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October 02, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-10-02

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RONNIE,.-YO C $,4~ U O AI"

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versary of theetaoin
tjCTOBER 6 marks the second anni-
versary of the outbreak of the Yom
Kippur-Ramadan war. In these two
years, international relationships with
the Middle East have sustained wide at-
tention. For the U. S. the bottom line is
an unimpeded flow of oil to the free
world economies, particularly Japan and
Western Europe.
It has been the task of the Secretary
of State to reconcile Western economic
requirements and Arab political de-
mands to the enduring political commit-
ment to Israel. Not only has Dr. Kis-
singer spent an enormous amount of
time on this one international problem,
but he has managed to bridge the crises
in confidence at least between Egypt
and Israel, even if only temporarily. In
the process of being all things to all peo-
ple, he has scrupulously shunned any
colorations of duplicity that would have
tinged his credibility as a mediator.
While dealing with a problem that has
more to do with perceptions of reality
than reality itself, Kissinger has circum-
scribed the advocacy and adversary style
unsuccessfully tried previously by both
former Secretary of State Rogers and
U.N. mediator Jarring. All this he has
done in an effort to achieve regional
stability in the Middle East.
THE SUPER-POWER which knew in
advance of the outbreak of the 1973 hos-
tilities and hoped to benefit both politic-
ally and economically from its aftermath

web perilous
has since had it immediate intent sponsored counterpoise
eclipsed. The diplomacy of peripatetics Egypt. Slowly the Soviet U
has left the Soviet Union with a waning her influence in Cairo,
penumbra of influence in Egypt, pre- Syria, and the defeat of th
viously the epicenter of its Arab'client- in the 1967 June war pus
age structure. In absolute terms, Kis- Syria further into Soviet
singer has reckoned that the Soviet Un- ance. The Soviet Union ca
ion will cultivate its ideological message giving these countries su
in other regions of the world leaving, if logical know-how to ena
absolutely necessary, the U. S. to pick and development of an in
up detente dividends in the Middle East. industry. Egypt's outwa
In the great power (territorial) rivalry tion of disenchantment v
contest, to control or deny access to geo- Union's demeanor camev
political regions is fundamental to for- sion of some Soviet per
eign policy goals. For the U. S., the re- 1972.
cent Egyptian - Israeli disengagement
accord contributes to regional stability AS DEFTLY AS Kissing
necessary for the greater context of re- and prodded President Sa
gional security. Though perhaps not just raeli leadership into conc
from U. S. prodding, Iran and Iraq each mally perceived value, so
took a piece of the Kurds and sought to tary of State impercepi
settle their boundary dispute over ripar- America's bi-polar invol
ian access to the Persian - Arabian Gulf. Egyptian-Israeli crisis. Fo
Saudi Arabia and Iran in the spring of gotiated the survival oft
1974 gestured toward a non-aggression trapped Egyptian Third A
pact. More demonstrably, the U. S. is days of the October 1973
seeking to establish a self-contained re- the euphemism of 'reasse
gional balance of power in the Gulf obtained an Israeli withdr
through technological and military lar- strategic mountain passe
gesse. Provision is simultaneously being the Abu Rudeis oil fields.
made for a U. S. developed military in- Israelis have what amou
frastructure in Saudi Arabia, the supply aggression pact and, if
of aircraft and ships to Iran, and air de- weeks in September are
fense and anti-tank weapons to Kuwait. a verbal endorsement of e
The U. S. sees the maintenance of free least three separate occa
(oil) passage through the Straits of Hor- Sadat has made referenc
muz in the Gulf as critical to our energy fact, noting that the inte
interests and stability, consonant with munity would be unwillh
the effort to restrain Soviet penetration. any infringement on its r
a state. Some skeptics, si
NOT BY FORCE, though the threat to rael ,have asked whether
f'wce has been used, the U. S. is pur- President is not once aga
-ling a policy 'inadvertently' but pub- the Israelis with words the
licly stated by Kissinger in June 1970, as
;-tnded to "expel the Soviet military MORE AMENABLE T
--ence" from Egypt. Only the diplo- the degree of U. S. custo
,i*r aftermath of the 1973 war has af- protracted interruption b
f--+'d Kissinger that opportunity. For Eastern wars. Becausee
-o- twenty years the Soviet Union sures are weighing on 1
has been warmly ensconced in Egypt. U. S. was able to purch
In 1955-1956 or before, the Soviet Union ment, admittedly at a hig
renlaced the withdrawing British, after haps some 9 billion d
t'eir onc'mation of Egypt for almost into the first disengagem
three-onarters of a century. was the U. S.'s willingne
Then Secretary of State Dulles with- depository of private ass
drew the U. S. measure of assistance for negotiating protagonists.7
the building of the Aswan High Dam. engagement agreement se
Alternatively, the U. S. leaned toward involvement in maintain
the development of a NATO linked adherence to its terms.T
Middle East Defense Organization. The sIrinces to Israel in the r
death of an anglophile Iraqi Prime Min- engagement accord virtua
ister in July 1958 effectively terminated United States to an inte
the attempt to make Baghdad a U. S. treaty relationship with



to Nassar's
Union increased
Baghdad, and
he Arab armies
hed Egypt and
t military reli-
refully avoided
fficient techno-
ble production
ndigenous arms
ard manifesta-
with the Soviet
with the expul-
sonnel in July
ger has cajoled
dat and the Is-
tssions of mini-
has the Secre-
tibly deepened
vement in the
or Sadat he ne-
the Israeli en-
krmy in the last
war. Through
ssment' he has
rawal from the
s in Sinai and
Politically, the
unts to a non-
the first two
any indication,
existence. On at
sions President
e to Israel as a
ernational com-
ing to tolerate
right to exist as
spporters of Is-
r the Egyptian
in trying to lull
ey long to hear.
O judgment is
dianship to the
between Middle
economic pres-
both sides, the
hase an agree-
gh price of per-
ollars. Nestled
ent agreements
ess to act as a
surances to the
The second 4is-
eeks active U.S.
ning scrupulous
The private as-
most recent dis-
ally commit the
ermediate term
Israel, though


gh~e 3id~igan :Daitfj

Anwar Sadat
without the formality of advice and con-
sent from the Senate.
Moreover the American public should
not be surprised to see the eventual sta-
tioning of U. S. personnel in strategic
positions on the Golan Heights, Mt. Her-
mon, and high elevations on the occu-
pied West Bank of the Jordan. The U. S.
has now formalized in writing a commit-
ment made to Israel's existence, re-
affirmed most recently during the Jor-
danian civil war of September 1970.
With more than the immediate future in
sight, the United States is well past the
crossroads of long term involvement in
the Middle East.
and those who stand to gain the least
from U. S. involvement are the Pales-
tinians. Their optimum desire to estab-
lish a secular democratic state in Pales-
tine will be hedged by efforts to achieve
an Israeli-Jordanian agreement. The ul-
timate referendum on the future of the
West Bank will not be the political stance
of nresidentjal asnirants next year, but
nerhans Tsrael's general election in 1977.
As the meantime nasses, the penultimate
intent will be at least threefold: to keep
oP bwing at re-sonable prices: to pre-
e-t tip nolitical isolation of President
°+- ' 1t o-intnin dinlomatic move-
.,,+",t h ' retmnti ret.in al stability
"' no;h " and advantaeeons.
Kenneth Stein is working on his doc-
toral degree in Modern Near Eastern HF*,
tory at the University of Michigan.

Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Thursday, October 2, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
M ultiiats have it, eat it too

HE HOUSE OF Representatives
Ways and Means Committee gave
A m e r i c a n multinationals yes-
terday a gift that they're not likely to
forget. In shelving proposals to tax
the multinational giants for their for-
eign earnings, they are saving com-
panies like Gulf Oil and IT&T a
veritable President's ransom: -a min-
imum of $1 million a day.
For the companies, it wasakey
victory following six months of in-
tensive lobbying, and it means that
they won't face the problem again
until the next Congress.
For American consumers and for
developing countries of the world,
it's an old story:
Once again tax monies that are
desperately needed for a battered
economy are being withheld by those
who can best afford to pay them.
And once again, American business
is encouraged to continue exploita-
tive industrialization in countries
News: Barb Cornell, Jim Finkelstein,
Jo Marcotty, Cathy Reutter, Jeff
Sorenson, Jim Tobin, Bill Turque,
Margaret Yao.
Editorial Page: Lee Berry, Mike Froh-
man, Paul Haskins, Annette Higby,
Debra Hurwitz, Ted Lambert, Ruth
Miller, Jon Pansius, Tom Stevens.
Arts Page: James Valk
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens

that can least afford to resist them.
There's no wonder that U. S. oil com-
panies, for example, complain of pre-
ventive expense in seeking new do-
mestic energy sources.
The expenses will, always remain
"preventive" when. there are cheaper
markets abroad.
It is a well-known fact that multi-
nationals have a frightening and
consumptive power in this country;
that Congress should now give them
what amounts to a massive clap on
the back is a key indication that that
power is likely to remain unchalleng-
ed for the time-being.
Business Staff
Business Manager
Peter -"Caplan..... .....Finance Manager
Robert F. Cerra ............Operations Manager
Beth Friedman ...........sales Manager
David Piontkowsky....... Advertising Manager
DEPA. MORS. Dan Brinza, Steve LeMire, Rhondi
Mae, Kathy Muihern, Cassie St. Clair
ASSOC. MGRS. David Harlan, Susan Shultz
ASST. MORS. Dave Schwartz
STAFF John Benhow, Colby Bennet, Margie De-
Ford, Elaine Douas, James Dykdema, Nine
Edwards, Debbie Gerrish, Amy Hartman,
Joan Hellman, Karl Denning,ACarolyn Koth-
stein, Jacke Krammer, Anna Kwok, Vicki
May, Susan Smereck, Wayne Tsang, Ruth
SALES Cher Bledsoe, Slyvia Calhoun, Marilyn
Edwards, Steve wright

Yitzhak Rabbi

Dorm food: The best excuse for fasting

JVEN SEASONED dorm dwell-
ers must be puzzled by some
of the more recent and fantastic
developments in the operation of
the University Food Service. So,
in thebhone that some light
might be shed on the matter, I
have put together a hypothetical
conversation between members
of the Housing staff.
The conversation takes place
sometime last summer in the
Housing Management office.
Sneakers are John Feldkamp,
Housing Director; R o b e r t
Hughes, Associate Director in
charge of student services; Lyn-
ford Tubbs, Coordinator of the
Food Service; John Finn of
Housing Information; and Kathy
Beauvais, Director of East Quad
and chairoerson of a Cost Re-
duction subcommittee on food
service in the dorms. (The Cost
Reduction Committee of the
Housing office was a little-pub-
licized group of people who got
together over the summer and
made a list of suggestions as to
how Housing could save money
by cutting back on non-essen-
tials like food.)
FELDKAMP: All right, you
guys on the Food Service have
got to get it together. I mean,
we've cracked down on pet par-
akeets, popcorn machines, mari-
juana, bicycles in rooms - why,
we've even had the mirrors tak-
en out of Stockwell. But all
you've come up with so far is
some little signs that say "Help
stop food waste - don't eat"
and "Spinach is filling." I mean,
that kind of stuff isn't worth
beans! If you don't come up
with something feasible we're
going to look pretty stupid com-
pared with the guys upstairs
who thought up the bus service
cutbacks and the new library
hours. Even though we did have
that great idea with the dorm
lottery . . .
HUGHES: Aw, c'mon, John,
stop cracking your whip. We've
all done our best around here,
But I just don't think it's pos-
sible to convince the students
that all these cutbacks result
just from the new budget.
Finn: I'm supposed to be in
charge of information here -
will somebody please tell me
what's going on?
Feldkamp: OK, John, but re-
member that you don't know
anything if anyone asks for in-
FINN: Sure, I'm used to that.
I never know what I know. If I

Finn: I wouldn't know if I
HUGHES: Well, anyway,
we've been trying to come up
with more imaginative cutbacks
so that maybe we can get rid
of some of the excess students
on this campus.
Tubbs: But that isn'tyright.
We're supposed to be trying to
make students want to stay in
the dorms!
Feldkamp: Wrong, we're only
supposed to make them think
we want them. But anyway,
have you come up with anything
good, Kathy?
BEAUVAIS: Yes, I think we've
come up with some very viable
options. How's this, for instance:
"No back packs, satchels, large
purses, etc.rwill be permitted in
the dining rooms.-
Hughes: What about brief-
cases? I always take a briefcase
with me when I go in there so
the cafeteria people will know
I'm not a student.

them back in the bowl.
Feldkamp: No, but you could
chop them up and put them in
the salad.
Tubbs: Good idea, John.
Hughes: One thing that's both-
ering me is this: if students do
get past our guards with their
pyrses and stuff, we have no
legal rightuto search them on
the way out.
BEAUVAIS: Well, you don't
have to tell them that.
F e l d k a m p: Students are
sheep. They'll go along with it.
Beauvais: Then we will have
the Bursley snack bar cut out,
and limit the amount of food al-
lowed in sack lunches. People
who take out sack lunches are
a minority too.
Feldkamp: See, Lyn, that's
the idea.
Beauvais: And listen to this,
here's the one I'm really proud
of myself - "Opaque material
of some type should be used on
dining room doors to hinder the
vision of outsiders looking for
friends in the dining areas."
FINN: I don't get it.
Hughes: Well, it seems obvi-
ous. If students can see their
friends in there, they'll just go
in and get re-serves for them-
selves on someone else's plate
so they'll be getting a free meal.
Tubbs: But couldn't they just
open the door and look anyway?
Feldkamp: Don't be ridicu-
lous, Lyn, students are very un-
Tubbs: Oh, yeah? Who filled
an ice-cream cone with blue-
berries and then covered it with
soft-serve so they could take it
out of the cafeteria? Who went
in the back way and pretended
he was a health inspector and
then sampled all the food?
FELDKAMP: That's a minor-
ity that does those things, Lyn.
Hughes: Got any other good
ideas, Kathy?
Beauvais: Well, I don't know,
but someone suggested that put-

ting worms in the salad might
cut down on appetites and save
Tubbs: I don't know how well
that would go over. Maybe we
could test it a few times this
semester and see what the re-
action is.
Feldkamp: Well, this has all
been very encouraging. I think

that about wraps things up for
now, and I'm glad to see that
you are all earning your salar-
ies again. And xhio knows, with
all these cutbacks, maybe
there'll be another raise in store
for us all.
L.os Josimovich is a Daily
dav editor.

Tubbs: Wait a minute.
about transfer students
have nowhere to put


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FELDKAMP: They're a mi-
nority. - We don't concern our-
selves with minorities around
here. Look at our Affirmative
Action program and you'll see
what I mean. Anyway, once we
give them their cherry-colored
and salmon-colored transfer
cards they should be satisfied.
I'm really pleased with these
new fall colors.
Beauvais: Then we'll cut down
on food that can be taken out
of the cafeteria. Instead of
cookies, bananas, and so on, the
only thing they'll be allowed to
take out is an ice-cream cone.
TUBBS: That's all right for
you to say, but it's me they'll
be getting down on. Who knows,
they may stage some kind of
mass take-out. If they bit into
the bananas we couldn't put

Financial woe
demands input
N SEPTEMBER 11 the Regents heard the sad story of
cutbacks and lack of funds from both ends of the spec-
trum. Several SGC members ,including mystelf, were among
the spectators who heard Wilbur Pierpont, Vice-President for
Financial Affairs and Academic Affairs Vice President
Frank Rhodes present a picture of eroding education at the
University of Michigan.
Soon after, a very nervous student spoke to the regents
about the personal affects of the figures Rhodes had tossed
out. Previously closed out of an important introductory
chemistry course, he had tried unsuccessfully to elect lower
level courses in five different departments and they were
all closed. Sound familiar?
The regents were concerned. Then Fleming and Rhodes
were concerned. After the meeting they both hurried over
to ask this young man if they could help out in any way.
Rhodes shook his head sadly and sympathetically.
But after all, what could he do? He'd just discussed this
very issue with the regents.
Let's try to get this straight. The state cut four per cent
out of the expected increase for the university this year.
Then they cut another one per cent - or was it two? And
There was an across-the-board budget cut of four per cent.
they're looking for places to cut one to two per cent more-
plus a 6 per cent tuition hike. Seems like the university loses
money, then covers itself in duplicate.
OF COURSE, IT always turns out that I'm very naive.
Utilities are skyrocketing; plant operational costs are pre-
nomenal (in spite of staff cutting. etc.).
Another thing puzzles me. Pierpont's figures showed an
increase of 52 per cent in salaries since 1970, more than
paralleling the So per cent estimated cost of living increase
since then. So, he pointed out, we've been able to keep up
with inflation for our faculty.
But then Rhodes expained that vacancies in many de-
partnients were not being filled, causing enlargement of
classes and cancellation of some sections. This seems like
a contradiction to me. But - as I said before, I'm pretty
naive - I'm probably reading the figures wrong.
Tuition rose 6 per cent and rumors of another increase
have reached my ears more than once. At the same time,
classes are larger, harder to get into, and sometimes can-
WE AS STUnFNTS must research University funding
priorities. We will begin to compile lists of personal com-
plaine .since these seem to get the attention of the regents.
More extensive communications with the faculty will be
a major prioriy. I'm sure their heavy teaching load and the


Contact your


Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill,
iA~cinrtn IC ' 1II


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