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December 06, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-12-06

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 77 - Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 6, 1975 10 Cents Eig
m g

ht Pages

4llegations fly in

L T'' ! t h r

Trony rent strike

Hurry, hurry, hurry
Hold everything. The minute you finish scour-
ing our magnificent publication, grab your wallet
(and it might be wise to put on a coat) and hustle
on down to the nearest T-shirt store. Tomorrow
is the Big Day when the First Ever and Greatest
of All Michigan Daily T-Shirt Design Contest win-
ner will be published in all its splendor (and in
iron-on ink). Be the height of fashion on campus.
Amaza the crowds in Miami this Christmas. You
can't, you shant, you won't be disappointed. And
if you miss this golden opportunity, you can't say
we didn't warn you.!
Volunteers needed
Student volunteers are needed to aid the U's
Disabled Students Services in compiling a study on
the accessibility of campus buildings for persons
using wheelchairs. The volunteers will evaluate
building entrances, doorways and elevators to pro-
duce a national directory for these students. This
directory will enable students to compare colleges
and universities in terms of accessibility. Volun-
teers will be helping DSS meet a January 1 dead-
line for a Higher Education Accessibility Project
mandated by the U.S. Bureau of Education for the
Handicapped. Interested students should contact
DSS, 4119 Michigan Union or 763-3000 for further
information from 9-5, Monday through Wednesday.
... today start in Detroit. The Michigan Coalition
to Stop S-1 is holding a demonstration at 1 p.m.
at Kennedy Square to protest against the Criminal
Justice Codification and Reform Act of 1975 also
known as S-1 ... the Baha's Community of Ann
Arbor is holding a conference called "Women: A
Key to the Future of Humanity" from 1 to 5 p.m.
in the Briarwood Community Rm. A in the south-
east wing of the mall ... UAC children's theatre
presents "Free to Be ... You and Me" at 7:30
at the Arena Theatre in the Frieze Bldg. Satur-
day and Sunday matinees are sold out ... "Blithe
Spirit" will be presented at Community High
School by the Community High School Aud. at 8
p.m. Admission is $1 for students and $2 for
adults ... The Dance and Music department pre-
sents a multi-art dance concert at 8 p.m. at
Schoerling Aud. Admission is $1.50 ... also at 8
p.m. is "Godspell" at Mendelssohn ... and the Ann
Arbor Classical Guitar Society presents "Duo
Rococo" - a flute and guitar concert at True-
blood Aud. at 8:30. Admission is $3.00 ... And by
the way, Playboy's Miss December, Nancy Libran-
dy (she's at least 100 proof) will get into the ins
and outs of sex on Saturday Graffiti at 5 p.m. on
Bare essentials of anthro
Prof. Sally Slocum's intro anthropology courses
at the University of Montana bares all. It's none
of those dull skulls or carbon dating for her stu-
dents. Slocum centers her attention around the
navel-teaching wide-eyed students the intricacies
of the stripping trade. Her field work is extensive
since she claims to have worked her way through
the University of California at Berkeley as one of
the take-it-all-off crowd (kind of makes you won-
der how Professor Goldschmidt got through school,
doesn't it?). She attended the annual meeting of
the American Anthropology Association in San
Francisco to present a paper entitled "Strippers
and Their Customers: Interaction at the Bar,"
where she presented, among other things, a scath-
ing criticism of patrons of her former trade. "Most
strippers, Slocum said, "feel any man who wants
to watch a strip show for whatever reason must
have something wrong with him ... he is a stupid
sucker who is dumb enough to pay too much
money for bid drinks to see a show that a real
man would stay away from." Take that, Wilbur
More bare essentials
Sally Slocum may think stripping is worthy of
academic attention, but the New York State Liquor
Authority (SLA) has had it with "rampant nudity."
So it outlawed topless waitresses and totally nude
dancers in establishments serving alcoholic bev-
erages. The new ruling came as a response to
blatant advertising practices on the part of 40 or

50 bars in the New York metropolitan area. The
law also stipulates that topless dancers swing a
respectable six feet from the crowd.
On the inside ...
. . . another Doc Kralik special wings its way
into your home as one of Edit page's finest ex-
amines the Karen Quinlan case . . . Arts page
offers a review of "Godspell" by Andrew Zerman.
On the outside .. .

The Ann Arbor Tenants Union (AATA) yes-
terday charged Trony Associates' owner with
harassing tenants who are withholding Decem-
ber's rent in support of a strike against the
management company.
Trony's new owner, Dewey Black, who has
renamed the company Sunshine Management,
said he has done nothing to violate the terms
of his tenants' leases.
have paid their December rents into an AATU
escrow fund, expected to total $10,000 for the
The AATU-organized strike against Sunrise
was announced two weeks ago in protest of what
some tenants call inadequate maintenance and
Seven striking tenants and AATU members
yesterday picketed Sunshine's headquarters on
H1off a lb
UN hits
Israel on
-A proposed resolution blasting
Israel for "premeditated air
attacks against Lebanon, and .7
warning of stronger action if the
raids persist was submitted to
the Security Council yesterday.
U.S. Ambassador D a n i e l
Moynihan called it one-sided and
said the United States would
support only a measure that con-
demns "all acts of violence in
the Middle, East."
AT THE same time, the less
influential General Assembly
voted 84-17 with 27 abstentions
to ask all countries to desist
from military or economic aid
to Israel as long as it "con-
tinues to occupy Arab territories
and deny the inalienable" na-
tional rights of the Palestinians. Rosa Parks (c
The United States and Israel launched thei
were among those voting against the presidentc
the measure, and Israeli Am-
bassador Chaim Herzog said his ASIAN
government would not be bound
by "this one-sided discrimina-
tory attempt of those who sabo-
tage the move towards peace in Bi
the Middle East."

BLACK LAST WEEK sent notices to quit to
most of the striking tenants, according to the
However, the AATU said a court order is
needed to evict a tenant and if the rent is
then paid the tenant cannot be evicted.
Black last night refused to talk with a Daily
reporter until a typed question and answer sheet,
signed by both he and the reporter, were sub-
DESPITE THE NOTICES, Black said, "I don't
intend to evict anyone because I expect my
rents will be paid."
The University director of off-campus hous-
ing, Peter Schoch, termed the AATU-Sunrise
affair a "mess."
Meanwhile, two Sunshine tenants on Oakland,
who had not informed Black of their intentions
to strike, received a notice to quit on December

2, one day after their rent was due, according
to AATU organizer Peter Bergold.
ard University lease used by Sunrise include
a five-day grace period during which tenants
can pay their rent before a late fee is as-
Bergold termed the notice to quit sent to
the Oakland tenants an "act of harassment,"
because "they never informed Sunshine they
were supporting the strike."
Although Schoch said that practice "violates
the spirit of the lease," he said it is not "neces-
sarily illegal." "Trony's action was hasty," he
be "helpful" if needed. He finds both sides at
"I do fault Black considerably for some of
his past practices," commented Schoch. He re-
burie d

fused to divulge the specifics of Black's alleged
Larry Cooperman, an AATU organizer claim-
ed yesterday, "Black refused to speak to us
(AATU) as an agent of the tenants." He said
Sunrise's owner is not acting in good faith.
Stewards Council, composed of representatives
from every Sunrise building, agreed Thursday
night not to talk to Black until he recognizes
the tenant's union as a bargaining team.
Black said that any conversations with the
tenants union are "unofficial" and added, "It
appears to me any problems that may arise
under the lease shall be submitted to the Uni-
versity Mediation Service for an attempt at a
resolution of any problems as per the accords
of the lease."
In a telephone interview Thursday, Black
See RENT, Page 8



to search
DETROIT (M -- Authori-
ties believe the body of for-
mer Teamsters President
James Hoffa may be buried
in a Jersey City, N. J. land-
fill closed for the past six
years, two ' sources have
One of the sources, a law
enforcement official, said
yesterday: "It's Hoffa's
body they believe is buried
at Moscato's Dump."
A SEARCH warrant was is-
sued Tuesday b U. S. Magis-
trate William Hunt of Newark,
indicating the FBI wanted to
search the trash dump for the
body of Armand Faugno, a re-
puted underworld soldier who
has been missing for about a
"The Faugno angle was a
smokescreen,"-said the second
source, a non-law enforcement
source who is intimately fa-
miliar with activities of the
Teamsters Union. "Law en-
forcement officials think there's
a good possibility Hoffa is there
in the dump. It's logical. It
makes sense."
The law enforcement source
said the U. S. Organized Crime
Strike Force in Newark sought
the search warrant for Faugno
because "They had a better
chance of obtaining a search
warrant for Faugno than for
Hoffa. Faugno is from the East
Coast." According to sources,
Faugno was known to frequent
night spots in the area around
the Jersey City landfill.
THE SOURCE close to the
Teamsters Union said that "the
government has turned some-
See HOFFA, Page 8

AP Photo

Rosa Parks honored

enter), whose refusal to give up her bus seat
modern civil rights movement, is honored at
of the Montgomery Improvement Association,

to a white man 20 years ago sparked the Montgomery bus boycott and
ceremonies in Montgomery, Ala. yesterday. She receives applause from
Ms. Johnnie Carr and U.S. Rep. Walter Fauntroy of Washington D.C.


rzst rips

U.S. committed to
" F
Asian peace-Ford
JAKARTA, Indonesia (P) - Declaring that
the United States regards itself as a Pacific
nation, President Ford said yesterday "we
are firmly committed to peace and security
in Southeast Asia and throughout Asia."
Speaking at a state banquet given by Indo- ,.: / l>
nesan President Suharto in the glittering Free-
dom Palace, Ford said, "We see our own pros-
perity and progress linked with the cast pop-
ulations, the dynamic economies, the abun-
dant resources and the rich cultures of this
great region. F!
"NO AREA of the world is more importantf
to us than Asia."
A high-spirited crowd estimated by police6
at 100,000 - waving American and Indonesian-
flags - lined the road from Jakarta airportF
into town to welcome Ford on arrival from
Peking. It was in sharp contrast to the almost
total absence of , interested spectators in the Ford
See FORD, Page 8
November unemployment ri
reported lowest in six Mont]

I ijacked
BEILEN, Holland (Reuter)-
A mystery explosion last night
rocked the hijacked train in
which, a group of Asian gunmen
are holding 35 passengers hos-
tage, and one gunman and a
male passenger were injured.
A police spokesman said two
members of the gang from the
South Moluccas, an island chain
in Indonesia, lowered the injured
men to the ground through an
open door in the train and called
for ambulances to take them to
the hospital.
HE SAID the gunman was ser-
iously injured.
The injured man and his five
companions had held the train
since Tuesday, killing three hos-
tages and holding another 35as
captives. n the Indonesian con-
sulate in Amsterdam another
five South Moluccans are hold-
ing 15 adults and four children
Seven other children have
been released and it is expected
the remaining four will be freed
BOTH GROUPS of South Mo-
luccans are demanding inde-
pendence for their island home-
land, which has been part of
Indonesia since 1950 when Indo-
nesia received indepedence from
the Netherlands.
The spokesman for the train
IS incident said the wife of the in-
s jured passenger, who has head
injuries, was later taken off the
train suffering from shock and
workers taken to a hospital.

He said two other passengers
still on the train were slightly
injured and were being treated
by a doctor, who was one of the
THE TWO gunmen who car-
ried out the injured returned to
the carriage immediately after-
wards. Security officials theor-
ized that explosives carried by
the gunmen could have been in-
volved in the blast.
At the consulate in Amster-
dam, the five gunmen there
twice yesterday brought a blind-
folded youth with a noose around
his neck onto the balcony of the
See HIJACKED, Page 8

AATA, bus drivers
continue bargaining
The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA) and the
Transportation Employes Union (TEU) bargaining teams con-
tinued negotiations yesterday in an attempt to avert- a strike that
loomed when city bus drivers Thursday rejected a new contract
Both sides prepared last night for a weekend of marathon
bargaining. The city's 150 bus drivers, represented by the TEU,
say they will go on strike if a settlement is not reached by 7 a.m.
Sunday when the current contract expires.
A STRIKE would affect the city's entire bus service, which
serves about 9,000 people daily, and includes the dial-a-ride pro-
gram. But the AATA plans to staff as many buses as possible
with si1rer-isory personnel.
Mike Berla, AATA Chairman, said, "There has been move-

From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON - After a one-month increase,
the nation's unemployment rate dropped from
2 £h toR.A np~'r et ofthe i ,hr fnrn4 nvp Nniem-

Adult males, teenagers and full-time
benefited most from the decline.
Despite the drop in joblessness, the to

tal num-

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