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October 01, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-01

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lt e fr4ijan Daitl
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Edible advice:
Student counseling

Wednesday, October 1, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

IF YOU WANT to water your
dog, drink free coffee (un-
der condition of cooperation),
get cheap peanut butter and
jelly' sandwiches, simply vege-
tate or obtain fast service and
good advice, go to the Student
Counseling Office, 1018 Angell
Hall. They're the only univer-
sity office that doesn't cease
to exist from noon to one daily.
Student counselor Lenee Sel-
man espoused the office's de-
sires for me. "We want people
to come in," she stressed, "be-
cause we're here; this is the
students' place."
"People get tied up in the
Academic Counseling office to
solve a problem that we could
take care of here in five min-
utes with a little advice, but
most people don't realize that,"
Selman iterated.
small, low key, and very infor-
nal. It is definitely not intimi-
dating. Even the water dish for

dogs is small and unassuming
Don't go in with an excessive-
ly thirsty wolfhound,
What else? The SCO has a
supply of fat loose-leaf bin d -
stuffed with student course
evaluations which are available
for at least a lot of popular
classes. Also therein lies th;
road to free coffee. For filli
out a couple of these forms you
are entitled to the hot bever-
ALTHOUGH the Student (om
seling office has no real author-
ity they are a nimble contct
in figuring out what you can do
almost anywhere at the Uni-
versity. They can recommend,
refer, suggest and consolr.
They can offer you lists of t
tors who will help you with your
studies for some or no cost.
Born in 1968 as a rest it f
recommendation to the Univer-
sity Literary board by a student
steering committee the Student
Counseling office is funded by
the university under direction
of Dean Tony Morris.

ALL iN ALL, 1018 Angell
Hall is more than just a place
to go to water your dog, hang
out, and get .heap sandwiches.
People can come in here to

study ,too," Lenee Selman add-
ed. 1018 Angell Hall is a good
place to clean your academic
karma and more.
Oh, the peanut butter and jel-

ly sandwiches are available
Wednesdays for fifteen cents.
Ton Stevens is a member of
the Daily Editorial Page staff.

Politics o ermination

j AST YEAR, the Ann Arbor
Science for the People
group composed an informa-
tional exhibit entitled "A
Marxist Perspective on the Food
and Population Issue" and
posted it on a Biology Depart-
ment bulletin board. Three
times within the next two weeks
the exhibit was taken down by

department m e m b e r s
who claimed, "That's politics,
not biology."
The incident is typical of the
confrontations that have evolved
between the entrenched scien-
tific establishment and a group
of radical scientists, some
working here at the University,
who are exploring the political
nature of scientific activity.

"We're trying to break down
the myth that science is objec-
tive or non-political," says Doug
lBoucher, a member of the Ann
Arbor chapter of Science for
the People. "In fact," he
claims, "science is an integral
part and a powerful perpetua-
tor of the existing social struc-

'Remember, I'm all for you getting cost-of-living pay increases
too! If you ever become employed, of course.'
End Franco reign in .Spain

Racism rampa tin l R

THE RECENT executions carried out
by the Spanish government
against popular protests and appeals
from the Vatican and European labor
unions only highlights the severity
and cruelty of Europe's last bastion of
General Franco's Fascist govern-
ment is old and decayed to the core.
The sooner it disappears, the better.
In this light, the general strike in
the Basque region, the refusal of
European workers to unload Spanish
cargo, and the possibility that Spain
will be censured by the United Na-
tions are encouraging signs. Unfor-
tunately, but typically, President
Ford's response to the situation has
News: Glen Allerhand, Gordon At-
cheson, Jay Levin, Angelique Mat-
ney, Jim Nicoll, Jeff Ristine, Step-
hen Selbst, Jeff Sorensen
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, T o m
Kettler, Linda Kloote, Jon Pansius,
Marci Turunen
Arts Page: James Valk
Photo Technician: E. Susan Sheiner

left much to be desired. His remark,
"I am opposed to violence," seems to
miss the point.
The desire of the U.S. to maintain
bases in Spain has helped support the
oppressive Fascist dictatorship. The
U.S. in effect, is supporting in Spain
and in other Fascist countries like
Korea, the right of the government
to tyrannize its people. This policy
must be changed.
If people want terrorism to end in
Spain, they should press for the for-
mation of a new government in which
change can be achieved peacefully
and democratically. Hopefully, a more
progressive government can be creat-
ed which is strong enough to sever it-
self from a degenerate past.
i fr
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer Picture Editor
E. SUSAN SHEINER Staff Photographer
GOR.DON TUCKER..... Staff Photographer

By the Southern Africa
A POEM BY Dennis Brutus
"A wrong-headed bunch we
may be
but the bodies of poets will al-
ways be
the anvils on which will be
beaten out
anew, or afresh, a people's
Prof. Brutus of Northwestern
University delivered the first
Kwame Nkdumah Memorial
Lecture at the U-M on Wednes-
day 24th September. He started
by briefly honoring Nkrumah
who "pointed the way for anti-
colonial struggle," according to
Brutus. Nkrumah's thought he
said, is re-emerging now, clar-
ifying the struggle between
black and white from the
"struggle of oppressed against
oppressor, exploited against ex-
Brutus gave a careful analy-
sis of several areas in southern
Africa. Speaking about South
Africa itself, he used the ex-
ample of the town he grew up
in (and was arrested by the sec-
ret police in), the automotive
capital of Africa: Port Eliza-
beth. In that town, said Brutus,
Ford, G.M. and Chrysler have
plants that systematically ex-

ploit blacks. "It is a criminal
act in South Africa for a black
to talk about striking," he told
the audience. "let alone actual-
ly doing it, or organizing a un-
"A M E R I C A N corpora-
tionsrpay taxes in Pretoria for
the right to suck dry African
resources," he said. He stressed
that armed resistence is not be-
ginning in south Africa; it has
begun. The success of this
struggle is also not in question.
"Anyone who thinks a quarter
of a million whites in Zimba-
bwe can hold down 5 million
blacks. indefinitely needs o
have their head read" The on
real question is how tortuous,
the road to liberation wii be.
And what part the U. S. will
H~e spoke of a recent devel-
opment in south African af-
fairs. When colonial Mozani-
bique fell, and with it the re-
gime in Lisbon, it looked to
south Africa's rulers as if th iir
buffer zones to the north were
crumbling. At this stage, a noe
of jet-set diplomacy, called de-
tente, was introduced. On one
day last year, South Africa's
ambassador to the U.N. in New
York said that 6 months would
completely change their situa-
tion. On the same day, inside

so tA icin a tovn called
em en, rime nister
orster made a Speech saying
that there woId soon be "a
drastic chant " in the attitude
of 1lacks outide south Africa.
nd o t ae day, Pres. Ka-
undo f Zabia spok~e of "din-
w s th Africa. Inside
sut fr o hi has chang-
e: re oppressed as al-
w s h strt . seems to
hov een arfuiy planned:
to irowdiv ''n into the ranks
of tosnotr of the srug
h Ah bought
w: T!l~t difficult
to th irlence be-
l wh blacks
n'sl~ beounrywhie blaks
iict cotyre ruthless-
,,, sooesed- this pretense
Sd ne. "t stinks?" said
THE POEM S'l 'EI) above
runt mas:.
''we roust die;:
w e must buy
a newbhonest (lestiny:.
nOt only tearing our flesh
to tear( the shackles of alien
0 u')'ss 1011
bet giopmog with lacerated
10 1gh:, to or a :v~ of righ.'

of several graduate students and
faculty members, mostly in the
biological sciences, who make
up Ann Arbor Science for the
People. They are affiliated with
an international organization of
the same name, which bases
itself on the contention that
most scientific work serves on-
ly the interests of a select cor-
porate elite who dominate cap-
italist society. Simultaneously,
according to the groun, the
scientific community ignores
the needs of most human be-
il ~
The organization has exam-
ined a variety of issues, in-
cluding health care, weather
modification, overpopulation,
and the international food cris-
is from a radical perspective.
As a part of their local ac-
tivities, Ann Arbor Science for
the Penpl° will present a sym-
posium to be held September 29
thru October 3, entitled "Bio-
logical Determinism: A Critical
Appraisal." For those who may
not be aware of today's scien-
tific nomenclature, biological
determinism is best defined as
the theory which contends that
certain human actions and so-
cial characteristics are genet-
ically pre-programmed at birth.
Willia1 Shockley of the Uni-
versity of California at Berke-
1?v, have used the theory to in-
dicate that inferior genes in
black people make them less
intelligent than whites. Others
offer genetic explanations for
violent tendencies in some hii-
mans as well as female s.b-
missiveness and male domi-
nance in sexual relationships.
"Biological determinism," ac-
cording to Steve Risch, a grad-
uate student in ecology and an
-1-tive member of Science for
tne People, "is one of many
theories in which scientists are
offering professional justifica-

tions for social evils, such as
racism and sexism."
"In effect," continues Risch,
"these scientists are saying that
society can not be changed."
Many of the controversial as-
pects of biological determinism
will be considered by lecturers
from several Universities dur-
ing the conference. The sym-
posium, held in conjunction
with the University Values
Year Program, may be elect-
ed for academic credit as Uni-
versity Course 414. After the
five day series of afternoon and
evening lectures, enrolled stu-
dents will spend the following
weekend at Grass Lake Camp
outside Ann Arbor, where dis-
cussion sessions will be held.
LIKE THE symposium, much
of Science for the People's
work is of an educational na-
ture. The group attempts to
arouse the consciousness of the
scientific community as to the
political and social implications
of their work.
However, Science for the
People's efforts are not confin-
ed to educational and informa-
tional work. Their research ac-
tivities have produced concrete
methods by which scientific
knowledge can be used to bene-
fit neople in their daily lives.
As could be expected, the
group's activities have often
been met with disdain and dis-
anproval from the entrenched
scientific community. In 1971,
Science magazine, refused to
mrint "Towards a Science for
the People," an ar >cle written
by four radical scientists from
the University of Chicago.
"Many aspects of science,"
counters Scott Schneider, "such
as some theories concerning the
overpopulation and food short-
age issues, are inherently po-
7'oin Allen is a mem ber of
the Daily news staff.

'. , l. .a. . r:i:r . -I ,i11 .'M t f''i r 4 V ':. Y:, < .?Z S a lche3£


Fascism 0,
THE WORKERS, PEASANTS, and soldiers of Portugal knowv
a revolution cannot stop half-way. They are moving the revo-
lution forward. Many in the Socialist Party and those who hold
formal government posts are also aware that the contradictions
of the present situation necessitate a change. But their fear of
these further changes are forcing them to move to the right.
This threatens the gains already made by the workers and
peasants and raises the possibility of civil war.
The basic ideas of the Portuguese revolutionary movement
are clearly subversive. Working people are taking over their
society and factories and running them themselves. Portuguese
Workers' Councils control production, line speeds, health condi-
tions and wages. Workers' control has become generalized and
numerous industries have been nationalized. Under workers'
control all workers' jobs are protected. In the textile industry,
"The changes taking place in the factories,
army and fields of Portugal are revolution-
ary. If the political framework does not
change in the relation between man and the
means of production, there will be a civil
women took the lead in the drive for equal wages for equal
work. Sex and wage differentials are breaking down. While the
American press has largely concentrated on the North, peasants
and agricultural laborers in the South have been redistributing
the land of the capitalists who have fled. In short, the social
and economic fiber sewn by forty years of Fascist dictatorship
is being torn apart.



strength they can grab hold of their own lives and jobs and
control their own economy through democratic councils.
In Portugal, the workers' representatives are elected by the
workers and are immediately recallable. Workers discuss and
decide policies which can be changed at any time. In April a
new organization called the Revolutionary Councils of Workers,
Soldiers, and Sailors began to appear. At this time there was
a strike to raise the thirty dollar per week slave wage prevalent
under the Fascist regime, and obtain the right to work, demands
that were eventually won. The movement to build the CRTSS
was started by the Proletarian Revolutionary Party-Revolution-
ary Brigade but are independent of all political parties though
they include Socialists, Communists, left socialists and others.
UNFORTUNATELY, THE American press has largely con-
centrated on the cosmetic changes in Portugal. They make it
appear as if the struggle in Portugal originates from party
clashes and that workers' discontent is somehow instigated by
the Communist Party. On the contrary, the Communist Party
tried to hold back the revolution but was unable to in light of
the revolutionary upsurge by the workers, soldiers, and pea-
sants, who are revolutionalizing their own lives.
An instance of obsessive attention given to the Communist
Party is the coverage of the Republica incident. The American
press made it appear that the Communist Party was trying
to end free speech by shutting down the Republica newspaper.
However, the Republica, which used to be sympathetic to the
Socialist Party, suffered from declining circulation, and was
going bankrupt. The workers at the Republica demanded that
the paper change its policy or be nationalized. Today the Re-
publica is run by the workers and there are at least two other
Socialist newspapers. Besides, if the American press and gov-
ernment is so concerned about freedom of the press, they
showed little alarm when the present government called out the
army to take over the left-oriented radio stations. Again, the
American press calls these "extreme left controlled" when in

of production hit Portugal, a sm -Inde we k nation, the hard-
est. Portugal was fored to alter its poltical and economic
Agoain in the tw1'1.i.h centi I has b'an the wake' no-
tions - Russia in 191t 7 China in th fu rt ies and fifties and Por-

World and the idustrial world.
in the end, the difference in outcome between Chile and
Potrtugal may be due to the fact that the Chilean army was
tr'aiaed in America, while the Portuguese armed forces studied
the African liberation movement. Also the workers, peasants


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