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September 30, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-30

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See Editorial Page

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High -72
Low - 48
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 23

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 30, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus Supplements








Grade point blues
If your professor fails to respond to your pleas
for a higher grade and your G.P.A. is suffering
from anemia, you can always take your case to
a higher authority. And that's exactly what Wayne
State University student Donald Scholar of War-
ren is doing. He is scheduled to appear in Wayne
County Circuit Court Monday to try and get an
undergraduate calculus grade changed so he can
attend pharmacy school this fall. Sholar contends
that 10 per cent of the time promised for the final
exam last year was eliminated and his exam
grade suffered as a result. Because his final grade
was less than the required C, the College of Phar-
macy has rescinded his admission to the fall class.
Friedan speaks
Betty Friedan will kick off a series of speeches
in honor of International Women's Year tonight in
Hill Auditorium. Tickets for the 8 p.m. address -
"The Women's Movement in America. Where Are
We? Where are we going?" - are available at
the UAC Box Office in the lobby of the Michigan
Union or at the door. There will also be a cocktail
party at 10 p.m. for friends of the National Or-
ganization of Women; and proceeds from the ticket
sales will go to the Washtenaw County Wife As-
sault Project, which will be discussed at the party.
Happenings . ..
. .. are scant today. John Vandermeer speaks
on "Ecological Determinism" at 3 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre . . . Murray Bookchin dis-
cusses "The Domination of Nature: Its Social
Origins," also at the Rackham Amphitheatre at
7:30 p.m. . . . and the local chapter of Overeaters
Anonymous is meeting at the Church of the Good
Shepherd, 2145 Independence Ave., at 7:30 p.m.
Deadly weapon?
Munitions manufacturers take note: two West-
land youths may have stumbled on the greatest in-
vention since Sam Colt created the gun that won
the West. Todd Sexton and his brother were re-
turning from a hunting trip Sunday when they de-
cided to experiment with their 12-guage shotgun.
The brother carefully removed the shot from a
shell and replaced it with a piece of hotdog. Lack-
ing suitable test facilities, Todd served as a tar-
get. Doctors at Cheboygan hospital removed the
hotdog fragments from Todd's leg and sent him
home. Authorities have no plans to charge the
brother with assault with a deadly hotdog.
Security slp-up
A simple misunderstanding was responsible for
maintaining Daniel Ellsberg's top-security clear-
ance in the Pentagon even after he leaked classi-
fied documents to the late Senator Robert Ken-
nedy, according to syndicated columnist Jack An-
derson. Ellsberg, who became the focus of na-
tional attention after divulging the secret "penta-
gon Papers" to the New York Times in 1971, sup-
posedly leaked secret papers on the Vietnam war
three years earlier to Kennedy, a critic of the
Pentagon's war policies. After Kennedy released
some of the secret information to the New York
Times, Defense Department investigators quickly
identified Ellsberg as the source of the leak. But
when then Defense Secretary Clark Clifford or-
dered the investigation aaginst the Times reporter
dropped, an official misinterpreted his statement
as an order to drop the matter entirely. Conse-
quently, Ellsberg continued his top-secret work.
Live will find a way, even in the Kremlin - but
it took four days of starvation to prove it. Johanna
Steindl ended a four-day hunger strike yesterday
when her Russian fiancee, Alexander Sokolov, was

granted a one-month visa to Vienna so they could
be married. Apparently it took a letter to Brezhnev
himself from Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky,
citing humanitarian provisions in the Helsinki Sum-
mit conference, to get the 31-year-old writer out
of the country and into the arms of his love. Soviet
officials reportedly said "There was no need to
make such a great noise "
On the inside .. .
. . . the Arts Page s highlighted by Stephen
Hersh's and Rbert Gordon's review of the Chick
Corea concert . . . Lee Berry analyzes the current
state of the Human Rights Party on the Editorial

The FBI is investigating an apparent murder attempt at the
Veteran's Administration Hospital which occurred Sunday night
when a therapist found a patient's breathing equipment discon-
Hospital sources deny that the latest incident is connected
to the series of Pavulon poisonings which resulted in at least 15
respiratory attacks and one death.
Two non-hospital staff people have been apprehended in con-
nection with the apparent murder attempt.
VA administrators, who are investigating the incident, main-
tain that the attempt was intentional, but have made no accusa-
tions thus far.
According to one source, they are presently considering it an
The murder attempt was discovered in the Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) about five p.m. Sunday night by a hospital therapist.
THE VICTIM, Jesse Brower, an elderly man who had been
in the unit for nearly a month, was saved when a therapist
chanced to discover the disconnected equipment almost immedi-
ately after it had been tampered with.
The respirator alarm also had been disconnected.
According to hospital sources, the patient would have died
if the incident had not been discovered within three minutes.
THE SUSPECTS were caught in the ICU when the therapist
rushed to Brower's aid.
A new security system instituted shortly after the FBI probe
began Aug. 15 was designed to prevent anyone besides hospital

Not linked to previous inci d ent.s

staff and patient's families from entering the ICU.

BUT ACCO11DING to one source, it is possible to enter the unit
"You just have to walk in with a group of people and shout
out a couplt of names," said the source.
Brower remains in critical condition.
The respiratory equipment was designed to do Brower's
breathing for him.
ACCORDING to one source, two people were seen next to
Brower's bedside seconds before the breathing apparatus was dis-
The nurses turned away momentarily and when they returned,
Brower's respirator had been disconnected.
Two people ran out of the unit, where they were immediately
apprehended by the staff people. The FBI, which has been present
in the building around the clock during the last month, took the
two in for questioning.
THE HOSPITAL has so far not leveled any charges against
the suspects, but are still investigating.
FBI agents have been unavailable for comment.
The mood at the hospital was grim and most staffers did not
discuss the incident even among themselves.

A floor supervisor who normally does brief, routine visits in
the ICU spent most of Monday in meeting with top hospital staff.
Sources claim the meetings were connected with the apparent
attempted murder.
THE ICU has been under strict surveillance since the myster-
ious series of respiratory arrests started occurring. Many of the
breathing attacks occurred in the unit.
A hospital source confirmed that the incident was not an
Mark Gullickson, assistant administrator at the hospital, said
that "the staff did an excellent job" in preventing Brower's death.
"The FBI commended us for the speed with which the therapist
and nurses acted," he said.
The FBI has spent the last month interviewing VA staffers
in connection with the Pavulon poisonings. A number of people
were administered polygraph tests.
ACCORDING to a hospital source, the FBI has narrowed down
the list of suspects. One nurse, says the source, has been the
focus of the FBI probe.

However, according to another source, the FBI is trying
force an admission of guilt. The nurse has supposedly hired
lawyer and contends she has been unduly harrassed.


to elect a
Clericals for a Democratic
Union (CDU) scored a victory
against their former bargain-
ing team Sunday, as union
members voted to elect a com-
mittee to write bylaws rather
than consider the negotiating
team's already written draft.
But a two-week postponement
of the election - to allow a
one week advance noting of the
voting date - elicited angry
reactions from CDU members.
THE NEW clerical local,
UAW 2001, which only last
month ratified its first con-
tract with the University, has
been torn by controversy over
attempts by the old bargain-
ing team to write the bylaws
without membership authoriza-
Although the former bargain-
ing team members last week
announced plans to present
their bylaws proposal to the
membership Sunday, protests
from members led by CDU
forced a vote to change the
agenda at that meeting.
"They held on, the member-
ship handled themselves beau-
tifully," commented Jane
tifully, c o m m e n t e d
Jane Gould, the only bargain-
ing team member to side with
CDU in their objections to the
already written draft.

sa ys Heai
offered fi
SAN FRANCISCO P - Patricia Hearst
was an ardent radical who asked to join ci
the Symbionese Liberation A r m y, then t
refused an offer to return to her parents, an
Rolling Stone magazine reported yesterday. f
While the article pictured Hearst as a
willing revolutionary who refused to go '
home, attorneys for the heiress described fr
her as still "spaced out" and a former un- he
derground comrade said she had been w
brainwashed by her parents, rather than so
the Symbionese Liberation Army. a
"SHE'S BEEN more spaced out. It's harder to fa
get her to talk," attorney Terence Hallinan told re
a news conference. "She becomes overwhelmed so
by tears much faster. She cannot even begin to
get into these areas that her mind has closed on." in
The copyright article by Howard Kohn and Da- in
vid Weir said Hearst drove cross-country alone ru
with activist sports writer JackhScott.At the be-
ginning of the trip Scott told her he was willing
to take her home, the magazine said, but she tr
refused. lii
"I want you to know that I'm willing to take w(
you anywhere you want to go," Rolling Stone he
quoted Scott as telling her. "You don't have to ta
go to Pennsylvania. I'll take you anywhere."
SHE SHRANK from him and "was ready to bolt t
if he turned the car toward Hillsborough," her C
family's home, they said. "I want to go where
my friends are," she was quoted as saying.
Scott, in an interview yesterday with the San te
Francisco Examiner, said the information was h
developed from the writers' association with Mi-
chael Kennedy, Scott's formersattorney in grand tr
jury proceedings investigating the SLA fugitives' di
stay at a Pennsylvania farmhouse.

st was


He called the story "a gross violation of lawyer-
lient relations," and a "crass, sensationalist at-
empt to capitalize on our close relationship and
to attempt to discredit Patty Hearst and her de-
ense." He said he was considering legal action
gainst the authors.
WEIR AND Kohn denied the information came
om Kennedy, as did Kennedy himself. They said
e was "a friend" but denied they had ever
orked with him. They would not identify their
ources, except to discount Miss Hearst herself
rd Kennedy.
Hearst's lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, said he was not
amiliar with the article, but added, "I've never
eally considered Rolling Stone an authoritative
ource on anything."
Hearst claims in an affidavit that she unwill-
ngly joined the SLA after being driven nearly
nsane by her captors, who kidnapped her in Feb-
uary 1974.
LATER, in a private conference with U.S. Dis-
ict Court Judge Oliver Carter and U.S. Attor-
ey James Browning Jr., the Hearst defense team
on a promise that Patty's jailhouse talks with
er parents and attorneys would no longer be
The judge also postponed a scheduled Tuesday
earing in the case for one week after he was
old that psychiatrists' reports on Hearst's mental
*mpetency are not ready.
Hallinan said Hearst's mental condition is de-
eriorating rapidly in jail and that psychiatrists
ad expressed "some concern" that she might
ry to commit suicide. He called for her imme-
iate transfer from her San Mateo County Jail
See STORY, Page 2

"IT WAS the first meeting
I've seen where union business
was handled by the locals, and Ma
with that kind of behavior we'vye
got a good go on a democratic Ed Damm sh
union." she added.
Jean Jones, head of the for- Damm plays
See CLERICALS, Page 8 novices.
Launch drive against
preferential voting
City Republicans yesterday launched a cam-
paign to repeal the city's preferential voting (PV)
system used in last April's election. The petition
.drive will attempt to put the issue of PV on next
April's election ballot.
In order to secure a place for PV on the ballot,
Republicans must gather about 4000 signatures;
in addition those names must be turned into the
city clerk by early December.
MAYOR Albert Wheeler said last night that he
felt the PV petition drive was "a political 'ying."
He added, "Look, they're trying all kiids of

Daily Photo by E. SUSAN SHEINER
akin g mountain music
shows one of his hand-made mountain dulcimers.
the instrument and also gives free lessons to

ounts political

Attempt to recall
$5 pot law fails
The GOP lost its bid to place Ann Arbor's $5
marijuana ordinance back on the ballot, at City
Council last night, despite the absence of Demo-
crats, who failed to appear in council chambers
out of protest.
The Republican's five votes fell two short of
effectively returning the question of the city's
controversial pot law to the electorate in April's
general election.
COUNCILMAN Ronald Trowbridge (R-Fourth
Ward) said after the vote that the Republicans
had not yet determined whether or not they will
nmv h'in n . tiin drive in hones of iultimately

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