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November 20, 1975 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-20

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Thursday, November 20 1975


Page Seven

Thursday, November 20, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

Arts Chorale'

Auditor calls computer

.{""": - .f.."- - --..- -- - --':{...Y.}.:'::. ::.".Y:.. VfY"... :". ..t .}{::J a..

proves inconsistent fraud a serious threat

(Continued from Page 5)
Ground" and Stephen Foster's
"Come Where My Love Lies.
The Michigan Singers, a twen-
ty voice group led by Assistant
Conductor Jack Jonker, sang
Foster's work well. In addition,'
they presented a trio of Felix
Hendelssohn's melodies and,
"The Brook" by Edward MacI
The small choir's members'
are culled from the ranks of
the Arts Chorale, 65 voices1
strong this term. The Michigan:
Singers present a fine blend of,
the four voice parts, with their
members split evenly.I
Fewer sopranos and more
male voices would have created:
a more even sound. Especially I
during the first half of the con-
cert, the soprano section was'
top heavy, drowning out the
other voices.
The choir's diction, especial-I
ly during "Hesperus", was ex-
cellent. Unlike many choirs.

directed them to sit or rise.
Unlike the conductors who are By JAY LEVIN
locked into a rigid presenta- A computer auditor from a
tion of awesome orchestral mu- lA coutingafirwrneda
siCrafr ets a st large accounting firm warned a
sic, Crawford went so far as to business school audience yester-
forget one score back stage. Tt day that "computer fraud may
happened to be "The Haymak- be hazardous to your corporate
er .rhealth."
The concert closed With William Mair, a UniversityI
Charles Ives' "They are, graduate employed by TQusche-
There." Written by an insur Ross, said computer fraud is
ance executive during World less common than innocent com-
War I and revised during World puter errors, but has potential
War I, the marching song in- for greater abuse.
corporates themes from "Tent-
ing Tonight" and another Chor- "THE LIKELIEST targets of
ale presentation, "The Battle computer frauds are the finan-
C'rv of Freedom", as well as cial institutions," said Mair.I
nixie, Colfmbiathe Gem of the However, he cited the case of a
Oce1n. and so forth.1 railroad company which "had
The flute accompaniment by ' 200rboxcars destroyed in com-
Thomasine Bere for "They are puter records."
There" was nretty and nenetrat- According to Mair, computer
ing. ht at tim-q he sA'ed to frauds cause greater monetary
be nlaving catch-fn with the loss than non-computer, or "pen-
choir. It's no wond-r: the Arts I cil frauds." In one case of mis-
(horle was srn. inq to cram chief, a tape librarian, who was
Tves' verbose nhrases. which at- about to be fired, gradually
tacked , noliticinns and cursed erased all his company's com-1
war, into a marching temno. puter tapes. And the loss to the

librarian's former employer? A!
paltry ten million bucks.
He also told the story of a}
distraught worker who fired a
bullet at an intimidating com-

program it to cause embezzle-
According to Mair, preven-
tion of computer frauds is vir-
tually impossible, but such acts
can be stopped before they oc-
cur or grow in magnitude.



ways to frenzy a computer, and "YOU'VE GOT to be fast," he
ultimately, a corporation. Sub- said.n
mitting phony inputs or destroy-' Mair suggested limiting ac-j
ing legitimate ones can foul com- cess to the computer's data files
puter operations, he said. and the general area near theI
"The computer is like a puppet; computer.z
in the hands of the program- He also advocated supervision:
mer," said Mair. "Anyone can of the programming systems.
-- - Computer programmers, Mair(
The city of New Orleans was said, are allowed to "do their;
founded in 1718 by the Sieur de own thing," but their own thing"
Bienville and was named for "may be taking a million dol-
the Duke of Orleans. Four tars."
years later it became the capi- "Somebody's got to do the'
tal of the French colony of job." he said. "You better be!
Louisiana. careful who."

Tnursday, November 20
Day Calendar
WUOM: Thomas Gies, prof. of Fi-
nance, 11976: Financing Recovery vs.
Constraining Inflation," 10 am.
Pendleton Arts Information Ctr.:
"Open Hearth," Ann Arbor Record-
er Society, Pendleton Rm., Union,
Public Health Films: Oil! Spoil!
M1138 SPH II, 12:10 pm.
Regents' Meeting: Regents' Rm.,
2:30 pm; public comments, 4 pm.
MHRI: Roman Greenberg, Boston
V. A. Hosp., "REM Sleep and Infor-
mation Processing," 1057 MHRI, 3:34
Geology, Mineralogy: William
Schoff, U of California at L. A.,
"Precambrian Paleobiology: A Late
Look at Early Evolution," 2501 CC
Little, 4 pm.
Ctr. Japanese Studies: Karen Bra-
zell, Cornell U., "Aristocratic Songs
of Medieval Japan," 200 Lane Hall,
4 pm.
Indust., Operations Eng.: J.

Muckstadt, Cornell, "Optimization
Methods in Scheduling of Power
Generation Dispatch," 246 E. Eng.,
4 pm.
Nuclear Structure Seminar: H. C.
Griffin, "Decay Properties of Neu-
tron Deficient Cs Ba I-sotopes,"
P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 pm.
Boccaccio Festival: Marvin B.
Becker, "Love and Death in Boccac-
cio's Florence;" Bruce Cole, "Vir-
tues and vices in Giotto's Arena
Chapel Frescoes," Aud. A, Angell,
4 pm.
U Players Studio Theatre: 3 origi-
nal 1-act plays, Arena Theatre,
Frieze, 4:10 pm.
Int'l Night: Italian menu, League
Cafeteria, 5-7:15 pm.
University Club: Sports 'n' Smor-
gasbord, 6 pm.
Ctr. Japanese Studies, Japanese
Film Group: Ozu's Tokyo Story,
Rackham Amph., 7 pm.
Slavic Dept.: Joseph Brodsky,
poet-in-residence, reading Aud. C,
Angell, 7:30 pm.

Guild House: Bert Hornblack,
Linda Silverman, poetry reading,
802 Monroe, 7:30 pm.
Chemistry: John Endicott, Wayne
State- U., "Charge-Transfer Spec-
troscony and Photo-stimulated Ox-
idation - Reduction, Reactions of
Ground and Excited State Transi-
tion Metal Complexes in Aqueous
Solutions," 1300 Chem., 8 pm.
Boccaccio Festival: Symposium,
'Millard Meiss' Painting in Flor-
ence and Siena after the Black
Death: A Reconsideration after 25
Years," West Galleries, Art Museum,
8 pm.
Music School: Degree Recital, Re-
cital Hall, 7 pm; Puccini's La Bo-
heme, Mendelssohn, 8 pm.
R.C. Players: 2 1-act playa, Fawl-
kes' The Innocent Party; Cum-
mings, The Human Zoo, E. Quad
Aud., 8 pm.
Musical Society: Los Angeles
Philharmonic, Hill Aud., 8:30 pm.
Women's Studies Fims: The
Blue Angel, Lee. R n. 1, MLB, 9


%+G~ . %Z4 1, xaiy aaaau
you could actually hear the
words the Arts Chorale was
The choirsused a pitch pipe
and a series of so, fa, and me
to begin each piece, simulating
the community gatherings whichr
sang the songs a century ago.!
The singers seemed to be "tun-
ing up", like an orchestra.
Crawford got into the spirit!
of the night with expansive ges-
tures to his Chorale when he
Thoroughly drain potatoes be-L
fore deep-fat frying them. Ex-
cessive moisture in food being,
cooked in deep fat helps break
it down and shortens its frying'
life. Excessive moisture also
makes fat foam-too much and
there's a danger of it boiling
The silt carried by the Mis-
sissippi River to the Gulf of
Mexico "moves the river's delta
340 feet farther into the gulf
each year..



U RSDAY, Nov. 20-7:30 p.m.
GUILD HOUSE, 802 Monroe


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Black Faculty and Staff Association
1. Policies and thrusts of general action program.
2. Issues of more immediate concern.
TIME: 12 noon, November 20
PLACE: Rackhom Bldg.
East Conference Room
Other meeting dates: 12/18, 1 /15, same place

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Afimainpr stn4hea thedplce fteSuh
Tahotharfro vmbndferen0, c9n5,Rofber F Knddy wtosulrihaebid
beren n hfty earsdold. The foistllsing woresiare adkesnce.om
"F eechr e wligobavetohtetsroat fthe Ui erst o t wanur fter l-
randue,th ohwannoftebrgSouith M rcuaeisa 1 r9rc6o d i Dy tanbrf e
nbAffi rmrationtproesngtYet aparsth n e i plicies of theySouthsewo
"i s fomhnume wrlsditherseiacds mostcouaqenfubelief cha hanisoryevs thaped.tis
Eachrtimenapeosn shtndsupcor onel r asthmoampove ithwilotf dthems, ors
stikescomt aninst injustricoreh r fshe soe.d ot iyrpl fhpadcosn
"achrther fotnmillmon disfterets entemofeeratindtodarinowthe rispples fuildiar
cureth atcanrs weep mbdown the financiesallces oopresindl ans resitabef.etoewo
"ew orte rillinqt ofbraeucthispBprotal s o ther flowsdthe cestreof shmrdoul-
lerques,Ltkewrthr ofthe ioce nt.Meso anouagerisadrarertacomm.dity than braeryso
me erato ths eththe enrage f o enter the nmothralcoitil fis dterslv"
withcomanios i evey crnerof he gobe
"Fortheforunae a onq s, her isthetempatin t folowthe asyandfamlia
pah o eroala btinan innia ucessoganl sra bfretos h
eno tepivlgeo duaio.Bt htisnt h oa ha itoyha..ke u
ToeodayothecNovebern0 95 oergyo epeta theF.tKenyswould.av

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LI Two-year NROTC Scholarship Programs
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% General NROTC information. (OT)

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