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October 10, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-10

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See Editorial Page

Y r e

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 32

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 10, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


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Brower dies
Jesse Brower, the victim of a murder attempt
last week at Veterans Hospital, died Tuesday at
67 of lung cancer complicated by bronchial pneu-
monia. According to a hospital spokesperson, Brow-
er's death was in no way connected to the incident
last week. The spokesperson also stated that'Brow-
er was very ill at the time he was admitted to the
hospital, and had been expected to die at any
time. At first, FBI agents thought the attemped
murder might have been connected to the recent
chain of respiratory failures at the hospital. But
further investigation proved his was not the case.
Happenings . .
....there will be a bread-making demonstration
on the Diag from 11-4 . . . GEO wl rally to sup-
port affirmative action at noon . . . Roderick
Gilkey speaks on "Psychotherapy and Religion"
at the Guild House luncheon, 802 Monroe, at noon
... at 1 p.m., George Lakey speaks in E. Quad's
Greene Lounge on "Non Violent Struggle: Facts
and Fallacies." He speaks again at 4 p.m. at Alice
Never can say goodbye
Last May, the door swung open and Thomas
Elbert walked out of prison after serving five
years for threatening the life of former President
Nixon. But he's going back soon. A federal judge
in Sacramento sentenced Elbert yesterday to jail
for allegedly telephoning the Sacramento Secret
Service office August 15 and telling an agent, "I'm
going to kill your boss, Ford." He was arrested
two days later. "He's the type of fellow who
seems to enjoy prison life and I think we're going
to accommodate him," quipped a G-man. Some
people just can't get enough of a good thing.
Quick split
This may be the fastest legal separation on
record. Right after Jeannette Bell and Horace
"oberts are married in Miami, they'll be whisked
'away to jail. They've been sentenced to prison for
robbery and burglary. Bell, 21, and Roberts, 24,
pleaded guilty this week to breaking and entering.
After the judge told them they'd better prepare to
do time, the defense lawyer approached the bench
and told the startled jurist, "Your honor, the de-
fendants would like you to marry them as soon as
possible before they leave the jail for prison."
"It's a little unusual, but if that's what they want,
I'll do it," the judge replied. To say the least.
They'll be married as soon as the blood test results
come back.
Anything for the children
What's money for, except to spend it, right? If
you think like that, you've got a friend in Davy
Jones, a businessman from McHenry, Illinois, who
bought a mountain ski resort for his threechil-
dren. Jones, who runs a shipping firm, paid te
Small Business Administration (SBA) $242,000 for
the 1,148-acre resort located 25 miles south of
Syracuse, New York. Originally owned by a Syra-
cuse lawyer, the business folded and was sold to
the SBA at a foreclosure auction three years ago
for $250,000. Jones renamed it Calidu Sports, Inc.,
taking the name from the first tw letters of each
of his three children, Cathy, 19, Lisa, 11, and
Duane, 13. Said the indulgent papa, "I didn't buy
this place for me, I bought it for them." He must
have really raided Davy Jones' Locker for that
little plaything.
Old shows never die

Buffalo Bob is coming back! If that name doesn't
ring a bell, try mumbling a few choruses of "It's
Howdy Doody Time," quietly under your breath
(quietly so your roomm'ate don't ship you off to
the booby hatch) and you'll recall Buffalo Bob is
Howdy Doody's sidekick. Buffalo Bob (whose real
last name is Smith) is trying to revive the show,
one of the most popular children's series ever
aired and syndicate it. Smith says he got the idea
from the enthusiastic reception he got last year
when he toured college campuses. So maybe next
September, you'll be able to ask, "What time is
it? It's . "
On the inside .
Sports showcases Andy Glazer with a scout-
ing report on MSU . . . Arts has Friday's Cinema
Weekend . .. and the Editorial Page features Paul
O'Donnell writing on study abroad.

to veto
tax cut
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President
Ford vowed last night to veto an
election-year tax cut unless
Congress couples it with a fed
eral spending lid.
He said he remains opposed to
a federal financial bailout for
New York City.
AND HE disclosed that he has
canceled, out of concern for se-
curity, a planned trip to Louis
ville, Ky., next Thursday.
The President was asked if
he "would really shoot Santa n
Claus in an election year" by
vetoing a tax cut bill.
"I have said with great em-
phasis that the American people
want a $28 billion tax cut and a >
reduction in the growth of fed-
eral expenditure," he replied.
"THEY KNOW that is the
right way to meet the problem
of getting our long-term reform
in tax legislation and to achieve
a responsible program in spend-
ing limitations."
Asked how he was able to de-
termine the American people
really supported his program,
Ford said: "I have been watch-
ing some of the pollstaken na-
tionally for the last several
months and there is a general
consensus that federal spending
ought to be controlled and I be-
lieve there is a strong feeling
that the federal government
should take less out of the tax-
payers' pocket so the taxpayer
can spend it himself."
Questioned about'the possible
inflationary implications of a
$28 billion tax cut, the President
said his proposal to tie it in
with a sending limitationwas
not aimed at affecting the
economy in any significant way This mim
whatsoever. few days
See FORD, Page 2 building.
'U' deni
stalling of



Ford's signature
seen, technicians
to monitor treaty
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - The Senate passed last night 70 to
18 a resolution approving the stationing of 200 American
technicians in the Sinai to monitor the Egyptian-Israeli
peace accord.
The resoluton, passed by the House 24 hours earlier,
now goes to the White House where President Ford has
been urging quick congressional action for more than a
month to implement "a step toward peace" in the Middle
THE VOTE, after a two-day debate, completed congressional
approval of the technicians plan and clears the way for the Is-
raelis to sign the month-old accord.
While Egypt has already signed the accord, Israel had only
initialled it and said it would not sign until Congress gave the go-
ahead for the technicians to be-- -
sent in.
Despite Democratic Leader
Mike Mansfield's warning that
the risks of sending the techni-
cians into, the Middle East are1 f
too great and the costs too high,hf
the Senate defeated 75 to 15 an
amendment barring U.S. mili-
tary personnel and equipment
from any attempt to rescue the
technicians in an emergency. collap se
THE amendment was offered
by Sen. James Abourezk (D- BEIRUT, Lebanon () - As
S.D.), who also proposed send- Lebanon drifted closer to tbtal
ig the matter back to commit- breakdown of law and order yes-
tee on grounds that it and re- terday, Premier Rashid Karami
lated agreements by the United sought Syrian help to halt grow-
States with Israel and Egypt ing participation by Palestinian
should be resubmitted as guerrillas in Beirut street fight-
treaties. ing.
Abourezk was supported by
Mansfield, who said the resolu- Despite a dusk-to-dawn ur-
tion under Senate consideration few,'cease-fires announced by
which ,will trigger implementa- Lebanon's warring groups, and
tion of Israeli withdrawal from warnings of "iron-fisted" meas-
mountain passes in the Sinai ures by internal security forces,
desert, also will trigger far- bloody chaos continued wih
reaching U.S. commitments of heavy exchanges of fire.
undetermined extent. THE CITY, once the busy
"By placing the American flag commercial and financial center
in the middle of the conflict, the of the Mideast, was paralyzed.
chances of our involvement in Banks, offices and shops were
the next round of fighting, closed and noncombatants hud-
should it occur, will be greatly dIed in their homes.
increased, as will the danger of The casualty toll passed 300 in
a confrontation with the Soviet
Union, Mansfield told the Sen- the latest fighting. Since April,
ate civil strife between Moslem and
THE Abourezk amendment to Christian has killed more than
bar U.S. troops and equipment 6,000. Yesterday's fighting raged
from any rescue was offered as unchecked in full view of in-
a substitute for a House-ap- ternal security forces.
proved amendment. The House "A r m e d men a r e every-
provison specified that approval where," B e i r u t Radio an-
of up to 200 Americans at Sinai nounced. "All roads are closed.
desert stations would not give There is no change in the situa-
the President additional author- tion."
itv to introduce A m e r i c a n KARAMI drove to Damascus
armed forces into hostilities. yesterday morning and met for
The House amendment by three hours with Syrian Presi-
Ren. Bob Eckhardt (D-Tex), dent Hafer Assad who later re-
was adopted Wednesday night ceived Palestine guerrilla leader
before the House passed the Yasir Arafat.
technician resolution 341 to 69.
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- On his return to Beirut, Ka-
Minn.), asked the Senate to rami said only that he was
write the same language into deeply satisfied with the results
the Senate resolution to make it of his talks.
conform to the House resolution. "I sensed understanding and
This would avoid the need for eagerness for cooperation to
a conference to adjust differ- help Lebanon resolve the Qitua-
ences while Congress is in a tion," he said. "The Syrian peo-
week-long recess next week, he ple have always stood by Leb-
said. anon at times of crisis. We pray
A FINAL Senate vote on the to Allah to guide Syria on the
technician proposal is set for right path to help the Arab
today. The deployment of Amer- cause."
can technicians in the Sinai was
tween. Israel and Egypt. See LEBANON, Page 10


I can't hear you . .
ne artist, while silently refusing to identify himself, enjoys the end of Indian Summ
ago. He (and his banana) were spotted downtown near the site of the new fedl
es GEO charge of
n Rirm-at1ve Rct10n

The University yesterday denied allegations by the Graduate
Employes' Organization (GEO) that it had failed to make a "good
faith effort" in implementing an affirmative action program in the
hiring of Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs).
In a union grievance filed against the University on Sept. 5, the
GEO charged the University with a lack of good faith and termed
the appointment of the task force a "blatant stalling tactic".
JOHN FORSYTH, administrator for the GEO contract, de-
fended the University's position.
"There's no question in my mind that the University is mak-
ing a good faith effort to implement an affirmative action pro-
gram for GSAs," he said.
However, Forsyth did acknowledge "complications" in ex-
plaining the University's failure to meet the Sept. 1 deadline set
in the GEO-University contract of last spring for the implementa-
tion of a program.
"THE DESIGN and implementation of a program has been
much more complex than we imagined," commented Forsyth.
"Some overwhelming variables occur in such a non-traditional em-
ployment setting as this."
He tabbed three such variables as examples of the problems
involved in instituting an affirmative action program.
"There are a number of degree programs," he said, "that re-
quire a candidate to have related work experiences. These per-
sons must be given assistantships, regardless of race or sex."
,SAT drops possibly
caused byrelaxed
attitude, say experts

FORSYTH also noted the part played by financial aid pack-
ages in the GSA programs of many departments.
"It is conceivable," Forsyth remarked, "that potential minor-
ity candidates might not need or want to work as an assistant be-
cause they already have some other form of financial support . .
so the jobs might go to non-minority graduate students."
GEO President Nancy Conklin, however, believes the Univer-
sity is exhibiting a great deal of foot dragging on their affirmative
action committment.
"LET'S FACE it," she said, "if they were interested in ac-,
tually having this (the affirmative action program) done, they
would have appointed a task force a long time ago.'

Cosmic mystic: Good vibes
Tyagi Ji is a man who calls himself a
"cosmic transmitter."
How, exactly, does someone qualify as
a cosmic transmitter?
"When people come into contact with
me," he says, "they have access to a
life-energy source. It just happens, that's
all. It's like a new expressway is opened,
and they can take their cars on it any
time they like."
- -LOCAL FOLLOWERS of the Michigan-
based Indian Mystic tune in to the "life-
' energy source" during sessions at the
fW Friends Meeting House on Hill Street.
You come here and lie down," Tyagi
ii tells the people at the sessions. "You
-{-texperience silence, without any effort.
No technique is necessary."
The undertakings at Tyagi's meetings
are indeed simple. People lie down or
sit on the floor on top of cushions, cov-
erin gthemselves with blankets. Tyagi

Recent drops in college en-
trance exam scores may be at-
tributable to a relaxed attitude
among high school students
about attending colleges, claim
WAiiam rnTurnbull- president of

Another reason many students
are more relaxed about getting
into college is that there are
more colleges now, he said.
"I attribute this to the rise
in community colleges. Kids to-
day know they can get into
smaller colleges.

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