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November 11, 1975 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-11

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Tuesday, November 11, 1975


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Tuesday, November11, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Poa Sve

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WeiT gins fme in Rolling

(Continued from Page 1)'
The stark, intimate narrative
Af the group's activities, follow-
'g the Hearst kidnapping in
February, 1974, grabbed front
page headlines across the coun-
ry last month, and drew out-
raged criticism from some of
the subjects - most noteably
sports activist Jack Scott who
helped hide Hearst and the
remnants of the SLA, The ma-
terial, however, has since been
cerified in large part by Justice
Department investigators.
AFTER A hectic six months
putting together the two - part+
story, Weir returned to Ann Ar-
bor last week to catch his
breath and the Michigan-Purdue
football game.
Sipping a coke following the
28-0 Wolverine win, he talked
about the adventure in an easy,
gee - I'm --surprised - you-real-
ly - want - to - hear about
,his way. Often, Weir turned
the conversation to the days he
spent going to school -- the
days when radicalism was be-
ginning to boil over.
With that background, he
found the SLA a futile, repug-

nant gesture. a media event. I'd much house rented by Scott.
"YOU KNOW the SLA mem- rather write things with more "All of the sources were there
bers weren't real radicals, even social significance." at the farmhouse and saw what
though they had radical exper- A CASUAL th s went on . . . I guess that nar-
iences," hesaid. rows the field pretty much,"
"I can understand their frus- der - length brawn hair, a Weir said.
trations and their attempt to whispy mustache, and wire rim SCOTT HAS been suspected of
strike back. But they assassi- awed by the publicity the stor- being a key source for Weir
natedof the Oakland school system. ies have received and Kohn but has publicly
th. He talks freelaboutcharged that the article are far
What could be more counter- y bout them from completely factual.
progressivethan that?" he with one exception - where he "First, he said he was the
said, referring to the murder and Kohn got their information.
of Marcus Foster by SLA mem- "The first part (which ap- source of the story and at-
bers Joseph Remiro and Russel peared about a month ago) had tacked it beause he wnted to
Littlethree sources and the second undermine its credibility. But
Little., he oresadtescn he didn't do that - he did just
"They had a personal cult (in the current Rolling Stone) the opdosite and confirmed it.
type leadership. And their vio- had 33, but I can't disclose who The he acd what hed
lence turned off the entire left," they are or even how we got Then, he retracted what he had
Weir explained. "When the rev- much of the information be said, Weir recounted.
olution comes, it will be a work- cause that would compromise That tells you somethi h
ing class revolution. The SLA them, too," he said almost a-e put his
idea of a small group leading apologetically.
the thing is bullshit. "AFTER THE first story, the THESE broadsides have an-
"THEY WERE nothing but media really pressured us to noyed Weir, who swears by the
caricatures of radicals." reveal them and I wanted to, veracity of the account. But the
ThatWeir believes, is the but you just can't work that real problem was getting the
crucial point that unfortunately Way on this kind of thing." second part of the story outat
may be lost in the sensational Each of the sources for the a .
flash of Patty Hearst and the initial installment provided a wrTirg whenathe FBI arrste
Rolling Stone stories about her. full account of the SLA activi- Pattygherthe wIcheof
For that reason, he doesn't ties including the cross - coun- Patty Hearst - which, of
want to write about the SLA try journies , and the summer course c pletely chged the
anymore: "It was a deviation spent at a Pennsylvania farm- I", . a..2T

Judge enters not guilty plea,
sets trial date in Hearst case

Patricia Hearst remained silent
before him, a federal judge yes-
terday entered a plea of inno-
cent for the jailed heiress and
set Dec. 15 as the date for her
trial on bank robbery and
weapons charges.
The action by U.S. Dist. Court
Judge Oliver Carter came de-
spite repeated objections by
Hearst's attorney that she is not
competent to stand trial. Carter
-puled last Friday that she is
THE ATTORNEY, A l b e r t
Johnson, said he would appeal
the setting of a trial date and
declared that the judge's ruling
"distorts the findings" of the
psychiatrists who examined her.
7e demanded that the reports
e made public to .prove the
point, but the judge refused.
Hearst did not speak during
the hearing, and Johnson said
is client would stand silent
.ather than enter a plea to
charges that she took part in
an April 1974 bank robbery.
The judge thei said be would
rter a plea for her.
"If Hearst stands mute, then
the court will enter a plea of not
guilty to the indictment on these
charges," Carter said.

chiatrists and one psychologist
who examined Hearst in jail. He
contended the doctors should be
cross-examined on the witness
stand, saying he felt they would
make clear that they view
Hearst as incompetent. He said
the defense did not cross-exam-
ine them at Hearst's competency
hearing last week because the
defense agrees with their find-
"YOUR HONOR'S findings so
distorted those reports that it
now requires a hearing," he
said. "Your honor is in very
grave danger of presenting a
defendant for trial, knowing she
is incompetent."
The charges against the 21-
year-old daughter of newspaper
executive Randolph Hearst re-
late to the April 15, 1974 holdup
of a Hibernia Bank branch by
members of the Symbionese Lib-
eration Army, which had abduct-
ed Hearst seven weeks before.
Two passersby were wounded in
the robbery.
Join The

e were reay screwe up
when the FBI found Patty. We
had to do a complete rewrite.
And it got to be five or six
days before the deadline and
we had nodraft.
"WE STAYED up every night
working. Let me tell you, I
could do that when I was in
college but I'm too old for that
now," he grinned. Actually on-
ly a few strands of gray hair
and a wedding ring make the
28-year-old look much different
than a typical student.
"In fact neither of us read
the whole thing until it appeared
in the magazine," Weir said.
"I wrote a scene and Howard
wrote a scene. I'm surprised
at how well it came off.
"We made our last call to a
source at 8:30 p.m. with an 11
p.m. deadline that night
With the first story, we split
it in half, wrote it up, then ex-
changed material and went over
it again and again."
story, the reporters paid partic-
ular attention to dialogue and
details such as who was near-
ing what and where furniture
was placed in the farmhouse.
"We' made up none of this in
our own heads," he said. "We
reconstructed the dialogue with
our sources . . sometimes we
had six or seven accounts of
the same conversation.
"And we usually got the same
thing, although the wording
was sometimes different. All
the important stuff is definite-
ly word for word, though."
FOR Weir and Kohn - bud-
dies from Bay City High School
- the Rolling Stone project was
a chance to work together

While going to school here,
both were sports editors at The
Daily and co-authored a series
of scathing articles on athletic
department recruiting violations
which brought the wrath of ev-
erybody but God down on them.
After graduation they went
off in two directions that seem-
ingly should never have cross-
WEIR joined the Peace Corps,
drawing an assignment in Af-
ghanistan. After returning to the
to the United States, he did
some freelance writing and ed-
iting: "I was a low-profile per-
son who made very little mon-
ey. But I was happy."
He also tried to get several
magazines off the ground but
each, in turn, folded, prompting
Weir to half-jokingly remark
"my life has been a long list
of failures
All of which may explain why
he appeared slightly awkward
as the center of attention and
grimaced noticeably when dis-
cussing the speaking tour Roll-
ing Stone is booking for Kohn
and him.
KOHN, however, has been
this route once before - with
an unhappy conclusion.
As an investigative reporter
fo rthe Detroit Free 'Press,
Kohn began zeroing in on some
of the Motor City's biggest hero-
in traffickers with a series of
incisive articles that named the
Toward the end of the series,
in May, 1973, a front page story
detailed how he had been kid-
napped and threatened because
of the revelations.
BUT IT later came out that
Kohn had omitted certain im-
portant facts about the incident
when giving accounts of it to
both the Free Press and the
Although his work on the
heroin trade won an award for
438 W. HURON
Including a
You Must Be 21

Winter Training Programs
excellence, he was fired and For Graduates with Majors in
eventually drifted to San Fran-
cisco - where he and Weir MATH
now live.
At that point, Kohn too suf- SCIENCE (Biology, Chemistry, Others)
fered through some lean times BUSINESS (Systems Analysts, Others)
as he freelanced articles to a
number of counter - culture PUBLIC HEALTH
publications. But Kohn wound
up at Rolling Stone and is now HOME EC. (Nutrition, Dieticians)
an associate editor.
And the magazine will keep ENGINEERING (Civil, Others)
both of them plenty busy in the NURSING
next few monthswith their lec-
tures and other assingments. EDUCATION (Special Ed, Counseling,
"I've got 22 stories in the ' Others)
works now - mostly on multi-
national corporations," WeiriPLANNERS.Regional, City)
said. "Probably only four orARCHITECTURE
five will ever make it into
"And we'll probably have to
write at least one more Patty And More ...
Hearst story because of the
publicity," he said, admitting' Today Thru Thursday Talk
grudgingly that he and Kohn
have in a way become thePCORPS
o ward and Bernstein.PEACE C R
BtIpromise you, there
won't be any moviesabout us AT CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT
getting the story."
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The new federal Speedy TrialI
Act requires that defendants hee
tried within 90 days after ar-
raignment. According to the
government's interpretation, thatt
means jury selection would
have to begin for Hearst by
Dec. 27.I
Carter set Nov. 20as theI
date for a hearing on a motion
to delay the proceedings and
on any other pretrial motions
filed by the defense. Johnson
said he would have several such.
motions and that he intended to!
call several witnesses, including!
at least some of the three psy-

- -- - -- - - - - -- - -

THE JUDGE added that
though a trial date is set,
would consider changing it ift
defense persuades him
Hearst's incompetency. He
fused to delay proceedings
the meantime.


, I

The first merry-go-round was
made in Europe, perhaps in,
France, during the late 1700s or
early 1800s. It was called a
_ -
This is a religious precept that
challenges the mind. Love my en-
emy when I can barely deal calmly
with my in-laws? Yet this hard say-
ig has validity in a world where
even a small act of violence has
such imforeseeable repercussions.
Scientific advances have heighten-
ed our mutual vulnerability. Only
love and non-violence can sustain
xis. We may concede violence is in
all of us. So is God. Try His way.
Itworks. Get together with your
woi-kers to discuss the problems of
violence and how you can work to.-
gether to help solve them. For a
LaIns,,1 Aammioon, msAa a n,. I

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