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December 06, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-12-06

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Saturday, December 5, 1975


events and entertainment
...10 for the week of Dec. 6 -12

in hopes of perfecting his tal. ance of comedy. Audiences that Maggie Pierce, and Owen Mc-
ent, soon finds 'himself im- could, laugh at the reasonably Bride, 9, $3.
mersed in- the .cranking out of straightforward h u m o r of Heidelberg Rathskeller -
seedy. Grade-B. Western flicks Bourgeoisie may find them- Mustard's Retreat, folk, 9:30,
of the time. This charming, in- selves perplexed and exasperat- no cover.
credibly gentle comedy is more ed at the cryptic, esoteric qual- Loma Linda - J. B. & Co.,
than just a nostalgia piece - ity that characterises much of rock, 9:30, no cover.
it is a reflection of the positive Phantom. However, it is doubt- Bimbo's (Ypsi) Salem
COMMERCIAL CINEMA side of the American Dream. ful that audience acceptance Witchcraft, rock, 9:30, $2.
The Hound of the Baskervilles Jeff Bridges is excellent as the was one of the director's primej
- (Campus) The first - and young writer, and is compli- objectives. Bunuel at 75 stands
bes -- os)the BasilRthond mented nicely by Andy Griffith with only a few others' as a su- S d
Sherlock Holmes films of the as a washed-up formner Cowboy preme filmmaker; his reputa- u
late '0's and early '40's. A star. **** ' tion at last secure, he doesn't
thoughtful adaptation of Doyle's -Let's Do It Again -- (Fox Vil- have to play up to an unpredict- CINEMA!
most famous novel, and Rath- lage) - Let's not. For reasons able public. He can create what- Ugetsu-(Cinema Guild, Arch.
bone is certainly the quintessen- known only to themselves (and ever is meaningful to him - Aud., 7 & 9:05) - Japanese film
tial Holmes -- but in all hon- perhaps, their- accountant), Poi- and perhaps, secondarily, to us that is highly regarded by for.
esty, why shell out two and a tier and Cosby have decided to as well. I don't think we can eign critics, but pretty much un-
half bucks for a movie you can bumble their way through a stu- -:asi' any more of him than that. known in this country.
catch practically every other pifying rehash of Uptown Sat- *** Dodes Ka-Den (The Sound of
week on the Late Show? (A note urday Night. The only thing The Harder They Come - the Trolley) - (Cinema II, 7 &
to American Film Theatre fans: worse than attempting to im- (Matrix, 7 & 9:30) - Young 9:30) - One of Akira Kurosa-
The Homecoming was cancelled prove on a" good original is at- Jamaican Reggae singer - turn- wa's most recent films, focusing
-no one's saying why. A most tempting to de-prove on a bad ed - criminal becomes a kind of on the lives of poor city dwell-
disanpointing development). original: if Sidney and Bill wish folk hero to his fellow country- ers in Japan.
Monty Python and the Holy to commit artistic hari-kari on men. .The film's Bonnie and The Harder They Come -
Grail - (Fifth Forum) - The screen, fine, but I hope they Clyde-ish plot is pretty thin (Matrix, 7 & 9:30).-- See Satur-
overrated British group's look don't expect audiences to pay stuff, but the atmosphere and day Cinema.
at the Arthurian Legend. To this to watch their death agonies. music are so infectious that MUSIC
observer an exercise in sopho- Jaws - (The Movies, Briar- they largely make up for any Mr. Flood's Party - Bryan'
moric foolishness (maybe the wood) - The most famous film shortcomings in the storyline. Lee Blues Band, 9:30, $1.
British really don't' have -.a in, the world back already for *** Lona Linda - Mixed Bag,
sense of humor). Go -see it if; a return engagement. And ad- jazz, 9:30, no cover.
you must, but don't set your* mittedly, within its limits, pret- Funny Girl - Couzens Cafe- Chances Are - All in Love,
hopes or standards too high. tv grand entertainment indeed. teria, 7:30 & 10:30). - Glurg. rock, 8, $1 to $1.50.
* The life and times of Fanny Bimbo's (Ypsi) - Changes,
BLi \ i(i n re lity n fast. wittyI-_

Red, blues, 9:30, $1.
Golden Falcon - Jack Orion,
jazz, 10, $1.
Loma Linda - The Platters,
8 and 10:30, $7.
Mr. Flood's Party - Catfish
Miller, folk - blues, 9:30, no

man, whose musical score is so rock, 9:30, $1.
pulsatingly dominant that one Chances Are-Sky King, rock,
gets the feeling Herrman, not , $1 to $1.50.
DePalma, was actually the di-
rector of the film. *** Casa Nova - Him and I, folk,
Greaser's Palace - (Ann Ar- 9:30, no cover.
bor Film Co-op, Angell, Aud. A, Golden Falcon - Athens Ex-
9 only) - Film by Robert Dow- press, Greek, 10, no cover.
ney (Putney Swope) is purport- Loma Linda - J. B. & Co.,
edly a parody on Jesus Christ rock, 9:30, no cover.
Superstar - which itself would,
be a pretty hard parody to top. Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys,'
Zabriskie Point - (Matrix, 7 bluegrass, 9:30, $1.

rackets. Memorable less as a
muckraker than final screen
effort of Humphrey Bogart as
a corrupt, cynical fight mana-
ger who slowly and heroically
sees the error of his ways. Al-
though already fatally ill when
the picture was made, Bogie
looks strong and virile, and it
is gratifying to watch him bow
out in this manner.**
Harold and Maude - (Matrix,
7 & 9:30) - See Thursday

CINEMA & 9:30) - See Monday Cine-I
King of Hearts - (Ann Ar- ma.S
bor Film Co-op, Angell, Aud. A, MUSICt
7 only) -. . . and again. Alan Casa Nova - Him and I, folk,,
Bates conquers all. *** 9:30, no cover.
Once Upon a Time in the Mr. Flood's Party - All Di-1
West - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, rections, 9:30, 75c.
Angell, Aud. A, 9 only) - One Loma Linda - J. B. & Co.,r
of Segio Leone's vintage spa- rock, 9:30, no cover.
ghetti Westerns - super heroes, Ark - Hoot night, folk, 9, 75c.{
super villains, a cast of thous- Blind Pig - Jack Orion, jazz,
ands, gorgeous Neo-Western 9:30, $1.
Italian scenery - and absolute- Bimbo's On The Hill - QSF,
ly no sense of drama or pace rock, 8:30, no cover.
whatsoever. Interesting in that Bimbo's (Ypsi) - Mugsy,
it casts Henry Fonda as the bad rock, 9:30, no cover.
guy -- a decided change of Chances Are - Sky King,'
pace, but not enough to fend off rock, 8, $1 to $1.50.f
the creeping paralysis of
Charles (How to Succeed in Mo-c
vies Without Trying at all)E
Bronson. As America's greatest x
monosyllabic wonder plods aft- CINEMAt
er Henry to avenge a childhood David Copperfield - (CinemaI
wrong, the film settles into a Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) -
tug of war between Italian cam- A rather stilted, cut-down Holly-I
pyness and Bronson dullness, wood version of Dickens' auto-
with numb - faced Chuck un- biographical classic. The filmc
fortunately winning out. In spite boasts the asset of W. C. Fields:
of Fonda's sincerely off-beat in the role of Micawber (a part
performance, this epic can real- one would swear Dickens wrote t
ly be recommended only to with Fields in mind), but he,
Bonso fanatics and other ma can't carry the film all by him- I
s bhis P t- t self and gets precious little help!
Z&briskie Point - (Matrix, 7, toward that end from thee
& 9:30) - See Monday Cinema, show's other participants. * 1
MUSIC Enter the Dragon - (Ann Ar- !
Bimbo's (Ypsi) - Mugsy, bor Film Co-op, Angell Aud. A, 11
rock, 9:30, no cover. 7 & 9) - Probably the best of|
Mr. Flood's Party -- Gemini, the kung fu epics, featuringf
folksy blues, 9:30, no cover. Bruce Lee who - however one'
Loma Linda -- J. B. & Co., feels about how he used his tal-
rock, 9:30, no cover. ents - was an unquestioned,
Golden Faleon - Melodioso,' poet of body movements. If pow-1
Latin jazz, 10, $1. zap stuff is your thing, then this-
Blind Pig - John Nicholas film is a must. ***
and Friends, blues, 9:30, $1. Harold and Maude - (Matrix,
Chances Are-Sky King, rock,' 7 & 9:30)' - Once again Bud'

Mr. Flood's Party - Mike
Smith and His Country Volun-

teers, 9:30, 75c. Chances Are - Sky King,
Bimbo's On The Hill - QSF, rock, 8. $1 to $1.50.
rock, 8:30, no cover. Blind Pig - John Nicholas
and Friends, blues, 9:30, $1.
Bimbo's (Ypsi) - Mugsy, Ark - Skunk's Misery, Ag-
rock, 9:30, no cover. ing Children, and Dick Segal,
benefit for Christmas toys for
poor children, 9, $1.50.
Golden Falcon - Street Fic-
fri aytion, 10, $1.
CINEMA - Loma Linda - J. B. & Co.,
CINEMArock 9:30, no cover.
The 39 Steps-(Cinema Guild, Heidelberg Rathskeller-Mus-
Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) - One of tard's Retreat, folk, 9:30, no
the best of Hitchcock's British cover.
films, in which accused mur- Pretzel Bell - RFD. Boys,
derer Robert Donat desperately bluegrass, 10, $1.50.
chases down the Nazi spies who Mr. Flood's Party - Melo-
are the real culprits. This was I dioso, jazz, 9:30, $1.
one of Hitchcock's first uses of Bimbo's - Gaslighters, rag-
the innocent man theme, which time sing - along, 6-1:30, 50c
he has worked over and over after 8.
again through the years with al- Bimbo's On The Hill - QSF,
most magical success. **** rock, 8:30, no cover.
Alice in Wonderland - Me- Casa Nova - Him and I, folk
diatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7, 8:301 and 50's, 9:30, no cover.
& 10:00) - Alas, this film is a Biinbo's (Ypsi) - Mugsy,
far cry from Lewis Carroll -- rock, 9:30, $2.
or even Walt Disney. Despite an
engagingly off-beat cast, the '.- -
picture is so stodgy and uni- nh411v If qial Bulletin
maginative that the varied tal--:---::-<-- :::-:-:::::::-:< .Y::::;

Hearts of the West - (The
Movies, Briarwood) - Young
would-be Western writer heads
for Hollywood of the early 1930's

satu' rday

rwce tin reau y aIb, WLY 1
comedienne) transferred and°
sunk into the super syrup of
Hollywood lard. There was
really no good reason for mak-

CINEMA ing this three-hour FranKenstein
Chinatown-(Mediatrics, Nat. monster other than to disolay
Sci. Aud., 7:30 & 9:30) - A pri- Barbra Streisand and to make
vate eye's entanglement in a a lot of money while the later
web 'or- moral-political corrup- r ,son may be sniind economic-
tion in Depression-era Los An- arlt, neither justification car-
geles is really more an unabash- ries artistic validity. Funnry il
ed horror movie than the cyni- is better than Funny Lady --
cal detective story it pretends ic h aentd o
to be. Roman Polanski's film I r the Cleveland Indians are
is deservedly one of the block-' better than the Detroit Tigers.
buster entries' of' the '70's, with
memorable performances from Age of the Medici - (Cinema
Jack Nicholson; Faye Dunaway IT, Angell Aud. A, Part 1 at 7,1
and everyone else ? concerned. Part 2 at 8:30, Part 3 at 10:00)
**** :-One of the latest of Robertoj
The Phantom of Liberty - Rossellini's series of historicali
(Cinema Guild Arch. Aud., 7 dramas, this one dealing with
& 9:05) Bunuel's sequel to the Italian Renaissance.

rock, 9:30, no cover.
Zabriskie Point - (Matrix, 7
& 9:30) - Mark and Daria get
it off in Death Valley. Michel-
angelo Antonioni's 1970 howler
about the Youth Counterculture
is painful in its naivete aboutI
the socio-political upheavals of'
the time, and fails utterly toI
catch a feeling for the pulse ofI
America - a common handi-
cap for foreign directors. But
it's hard to criticize this film
too vehemently, at least in com-
parison to some of the direc-
tor's other efforts; at least'
things happen in Zabriskie,
which is more than can be said

ents involved are downed in
blandness. First you gasp with
delight over an unexpected ce-
lebrity appearance, then you
start to wonder how he or she
e-er got conned into a potboiler
like this.**
The Harder They Fall-(Cine-
ma II, Ang. A, 7 & 9) - Solid
but brutal expose of the boxing

saturday, December 6
Dav Calendar
WUOM: From the Midway-
"Christianity and Humanism," with
Lord Michael Ramsey, former
Archbishop of Canterbury & Head
of Church of England, 10 am; Rich-
nrd Lewontin, Harvard, "Biological
Defermination as a Social Weapon,"
12:40 urm.
Artists. Craftsmen Guild: Christ-
mas Art Fair, Pendleton Rm., 2nd
fir., Union & Ballroom, 10 am-6
Svnchronired Swimming: MI Invi.
tational, Bell Pool. 10 am.
Ctr. South. Southeast Asian Stu-

Let professional framers show
you how to do it yourself-choose
Sirorr over 400 moldings-work in
ohd'of our 10 mini-shops--we
provide everything In lss than an
hour you'can'walk out with your
favorite print or painting, matted and
framed-ready to hang ata 50%~'
oz":'fr your conventence we'll be
open at this new shop every week~day
from 10 am to,9 pm. Saturdays
1amrrkto5.30 pm and Sundays
noon to 6 pm Plus there's plenty of
parking out back and a well lit
rear entrance

his 'hugely 'successful Discreet
Charm of the Bourgeoisie may
come as a disappointment to ad-
mirers of that work. Once again
.we have a.series of: loosely-con-
nected absurdest episodes gen-
erally involving the upper
classes, but this time . around
the sequences seem even more
disjointed, and often without
the accompanying counter-bal-


Ufo tevaan sarsof- 8, $1 to $1.50. Cort learns how to live, live! As CHICAGO (AP) - Laundering des Benedict Anderson, Cornell,
MUSC fr te acat sare o L'ven 'H & M once again makes mon-; of children's cotton flannelette Religion and Polities n 'Thailand
Casa Nova - Hi and I, folk turra and the endless smoke- H&gnand Indonesia - A Comparative
and SO's, 9:30-1:30, no cover. stacks of Red Desert. Antonio- ey, money! The cultural phe- sleepwear, using hard water view." Commons Rm. Lane Hal!, 10
Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys, ni's use of the camera is al- nomenon surrounding t h i s : and soap or non-phosphate de- am.
bluegrass, 10, $.50. ways fascinating even in the warmed - over little hedonistic I tergents, can impair their fire- UAC Children's Theatre: Free to
Bm s eHFworst of timesadhere he'wet dream continues unabated, Iretardant properties, according ee, 2. 30 pm.ArenaTheatre,
Sn ereates some arresting and orig- CINEMA as new generations of Ann Ar-|to the Water Quality Assn. UAC Musket: Godspell, .Mendels
rokcetssm*e stiisndonsoh. 2. 8pm.
k 8:30, no cover. ga mages - such as the re- Sisters - (Ann Arbor Film borites get sucked into the cult: | However, if the laundering sic, School:' De recital
Blind Pig -Express, 9:30, markable slow-motion explo-' Co-op, Angell, Aud. A, 7 only) "The greatest film I've ever ( done with soft or softened wa- clarinet. Recital Hall.g2epm; degree
Bimbo's - Gaslighters, rag- Sion at the film's end. I think - young woman suffers from a seen!" "It makes you feel so ter, no impairment occurs, ac- recital - piano. Recital Hall, 4:30
time sing-along, 6-1:30, 50c af- we 'should be a little generous split - personality complex, with good!" Two thoughts come to cording to the association. pm: freshman trumpet recital, Re-
ter 8. bloodcurdling results. Director mind: 1) Why must the only cital Hall, 8 pm; Faculty recital,
to Miceangelo this time '----"h hr First unitarian Church, 8 rim.
Chances Are - Skat Van Win- around - Zabriskie may be Brian DePalma s entertaining! criteria of a great picture be When ard water is used Trotter House: Women's- United
kle, rock, 9, $2 to 2.50. ore bull, but man, what a wild pean to Alfred Hitchcock was that it makes yon "feel good"? with soap or nonphosphate de- Day, Trotter House, 1443 washte-
Mr. Flood's Party - Bryan way to crash. ** given an incredibly poor dis- 2) Just what is there to feel so tergents, it leaves a coating on naw. 6-9 pm.
Lee'Blues Band, 9:30, $1. MUSIC tribution when released three good about from this archly fabrics that blacksthe action Dance/Music School: "Fick of the
Ark - The Mini-Folk Festi- Chances Are - Mugsy, rock, years ago (in Detroit it played self-superior fantasy which of the flaerardant,"ichd- PTP: O'NeShrs Long Day's Journey
as the bottom half of a double sneeringly dismisses anyone .into Night, Power, 8 po.
val, featuring Michael Cooney, '8, $1 to 1.50. bill with e- over or under as rector of the association's lab- MusicaSocietHandel'sMessiah,
,Joe Hendrickson, Dave Jones, iBlind Pig- Boogie Woogie cetly id Blickula). Only r- Trtwenty o ndreighty, Irco f hasoiainslbsMsclScit:HnelsMsiv
J e H D J sd - Bgently did Sisters begin to be either an idiot or a fascist, and oratory, said. "The coating is Choral Union. Interlochen Orchestra
noticed by serious filmgoers, perfectly both? Get wise, folks; the same curd that creates the 'Hill Ad., 8:30 pm.
and while it is not the super- so many fine, neglected films g taroun th kbatt aH CANDAIL
classic some now claim it to be, come and go in this town-sure- mts tn may. ar- volume LxXXVI, No. 77
it succeeds as an exciting and ly we can latch on to something nsSaturday, December 6, 1975
affectionate tribute to Hitch- better to worship than an in- with soft water prevents the' i edited end managed by, students
cockian lore. Iestlt he phonyblyinfate formation of these deposits." at the University o Michigan. News
nerestgy, te sufferably inflatedphony like Iphone 764-0562. Second class postage
picture is virtually stolen by Harold and Maude. * Fire-retardant fabrics for chil- p'ijd at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48166.
!composer and long-time Hitch- MUSIC dren's sleepwear have been re- Published d a iily Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
cock collaborator Bernard Herr- Blind Pig - Rabbits, jazz- quired since 1973. sity vear at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
-_ Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
) L ,^n^L , ' ^ ^rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
-~ ~ m~rs); $13 by mail outside Ann Ar-
# Summer session published Tues-
I day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside A n
., Arbor.
- AnnounCements
for Chanukah
+0 at'
Information Desk, Main Lobby L.S.A. Bldg. Saturday, Dec. 6
A* 4 latkes and dancing



We have

When someone drinks too
much and then drives, it's the silence
that kills. Your silence.
It kills your friends, your
relatives, and people you don't even
know. But they're all people you
could save.
If you knew what to say,
maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe
fewer people would die.
What you should say is, "I'll
drive you home." Or, "Let me calla
cab." Or, "Sleep on my couch

coffee never made anyone sober.
Maybe it would keep him awake
long enough to have an accident;
But that's about all.
The best way to prevent a
drunk from becoming a dead drunk
is to stop him from driving.
Speak up. Don't let silence be
the last sound he hears.
! BOX 2345

11EV uU)
d, s~opencils
.\ '\i
\.\ \|S




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