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October 09, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-09

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IsC Sftrl ian DIud
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Thursday, October 9, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
U.S. fihrting with disaster

THE STATE Department has said
that the biggest threat to world
peace is the Middle East situation.
The U.S. and the Soviets are playing
volleyball with an Arab-Israeli hand
grenade, and the most recent series
of moves toward "peace" in the area
has provoked panic in even some of
the ,higher echelons of the military
and foreign policy establishment.
The U.S. has chosen to permeate
both sides with the latest in conven-
tional weaponry under the asumption
that the Arabs and Israelis will be
content to conduct negotiations sit-
ting contentedly on their impressive
stockpile of armaments. It appears
to be just like a person who thinks
since a small dose of a drug can make
him well, so a massive dose can make
him even better. And with arms --
Just as with drugs - the massive dose
can be fatal.
The move does little to offer a vi-
able "solution" to the Middle East
controversy. At best, it can stave off
military confrontation in the imme-
diate future. But at worst, it could
provide the spark for an explosion
that could put the U.S. and Soviet
Union on the brink of confrontation.
Providing arms and U.S. troops as a
"buffer" against aggression does
nothing to get at the crux of the sit-
uation. The conflict in the Middle
East is not based upon rational cal-
culation. It is an emotional contro-
versy where pride and principle take
precedence over risk.
AND IT IS only after the Arabs and
Israelis have reconciled their dif-
ferences that some form of lasting
peace can be established. Providing
both parties with the capability to
make matters worse than they al-
ready are is a juvenile and simplistic
approach to a far-reaching problem.
Performing political plastic surgery
may hide the scars, but will not cover
up the reason for the wound. Clearly,
the answer lies not in padding the
armaments stockpile, but in convinc-
ing both sides that continuing con-
News: Jay Levin, Andrea Lilly, Jo
Marcotty, Rob Meachum, Sara
Rirer, Stephen Selbst, Rick Soble,
Jim Tobin
Editorial Page: Lee Berry, Paul Has-
kins, Mara Letica, Mark Ortlieb,
Tom Stevens
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski

frontation can provide nothing but
deleterious results for all involved.
And probably the worst blunder is
that the U.S. has decided to make a
personal appearance on the battle-
field. No longer content to sit on the
sidelines, the government is sending
in its own players. Perhaps this move
will help to squelch the hate between
Arabs and Israelis. Now they will be
able to unite in the face of a common
enemy - the United States.
A ND APART from alienating the
forces they are trying to protect,
the U.S. could be moving toward the
clash they are most trying to avoid--
direct confrontation with the Soviet
Union. By sending troops to the Mid-
dle East, the U.S. is cutting off any
discreet escape route. In the event of
the buffer's backfire, the U.S. would
have no way of honoring its commit-
ments in the Middle East while back-
ing down gracefully if the grease on
the fire begins to spatter.
Why does the U.S. still persist in
sticking its nose farther and fartlher
into the face of adversity? Evidently,
the lessons of direct intervention in
Southeast Asia have yet to reach the
ranks of Secretary of State. The State
Department appears to totally defy
the laws of physics. In its case, hot
air settles. And just because now they
cannot see the forest from the trees,
in the future they may be seeing the
shooting end of a Soviet cannon.
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
MARCIA MERKER.............Executive Editor
LEBA HERTZ.........Managing Editor
JEFF SCHILLER..............Associate Editor
Liebster, Ray O'Hara, Michael Wilson
NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, Tom Cameron,
Tom Duranceau, Andy Glazer, Kathy Henne-
ghan, Ed Lange, Rich Lerner, Scott Lewis, Bill
Marcia Katz, John Niemeyer, Dave Wihak
DESK ASSISTANTS: Paul Campbell, Marybeth
Dillon, Larry Engle, Aaron Gerstman, Jerome
Gilbert, Andy Lebet, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller,
Joyce Moy, Patrick Rode, Arthur Wightman
Business Staff
Business Manager
Peter Caplan ..................Finance Manager
Robert F. Cerra ............Operations Manager
Beth Friedman .............. ales Manager
David Pontkowsky......Advertising Manager
DEPA. MGRS. Dan Brinza, Steve LeMire, Rhondi
Mae, Kathy Muihern, Cassie St. Clair
ASSOC. MORS. David Harlan, Susan Shuitz

Meat: A grea
By SYLVIA HACKER and time that is necessary to help
NANCY GARWOOD persons assess their sit'iation,
Question: I came to Health explore all of the alternatives
Service Monday morning with available to them, and make the
a bad cold and had to wait so best decision possible. Unlike
Ilong that I missed my morning the counseling in many abor-
class. By now you ought to an- tion facilities, the problem preg-
ticipate crowds and find some nancy counselors here have no
way to speed things up, don't biased investment in what de-
you? cision a person (or couple)
Answer: It is, of course, most eventually arrives at. If, how-
desirable to get sick by appoint- ever, a woman is contemplating
ment since Monday mornings an abortion, we request that she
and Friday afternoons are gen- have a pelvic examination to
erally very crowded. Maybe estimate the duration of the
Monday represents the after- pregnancy (which can also be
math of a heavy social weekend, done in the Gyn Clinic at Health
or Friday, the beginning of one Service) so that the best pos-
(and you don't want to be sible referral can be made,
sicker than you already are should she decide that ai abor-
from studying). Nevertheless, tion is the alternative she
these are the heavy days. With chooses. If, in somerurgent sit-
a staff of about 15 physicians uations, a counselor must be
serving the hundreds of stu- reached outside of the schedule
dents that come in in varying time, call the receptionist in
concentrations, it often does the Gyn Clinic (763-4371) who
mean a rather long wait. Bear will locate one of the counselors
with us! for you.
Question: My b e s t friend Question: I recently had a
thinks she is pregnant and compound fracture in my right
doesn't know what to do. What arm and many x-rays were
would you suggest? taken to check for healing. How
Answer: First of all, thnking safe was that for my body?
that one is pregnant is not al- Answer: We consulted our in-
ways correlated with pregnancy house radiation expert, Brad
itself. If her period is two weeks hous osediaionepeyBro
late or more, hurry her over , y
here for a pregnancy test. How- find beca u s e radiations of
ever, if she does turn out to be friendliness and information is-
problm prensue forth from there. He ex-
pregnant, problem pregnancy plained that x-rays, unlike na-
counseling is available at ihe tural radiation, are con' rolled
Health Service on a walk-in torodaictre fo d
basis on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, r a picture for diag-
and Thursdays from 3-Sp.m.,enosis.Radiation protection pro-
i room 319 in the Gynecology Health Service, and any raia-
Clinic (third floor of the Health tinneeiedb ap .i i
Service). T h e s e counselors tion received by a patient is
(from the Office of Ethics and limited only to the area of in-
Religion, Counseling Services in terest. To quote Robert 0. Gor-
the Michigan Union, and Coun- son of the bureau of Radiologic
seling Services in Health Serv- Health:
ice) are prepared to take all the "Many of us intuitively feel


wallet slenderizer

that the risks (however defined)
to the individual, and probably
to the human race, from ex-
posures arising from diagnostic
uses of radiation carried out
under optimum conditions are
so inconsequential that practi-
cally any medical benefit is the
predominating factor."
Any questions concerning ra-
diation and its effects will be
gladly answered by Brad, the
Clinical Supervisor of our x-ray
division. Just call 764-8302 and
check out his radiance.
Question: What role do meat
products play in a balanced
diet? What natural food sub-
stitutes would provide an equal
level of protein and/or general
nutritive value?
Answer: One big role that
meat plays in a balanced diet
is to slenderize your wallet. For
others, we consulted Ms. Irene
Hieber, our nutritionist here at
Health Service, who noted the
following: although meat is an
excellent source of protein, it
is not the only, or even the best
source. The important facts are
" Proteins are essential in.
your diet only because every
vital body process depends up-
on them to work.
,@ Proteins are made up of
22 smaller unitsrcalled amino
acids. But as proteins are not
all identical, they contain these
amino acids in varying propor-
f The process of digestion
breaks down the proteins we
eat into these amino acids,
which are then absorbed and
recombined by our bodies into
new proteins which are utilized
by all tissues for such vital pro-
cesses as formation of. new cels,
repair and maintenance of ex-

isting cells, and for proluction
of hormones, enzymes, and anti-
0 Of the 22 amino acids, 8
cannot be synthesized by the
body and so must be gotten
from the outside. These are
called essential amino acids
* Each of the 8 EAAs must
be present simultaneously and
in the right proportions in order
for all 22 to be utilized properly
in these vital processes (to keep
the plumbing humming). If even
one EAA is partially missing,
protein synthesis will fall t be
a very low level, as all amino
acids will be reduced by the
same proportion.
f The quality of protein is
measured by its completeness
in providing all of the EAA's
and by its digestability.
" Some proteins are of high-
er quality than others. Egg pro-
tein is the highest, closely fol-

lowed by milk and other dairy
products, fish, and meat. Dif-
ferent plant proteins are strong
in certain EAA's, and weak in
* Conclusion: You can cer-
tainly substitute dairy products
or plant proteins for meat, but
you must eat a variety with
mutually complementary amino
acid patterns within the same
meal. This would allow, for ex-
ample, plant foods with some
amino acid deficiencies to be
supplemented by amino acids
contained in other plant foods.
How do you decide what this
variety ought to be? Consult the
excellent paperback book Diet
for a Small Planet by Frances
Moore Lappe to find out.
Please send any and all ques-
tions to:
U-M Student He-AIta Service
207 Fletcher
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
. .. Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate, State Capitol Bldg.,
Lansing, Mi. 48933.
Rep. Perry Bullard (Denr), House of Representatives, State
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933.
.:.:**.*.*.*.*.,..*.ise~sinm.* .*.. ............sea ~ e

Letters: Attacks on Fletcher

Photo Technician: Susan Sheiner
In students' interest to
unite in common. struggle

To The Daily:
IN THE PAST several days
The Daily has published letters
from some readers attacking the
credibility and reporting job of
Elaine Fletcher who has been in
charge of wrting stories about
the new UAW clerical union on
As a clerical and as the for-
mer county reporter for Good
Morning Michigan until its de-
mise last August, I would like to
rise in defense of Ms. Fletcher.
I began writing newspaper
stories myself on the new UAW
unit as a contributer to GMM as
soon as I became a member of
the union in May of this year. I
have been present at all mem-
bership meetings since that
time; I have talked to countless
clericals in and outside of both
"factions" including hours of
discussion with Jean Jones and
Carolyn Weeks.
In all cases, when I have read
articles in The Daily by Ms.
Fletcher on union activities I
have always been impressed
with both the accuracy and up-
to-date quality of her writing.
THESE ATTACKS by clericals
on her reporting are in fact a
smokescreen by supporters of
the temporary bargaining com-
mittee that are attempting to
hide the true nature of what has
been going on within Local No.
2001 of the UAW.
The fact is that the temporary
bargaining committee has taken
upon itself to rule as interim
officersein the local and has
mnade every effort to maintain
its control over the membership.
And the fact is there is a real
division of the membership into
two factions. As a reporter and
a clerical, I have come to see
one side as supporting bureau-
cratic unionism with power vest-
ed in a leadership with three
year tenures while the other
side supports direct membership
control by purely democratic
means, i.e. through direct votes
on all important issues by the
members of the local.
The membership meeting on
Thursday, Oct. 17 will give cler-
icals an opportunitytovote for
members who will draft a pro-
posed set of bylaws.
THE SET of bylaws initially
suggested by the temporary bar-
gaining committee included an
initiation fee of $20 when the
UAW constitution sets the min-
imum at $10. They suggested
paying two full time officers
$14,000 and $13,000 respectively
when the average clerical wage
is half that. They proposed rest-
ing continuing power of the local
not in the membership but in a
"representative a s s e m b I y"
elected once every three years.
The choice of what kind of
bylaws our union willhhave is up
to the membership that attends
the next two meetings. See you
Jim Frisinger
Local No. 2001 UAW
October 8
To The Daily:

doesn't matter what happens to
those students who cannot get
into a Ph.D. program because
they only have a 3.8 and 780 on
their boards, we have a surplus,
and we must reduce it.
Fleming goes on to state that
"... .if we are careful to pro-
tect the research component"
training less Ph.D.s is "neither
destructive of the institution or
the faculty." Setting aside the
problems of the students who
don't even get in to begin with,
what happens to those scientists
who wish to serve the taxpayers
who support the University, and
not contribute necessarily to the
high reputation of the University
of Michigan? There is, it would
seem, no place for them. I am
a Senior Honors student with a
3.91, sweating it out trying to
get into a graduate program in
Clinical Psychology, looking for
a service orientation, and I have
been astounded at the number
of universities that have already
gone the way that Fleming has
mandated, without even so much
as a vote, that we go. Among
them are such notables as Yale
and the University of California
at Berkeley.
FLEMING ALSO states that
Teaching Fellowships will be cut
back, so that more professors
will t e a c h undergraduate
classes. Professors a l r e a d y
teach most high-level classes.
at least in my experience, but
what is crucial is what happens
to those graduate students who
can no longer afford graduate
work because Teaching Fellow-
ships, a form of financial aid,
have been cut back.
Our Leader is apparently in-
terested only in prestige and
glory for a greater University
of Michigan and has seemingly
lost sight of the primary com-
ponent of education - the hu-
man element.
Klint McKay
October 7
To The Daily:
I TOO AM a concerned mem-
ber of Local 2001, and I too feel
I must speak up in an effort to
save this union and all it repre-
sents - namely my future.
Let's get this straight in the
beginning: we are all members
of Local 2001 and I believe that
we all want the same thing. We
want a strong, democratc un-
ion local we can all be proud of.
This letter was not written for
the purpose of condemning any-
Two weeks ago, I had no idea
what bylaws were. Which is still
the case among many clericals.
Thanks to some concerned cler-
cals, I now know something. I
still do not completely under-
stand a lot of things in these bv-
laws that have been presented
to us.Icthink there are a lot of
clericals who have a lot of ones-
tions in their minds as to how
these bylaws will effect the run-
ning of our local in the future.
Some clericals I have talked to
don't even know what bylaws
are. How can these peonle hon-
estlv vote on something they
know nothing about? I don't be-

know nothing about bylaws.
I would like to see us take
some time to discuss bylaws,
get ideas from the membership
and possibly other locals (EMU
has a very good set of proposed
bylaws for their clericals). Con-
sidering how a lot of clericals
feel about the contract that was
voted in, I believe we should do
a lot of checking into the bylaws
before we make another decision
we will regret. It is up to the
membership to decide what is
best for all of our futures.
Lynda S. McCrystal
October 8
To The Daily:
elected to the Bargaining Com-
mittee to represent Flint and
Dearborn. Since that time I
have been able to remain an
observer to much of the politi-
cal struggle that has been go-
ing on in Ann Arbor. Up until
this time I have remained si-
lent, letting most of the other
members of the Bargaining
Committee send their responses
to The Michigan Daily. How-
ever after reading an article in
the paper dated September 30,
I can remain silent no longer.
I have never before read such
biased reporting in the name of
an ideology, for that can be the
only excuse Elaine Fletcher has
for her slanted articles. In her
account of the membership
meeting held September 29, only
one side of the story was told,
which has been typical of her
writing. There are many state-
ments in the article with which
I take issue, most importantly
those giving more credibility to
Jane Gould because she is now
a former Bargaining Committee
member. This, I might add, was

by her choice, not at the direc-
tion of the membership she
claims to represent. Apparent-
ly she has renounced everything
she was elected for, which
should make the membership
wonder where her loyalties lie.
THE CHARGE made by Caro-
lyn Weeks that Clarence Con-
tratto was lying when he said
that a seven day notice and post-
ing had to be given before an
election of a Bylaws Committee
could be held, was a completely
political remark and definitely
not based on any fact or need
for a democratically run local in
which she professes to believe.
The UAW Constitution states
that all elections must be post-
ed, There is nothing specifically
related to By-laws except that
it is an elected committee. How
can she justify calling for an
election of a committee without
notifying the membership. Is
this her idea of democracy?
I really don't understand what
CDU hopes to gain by impugn-
ing the International Represen-
tatives that are to advise us.
They are at best being political-
ly naive- since these are the
people any future officers will
have to work with. Perhaps they
feel they will impress a certain
segment of the membership be-
cause thy are flaunting the "bu-
reaucracy" of the UAW. If they
are, they are definitely short-
changing the membership be-
cause this will only lead to more
dissension between the Local
and the Region.
One very important fact was
left out of the coverage of the
meeting and that was the very
poor attendance. Only approxi-
mately 120 members bothered to
come to that meeting despite all
of the publicity given by The
Michigan Daily and the contro-

versy stirred by CDU. It would
seem to be a reflection on both
factions, particularly the mem-
bership. Perhaps they are say-
ing, get on with the business at
hand and quit this fighting.
ALTHOUGH CDU is advocat-
ing a strict membership run lo-
cal, the number of people at this
meeting was approximately that
advocated for a Representative
Council structure. It was inter-
esting to me that CDU felt this
meeting constituted a large
enough segment of the member-
ship to make a quorum or was
it actually because they realized
they had enough votes to rail-
road their motions through. Pri-
or to the convening of the meet-
ing, I met with Carolyn Weeks
and Jane Gould individually.
Both expressed great concern
over the lack of members and
both agreed that we should post-
pone the issues until we had a
better showing. After all, ac-
cording to Jane Gould, "any-
thing that was put to the mem
bership 4 the meeting would be
railroading, on either side." It
would seem that railroading
only referred to the Bargaining
It is up to the membership to
decide the course of our local,
not the Bargaining Committee
or CDU. We are faced with the
present situation because the
membership decided to put off
by-laws until after the contract
was ratified. Apparently, when
CDU disagrees with a member-
ship vote, they say the members
have been coerced. I'm sure the
members attending that meeting
would not appreciate the dim
view CDU takes of them.
Judy Dumoff
Bargaining Committee
October 6, 1976

LAST WEEK I mentioned academic staff
cutbacks and tuition increases as the
major concerns of council this year. We
feel these problems directly threaten every
segment of the University population for
many of the same reasons.
Certainly, all of us are here to partake
of and in a diversified, quality education,
and constant cutbacks are making this more
difficult. Though students may be preoccu-
pied with graduation requirements and va-
riety of course selection, faculty members,
on the other hand, are concerned with up-
lifting academic standards through the
smaller class sizes that make teaching life
more productive and manageable.
The respective pursuits of faculty and stu-
dents may vary, but they ultimately point
to the same end - improving the quality of
Minority students at the University can
see affirmative action falling flat on its face
with the freeze on faculty hiring. With ris-
ing tuition, the financial burden on lower
and middle income students - who com-
prise the largest percentage of minorities-
becomes increasingly difficult to handle.
CLEARLY, MINORITY students would be
making a grave mistake if they didn't in-
clude the fight against tuition hikes, and
the fight against academic cutbacks in their
own fight for affirmative action.
But non-minority students would be mak-
ing an equally grave mistake if we ignore
the fight against racism in our efforts to
achieve low-cost quality education. How can
we be satisfied with our University exper-
ience if it doesn't represent a range of
philosophical and cultural origins, and if

ful force at this University.
I WITNESSED a sad reflection on Stu-
dent Government Council two years ago
when white students refused to recognize
their own responsibilities in the struggle
against racism, and effectively drove away
the minority participation in council that
had reached a peak at the time.
The council criticized affirmative action
quotas so strongly that they felt a duty to
come out with legislation supporting the
general philosophy of affirmative action
while opposing the use of any quota system
in implementing it.
Some members of that council even re-
quested a referendum on the SGC election
ballot asking students, "Do you support the
BAM demands?" In effect, we wasted
months haggling over an issue that had
already been settled two years before while
the University took its own sweet time im-
plementing an affirmative action program.
EMPHATIC POSITIVE action must be
taken to end the two hundred year old and
still aging legacy of discrimination against
minorities in this country.
Our council looks to the example the
Graduate Employes organization set last
year. They recognized as a group that the
struggle against racism must not be ig-
nored by the majority white population on
this campus; their affirmative action agree-
ment was the first bargaining point re-
solved on their contract.
Third world students recognized their own
vested interest in the unionization struggle,
and worked closely with GEO for the dur4-
tion of the strike.

.I - ___________

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