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October 26, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-26

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See Inside


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 46

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 26, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages



Fraternities Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta
Theta joined sororities Kappa Kappa Gamma and
Kappa Alpha Theta in carrying on a dirty Uni-
versity tradition with their 41st annual mudbowl.
The two frats plowed through the knee deep mud
to play a messy touch football game and the
sororities played a sloppy game of soccer during
a break in the football action. Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon triumphed in the football game and Kappa
Kappa Gamma gave their rivals quite a mudbath
in the soccer match. The players retreated to the
showers to wash off the results and to wait until
next year when they will return for some good
clean fun.
Crazy hour
Proctor and Bergman, perhaps better known as
one-half the members of the famous Firesign The-
ater comedy group, will present an "hour of crazi-
ness" on the W-103 airwaves today between 5 and
6 p.m. Tomorrow, they will appear at the State
Street Discount records store between 2:30 and
3 p.m. and will give away a few records and or-'
ganize a contest or two. Tomorrow night, of
course, they will perform at the Power Center at
8 p.m.
Councilman sued
An Ann Arbor city council member whose car
struck and killed an east side resident last March
has been sued for $350,000 in damages. Jamie Ken-
worthy, 28 (D-Fourth Ward), was named in the
civil suit filed by Christine Glaze. She is identified
in the suit as the sister of the late Edward Mun-
son, who was 23 when he was killed on March 7.
Glaze's attorney, George Wahr Sallade says in the
suit that Kenworthy was guilty of five driving
errors which caused Munson's death.
A University law professor thinks medical mal-
practice claims ought to be arbitrated in the same
way as labor grievances. Prof. Marcus Plant told
a law school alumni group yesterday that Mich-
igan's new state-operated medical malpractice
fund, which guarantees insurance at reasonable
rates to all eligible medical practitioners, might
not be the long-range solution to increasing law-
suits and soaring malpractice insurance rates.
Happenings .,...
. . . begin with a rush down the vicious Delhi
Rapids in a canoe. The Raw Strength and Courage
Kayak Club sponsors a slalom race at 11 a.m.;
registration at 8:30 a.m. . . . open house at Chil-
dren's Community Center and Children's Com-
munity School will be held from 1 p.m.-6 p.m:.- -
and listen to the Beach Boys at EMU Fieldhouse
tonight at 8 p.m. . . . on Monday, Tommy's Holi-
day Camp at 632 Packard will turn all profits
earned between 11:00 am. and 1 p.m. to Local
Motion . . . the Center'for Continuing Education
of Women (CEW) starts its "Speeded Reading and
Study Efficiency" course from 7:30-9:30 - con-
tact CEW, 763-1353 for details . . . a yoga monk
leads an evening of songs and chants from 8:00-
9:30 p.m. in Rm. 224, FQ .. . and Dorothy Healery
spenks on "How to Make a Revoltion Possible: a
Socialist Organizer's Resnonse to Hard Times" at
9 p.m. in the RC Aud., EQ.
A dog's world
"My master doesn't understand me," is the most
common complaint William Campbell receives
from his patients - german shepheds, saint ber-
nards, fox terriers and poodles. Campbell calls
himself a dog psychiatrist, and says that most
dog problems stem from their owners. "Normally
dogs have no problems," the eminent behavorist
proclaimed. "It's the peole who have the prob-
lems. Campbell deals 'with all kinds of neuroses,
everything from furniture chewing to obesity. The
only way to cure dogs of their problems is to
change how their owners relate to hem. Cam-
bell maintains. "Most dogs have a tendency to re-
duce tension by barking, chewing, digging or all
three," Cambell said. "Dogs love to imitate their

masters. If they see vou blowing your nose, they'll
do their best to imitate by tearing up tissues or
reeling off a whole roil of toilet paper." So the.next
time your dog has a cold - blow your nose.
Flying bodies
How would you like to get hit with a flying ca-
daver? A University of Southern California stu-
dent came close yesterday when someone from a
medical school laboratory hurled a body off the
roof of the building onto the campus sidewalk. Po-
lice could find no evidence of foul play and re-
stored the cadaver to its rightful owners.
On the inside . .
. reporter Bill Turque writes about six
months of the Americans for Vietnamese orphans
program in the Sunday magazine . . . and on the
Sports Page. The Daily presents coverage of yes-
terday's college football action.



ytle's 4 TD's

pace 55'7, win
For the second consecutive week, Mich-
igan registered a lopsided victory handing
the outclassed Indiana Hoosiers a 55-7 loss
before a touchdown huigry homecoming
crowd of 93,857 yesterday.
Wolverine wingback Jim Smith negoti-
ated a da'zzling 77-yard touchdown jaunt
on a counter-reverse on the second play of
the game and from then on it was all
THE VICTORY boosted the Wolverine's Big
Ten record to 4-0 and 5-0-2 overall, while the
hapless Hoosiers fell to 1-3 in the conference, and
2-5 for the season.
"I don't like games like that back to back,"
said Michigan coach Bo Schembechler. "It's nice
to win, but I don't know how much it does for
the team. I think that the two big plays at the
start (Smith's and then Gordie Bell's touchdown)
really hurt Indiana.
After Bell scampered 53 yards for the second
Maize and Blue score, the Wolverine offense ex-
ploded, putting together touchdown drives of 38,
50, 77, 44, 70 and 69 yards.
FOR ALL practical purposes the contest was
decided by halftime as fullback-tailback Rob
Lytle capped three drives with tallies from 1, 7,
and 1 yards oit to send Michigan into the locker-
room. with a 34-0 margin.
Lytle, eclipsing a poor performance against
1hi Hoosiers in Bloomington last year where he
imbled the ball twice in a row, led all rushers
yesterday with 147 yards on 22 carries and scored
fo'ir touchdowns.
"I've been looking forward to this, game all
year," Lytle said. "Last year the Indiana game
.Anda ruined my season so I was really fired 'up
for this one."
See GROUND, Page 10


MICHIGAN WIDE RECEIVER Keith Johnson snares a Mark Elzinga pass in the Wolverines' 55- thi-ashing of hapless Irdiana yes-
terday in Michigan stadium. This completion was good for 16 yards, and was one of five conne tio-s b tw:e - th^ "ol'erine quar-
terbacks (Rick Leach and Elzihga) and their receivers. A crowd of 93,857 fans showed up o= thi; s ' y at 'mr :ufierroon to
voice their support for the Big Blue Machine.


From Wire Service Reports
States will be very sympathetic
to Egyptian requests for eco-
nomic aid but there will be no
quick decision on weapons, Sec-
retary of State Henry Kissinger
said yesterday on the eve of
Egyptian President Anwar Sa-
dat's state visit.
Sadat said before leaving
Cairo yesterday that "we are
not beggars." And administra-
tion sources here said President

Ford will probably withhold
any military commitments to
Egypt until after the 1976 pres-
idential election.
EGYPTIAN officials said Sa-
date anticipates a positive re-
sponse from the United States
on political and economic is-
sues, but is less sure of the
answer to requests for mili-
tary aid.
Sadat and his wife fly from
Paris to Newport News, Va.,

Fran conear death,
conition worsens
From Wire Service Reports
MADRID, Spain-General Francisco Franco's health worsened
last night and the 82-year-old Spanish leader's death seemed just
hours away, according to doctors.
Earlier, Franco had received. the last rites of the Roman
Catholic Church, as members of his family and high government
officials gathered at El Pardo Palace.
ALTHOUGH medical statements described Franco as resting
peacefully, doctors gave him less than 72 hours to live. Franco
has suffered two major heart attacks in the %past week.
Prince Juan Carlos de Bordon, the generalissimo's hand-picked
heir, visited the palace in preparation for assuming the reigns of
power after Fr= nco's death.
Carlos, 37, would become Sain's first king since 1931. Franco
See FRANCO'S, Page 7

today then get a pomp-filled
welcome tomorrow morning
from the Fords at the White
House, where the two presi-
dents will begin immediately
talks on' the Middle East.
Before leaving Cairo for
Paris, Sadat said he was not
"on a shopping visit," to the
United States despite his ear-
lier statements that he planned
to seek aircraft missiles, war-
planes and electronic equip-
IN A series of recent inter-
views, the President has said
he would seek U. S. weapons
in line with his declared inten-
tion to diversify his arsenal,
now almost exclusively Soviet
"I am going on a goodwill
visit. All we want is under-
standing and goodwill between
our two peoples." said Sadat,
who will spend 10 days in the
United States.
Sadat is seeking assurances
from President Ford that
American peace efforts will
continue in the Middle East and
that Egypt will receive a big
economic and military aid
K IS S IN G E R told re-
porters after meeting with
Ford at the White House that
he expects Sadat to bring up
the subject of arms. Sadat has
See SADAT, Page 2

AP Photo
Hide and seek
Camera-shy Pedro the llama won't pose for publicity pictures at the opening of Charlotte Attig's
weaving shop in Corvallis, Oregon.

'U' alumni relive the good old
days at Homecoming reception

Mellow memories and good spirits filled
the Michigan Union's spacious ballroom
yesterday as alumni gathered to reminisce
about past college days following the Wol-
verines' resounding Homecoming victory
over Indiana.
Nearly 80 alumni drifted in and out of
the room during the hour-and-a-half recep-
tion, munching on cookies and doughnuts,
sinning tea and coffee. and viewing the

"He's been coming here ever since he
graduated," said Dorothy with a touch of
And her husband added, "We've got kids
here now, so we visit them."
DOROTHY described campus life now as
". ery different" from her own experi-
"It's all different -- the dress, the free-
she said. "We h'id crfew in the,

"The Mudbowl was funny," he said,
chuckling. "It reminded me of the olden
days: We used to do the same sort of
Barach, dreamily following his pipe
smoke as it curled slowly upward, remi-
nisced about his years at the University.
"THIS ballroom brings back some memo-
ries, now. We used to dance in here every
Saturday night to Bill Sawyer's music. The

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