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November 15, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-15

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Page Two


Saturday, November 15, 195





John Roberts &
Tony Barrrd



Power tells of experiences
in trip to NATO countries

'Oil officials
gave large

Students to vote on
4 ballot proposals

Enolish Music Hall, pub songs, novelty
songs, ballads.
ALSO: Children's Concert--
Sot. 2 p.M*
1421 HILL 761-1451

By ANNEMARIE SCHIAVI c o m m a n d post, travel- "I think the feeling is very cam paign
University Regent Sarah Pow- ing through Belgium, the Neth- favorable to our presence.R
er, one of 13 U. S. women lead- erlands, and West Germany. Where you get a negative feel- donn
ers who spent two weeks travel- Power and the other women ing is in the south where the ;
ing through the NATO countries, also visited the Redeployment REFORGER exercise has done
feels the trip was significant be- of Forces in Germany (RE- considerable damage to peo- WASHINGTON (P) - An at-
cause it got civilian women in- FORGER), a major military ples' property," she comment- torney for Gulf Oil Corp. says
volved in foreign relations. installation, where a simulatedI ed. he was told in 1973 that a Gulf
The women were selected bywar plan is carried out with official "had been following a
by'more than 50,000 U. S. and al- POWER feels NATO's deci-|practice of giving Sen. Hugh
NATO,which planned the trip lied forces. sion to invite an all-women en- Scott (R-Pa.) $5,000 in the
to "broaden and enhance pub-' itourage was prompted partly spring and $5,000 in the fall of
lic understanding of NATO "IT TOLD the story of a need by International Women's Year each year."
countries." NATO is the North stran and partly by women's chang-
Atlantic Treaty Organization..s ,d M g role insociety He also provided a listing of
tarv capability in Western Eur-

By GLEN ALLERHAND and colleges of the University.
Ballot proposals concerning a The measure would also estab-
restructured Student Govern- lish a steering committee to
ment Council (SGC), amend- screen issues coming to the
ments to the All-Campus Con- floor of the entire assembly.
stitution, voluntary SGC funding, SGC is now primarily com-
and the future of unspent coun- posed of students from the liter-
cil monies will face student ary college (LSA), and it has no
voters in next week's SGC elec- steering committee similar to
tion. the one outlined in the MSA
Proposal A, if approved, will plan.
replace the current mandatory'
SGC funding with a voluntary THE SCHOOL and Govern-
donation system. Bob Garber, ment Task Force, which drafted
chairman of the Committee for the plan, says MSA would assure
Honest Student Government and that "the particular concerns
main architect of the proposal . . . that are unique to a stu-
says "voluntary funding would dent's orogram would be repre-
make SGC a more powerful sented."
body because it would have to Some opponents to the MSA
be more responsive to students." plan support Proposal C in-
stead, the Constitutional Con-


THE GROUP was mainly ope. The talk of force reduc-
concerned with the current ten- tion troubles the people a lot,"
uous status of the NATO alli- said Power, referring to RE-
ance, Power said at a press IFORGER.
conference yesterday. P o w e r asserted that the
The women spent much time American military presence in
observing NATO'S military Europe is generally regarded
___.......___ --in a favorable lia ht but alsn

"People on all levels of
ty are saying 'how ca
bring more women intc
mainstream,"' she said.
Power believes that th
men's movement in the U
far ahead of the moveme
Eurone. with the ribl}

n we
a the-.
e wo-
. S. is

1972 disbursements" from the
Good Government Fund of Gulf
employes that showed $2,000 go-
ing to the Committee to Re-
elect Jerry Ford, and other
moneys to the campaigns of
three current Democratic presi-,


ent in
e .

acknowledgedthere was some ception of France - which has
SSTUDENTSWEST SiDE anti-U.S. sentiments, partieu- a special minister for women's
ngESTBOOK DSHOP larly in Germany. affairs.
ace nt BOOK SHOP
Need Assistance- informotion uFINE USED and RARE BOOKSj
On LSAT scores?
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_____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ __ ~ ~-~____

dential contenders. . GARBER CONTENDS volun- vention ("con con") plan which
tary funding would deter the would ovehaul SGC by redraft-
CORPORATE contributions Council from implementing poli- ig its constitution. The constitu-
are illegal. Contributions frgm cies against the wishes of its tional convention would allow
employes are not. constituents. for a maximum of 75 delegates,
t But Council member Jeff Lark selected by petition, to work on
White House Press Secretary charges that Proposal A would the redraft.
Ron Nessen said the reported allow people "to buy influence Supporters of Proposal C say
contributions to Ford's congres- jo G. o xmlLr it wouuld allow more student in-
I sional campaigns apparently oS GC.-or xamleforr
tsaamans menioety is speculates, a student organiza- out for the restructuring of SGC
twe same as mentioned i Ta tion might donate money to SGC than does the MSA plan.
storY several weeks ago in The in return for decisions favorable WHILE LSA Council Presi-
New York Times, to that group, dent Amy Berlin contends 75
"It is not very new. About 20 While Garber maintains "the delegates would make a con-
peorzle were listed and Ford most important thing about (the vention too "unwieldy," sup-
was at the bottom of the list," proposal) is that it gives stu- porters point out that smaller
he said. "The President never dents a choice," SGC President subcommittees would make rec-
knowingly took a contribtition Debra Goodman contends the ommendations on the revision of
from Gulf or any other corpor- measlre "will spell the doom theconstitution.
ation."o C"bcuefwsuet Proposal D would release
will choose to voluntarily do- $12,000 of Council monies which
nate money to the Council. are left over from SGC's Stu-
Dc i / Official Bulle;n!"SGC IS A government," dent Legal Advocate Program
.:.<.. . -fGoodman says, "and . . . we (SLAP). The money would then
give services to students, even be used to pay off the Council's
Saturday, November 15 those who wouldn't pay." $6500 debt and for allocations to
Day Calendar Proposal B, the Michigan Stu-Istudent organizations.
Srt &R~eaton Oendent Assembly (MSA) plan, SLAP, which provides SC
Sportsu Recreation: Open volley- would revise the current strut- with legal services, is funded
bell Tournament, IMBldg.,9am-5 ture of SGC by expanding stu- by 30 cents out of every stu-
wUOM: From the Midway -I. dent representation to all schools dent's 75-cent SGC assessment.
Mina Rees, "The Ivory Tower & the
Marketplace; II. Norman Nachtrieb
Towards Understandig," 10 am.-
Football: Broadcast, UM vs. Ill!- 9. ,1~~ e i s a t sk e i
*os *UOM,9. M :0p.I] s a tsa e i


WCBN-FM: Saturday Graffiti Ra-
dio Magazine, Inside Martha Cook,
89.5 FM, 5 pm.
East wind Asian American Stu-
dents: Lawson Inada, poet Charles
Chin, folkainger, Davis Lounge,
Markley, 7:30 pm.
UAC Soph Show: "Celebration,"
Mendelssohn, pm.
PTP, Boccaccio Festival: Machia-
velli's Mandragola, Arena Theatre,
Frieze, 8 pm.
Music School: Carmina Burana,
Power, 8 pm; Bandorama, Hill Aud.,
8 pm.; Honors recital, Recital Hall,
8 pm.
Grad. Brunch
SUN., NOV. 16;
I11 A.M.
1429 Hill


'U' housing election

By L


ILast - minute applications for
candidacy yesterday filled the
U available positions in next
week's University Housing Coun-
cil (UHC) election, which also
includes three ballot proposals.
Nineteen persons have filed
for seats on the elected body of
students representing residence
h a 11 concerns to University
Housing officials. Unlike the
SGC election, only students liv-
ing in campus housing will be
allowed to cast ballots on UHC
GENERALLY, one position is+
open every year from each of
s e v e n housing districts, but
resignations and. unfilled seats
from last year have increased
the available spaces to 11.
Two students will be elected
from the Baits, Alice Lloyd-East
Quad, Hill and South Quad-
Fletcher districts, while one slot
is open in the Markley-Oxford,
Bursley and Campus districts.
The Hill district includes Mos-
her-Jordan,.Stockwell and Cou-
zens dormitories, w h i 1 e the
Campus district- is composed of
West Quad, B e t s y Barbour,
Helen Newberry, the Law Quad
and Martha Cook.
ON THURSDAY, the day be-
fore the filing deadline, only
five students had signed their

names to run for election.
The election incades three
referenda, the first of which has
become a familiar issue in UHC
elections - t h e controversial
dormitory boycott of non-union
lettuce, grapes. and Gallo wine.
UHC considers the results of
the boycott vote binding, Al-
though the balloting has con-
sistently supported the boycott,
the majority has been "slightly
decreasing every time," accord-
ing to former UHC President
David Faye.
FAYE CLAIMS that many
students have withdrawn their
support of the boycott because
"there has been a false argu-
ment going around that the
UFW (United Farm Workers)
have won all these rights."
He says UFW union members
have repeatedly stated that the
recent California Supreme Court
decision allowing the union col-
lective bargaining rights has not
alleviated the plight of migrant
Faye feels the boycott will be
more effective on a campus-
wide basis than it would be If
left to personal choice.
THE SECOND ballot proposal
asks whether a successor should
be provided for UHC's vice-pres-
ident in case of his or her resig-
nation. The third proposal is a
simple opinion poll on expansion
of vegetarian meals provided in
the dormitories.
Like the SGC election, stu-
dents can vote by bringing their
ID cards to the 17 polling areas
spread throughout the campus.
Among the polling places are
the Nnrth University bus stop,
the Fishbowl, the corner of
S o u t h and E a s t University
streets and Architecture and
Design Building.
Hawaii's . first sugar plan-
tation, which failed, was start-
ed in 1825.


The First Ever and Greatest of All


first Prize:
PLUS $25 cash
PLUS your design in
The Daily using
special IRON-ON ,ink.
2nd & 3rd Prizes:
w i. ll be acknowledged an d
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The Daily using regular ink.



Design an emblem, cartoon or drawing incorporating into its theme the
Michigan cootball Wolverines and their upcoming Bowl appearance.
The winning design will be reprduced in The Daily using special ink
so that students and all team supporters can IRON-ON your artistic
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ELIGIBILITY: Anyone who supports U of M football
ARTWORK: no larger than 61/2" deep x 9" wide or 9" x 61/2",
black ink on white paper. Include name, address and
nhUn Unn anel hrinh nrail +o ThP Michinnn Dnilv

Volume LXXXVI, No. 63
Saturday, November 15, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
Phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a i l y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Ar-
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mull outside Ann
Carmina Burana




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