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November 15, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-15

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:43 t I

See Today for Details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 63

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 15, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



Local yokel
A local man wanted by the Ann Arbor Police for
robbery wound up in Las Vegas - again on the
wrong side of the law. James Melvin was arrested
in Sin City for attempted murder, robbery, and
grand larceny when he decided to shoot it out with
a policeman who stopped himas part of a routine
traffic check. Apparently Melvin was driving a
stolen car and was afraid it would be discovered.
He whipped out a gun and opened fire. The police
beat him to the draw - Melvin is now is a Las
Vegas hospital recovering from multiple gun shot
wounds. It'll keep him out of the casinos, at least.
Lest we forget
It was a blustery November Saturday six years
ago, the kind that makes you think of the band
playing at halftime or the crowd chanting for a
touchdown. But it was different: the crowd, an
estimated 500,000 people, gathered around the
Washington monument to protest America's role in
the Vietnam war. The gathering was non-violent
and united. Six years ago today, folksinger Pete
Seeger sang "Give Peace A Chance", and a half-
million people faced the White House and held up
the peace sign. Now, that war is over and that
President has resigned in disgrace; mass demon-
strations are virtually unknown. But for the stu-
dents and adults who rode buses to Washington
that weekend from across the country, it is a
memory that will not soon fade.
Happenings .. -
include something for everyrone from stamp
fiends to animal lovers today. The Ann Arbor
Stamp Club holds its 1975 stamp show from 9:30
a.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the community room in Briar-
wood Mall . . a conference of University law
school women grads begins at 9:30 a.m. in Hutch-
ins Hall .vith discussion focusing on current legal
research on women . . . the Fund* for Animals
holds an animal benefit Christmas card and gift
sale from noon till 6 p.m. at 2841 Colony Rd... .
at 7:30 p.m. East Wind sonsors an Asian-Ameri-
can Rhymesical with poet Lawson Inada and sing-
er Charlie Chin in the Markley Angela Davis
Lounge . . . and national wheelchair basketball
champions, the Detroit Sparks, hold a benefit ex-
hibition game at 8 p.m. at the Huron School gym-
nasium to raise funds for the Leonard Greenbaum
Memorial Scholarship for Disabled Students at the
University; tickets may be purchased at the UAC
office on the first floor, Michigan Union.
Hollywood flats?
Ever wonder why flat south Florida has com-
munities with names like Vero Beach Highlands,
Hollywood Hills and Miami Heights? It's good old
American salesmanship at work. "You couldn't
take Hollywood Hills and call it Hollywood Flats,"
says the president of an ad firm specializing in
real estate. "You need the romantic flavor." Vero
Beach Highlands measures in at a dizzying 12
feet above sea level: Hollywood Hills peaks out
at 11 feet; and Miami Heights stands one stately
foot above sea level.
Chimp talk
Lyn Miles is finishing her doctoral studies in an-
thropology with a dissertation on her efforts to get
Ally, Lucy and others to "talk." They're chim-
panzees, and the conversations were in sign lan-
guage. The first time Miles conversed in sign lan-
guage with chimp Lucv, "I was really blown
away," she says. "And Lucy took it as a matter
of fact. She sinned, 'What are vo 'excited about?'
I didn't know how to tell her I was excited about
communicating with an animal." Miles says she
teaches chimns sign language by molding their
hands in the shape of sins. Chims combine signs,
on their own, into complete thoughts and use them
to exnress feelings, she id.

Put to pasture
William Wright of Callahan, Fla. may not have
particularly liked his wife, but he sure dug her.
In fact, he cared about her so much that when she
wished she were dead, Wonderful William quickly
complied by burying her alive in a nearby pasture.
Investigators are unsure whether Laura, William's
19-year-old wife, was dumped in the six-foot deep
hole or if she strolled in voluntarily. An unidenti-
fied relative told police he went to the pasture
when he heard a bulldozer about 1 a.m. Tuesday.
The relative found Wright and asked what he was
doing to which he very cleverly and logically re-
snonded that he was burving Laura. Wright has
since been charged with first-degree murder
That's gratitude for you...
On the inside,. ..
Paul Campbell: reviews last night's hockey game
at Notre Dame on the Snorts Page . . . the Arts
Page features a review by Jeff Selbst of Mandra-
gola, a play by Machiavelli, and on the Edit Page
Pacific News Service writer Steve Weissman
writes about the military situation in Spain.


Two a
Authorities yesterday arrested two
young men here in connection with the
kidnapping of the son of a General
Motors executive earlier this week.
FBI agents, accompanied by state and
Bloomfield Township police, took Clinton
Williams, 19, of Ann Arbor and Darryl
Wilson, 22, of Inkster into custody yes-
terday afternoon, following an intensive
STATE police officials described the
two as "the principles" in the abduction
of 13-year-old Timothy Stempel, who was
kidnapped Monday while playing near
his Bloomfield Township home.
The boy's father, Robert Stempel, the
director of engineering at GM's Chevrolet
Division, paid a $150,000 ransom the
next day. Timothy was released un-

harmed near a Wayne County hospital
late Wednesday.
No more arrests are expected in, the
case, the Detroit FBI said last night.
"AS FAR as we are concerned the
case is closed," an FBI' spokesperson
Police indicated that "a large portion"
of the ransom money had been recovered
during the arrests. "We don't know how
much only because we haven't gotten
around to counting it yet," the FBI
spokesperson said.
Williams was arrested around 7 p.m.
at his parents' home, 2315 Stone St.,
according to authorities.
WILSON was arrested at 3517 Brae-
burn Circle two hours earlier, police
said. He was apparently staying with
friends, who the police refused to iden-




jr 4

Both men surrendered without offering
any resistance, police said.
The pair has been charged with violat-
ing federal extortion laws, police said.
In all likelihood, state kidnapping
charges will also be filed against them.
Wilson and Williams were detained
at the Ypsilanti State Police post last
night for questioning, according to state
THEY WILL be taken before the U.S.
magistrate in Detroit this morning to be
formally charged.
The arrests came less than two days
after young Stempel's release and were
the result of "a lot of hard police work,"
authorities commented last night.
STEMPEL was forced at gun point
Le d0

up et i
into a car late Monday afternoon, his
father told reporters Thursday.
The boy spent most of the next two
days in the trunk of the car while the
kidnappers dickered with his parents
over the amount of ransom and how it
should be delivered.
After several telephone calls Tuesday
from the kidnappers, Robert Stempel
delivered the money-all in small, un-
marked bills-to a secret drop point in
Wayne County the next day.
WITHIN HOURS, the teenager turned
up at Wayne County General Hospital
and called his parents to tell them he
was safe.
Many members of' the news media
learned of the kidnapping the night it
happened but held the story-at police
request-until Stempel's release.


Stem pel



p ossible
for VP
By AP and Reuter
DURHAM, N. C. - President
Ford told a group of black stu-
dents yesterday he would con-
sider picking black Republican
Senator Edward Brooke as his
running mate in next year's
presidential race.
Brooke told reporters later,
"I am not sure I would be in-
terested in that job."
FORD MADE his comment
about consideration of a black
vice president when he met with
university students privately
after his speecn at North Caro-
lina Central University, where
he received an honorary law
"Certainly Sen. Ed Brooke
by his record is a person who
ought to be considered," Ford
said in response to a question
on vice presidential possibili-
BROOKE, a member of his
party's liberal wing, later said:
"I am flattered, it is very kind
and generous and I am very
grateful - but I just don't ex-
pect the President will ask me
to be his running mate."

Calls House panel
action regrettae
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - A congressional committee voted
yesterday to cite Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for
contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over classified
intelligence documents it has subpoenaed.
Kissinger told'reporters later he "profoundly regret-
ted" the committee's action and it would raise serious
questions all over the world about "what this country is
doing to itself."
THE HOUSE of Representatives Intelligence Committee passed
three separate resolutions recommending the full House cite Kis-
singer for contempt for withholding documents on U.S. covert

Melodic melodia
Tony Barrand (left) and John Roberts (right), both musicians from England, entertain an audi-
ence at the Ark last night. Barrand is playing the bowed psaltery while Roberts coaxes a tune
from the melodia. The two, who perform at the Ark often, sing pub songs and ballads.

operations and alleged Soviet
violations of a r m s limitation
It was the second time in two
days a congressional panel had
recommended a contempt cita-
tion against a Ford cabinet
member and the first time a
secretary of state - the highest
cabinet position -has been the
Observers doubted the full
House would go along with the
Intelligence Committee in cit-
ing .-Kissinger for contempt. If
it should, he could conceivably
be sent to prison.
In Atlanta, Ford said the ac-
tion was "shocking" and had
"very broad and serious ramifi-
HE SAID the committee had
s o u g h t documents from the
years before his administration.
He invoked executive privilege,
he said, "to protect the confi-
dentiality of previous secreta-
ries of state and presidents."
Kissinger said the action may
interfere with his handling of
foreign policy.
"I profoundly regret the com-
mittee saw fit to cite in con-
tempt a secretary of state, rais-
ing questions all over the world
what this country is doing to it-
e self and what the necessity is
y to torment ourselves like this
d month after month," Kissinger

listens io"''
A dispute between members
of the U n i ve r s i t y Clericals
Union drew United Auto Work-
ers President Leonard Wood-
cock into the fray yesterday.
Woodcock sat in on a meeting
with the two factions of UAW
local 2001 along with UAW Vice
President Doug Fraser and re-
gional head Bard Young.
WOODCOCK listened, but re-
mained noncommittal through-
out most of the rather heated
debate between the Clericals for
a Democratic Union (CDU) and
their opposition, the Unity Cau-
cus, according to CDU supporter
Carolyn Weeks.
CDU members protested al-
leged interference by the UAW
regional command in local busi-
See WOODCOCK, Page 8

Ford does not recall gun click

By AP and Reuter
SACRAMENTO-President Ford, in videotape
testimony, told a jury yesterday that he cannot
recall hearing any sound of a gun clicking when
Lynette Fromme allegedly tried to kill him.
Ford said he saw a large gun in a hand aimed
between his knee and his wrist, but has "no
recollection of the gun clicking or not clicking."
THE PRESIDENT said that as he was walking
through the California state capitol grounds Sept.
5, he saw a woman in a bright red dress approach
him through a crowd of well-wishers. He said he
hesitated because it appeared she wanted to
shake his hand or speak to him.
"I saw a hand come through the crowd in the
first row, but in the hand was a weapon," Ford
said in the testimony recorded on television tape
at the White House Nov. 1.
The President was the first witness called by
the defense in the case in which Fromme is

charged with attempting to assassinate him.
WHETHER THE pistol's trigger was pulled ant
whether the hammer fell are key points in th
defense case which claims that Fromme had onl3
brandished the gun as a publicity stunt and ha
not intended to kill the President.
"The weapon was large," he said. "It coverer
all or most of her hand as far as I could see, anc
I only saw it instantaneously, because almos
automatically one of the Secret Service agent
lunged, grabbed the hand and the weapon an(
then I was pushed off by the other members a
the Secret Service detail."
Ford said he could not tell if Fromme had hei
finger on the trigger, and he said he also saw n
action that would indicate that Fromme hac
tried to cock the gun.
HE SAID he did not recall hearing her speak
See FORD, Page 8




College job market
tough, feminst says
Academic women have faced a mixture of accomplishment
and disappointment in the last five years, Bernice Sandler told an
audience of about 35 in a Rackham Conference room last night.
Sandler, director of a project on the status and education of
women with the Association of American Colleges, spoke to the
Academic Women's Caucus. The caucus is a group of women
instructors at the University.

Griffin reportedly
top court choice
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Ford's leading choice to fill
the vacancy on the Supreme Court is Michigan Senator Rob-
ert Griffin, according to a report yesterday on National
Public Radio.
Reporter Nina Totenberg said that she had learned the
names of 11 persons being investigated by the American Bar
Association (ABA) for possible appointment to succeed
retired Justice William Douglas.
FORD,u E yNTIME, said he would pick a candidate to
fill the court vacancy within three weeks.
He told reporters at a press conference that he had a
list of potential nominees drawn up by Attorney General
Edward Levi and he would try to. pick the candidate as
quickly as possible because the Supreme Court is working
on some important cases.
Douglas retired on Wednesday and there had been spec-
nlntion that Ford might choose a woman for the court,
but the radio report said no' women were on the list sub-
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