeanor. Slight in stature and apparently mild man-
nered, he didn't seem capable of using political strong-arming to
run the city. It-didn't seem possible that he could lose his temper.
One couldn't imagine him raising his voice.
But in his seven months in office, Wheeler has quietly ruled
_ the city with an iron hand, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt
that he has what it takes to be a commanding mayor.
SOME observers say that Wheeler has become too powerful,
HOWEVER, as the two politi-
cal factions scramble for their
electorate's approval, a separate
movement to withdraw from the
UAW altogether appears to be
gaining strength on campus.
Approximately 400 of the 3,200
clericals within the local have
signed cards in a withdrawal
drive, according to Pat Burris,
one of the clericals coordinating
the effort.
Another 700 signatures would
have to be collected by March
or April, however, before the
Michigan Employment Relations
Commission would be authorized
to call for a University-wide
clerical vote on the issue.
MUCH OF the dissatisfaction
with the union which has led
to the withdrawal drive can be
traced to the bitter controversy
between CDU and Unity Cau-
cus, both sidesagree.
The debate has centered on
the bylaws, which will define
the union's b a s i c governing
CDU recently won approval
for a set of bylaws which places
the highest authority of the lo-
cal in the hands of the mem-
bershin and permits payments