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Low- S
See Today for Details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 57 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 8, 1975 Ten Cents Eig
ht Pages
Made in heaven?
If you read the Daily personal ads, you know
about the romance going on between Blue Eyes
and Curvaceous. Well, yesterday the pair met and
it turned out they were first cousins. The meeting
was arranged by Blue Eye's roommate who was
no less surprised than either of the principals.
"I had such high hopes and they fell so flat,"
remarked a stunned Blue Eyes. Both Blue Eyes
and Curvaceous are University students but the
last time they met before yesterday was at a
family reunion about 10 years ago. C'est la vie .. .
Gamblin' fever
State Lottery officials have been caught off
guard by the success of the new $1 instant game
and announced Thursday that 40 million tickets
have already been sold. They estimateethat the
remaining 10 million tickets will be gone by De-
cember 23-some two weeks ahead of schedule.
"The whole thing has kind of stunned us," said
Lottery Commissioner Gus Harrison. "We estimate
we have been selling 1.5 million tickets a day."
Many outlets have already exhausted their supply.
But never fear, two similar games will begin in
Romney rumblings
Six Republican state senators yesterday urged
former Governor George Romney to enter the U.S.
Senate race next year. They said that Romney is
popular enough that he would make an excellent
candidate and presumably win the seat that Demo-
crat Phil Hart, who is retiring, held for 18 years.
Romney made an abortive run for the presidency
in 1968 but dropped out of the race after remark-
ing that he had been "brainwashed" on Vietnam.
Guess, the senators figure his gray matter has
dried out by now.
Commission vacancies
The 16-member Commission for Women now has
two student vacancies, and applications are being
accepted through Dec. 1 Women interested in
joining the commission should call 763-2203. Inter-
views are now being scheduled. The group's re-
commendations will be given to President Flem-
ing, who is responsible for the appointments.
Happenings .,.
... look slim. Prof. David Sturdevant will give
a bag lunch lecture at noon in the commons room
of Lane Hall on "Rebels and Redeemers Revitali-
zation Movements." . . . The Wolverines battle the
Boilermakers at 1:30 p.m. . . . and the Friends
Roadshow gives a midnight performance at the
Matrix Theater . . .try a picnic in the Arb?
Dope note
Federal agents yesterday said they have busted
a major heroin ring that has supplied up to 100
pounds of smack to New York City connections.
The agents from the Drug Enforcement Adminis-
tration said they pinched 11 men ..and some 55
pounds of Mexican brown heroin which is sup-
posedly valued at $30 million on the streets of the
Big Apple. The bust culminated a three month
investigation that traced the heroin from Mexico
to Los Angeles and then to NYC.
On the job
ABC-televsion announced yesterday that it has
signed Senators Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) and
George McGovern (D-S.D.) to provide commentary
on the Democratic and Republican National Con-
ventions respectively. The two,- who differ in po-
litical outlook as much as any two Senators, have
at least one thing in common-both lost presi-
dential elections by huge landslides. Although they
both obviously will understand what it's all about,
Alex Karras would probably be funnier. Oh, well.
On the ins de . .
. . Editorial Page features the last of Michael
Beckman's series on the Teamsters Union . . .
and Sports Page has the lowdown on Purdue's
upset minded football team.
arrive at
After two days of picketting and administrative slowdown by
intern and resident physicians at University Hospital, a tentative
settlement has been reached in the contract dispute between the
doctors and the University.
The 585 rank and file members of the House Officers Associa-
tion must ratify the agreement before it becomes final.
THE ORGANIZATION represents interns and residents at Uni-
versity Hospital, the Ann Arbor Veteran's Hospital, and Wayne
County Hospital in Detroit.
HOA, members will be polled at a mass meeting Wednesday
HOA President Dr. Eric Hodeen said yesterday that he was
and state
job less
rates up
By AP and UPI'
WASHINGTON - The nation's
unemployment rate rose from
8.3 to 8.6 per cent of the labor
force in October, reversing a
four-month decline, the govern-
ment reported yesterday.
The bleak job report following
Thursday's announcement of a
new spurt of inflation last month
was a double blow to the Ford
administration, which is certain
to face new questions over its
efforts to pull the economy out
of the worst recession since the
THE Michigan Employment
Security Commission said the
state's unemployment rate in
October stood at 12.4 per cent,
with 504,400 workers without
jobs, up for the first time in
foir months.
That compared with 12.1 per
cent, or 488,100 jobless workers,
See STATE, Page 2
pleased with the proposed one-
year pact, especially certain
provisions he feels will make
significant improvements in the
hospital's patient care.
A UNIVERSITY spokesman
declined to comment on the
agreement, preferring to re-
serve discussion of the contract
until the ratification vote is
Since the contract talks began
in late July, the doctors have
consistently said that their most
important d e m a n d was im-
proved patient care. They con-
tend that a lack of technical per-
sonnel at the hospital forces
physicians to perform technical
duties, thus distracting them
from their patients.
The proposed contract in-
cludes several provisions to al-
leviate the overstaffing prob-
lem. An "out - of - title work
clause" will enable doctors to
claim, through an established
grievance procedure, that their
time and efforts have been mis-
used on non-physician t y p e
"WE ARE quite pleased with
t h a t (the out - of - title work
clause)," H o d e e n remarked.
"That will prevent abuses of
physicians' time and therefore
allow more time for patient
The contract also contains a
"memorandum of understand-
ing" whereby the University
will provide additional person-
See 'U', Page 2
9 0
decision in
letter to
-Justice J o h n Swainson
resigned his state Supreme
Court seat last night, end-
ing his battle against a ris-
ing tide of opposition fol-
lowing his felony conviction
on Sunday.
R e p u b lic an legislators
across the s t a t e and the
Michigan B a r Association
had called on the 50-year-
old justice to quit. House
Minority L e a d e r Dennis
Cawthorne (R - Mainistee)
h a d threatened an im-
peachment movement.
Swainson, convicted by a fed-
eral grand jury on three counts
3 of lying to a federal grand jury
announced his resignation in a
handwritten letter that he hand-
ed personally to Gov. William
Milliken at the governor's Tra-
verse City home.
to "THE LAW is clear," Swain-
son wrote. "and as a person
who has always subscribed to
the principle of government un-
de der law, I am compelled to sub-
Ill, mit to you my resignation . ."
Swainson thlis became the
first justice in Michigan history
to resign because of a felony
conviction and the first to re-
sign since f o r m e r Justice
Thomas 'Brennan in- late 1973,
who quit during a conflict-of-
interest controversy that stem-
med from his role as dean of a
private law school in Lansing.
ario. "I sincerely regret that I
with must do so," he added in the
letter, "but whatever the re-
- sults of my appeal, I would still
tar. he disqualified to continue under
law in this office."
THE SUDDEN, stunning de-
ad- velonment came two days after
Swainson announced he would
eries not quit but would retain his
more X43.500 a year post while he con-
and tinued a legal battle to reverse
itain his perjury conviction last Sun-
day night.
See SWAINSON, Page 8
AP Phot
Roof riders
Members of the Michigan State University unicycle club show off their skill and style as they ri
atop a dormitory. The club, which has 20 members, meets every other week to play basketba
tag and Frisbee while riding their unicycles.
City getsJ
The Federal Communications Commission has
given an Ann Arbor-based firm operating rights
to what will be the city's first television station
since 1958.
G. C. Morningstar, president of Wolverine-
Morningstar Broadcasting, Inc., said the new
UHF station Channel 31, is slated for operation
within a year, barring complications.
The station will carry a "monster signal" that
will reach the fourth largest market in the
United Sates.
"OUR HUB will be Ann Arbor and Washtenaw
County," said Morningstar. The station's signal
will reach 80 per cent of Michigan's population,
30 per cent of Ohio's and part of Western Ontz
Channel 31, however, will not be affiliated
a national network.
"The future of TV lies with non-affiliated sta
tions, there's more flexibility," said Morningst
"Quality is now available to non-affiliates."
HE CITED rising network costs as one
vantage of non-affiliation.
"The costs for producing a network se
have gone through the ceiling. It's getting n
and more difficult to produce a pilot series,
people are going to places such as Great Br
and Australia
for cheaper programming."
See BIG, Page 2
'U' affirmative action plan okayed
The United States Department
of Health, Education, and Wel-
fare (HEW) this week accepted
the University's program for
"affirmative action" in hiring
practices, concluding two years
of deliberations on the plan.
Charles Duffy, chief of the
higher education branch of
HEW's Chicago - based Region
Five, contacted University
President Robben Fleming
Thursday following the depart-
ment's review of progress re-
ports on the plan for 1973-74 and
"WE SHALL consider these
reports to complete the submis-
sions to this office with respect
to your current Affirmative Ac-
tion Plan," wrote Duffy to
Fleming. "It is the position of
this office that the University
of Michigan has now submitted
all elements of an acceptable
Affirmative Action Plan."
Had the program been deem-
ed unsatisfactory, HEW could
have withdrawn all federal con-
tracts from the University, sub-
stantially curtailing its reve-
nues, particularly in research
areas. HEW may still withdraw
such contracts 'in the future
should the University fail to
carry out its newly-approved
While HEW accepted the over-
all plan for University hiring,
it has no jurisdiction over the
hiring of graduate student as-
sistants. That matter is being
negotiated by the University
and the Graduate Employe's
Organization (GEO).
THE NEW program is the
product of nearly three years
of formulation and re-examina-
tion of the University's hiring
practices by the office of Affir-
mative Action under the direc-
tion of Nellie Varner, an as-
sistant professor of political sci-
ence who will soon become asst.
dean of the Rackham Graduate
The Affirmative Action office
is now responsible for monitor-
ing the implementation of the
program throughout the Univer-
sity, ensuring that "good-faith"
efforts are made to meet estab-
lished goals.
The inch-thick document in-
cludes a lengthy consideration
of current and past hiring mat-
ters as well as a set of specific
goals and guidelines for future
THE GOALS call for decisive
new efforts to hire women and
members of minority groups.
The program insists upon:
! More hiring of women and
minorities in all occupations ex-
cept graduate student assistant-
ships, which are not monitored
by HEW :
0 Imnrovement in the distri-
bution of women and minorities
in the "professional - adminis-
trative" category and research
* reviewing of promotion
nractices with regard to equity
between men and women:
* reviewing of salary in-
0 more emphasis on reten-
tion of women and minorities in
the instructional and profession-
al - administrative staffs: and
*i rev-iewing of charges of
renotirm in University hiring
Themr has been widesnrend
skenticism on campus and
across the nation concerning im-
GEO gets setback in dispute
with U' on recruitment policy
The Graduate Employes' Organization (GEO)
suffered a setback in its dispute with the Univer-
sity over the recruitment of women and minority
graduate student assistants (GSAs) when a state
arbitrator ruled the matter out of his jurisdiction
The GEO had filed a grievance contending that
the University was failing to meet its contractual
obligations on the affirmative action agreement.
under the assumption that recruitment would be
a part of any affirmative action plan.
THE UNIVERSITY has never agreed to this
interpretation of the memorandum. It maintains
that during last year's contract negotiations it
was made plain to GEO that the University would
never agree to a provision for recruitment in the
Because of this disagreement, GEO resorted
to the grievance procedure specified in its con-
Daily Photo by KEN FINK I
Dr. Edward Pierce, an Ann Arbor Democrat, last night
announced plans to run for U.S. Congress next year. He
unsuccessfully hit the campaign trail in 1974, when he
barely lost the Democratic primary. See story, page 8.
Hearst comnpetent to
stand trial says judge
By AP and UPI
SAN FRANCISCO-Patricia Hearst was declared mentally
competent yesterday to stand trial on bank robbery charges by a
federal judge who said she appeared perfectly able to assist in