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October 18, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-10-18

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~i~r MrI$tan DButt
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Saturday, October 18, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

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Now th
QO YOU'VE MOVED into that new
apartment or house and have dis-
covered that it wasn't quite the castle
it seemed to be when you signed the
What do you do? Gnash your teeth?
A more productive solution, and one that
would be less damaging to you and your
bridgework, would be to contact one of
several tenant groups around campus.
Three groups are headquartered in the
The campus branch of the Washtenaw
County Legal Aid Society handles land-
lord-tenant law disputes as well as a
host of other legal problems. Volunteer
law students staff the Fourth floor of-
Lawyer Jonathan Rose, campus Legal
Aid head, was active in the Ann Arbor
Tenants Union during his undergraduate
years here.
The Ann Arbor Tenants Union, 4110
Michigan Union, is a student-run associa-
tion dedicated to reducing rent and other-
wise helping embattled tenants to 'Curb
their Landlords,' as the group's T-Shirts
THEN THERE IS the University's own
15-year-old Mediation Services (MS).
Students, faculty and staff with rental
problems see MS to the tune of 750
negotiations and 4000 to 5000 one-shot
visits a year.
Despite all this, few students are
quite sure what MS does or even where
they can find it. The University operator
even gave me the wrong number when
I tried to call them.
Pet problems, noise, sublet, security
deposit and rent hassles are common
issues at the MS offices, Union room
Tenants initiate three quarters of the
MS case load. Disputes which cannot
be resolved any other way are brought
before a three member mediation board.
Elizabeth Leslie, MS director, and

at you're all



® '.

people from a rotating pool of University
people sit on the board. Peter Schoch,
Off-Campus Housing director, and Wil-
liam Joy, Environmental Health and
Occupational Safety director, are fre-
quent members.
"WE MUCH PREFER that the' parties
(that bring cases before the board) settle
the dispute themselves, but about 50 per
cent ask us to make a recommendation,"
says Leslie.
An MS pamphlet claims that a media-
tion board session has "a 95 per cent
chance of reactivating negotiations and
settling the dispute."
Board mediation "usually ends in a
settlement that reasonably satisfies both
sides," says Leslie.
Tenant Union spokesperson Karen Eder
doesn't think MS settlements are quite
so good. "We don't usually refer students
there," she says.
"They bargain and they'll meet half
way. They work to some kind of a com-
promise. The only time we recommend
them is in roommate conflicts."
Being part of the University has never
bothered Leslie. "I've appreciated very
much the feeling of autonomy the Uni-
versity has allowed me. They have never
interfered," she claims.
backs hurt MS. "We're feeling it vig-
orously," she says. "We have an ex-
tremely limited budget. What we need is
more money for publicity. We always
have." MS does hand out flyers at regis-
tration, Leslie says.
By the time MS has become involved
with a case, Leslie says, the tenant some-
times says "Why the hell should I pay
the rent?"
In a case like that, MS will hold money
in escrow. Tenants dealing with MS can
deposit withheld rent, but only in the
form of certified checks or money orders..
MS has been caught in the middle in the,






:1 l


1 ,

MS will not accept personal checks
because a few of them bounced in the
past. They instituted the policy reluctant-
ly four years ago when "one student
moved out on us with $1700 and the
money wasn't good," Leslie says ruefully.
out of here until the case is settled or it
goes to court," 'she says. If a court case
is initiated, the money reverts to the
tenant, otherwise it is part of the settle-
ment of the case.
"No Pet" clauses provoke many gripes.
"I happen to like dogs better than
people," says Leslie, "but it (the viola-
tion of a pet clause) is a good bonafide
case against the tenant."
Leslie adds, "We mediate a lot of

contract cases, especially ones involving
inaintenance and damage deposits."
. Other complaints involve upstairs-
downstairs problems and "the' radical
noisemaker." Unexpected occurences,
like a management change, or an emer-
gency situation where a tenant must
break a lease, also crop up.
"Virtually all of the major landlords
in town have worked with Mediation
Services," says Leslie. Some of the com-
panies include Campus Rentals, Campus
Management, Dahlman Associates, Maize
and Blue, McKinley Associates, Summit-
Hamilton, Trony Associates and Wilson
Catherine Reutter is a Daily day edi-


'Hello therel I'm Robbem Good! I take from the
poor and give to the middle class!
New credit bill stops short

1HE FEDERAL government has fi-
nally responded, however reluc-
tantly, to a determined crusade of
national feminist groups and indi-
vidual women against unfair credit
practices on the part of lending insti-
The regulations of the Equal Credit
Opportunity Act, slated to go into ef-
fect October 28, were officially issued
by the Federal Reserve Board Wed-
The law's final form represents an
improvement over its first draft,
Which focused on consumer credit ap-
plications at the exclusion of business
loan practices.
Banks and loan associations have
been among the worst offenders in re-
sisting the generally accepted univer-
sal progress made over the past ten
years in the fight against sex discrim-
As a matter of course the standard
of eligibility applied to men in credit
applications has been matched by a
second offensive and inequitable set
of criteria applied to women credit
TO DATE, WOMEN seeking loans
have been subjected to queries as
News: Gordon Atcheson, Lois Josimo-
vich, Sara Rimer, Jeff Ristine, Rick
Soble, Jeff Sorensen, Margaret Yao
Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Paul
Haskins, Debra Hurwitz, Tom Kett-
ler, Linda Kloote
Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen, David Wein-

to their sexual proclivity, marital sta-
tus, and birth control practices. These
procedures are direct throwbacks to
an era when women were considered
something less than functional, com-
plete individuals. They represent both
an insult to the majority of Ameri-
cans who are female and an unfair
disadvantage in their struggle for
economic viability.
Beyond the provisions of the act
which address the issue of institution-
alized sex bias on the basis of sex or
marital status, the law also requires
creditors to state reasons for denying
credit to applicants regardless of sex.
The. women's groups who've worked
long and arduously for credit reform
see the bill as a whole as a progres-
sive, positive measure.
However, among the most vocal
feminist advocates are groups, includ-
ing the National Organization of Wo-
men, who feel the bill has not gone
far enough to guarantee equal foot-
ing for women.
f Though it compels lenders to pro-
vide reasons for denying credit re-
quests, it does nothing to assure such
explanations in writing.
SUCH AN OMISSION preserves the
potential for abuse among lenders
tempted to maintain discriminatory
policies which can't be verified or es-
tablished through a written record.
We hope the nation's feminists and
their sympathizers will not view the
Equal Credit Opportunity Act as an
acceptable resolution of their initia-
tives, but as an incentive to continue
and intensify their push for equality.




To The Daily:
HAVE YOU TIME to listen to
an old grad ('48-Law) who has
an idea that's just too good to
keep to himself? Thanks to the
imagination, thoughtfulness, and
generosity of two very dear
young friends (Betsy Owen and
Ruth Maxon), both of whom are
fourth year students at the Uni-
versity, I am the proud posses-
sor of a subscription to The
Michigan Daily and it's the
most fun and exciting gift I've
received in years!
Why don't more kids think of
The Daily as the ideal gift for
the parent, aunt, uncle, sibling
or friend who is also a former
student? Believe me, it beats
socks, ties, razor blades, or
perfumetand bubble bath.
Maybe I'm prejudiced, but my
love affair with The Daily began
in my freshman year in Law
School and continued for three
happy years in Ann Arbor-and
even now I always buy a copy
whenever business or pleasure
takes me back to the campus.
Why The Daily? Well, I think
there are at least three cogent
reasons that make it the ideal
gift. In the first place, it is a
good source for hard campus
news. But I find it particularly
delightful because it is a dedi-
cated voice that articulates cur-
rent campus concerns and atti-
tudes. Secondly, there is no
question but what I shall renew
my subscription when my gift
subscription expires (thus broad-
ening your audience). And third-
ly, our school - yours and mine
- could well be the biggest
beneficiary of the gift because
your paper will probably re-
kindle an interest and enthusi-
asm of alumni long gone from
the pulsating and energetic Ann
Arbor scene.
Daily is also a good way to get
parents and friends to really
listen to - and hopefully under-
stand the vibes. from the cam-
pus. And, if they really listen,
we all will be the winners.
. The young frequently com-
plain that they are not heard.
But you don't make converts by
just talking among yourselves.
Converts are made by the
strength of a reasonable posi-
tion that is logically and per-
sistently argued and directed to
those who don't already share
your views. Just imagine the
impact The Daily would have if,
in addition to being read by a
few thousand students in Ann
Arbor, it could regularly reach
the approximately 250,000 alum-
ni who also have a stake in
keeping Michigan something
So why not plug The Daily as
this year's Christmas gift!
Let me add some personal ob-
servations based on my cover-
to-cover reading of The Daily
for the past five weeks. In spite
of the many explosive changes
that have occurred in campus
life during the past two decades,
The Daily remains much the

same candor and crusading spir-
it that has always been evident.
Editorial policy continues to
paint the world in black and
white (which, of course, just
ain't so) but I find that even
this approach is refreshing. (As
one wag once said: "You may
not always be right-but you're
never in doubt "- and there's
nothing wrong with that!)
CAN YOU join me in dream-
ing about the wonders that
might occur if The Daily were
delivered regularly to the
"home-town" home of every stu-
dent on campus? Wouldn't it be
Of course I have never be-
lieved in the "generation gap."
Sure - we're separated by a
few years, but age is nothing
more than an accident of time
and circumstance. It should
never be used as an excuse for
keeping us apart, for to build
walls on the basis of age alone,
is to deny to you and to me the
opportunity for mutual growth
and. nourishment. And believe
me: there are many more things
we share in common than there
are things that divide us. And
The Daily could really be the
catalyst that brings us together.
If my theory is right, The Daily
could take credit for knocking
down hackneyed barriers so that
we could all enjoy life more -
What a challenge! What an op-
Andtthanks again, dear Bets
and Ruth, for a perfectly won-
derful gift.
Stewart E. McFadden,
October 13
To The Daily:.
ON OCT. 17TH, at the McDon-
ald's on Maynard St. (former
site of the old Nickel's House)
members of the Radical Vege-
tarian Front, the People's Bi-
centennial Commission, and
other individuals and groups
staged a puke-in in protest of
McDonald's coming into the Ann
Arbor community against the
express wish of the citizens of
Ann Arbor, the quality of food
at McDonald's (it has been said
by one nutritionist that a steady
diet of McDonald's food could
give one scurvy), etc.
We will no longer conceal the
sickness they have produced in
us. Let the vibrations emanate
from this space and time that
a new generation of crazies has
been born, the bastard offspring
of the corporate rape of the
earth and its people. We shall
not rest until balance has been
Radical Vegetarian League

It is time for the Michigan
student section to set an exam-
ple of enthusiastic support for
the home team with due respect
for our visitors. Let's go to the
Rose Bowl with class.
Sander Blome
October 17
To The Daily:
IN REGARD to the article
printed inGThe Daily October 16,
"Np Women in Bo Territory," I
feel I must reply to this piece
of irresponsible journalism.
I am a woman athlete who ap-
preciates what the U-M Athletic
Department is doing for wo-

men's sports, I appreciate the
fine intramural facilities (swim-
ming, track, tennis, etc.) that I
am able to use every evening on
a regular basis. It is also evi-
dent that the number of U-M
team sports for women are on
the rise and women participat-
ing in intercollegiate competi-
tion will soon have locker rooms
and a training 'facility, but most
definitely I enjoy watching Bo's
dedicated athletes play football
on Saturday.
Only an athlete knows what it
takes to be successful in sports
and it certainly isn't the smut
that The Daily printed and tried
to pass off as facts of life. The
facts are that it takes respon-
sible, dedicated men with a

great deal of self-discipline and
good character to achieve a
successful football team. These
men are not saints, but for sure
many of these players will con-
tinue to be achievers once they
have left the football field.
I'M SICK and tired 'or irre-
sponsible journalists taking
something that is basically very
good and picking it apart until
they find something negative to
write about. Anybody can find
some wrong in something if they
look hard enough for it. Why not
start writing about the positive
things rather than alwa's look-
ing for the negatives and some-
thing to tear down.
Carol Oakes
October 17

South Vietnam: Nationalism,
socialism blended in peace

Photo Technician:1

Pauline Lubens
// -- - -











' 4.

1111 L
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SAIGON, Oct. 8 (PNS)-From
the river, you stroll up the
Street of the Spontaneous Upris-
ing past the National Theatre to
Paris Commune Square.
You swing around the century-
old Basilica and turn left on
3th of April Boulevard, which
ends" at the headquarters of the
Military Management Commit-
tee, on Liberation Street.
Turning right, you cross Nghe
Tinh Soviet Street to Vo Van
Tan, and one block to the left
you arrive at the massive arch
flanked by the colors of the Re-
public of South Vietnam on the
right and those of the Demo-
cratic Republic of Vietnam on
the left. A symbolic chain hangs
broken from the arch itself,
which proclaims the exhibit of
"American and Puppet Crimes."
It is a route familiar to hun-
dreds of thousands of Ameri-
cans who served in Vietnam,
even if the place names have
The notorious TuDo Street,
whose myriad bars, hotels and
nightclubs were once a second
home to American GIs barred
from fraternizing with Vietnam-
ese girls in the countryside, is
now called "Duong Dong Khai"
-the Street of the Spontaneous
Uprising, commemorating the
return to insurgency that began
in Ben Tre province in 1960. (A
dozen years ago, most Saigon-
ese still called it by its familiar
French name - the Rue Catin-
at - and the old name still lin-
gers on landmarks along the
THE OLD National Theatre,
once briefly the home of the Na-
tional Assembly, today is the fa-
vorite site for Popular Front
Congresses, conferences of in-
tellectuals, and other important
meetings, as well as numerous
cultural performances, including
a recent ballet and symphony,
The Queen of Peace ("Regina
de Pais") still reians over the

Thong Nhut Boulevard, which
ran past the American Embassy
to the gates of Doc Lap Palace,
is now named 30th of April -
the date when liberation forces
poured down it to receive the
formal surrender of President
Duong Van Minh.
The Palace itself is now the
headquarters of the Military
Management Committee of the
city. The red-and-white candy-
striped barricades - and Pal-
ace guards - that kept the
people at a distance are gone.
UNTIL THE beginning of Sep-
tember, Nghe Tinh Soviet Street
-commemorating the peoples'
councils formed in Ho Chi
Minh's home province - was
called "Hong Thap Tu" or "Red
Cross," named after the Inter-
national Red .Cross headquar-
tered there.
Vo Van Tan - a street known
to thousands of Americans as
"Tran Quy Cap" - has been
renamed for a member of the
Central Committee of the Indo-
chinese Communist Party who
was executed by the French in
May 1941. At that time the
French were fighting for sur-
vival in Western Europe and In-
dochina's fledgling Communist
-and nationalist - movement
was virtually unnoticed by the
Today, seven streets in Saigon
bear the names of the martyrs
who died in Con Son or were ex-
ecuted in Saigon by the French
in 1941 and 1942. Two of these
were named for a husband and
wife who were recruited to the
movement abroad as students of
Ho Chi Minh. And an eighth
street - a familiar route to Tan
Son Nhnt Airoort - commemor-
ates the abortive "Cochin China
Unrising" that took place in the
Delta in the early 40s.
LIKE THE streets, the exhibit
of "American and Puppet
Crimes" reflects Vietnam's
cheonered past. The exhibit is.

The crowds that the exhibit
has drawn reflect the fact that
many Saigonese know far less
about the atrocities of the war-
like My Lai and official involve-
ment in drug traffic - than the
average American. The old gov-
ernment had censored all hostile
or critical reporting in Saigon.
In fact, much of .the material
used in the exhibit is from
American news sources.
But if it appears that the city
has been "radicalized", this
would be an exaggeration. The.
night clubs on TuDo have been
closed and in their place have
sprung up coffee shops and soft
drink and beef stands. Inter-
snersed between the offices of
the People's Revolutionary Com-
mittees, the souvenir shops re-
main, now doing scanty busi-
BUT ONE has the distinct im-
pression that the loiterers in the
sidewalk cafes were the patrons
of the matinee dances at the Ho-
tel Catinat a few months ago.
And petty crime is- far from
Across the park from my win-
dow a billboard proclaiming
"Long Life to the Dang Lao
Dong (Workers Party)" hails
the successor to the old Indo-
c h i n e s e Communist Party,
flanked by a similar tribute to
But Vietnamese nationalism is
still the theme today. And if the
two strands - socialism and
nationalism - were inextric-
ably interwoven in the career
of Ho Chi Minh, it was still
Uncle Ho, the Vietnamese na-
tionalist, whose praises the
Gahool children sang about on
the recent night of the Mid-
Autumn Festival as they car-
ried their traditional lanterns
through the streets. This year,
there were numerous doves of
neace among the lantern-shapes.
Frances Starner is now the




1 44


A. . 5

Oct. 17.
To The Daily:
STATE FANS this pa
ant i V etT -ncia ,t

ast week-
,nnoA ,.




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