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September 21, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-21

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Page Two


Sunday, September Z1 197:

Page Two I HE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 21, 197:

Find Big Savings at the Vault



Fingerprints point way to Hearst

Choose From Our Wide Stiection of
Domestic & Imported
Champagne - Keg Beer - Cold Pop
Ice-Crushed, Cubed or Block
All From the Safety and Convenience of Your Car
We Accept
Returnable Bottles
Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Open Sundays Noon-7 p.m.

(continued from Page 1) al firearms offenses and have
noon outside their apartment been indicted on state robbery,
about 2112 miles away, and the kidnaping and other charges.
long hunt for the last vestiges Soliah was charged with har-
of the SLA was declared at an boring a federal fugitive, and
end, police put out an all points bul-
"It wasn't a tipster or any- letin for his sisters, Kathy and
thing like that, but good dogged Josephine. The FBI reported
police work,"'said an FBI of- seeing the women going back
ficial here. "It was just anoth- and forth between the two SLA

-During the two months after
the kidnap, the SLA and Patty
lived in a cockroach - infested
apartment at the edge of San
F r a n c i s c o ' s predomi-
nately black Western Addi-
tion area. Patty and her cap-
tors shopped regularly at a
neighborhood grocery store, but
attracted no attention.

out in which six SLA comrades,
died in flames.
-On June 7, the heiress pro-
claimed her love for one slain
SLA member, Willie Wolfe, and
mourned her slain comrades.
"We mourn together, and the
sound of gunfire becomes
sweeter," she said in a com-
munique left in an alley be-

ton who shared his Portland, ' PATTY AND Yoshimura had
Ore., home with the couple. I pistols in their purses when
The Scotts, it was reported, surprised by FBI agents and
had rented the farmhouse where police, and there. were military
Patty, Yoshimura and the Har- carbines and a sawed off shot-
rises stayed .They had visited gun in the apartment. But they
Brandt, and Scott once wrote surrendered peacefully.
to Branat's probation officer After her arrest Patty laughed
urging his release from prison. and showed off her handcuffs
He described Brandt as a for photographers as she was
youth who agonized over the taken to the San Mateo County
jail. Asked by an officer for her
Vietnam war, protested peace- occupation, Patty replied: "Ur-
fully and abhorred violence. ban guerrilla."
Brandt, perhaps coincidentally, But Patty's parents, Randolph
was a native of Pennsylvania. and Catherine Hearst, who nev-
er gave up hope she would re-

er lead, the kind that go down
the drain 99 per cent of thel
time, but this time it paid off."
The San Francisco Chronicle
reported yesterday that a rookie
FBI agent had been routinely
rechecking Yoshimura's file
when he decided to find Soliah.
agent followed a man and wo-
man for seven days before lo-
cating the two SLA hideouts.
The discovery led to the na-
tion's first political kidnaping
victim facing trial on charges
which could bring life imprison-
Hearst, offering clenched-fist
salutes with h e r manacled
hands, was held without bail on
kidnap, bank robbery a n d
weapons charges.
YOSHIMURA was jailed on
her weapons charges. The Har-
rises were charged with feder-



NO 8-8200 or NO 8-8204
Corner of Fifth and Catherine

apartments where guns and ex- hind a Los Angeles radio sta-
plosives were confiscated. ON APRIL 15, 1974 the group i tion.
The FBI agent who headed stormed a Hibernia Bank -Late that summer, Patty,
the H e a r s t investigation, branch, firing shots at by- the Harrises and Yoshimura
Charles Bates, said the arrests standers while escaping with took refuge in the Pennsylvania
"effectively put an end to ev- $10,690. A bank camera photo- farmhouse where Wendy left
eryone we know who was in the graphed Patty, holding an auto- the fingerprints.
SLA." matic rifle on bank patrons. I
-On May 1, the SLA took T H E IDENTIFICATION
BUT KELLEY said the FBI shelter in a ramshackle flat in of Wendy Yoshimura broke
would continue to seek those a largely industrial area of new ground, with little original
who harbored Hearst and the the Bayview District here - research required. Wendy was
others. "We are trying to fill in one block away from one of the a fugitive; her radical connec-
what happened between Feb. 4, distribution sites for a $2 mil- tions were already thoroughly
1974, when Patty was kidnap- lion food giveaway to ransom documented.
ed, to the time when she was Hearst. The key name listed in Wen-
captured." -On May 16, Patty - who dy's file was Brandt. The FBI
And therein rests the single had taken the revolutionary knew him - and so- did an
biggest question now facing in- name "Tania" - peppered a odd assortment of radicals.
vestigators: where have the ob- Los Angeles sporting goods :Brandt, 28, had been her boy-
jects of their cross-country store with automatic weapon friend, an activist who went
search been? It seems unlikely fire to allow the Harrises to with her to Cuba in 1970 to cut
sugar cane with the Second
that many answers will be escape arrest for shoplifting.
forthcoming immediately, but Venceremos Brigade.
a fe wsteps along the tangled -ON MAY 17, Patty watched AUTH0RITIES be-
trail are known: the televised Los Angeles shoot- A v T o SL T me be-
____ ______ ____________________lieve some SLA members had
been associated with the revo-
la tionary Venceremos group in
California. It fractured and dis-
hhI~. RWbanded several years ago be-
' h 0 US . cause of internal dissension ov-
er tactics and philosophy.
I . at . Some believe one of those fac-
tions became the SLA.
Venceremos had given strong
PSI UPSILON support to what they called ap-
pressed Third World people. The
Symbione e Liberation Army
agreed, declared its fellowship
withAall races and took its.
name from the word "symbio-
SUNDAY-THURSDAY sis" ,the beneficial interdepen-
dence of different organisms.
7-10 p.m.I
BRANDT was serving a sen-
1000 Hill Street tence of one to 15 years, when
t the FBI became interested. His
prison visiting room had been


KATHY SOLIAH'S connectionj
remained vague. She was a one-
time friend of SLA member An-
gela Atwood, slain in the Los
Angeles shootout. Together,
they once worked as waitresses
in a popular San Francisco res-
taurant and acted in amateur
But by 1975, when the links
surfaced, Angela was dead and
Kathy had disappeared, appar-
ently into the underground. She
was last seen in public at a
June 1974 rally mourning the
death of her friend and urging
Patty and the Harrises to "keep
But FBI agents staking out
the Hearst and Harris hideouts
reported seeing Kathy and her
sister Josephine carrying wea-
pons between the two houses. A
police bulletin warned they
should be considered dangerous.
THROUGH ALL the frustrat-
ing months of the Patty Hearst
hunt, FBI agents insisted they
were tracking every detail, no
matter how small. Apparently,
through that persistent, plod-
ding method they missed Kathy
Soliah but found her brother.
And at his rented house, they
found Patty Hearst.
It had been a long and fre-
quently baffling investigation,
with agents rushing to check out
hundreds of reported sightings,
which zigzagged across the

turn, reported Patty's mood of
defiance drastically changed
when they were reunited at the
AFTER THE visit, Hearst
said: "We asked her if she
wanted to come home with us."
Patty's mother said her daugh-
ter replied: "Where else?"
But in her first court appear-
ances, Patty gave no clue whe-
ther she would embrace the
world of affluence she once
shunned or cling to the revolu-
tionary alter-ego she created -
Perhaps this will emerge as
the drama proceeds in the court-
room. Perhaps more will come
from a book Patty is said to
have written while she was on
the ri n.
renorted that Hearst and the
Harrises have described her kid-
nanning, her revolutionary con-
version and their life under-
grouind. The newspaper report-
ed that "associates" of the trio
said that recently Hearst and
the Harrises had been consid-
ering emerging from hiding and
hirin lvvers to defend them-
selves. The pager said that one
snvrc said the trio no longer
on iered themselves SLA
members and referred to them-
altres at Patricia Hearst and
RV1I and Emily Harris instead
of tlPir adonted revolutionary
,'a".s Tania, Teko and Yo-

a busy place.


Since the death of their six
LAST MARCH there were un- comrads-.s in a Los Angeles
confirmed reports that Patty shootoit, the trio apparently
and other SLA members hid in fnnnptrated on avoiding arrest
Jaclk Scott's upper West Side r-ther th'an the violent acts that

Undergraduate Political Science Assn.

Among Brandt's frequent vis-
itors were: Jack and Micki
Scott, Jay Weiner and Kathy
Soliah. The FBI had some new
footsteps to follow.
Within months, Brandt and
his friends were in the news. A
federal grand jury in Harris-
burg, Pa., seeking more infor-
mation on Patty, subpoenaed
Weiner, a 20-year-old university
student with connections to the
sports world.
the grand jury chamber, Wein-
er mentioned his friends, "Jack

New York apartment in June
There were rumored sightings
in foreign countries from Can-
ada to Algeria. Patty Hearst.
had become a household word -
in every language,
There were other reports that

r'iaracterized the SLA's earlier
R~+T i, the last tane recording
Patty Hearst sent from the un-
deraroind on June 7, 1974, she
Innk- of reno'ncine her "class
nririlhor" anti said death was
nreferable to life at home - or

All Academic Majors Accepted






and Micki."

Iw A*.E. avim--mua.n un inI'" Within hours, Jack and Micki co
REFRESHMENTS SERVED Scott were publicly linked to an
REFRSHMETS SRVE the farmhouse, to Brandt and! anj
tobasketball superstar Bill Wal-f
_ ~wa
Chairman, The Study Commission on Pharmacy Iw"
Chairman and Director, thr
The National Fund for Medical EducationI
Chancellor Emeritus, Case Western Reserve University
4 P.M., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1975,
Honoring the late U-M mineralogist, EDWARD H.
KRAUS, founder of the Department of Mineralogy
and former dean of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
Sunday, Sept. 21-Thursday, Sept. 25
7-10 p.m. every evening
Take time to find out for yourself what fraternity

e well-organized Weather Un- inoigon,
rground and other hard core Life is very precio's to me."
sistance groups were aiding she said in the recording, "but
e fugitives with a ready sup- I hare no delnsions that going
!y of "radical-chic" money. to nrison would keen me alive,
and I would never choose to live
BUT FBI Chief Kelley said the rent of my life surrounded
ne of the sightings - here or h- v es like the Hearsts."
road - was confirmed. Nor Now she's in orison and her
uld the FBI confirm that she narents say she wants to go
d her comrades were aided by home.
.y particular group or person.
"We don't know where she! THE MICJOAN DAILY
as or who was helping her," volume LXXXVI, No. 16
e FBI director told the AP. Sunday, September 21, 1975
e added the onetime suspicion is edited and managed by students
at Patty either was pregnant at the University of Michigan. News
disguised as being pregnant phone 764-0562. Second class postage
apparently involved a look- aid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
1k ~Published d a 11l y Tuesday through
ike,". Sunday morning during the Univer-
At last count, agents figured sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
ey had interviewed "over a Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
ndred thousand people" in the raes: $10 by carrier (campus area);
peopl" t1 mea mail (Michigan and Ohio):
assive hunt for one elusive $12 non-local mail (other states and
oman. Asked to estimate the foreign).
st, a spokesperson said: "I Summer session published Tue.
clay through Saturday morning.
'uld be like trying to count su bscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
e blades of grass in a coun- (campus area); $6.50 iocai mail
y estate." Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).




A Musical Spoof for
Mystery Lovers

Fun For the
Entire Family



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