See Editorial Page
, itItg
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 45 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 25, 1975 Ten Cents Ei
ght Pages
Not aware of
spying -1Mitchell
EANRMg , .w 'ac 'V I L5M ruJ.ib..U'L
Skinny dip
Last week the men were reprimanded for swim-
ming at Margaret Bell Pool in bathing suits so
small they ripped the seams. This week it's the
women's turn for swimsuit trouble. Pool matron
Gwen Carter has posted a message asking women
with "large thighs" to stop renting black nylon
suits in the smaller sizes. A 34 may sound sleeker
than a 36, but Carter gets stuck mending the holes.
Maybe it's time to make that co-ed swim a skinny
Time change
Turn back those clocks and enjoy an extra hour
in bed this weekend. Michigan joins the rest of
the nation in returning to standard time at 2 a.m.
Sunday. Standard time will continue until the last
Sunday in April, when clocks are turned ahead one
hour again to daylight savings time, unless con-
gressional moves to change that date are success-
... begin on wheels today with a homecoming
bicycle race from 7 a.m. to noon on central cam-
pus . . . the American Friend's Committee holds
a sweater drive for Vietnamese children from
8-3 p.m. at Kerrytown . . . registration for the
Courage Kayak Club's canoe race from Dexter to
Delhi Park will be at 8:30 a.m.; the race is at
10 a.m. . . . the annual mudbowl match will be
at 10 a.m. at Sigma Alpha Epsilon . . . East Wind
hosts a party at the Ming House, 508 Packard at
8 p.m. . . . the Ann Arbor Teach-In shows the
Parallex View from 7:30-9:30 p.m. in MLB 3 . . .
the Polish Club presents a Polish Folklore concert
at 8 p.m. . . : the Hellenic Student Society hosts
a party at 8:30 p.m. in the International Center
... and the Gomberg House of South Quad pre-
sents the ultimate boogie, Circus Maximums from
9 p.m.-2 a.m. at the Coliseum.
Presto changeo
Men: does the latest look in leggy levis bore
you? Are bow ties not your bag? There may be
just enough time for you to catch a plane to
Provincetown, Mass., where hundreds of transves-
tites hope to strut their stuff. The occasion is
a nine-day convention designed to "make it easier
for a cross-dresser to pass as a woman," according
to Ariadne Kane, one of the fair's 50 male organ-
izers. The event, called the Fantasia TV Fair, will
include a fashion show, film festival, drag ball and
workshops on makeup, hair styling, wig styling,
prosthetic aids and elocution. The fair is open to
the public, so shake and leg and hurry on down.
Muscle men
Women aren't swooning over Charles Atlas bodies
anymore. A recent Loyola University study has
found that women, particularly ones the study
defines as "liberated," prefer men of medium-
thin, linear builds over the muscle men. "Women
who described themselves in liberated terms and
who led more liberated lifestyles had a preference
for thinner, more linear physiques, whereas women
who saw themselves in more traditional feminine
roles like more massive torsoes - the typical
"muscle-men," said Paul Lavrakas of Loyola's
applied social pschology program.
Save New York
Some people will do just about anything to save
the financially ailing Big Apple. A woman who
contributed $10 to help out New York City now
wants to hold a nationwide garagetsale Dec. 6for
the same purpose. "We may get more laughs
for New York than money," Shirley Clark, of
Boise, Idaho, said, "but laughter is brighter than
tears and may be just what this country needs to
get in the mood of "neighbor helping neighbor."
Clark suggests the sale be named "Lanyard"-an
acronym for "Let's Adopt New York and Recycle
Joy of Sex
Kids are experimenting with the joys of sex
younger than ever these days. Girls as young as
nine years old are asking for birth control and
pose a special problem as to whether their parents
should be notified, a Planned Parenthood leader
says. Part of the problem is that the agency's
information pamphlets, aimed at reaching adults,
are "too complicated for sixth-graders to under-
stand," says Dr. Gerry Oliva, agency medical
director. "Agency counselors throughout the coun-
try are totally overwhelmed by these kids," she
On the inside.. .
Blanch Wiessen Cook, one of the teach-in's
featured speakers, writes about behavior control
for the Edit Page . . . the Arts Page features a
review of the RC Players production "The Poor
of New York" . . . and on the Sports Page a
preview of today's football game.
On the outside.. .
Say good-bye to our warm.weather for now. A
.. FormFo
.IV" '111 I1
_15 JILI t
booth for
free beer
Crowded living conditions
hardly surprisehmost University
students, but when 63 cubic feet
of human flesh was crammed
into a Diag phone booth yester-
day, more than a few passers-
by turned their heads.
Like an anachronistic re-
minder of the Frivolous Fifties,
six teams of hardy contestants
pushed, climbed and squeezed
their way into the Bell box in
an attempt to take home $35
worth of beer.
THE 15-MEMBER winning
group, promptly dubbed "The
Sardines," captured the prize
with their combination of small
women and a ten-year-old boy.
The noon event, sponsored by
University Activities Center
(UAC), was part of this week's
homecoming festivities.
Hundreds of spectators cheer-
ed the suffocated contestants as
they packed themselves into
the phoneless box, donated for
the event by its manufacturer.
UNLIKE MOST such, stunts,
the teams attempted to .close
the booth's door after entering.
The record for phone booth-
stuffing is reportedly 22 - with
the door left open.
Yesterday's teams w e r e
formed primarily from casual
by standers, with short contest-
ants particularly popular. But
See STUFF, Page 2
Atty. Gen.
mer Atty. Gen. John Mit-
chell returned to the site of
the Senate Watergate hear-
ings yesterday and denied
under oath he was ever told
the CIA or the FBI was
illegally opening mail.
Mitchell, who is appeal-
ing his conviction for per-
jury, conspiracy, and ob-
struction of justice in the
Watergat, c o v er u p case,
said he does not recall that
CIA Director Richard Helms
ever told him of the mail
opening operation.
HE ALSO told the Senate in-
telligence committee he has no
reason to believe Richard Nixon
was informed of it while presi-
Mitchell's testimony annears
to conflict with Helms' state-
ment to the committee Wednes-
day. Helms said he left a 22-
mini'te meeting with Mitchell
on June 1, 1971, with the clear
imoression that Mitchell under-
stood the CIA was onening and
readine letters to and from the
Soviet Union.Fis3
Helms testified he showed First
Mitchell information that obvi- People
oiisly had come from an illegal- warm
ly onened personal letter.
A4Ttr(H 'TL said vesterdsy
that "to the best of my recol-
lection I was never told that
anyone was carrying on a mail
onening oneration. It is my tes-
timony that I never knowinelv
saw the contents of. any letter
that had been onened."
He said he had been under By t
the impression that Helms told State
him about, a legal "mail cover" (R-Ann
orogram in which only the out- bill that
side of an envelone is examined, cation in
on another suibiect, Mitchell If pas
said he advised Nixon to with- for instr
draw his anoroval for the so- sease a
called Hnston intelligence plan topicsN
hecanse it included programs parent a
for illeaal mail onenings and
such other illegal acts as bur- THE
glary. Tuesday
ure to a
"THE PROPOSALS were ini- that wa
mical to the best interests of Senate I
the contry and they were not for reco
something a president of the Dougla
United States should be approv- assistant
ing," Mitchell testified. that the
See UNAWARE, Page 2 See
i envoy to
Doily Photo by KEN FINK
Students, on their way to becoming human meatballs, cram
and smash their way into a portable phone booth on the Diag
yesterday as part of the Homecoming Week's festivities.
2 students sue for Ohio St.
tickets, reject offered refund
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Sunny sereniy
year dance student Trudy Erwin gazes wistfully around
es' Plaza while soaking in yesterday's unseasonably
1ursley ,Aproposes-b0
new sex ed bill
Senator Gilbert Bursle v
Arbor) has introduced a
would expand sex edu-
n Michigan high schools.
ssed, it would provide
:uction on venereal di-w,
and contraception, two
vigorously opposed by
and anti-feminist groups.
BILL was presented
as a compromise meas-
nother Bursley proposal
s defeated by the state
last summer and is up
nsideration next week.
as Smith, administrative.
t to Bursley, explains
"two areas of concern
BURSLEY, Page 2 Bursley
France slai1
Stung by an athletic office miscalculation, two
University law students are trying to sue their
way to the biggest football game of the year.
Like 9,000 other unlucky single-ticket purchas-
ers, Larry Sherman and Scott Wolstein were told
there'll be no room for them in Michigan's
101,701-seat stadium Nov. 22.
Tht athletic office apparently overbooked the
Ohio State contest, and this month returned the
money to some disappointed fans so that all-
season ticket buyers can see the momentous
battle for the Rose Bowl.
SHERMAN and Wolstein claim that the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics has com-
mitted a breach of 'contract, and that they will
suffer "irreparable damage for which there can
no longer be adequate relief" unless they get
their tickets.
The two each bought four of the seven-buck
tickets on May 2 and invited their parents and
friends to share the fun. The Big 'U' cashed their
checks, according to Sherman, but sent refunds
Oct. 10.
Sherman said the tickets should be granted on
a first-come, first-served basis and that the ath-
letic office "will have to explain to the judge"
See STUDENTS, Page 8
e By AP and Reuter
PARIS-The Turkish ambas-
sador to France and his chauf-
feur were shot and killed at
point-blank range by gunmen on
a crowded bridge yesterday-
just two days after the Turkish
envoy in Austria was assassi-i
Ambassador Ismail Erez, and j
his driver, Talip Yenner, were
sprayed with bullets as their
car was turning off the Bir
Hakeim bridge and heading
back to the embassy.
IN ANKARA, Turkish Foreign
Minister Ihsan Sabry Caglayan-
' ' gil declared: "The chain of
events indicates without a doubt
that Turkey is under a political-
y KEN FINK lv motivated attack." .Sources
otesting the close to Ankara's army com-
discriminate mand said Turkey had placed
its troops on Cyprus on alert.
While Turkish officials re-
frained from publicly accusing
any group, Turks in general
appeared convinced that either
Greeks or Armenians, tradition-
* al Turkish enemies, were re-
sponsible for the killings.
In Beirut an anonymous caller
phoned the Associated Press and
said the Paris and Vienna as-
_._. sassntinns were aried Aont' b
other capitals around the world.
Icik Bozkurt, the Turkish Em-
bassy's second secretary in
Paris, told reporters security at
the Paris embassy was rein-
forced after the Vienna shoot-
ing, but quoted Erez as say-
ing a few hours before he was
shot: "One can do nothing be-
fore a determined killer."
Police said the two men died
when unidentified gunmen open-
ed fire, smashing the car's wind-
shield as the vehicle turned off
the bridge near the Eiffel tower.
"I HEARD five or six shots
and then I saw two or three
young guys running away from
the scene," a newspaper vendor
who has a kiosk under the
bridge, said. "When I went up
to the bridge, the chauffeur was
slumped over the wheel. The
ambassador was laid out on the
back seat."
The caretaker of a nearby
building confirmed the news-
paper vendor's account of the
drama and told police: "I saw
three men run off in the direc-
tion of the. nearby metro (sub-
way station).
Weeping embassy employes
turned away reporters from the
entrance of the secluded build-
ing less than a quarter of a
mile from where the ambassa-
dor was shot. A woman arrived
with a bunch of red roses to
present her condolences and
burst into tears as she entered
the grounds.
Police officials said the en-
voy's wife arrived at the em-
bassy about an hour after the
shooting, not knowing her hus-
band was dead. She asked the
reason for the police cordon and
was told "it is an alert exer-
cise," before her identity was
established and she was given
the news.
Daily Photo b
Minorities picket the law school yesterday, pr
administration's hiring practices which they say
against women and minority groups.
100 pic kets deni-
more minori
Robbery not like movies
Editor's note: Daily Reporter Ken Parsigian was
on the scene of yesterday's bank robbery; this
is his account. Ann Arbor police have not yet re-
leased details of the crime.
To cap off a rather uneventful afternoon
yesterday, I decided to visit the National Bank
whirled around just in time to see the door
close and a form that I couldn't quite make
out, fleeing.
Turning back to the teller, I
was going on. "Nothing," she
just as bored and unaware as
asked her what
replied looking
the rest of the