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November 20, 1975 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-20

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[HE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday, November LU, I '~ ()

-1 --- .,. -1111 IIL

Page Eight


urs ay, November ,








By GREG KIRSTEIN To try and guess which par- i panion, the Bulldozer, fullback
Ohio State Lantern Sports Editor ticular Buckeye or group of Pete Johnson), "Blocking" (the
Around Columbus this time of Buckeyes will be responsible for entire offensive line) and "Bone-
year, the most talked about the victory over Michigan. Breakers" (defensive strongmen
game is football - obviously. Students playing the game Brown, Brudzinski, Beamon and
However, Ohio State students each get to place a bet on one Buonamici). With that line-up,
have been wrapped up in a more of the wheel's sections. If their it doesn't seem like selection
challenging game these past few selected section shows up after would be any problem for the
weeks and it has them baffled. the spin, the student wins all gambler.
Students at the Columbus cam- the other students' bets.
pus have been racking their THE FIRST section of the !
brains on a new carnival game, wheel is labeled with a huge
"Pick A Hero." The students "B." Underneath the "B" are Foul filmers ?
have a big wheel divided into some titles of contributors to Two men were caught last
five sections similar to those at the Buckeyes' success this sea- night filming the University
a carnival, son: "Backfield" (wingback of Michigan football prac-
THE OBJECT of the game: Brian Baschnagel and his com- tice, police and University
sources said.
Ann Arbor police said no

The first is the thinker, the
commander of the Ohio State
offensive troops. The latter is
the doer. What he has done is
more than any other running
back in the history of college
football has done. Is the contest
tough enough yet?
Now, completely bewildered,
the gambler glances at the
fourth section. This one reads
"S" for the specialists. Ohio
State has three of these.
First is punting and kick-off
wizard Tom Skladany, an All-
American last year. His kicking
companion is placekicker Tom
Klaban, who plans to boot a few
field goals Saturday and a few

more extra points. The last
member of this exclusive trio
is punt returner Tim Fox, Mr.
Daring. Fox has plenty of
chances to return punts-the
Buckeye defense has a knack
of forcing them.
The smart people place their
bets on the fifth section of the
wheel, a smaller portion squeez-
ed in between two others. These
people have already invested
money in party liquids for Satur-
day night's celebration in Co-
lumbus. Written in that tiny
section of the wheel is the last
item responsible for the Buck-
eye success and it's written in
gold. It reads WOODY.

If you covet
the best, you can
afford to have it.
HP-21. This scientific calculator weighs a mere
6 ounces and slips effortlessly into your shirt
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quality. NOW $99.95

one was formally arrested.
Wolverine players report-
edly spotted a telescopic lens
trained on them from an
apartment near the practice
Police reportedly arrived at
the apartment at the same
time as some members of
the team.
Authorities reportedly were
considering charging themen
with embezzlement of a trade
But then the gambler looks
at the second portion of the
wheel. All of a sudden, the
choice is no longer a clear-cut
thing. The second section dis-
plays a "D." Underneath the
"D" reads, "DEFENSE, DE-
AND THE GAME gets tough-
er. Section three contains only
the letter "G" and two names-
that strike terror into opposing
defenses: Greene and Griffin.

Gridde Picks




"LAST CALL for Gridde Picks for the 1975 season!" Yes, all
confidential picks must be submitted to the Michigan Daily
by midnight Friday. In a last minute Gridde change, the Bowl-
ing Green-Texas Arlington game has replaced the Georgia Tech-
Navy game.
And in a rare case of almost 20-20 foresight, South Quad's
Sue Ellerbrake took last week's $10 Follett's gift certificate
with an 18-2 mark.
This week's prizes are four passes from the Butterfield The-
aters (Michigan, State and Campus) and a large Sicilian Pizza
from Pizza Bobs.
1. Ohio State at MICHIGAN 22. Lafayette at Lehigh
2. Illinois at N'Western 23. LSU at Tulane
3. Purdue at Indiana 24. Virginia at Maryland
4. Mich. St. at Iowa 25. Notre Dame at Miami (Fla.)
5. Wisconsin at Minn. 2F. Miss. vs Miss St. (at Jackson)
6. Nebraska at Oklahoma 27. Missouri at Kansas
7. SMU at Baylor 28. Ohio U. at Marshall
8. Mass. at Boston College 23. Oregon St. at Oregon
9. Columbia at Brown 30. Penn St. at Pitt.
10. Californiaat Stanford 31. Drake at Temple
11. Cincinnati at Miami (0) 32. Texas Tech at Arkansas
12. Clemson at S. Carolina 33. Kent St. at Toledo
13. Colgate at Rutgers 34. Wash. St. at Washington
14. Kansas St. at Colorado 35. W. Virginia at Syracuse
15. Cornell at Penn 36. Wyoming at Air Force
1G. Dartmouth at Princeton 37. Bowling Green at Texas-
17. N. Carolina at Duke Arlington
18. Harvard at Yale 38. New Mexico St. at New Mexico
19. Holy Cross at Connecticut 39. Boston U. of Vilianova
20. Oklahoma St. at Iowa St. 40. Ohio St. Lantern at
L1. Tennessee at Kentucky DAILY LIBELS (at Wines Field)
- I
1. Find someone who has a freezer.
2. Put a bottle of Jose Cuervo Gold in it.
3. Go away.4
4. Come back later that same day.
5. Open the bottle and pour a shot of the
golden, viscous liquid.
6. Drink it with grace and dignity.
Or other people, if they're not around.

Doily Photo by KEN FINK
ONE OF THE terrible ."G's," Ohio State's Archie Griffin (45), dances through a narrow gap
in the Michigan defense during last year's 12-10 loss to the Buckeyes. The incomparable Grif-
fin, who has ran further with the ball than an'y other collegiate runner ever has, teams up in
the OSU backfield with the other terrible "G," quarterback Cornelius Greene. The duo pre-
sent the Blue defense with impressive statistics and a dangerous threat.

From HEWLETT-PACKARD. manufacturers of
the most advanced, quality calculators
in the industry.
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Wolverine partisans
don't bother Woody
COLUMBUS - Woody Hayes, the crusty, old football
coach of top-ranked Ohio State, says he enjoys the intense
dislike Michigan fans show for him.
"IT DOESN'T hurt my feelings at all. It's the greatests
compliment I could have," Hayes told newsmen.
"They (the Wolverines) couldn't beat me with two
Michigan coaches, so they had to come down here and
take a coach (Bo Schembechler) I trained.
"And they haven't beaten me with him yet. He was my
first graduate assistant at Ohio State and later a fine line
coach for me," Hayes said of Bo.,
HAYES HOLDS a 3-2-1 edge over his former assistant
going into their summit meeting Saturday for the Big Ten
title and accompanying Rose Bowl berth.
Hayes did concede it's a problem performing before
the more than 100,000 fans at Ann Arbor. "It's a dis-
advantage to play away from home," he said. "We'll
try to overcome that."
The Ohio State coach was in a good, low-key mood
earlier-this week, but that may have been a front.
"I am never happy as long as a football game is comingt
up," he said. "Contentment is for cows. They stand there
with that dumb look on their faces."
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By The Associated Press
crumbling New York Jets fired
Coach Charley Winner yester-
day and replaced him with Ken
Shipp, who was given his first
job in the National Football
League by Winner eight years
"I'm going to do everything I
can to turn it around," said
Shipp, who had been the Jets'
offensive coordinator u n d e r
Winner this year. "I'll talk to
each player individually from
now until Sunday. Our effort
has not been very good. I don't
think our players have played
up to their potential."
The Jets, 2-7 and last in the
American Conference East,
are in the midst of a six-game
losing streak, including some
very embarrassing losses, and
management, players and fans
alike were expressing irita-
tion at their plunge.
Shipp began his pro coaching
career under Winner at St. Louis
in 1968. He left the Cardinals in
1970 for New Orleans, then join-
ed the Jets in 1973, Weeb Ew-
bank's last year as head coach
of the team.
"I came after I was assured
that I was their man and that
I'd have time to build a team,"
said Winner, who was in his
second year as the ,Jets on-the-
field boss. "They gave me a
three year contract. I felt it
wo'ild be honored."
Te Top 20
By United Press International
1. Ohio St. 10-0 32 392
2. Nebrasko 10-0 8 322
2. tie DAILY LIBELS 10-0 8 322
3. Texas A&M 9-0 295
4. Alabama 9-1 243
5. MICHIGAN 8-0-2 242
6. Oklahoma 9-1 209
7.Texas 9-1 201
8. Arizona St. 10-0 86
9. Colorado 8-2 43
10. Penn St. 8-2 33
11. Arizona 8-1 28
12. Florida 8-2 25
13. Georgia 8-2 13
14. California 7-3 12
15. tie UCLA 7-2-1 9
15. tie San Jose St. 9-1 9
17 tie Pittsburgh 7-3 6
17: tie Arkansas 7-2 6
19. tie West Virginia 8-2 5
19. tie Tulsa 7-3 5
19. tie Ohio State Lantern 8-0-2 5
NOV. 22


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