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September 04, 1975 - Image 54

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-04

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Page Six


I nursday, September f Ir


~ V
Greatry Moring . .,
It Also Means Levi Cords, Jeans, and Flannel Shirt
Season and Tice's Has the Biggest Selection in Ann


Breaking tradition

The Michigan Wolverine baseball
team went through with the usual pre-
game taping and dressing this past
Memorial Day. A player checked to
make sure his pants covered his sox
just so - and confirmed that his cap
was tilted appropriately. And all of
this for a half of an inning.
In the Sunday championship game of
the Mideast Regionals at Eastern Mich-
igan University, the Wolverines trailed
EMU, 2-1, going into the ninth. Then,
the rains came and the remaining in-
ning was suspended until the next day.
-Memorial Day.
THE TENSION had been bad enough
as it was. The Maize and Blue streak-
ed to their first Big Ten title under
coach Moby Benedict with a 13-3 lea-
gue mark, winning 24 of their last
28 games. During one stretch the Wol-
verines copped 14 out of 15 road con-
But on that Monday morning, the sea-
son came down to one suspended in-
ning. The last inning of the last game
of the year, and the championship
game of the Mideast Regionals. That

morning, the Wolverine's road record
suffered a bit.
The Hurons, led by pitcher Bob Ow-
chinko retired the Wolverines after
Owchinko threw only 17 pitches. Blue
leftfielder Mark Grenkoski singled to
place the tying run on base, but Ow-
chinko yielded nothing more and East-
ern was on its way to the College World
Series held in Omaha.
EVERY TEAM which won a game in
the regionals scored in the opening in-
ning. That day, the Wolverines could
not score in the "first".
The regionals turned out to be a
three game series between Michigan-
and Eastern, Penn State and Clemson
were eliminated earlier. Although the
Wolverines defeated the Hurons twice
in the regular season, 1-0 and 2-1, Eas-
tern won twice and sent Michigan
home with a 28-12 record. That is Mich-
igan's second best record in its history.
"These are the greatest bunch of
boys I've ever had the privilege to
coach since I've been at Michigan,"
Benedict said. "They did everything
asked of them and deserved all the
honors they got."

Senior first baseman Randy Hack-
ney, who came one home run short of
tying Michigan's all-time mark of ten,
while batting .333 and junior pitcher
Chuck Rogers with a 7-2 record and a
1.71 ERA, were All Big-Ten first team
Senior Craig Forhan and sophomore
catcher Ted Mahan were second and
third team selections respectiveyly.
Forhan was the low man on the Wol-
verine pitching staff with a 1.38 ERA
and Mahan grabbed the honor after
only his first full year of backstopping
Michigan's ace staff.
ALTHOUGH last season the Wolver-
ines had a chance to win a share of the
Big Ten title by winning two straight
twinbills before both affairs were rain-
ed out, few thought they would have
done it anyhow. The reason: no fire
In 1974, Michigan could not compare
to the rest of the league in most of-
fensive departments, and only the pit-
ching staff's prowess enabled the Wol-
verines to win at all.
But in 1975, things were different.
Even though Benedict says good pitch-
ing always gets out good hitting, Mich-

igan had some batters to make it hard-
er on opposing hurlers.
MICHIGAN BATTED .275 as a team
this season, (with five players hitting
.298 or better), compared to .248 a.year
ago. Michigan also scored 171 last year
vs. 1974's output of 118. The Wolverines
even stole eight more bases than last
season, 31, logically because there were
more opportunities.
The increased run production made
the pitching staff more imposing than
College baseball isn't the most excit-
ing game in the world for many rea-
sons. The pros grab top players, the
weather delays an early start for
some squads and fan support and in-
terest is minimal. When such obstacles
must be faced adequate financing be-
comes more difficult and even less
worthwhile (from an economic stand-
point, anyway).
However, the 1975 Wolverines made
:h_ callagiate game a little more ex-
.i iJn this campaign and even thaugh
'!:1 down to one half of
an inning, it was a championship year
in Ann Arbor.

IM sports: An opportunity
to, compete and bra-le

If you're a sports enthusiast
but don't know where to go to
do your thing, take heart. Some-
where on campus there's a
place for you.
Intramural facilities are open
to all students, faculty and staff
members and for most of your
rec- and co-recreational needs,
jaunt down to the Intramural
ild E-ann - Hoover

BZuna ing on M. * .
In addition to four obvious
basketball courts one will also
find there: volleyball, badmin-
ton, indoor tennis, boing,
weightlifting, Judo, Karate, Tae
Kwon Do, fencing, table ten-
nis, wrestling, handball, pad-
las sifieds Idea acquallsqah, and
In another part of the build-
ing one will find the Intra-

Use Daily C

mural Pool which can be
equipped for water polo Ad-
jacent to the structure is Matt
Mann pool with swimming and
diving facilities and directly
behind the I.M. Is Ferry Field
where track and field facil-
ties exist..
Located at the corner of North
and East University is Water-
man Gymnasium which also fea-
tures badminton, basketball,
table tennis, volleyball, weight-
lifting, gymnastics, punching
bags, and a 1 10 mile indoor
The old ice arena, the coli-
seum, opened this past season
for the Women. However, it is
not exclusively for the fairer
sex, but it is th&--only building
which features specific "women
only" hours. The former Mich-
igan Wolverine home ice has a
new rubberized-synthetic s u r-
face. Just bounce down to the
corner of Fifth and Hill Streets.
Its uses include volleyball,
indoor tennis, archery, fencing,
and basketball. Besides usually
being uncrowded, the facility on
S. Division features the only
glass backboards on campus
(besides Crisler Aremaa).
(Prolific Daily Libel scorer
Al (Dr. H.) Hrapsky swears by
them, claiming "my reverse
dunk looks ten times classier at
the coliseum.")
Other campus facilities in

clude the Track and Tennis
Building located behind the
I.M. Building. Featuring five
indoor courts you can, obtain
a membership for just four
dollars or run there for free.
Yost Ice Arena is open season-
ally for skating while other ten-
nis facilities include the U-M
Tennis Club (next to the I.M.
Bldg.) and Palmer field (16
courts) behind Mosher-Jordan
Softball and touch football as
well as Rugby, Lacrosse, a n d
Soccer can be accommodated at
Fuller Field (North Campus),
North Campus Murfin (behind
Bursley), Palmer Field, South
Ferry Field (off S. State), Win-
es Field (E. Hoover and Divis-
ion), and Tartan Turf Field
(behind Yost Ice Arena).
Michigan also boasts the 18-
hole University golf course, the
18-hole Radrick Farms course
(4875 E. Geddes Rd.) and the
9-hole U-M Par-3 golf course.
Bowling and Billiards can be
found on various floors of the
Michigan Union for a nominal
If you're so indolent that you
can't make the quick jaunt to
the IM Building, call 763-1313.
The number at the Barbour-
Waterman IM office is 763-3233
and 764-9450 will reach Mar-
garet Bell Pool.






Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Mark ".354" Grenkoski
Mark. Grenkoski with his trusty bat in hand, led the Maize
and Blue in hitting this season with a .354 average. The
super sophomore helped the Wolverines to their'. first Big Ten
title since 1961.


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Our fine selection of footwear completes our total apparel pic-
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fying all your clothing needs as we have for the past five generations
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The Wild Company
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II '






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