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September 21, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-21

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Vol. LXXXVI, No. 16

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 21, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Esch emerges
Ann Arbor's voice in Congress, Republican Mar-
vin Esch, has emerged as a front-runner for the
Republican nomination in the 1976 Senate sweep-
stakes during a GOP conference held at Mackinac
Island this weekend. Esch's candidacy was given
a major shot in the arm by the withdrawal of U.S.
Rep. Philip Ruppe (R-Houghton) from the race.
Democratic Sen. Phil Hart, who currently holds
the seat, announced he would not be seeking re-
election. Other contenders for the Republican nom-
ination include University Regent Deane Baker,
state Rep. Dennis Cawthorne (R-Manistee) and
Lewis Ingman, of Grand Rapids, chairman of the
Federal Trade Commission in Washington.
Porn prohibited
It's been a classic case of now you see it, now
you don't. For the fifthstime in the past month,
the porn flick, Naked Came the Stranger has been
banned from the screen of the Studio North The-
atre in Ferndale. An Oakland County Circuit Judge
ruled Friday that the film possibly violates a Fern-
dale zoning ordinance prohibiting adult-type the-
atres 'which show sexually oriented films. The
theatre management immediately took its case to
the Michigan Court of Appeals, but there will be
no further showings of the film in the meantime.
The dispute began when Oakland County Prosecu-
tor Brooks Pattersontdecided to raid the theatre.
His office has seized the film four times in the past
several weeks, a move which attracted widespread
publicity and spurred throngs of curious thrill
seekers to fork over $3.50 to $6.00 to view the
erotic extravaganza.
Happenings .. .
. . . start off with a musical event today. A
chamber music concert will be given by Sarah
Hershey and Nancy Waring at 2 p.m. in the Mich-
igan Union Gallery . . . the Baha'i community of
Ann Arbor and Pittsfield Township will observe
World Peace Day by holding a public meeting on
"Women and World Peace," at 2:30 p.m. in the
Ann Arbor Community Center, 625 N. Main St.
Monday's events are also kicked off by a musical
performance. The Music School presents a faculty
recital in the Recital Hall at 8 p.m. METHA, a Chi-
cano organization, is holding a meeting at 7 p.m.
in the Rackham East lecture rm. 3026. All Chi-
canos on campus are encouraged to attend. A meet-
ing to plan winter term social science courses in
the Residential College will be held at 7:30 p.m.
in 28 Tyler, East Quad. And Women in Commun-
ications is holding an organizational meeting at
5 p.m. in the Journalism Department, for all wo-
men pursuing media careers.
Man without a party
It seems Richard Nixon has a case of the cooties.
Rumors that the infamous ex-President may once
again hit the campaign trail in support of old po-
litical buddies have been quashed by the leader-
ship of the Republican party. "Frankly, I don't
see anyone who would want him to campaign
for them," stated Mary Louise Smith, chairwoman
of the Republican National Committee. "I see him
as a former President, retired, and I would not
anticipate he will have a role in the 1976 conven-
Roast duckling
Norman Guthmiller thinks the idea of eating his
pets is just ducky. But some of his neighbors think
he is some knd of quack. After the city of Seattle
ordered Norman to get rid of his 10 pet ducks, he
complied by roasting his former feathered friends
and serving them up with orange sauce. Norman is
down to eight ducks now, and planning a dinner
party for next week.
Squeak y's story

It seems everyone wants to see their name in
print these days. A publishing company has offered
Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, who is accused of
trying to kill President Ford, $1,000 for an option
to buy a book she is writing. The subject of the
book has not been learned. A spokesperson for Mac-
Millan Publishing Co. said Fromme had already
written most of the book. The $1,000 offer covers
only rights to negotiate for the purchase of the
On the inside . .
. the Sunday magazine reveals the behind the
scenes drama at the VA Hospital . . . and the
Sports page features an analysis of yesterday's
On the outside . .

An Associated Press News Special
SAN FRANCISCO - In the end, it was a dusty
set of fingerprints in a remote farmhouse and a
shrinking circle of allies that ended the under-
ground journey of rebel heiress Patricia Hearst.
For 19 months Hearst and a tiny but inpene-
trable revolutionary band eluded history's larg-
est manhunt.
WHAT TWISTED trail led to last Thursday's
arrest of Hearst and her three terrorist com-
rades? Where did they hide in their flight from
the law?
After thousands of dead ends, futile tips and
cold trails, police finally captured the remnants
of the Symbionese Liberation Army which kid-
naped Hearst in February 1974.
Bait only after six members had been killed,
two imprisoned and many supporters subjected
of safe places and trusted people had been re-


e to



Year-old evidence spells end

duced, leaving the fugitives more vulnerable.
THE CRITICAL clue was a set of fingerprints
left a year before the capture. Ironically it be-
longed to fellow fugitives, Wendy Yoshimura who
was arrested with Hearst.
Yoshimura, 32, is a Berkeley artist wanted
on a charge of bomb possession. Her fingerprints
were found early this year in a New Canaan,
Pa., farmhouse where Hearst and the SLA took
refuge for about six weeks in the summer and
fall of 1974.
"We felt the contact with Wendy might lead to
to intense scrutiny by investigators. The number
her location, and her location might lead us to
Patty," FBI Director Clarence Kelley told The
Associated Press in an exclusive interview from

his home in Kansas City.
FROM THE fingerprints, agents went to Yoshi-
mura's file and checked her boyfriend, William
Brandt, imprisoned on the same 1972 explosives
One of his visitors was Kathy Soliah, friend of
slain SLA member Angela Atwood, and sister of
Stephen Soliah, 27, the housepainter who rented
the house where Hearst was arrested.
In their search for Soliah, the FBI. came
across her brother - and Hearst.
THE FINGERPRINTS also led to sports activ-
ist Jack Scott and his wife Micki, who had rent-
ed the farmhouse. It also led to Yoshimura's
radical friends in the Oakland-Berkeley area

which had spawned the SLA.
The farmhouse evidence linked a number of
new names directly or indirectly to the SLA,
the AP has learned. Among them:
-The Scotts had visited Brandt in Soledad
Prison where he was serving a conviction on
1972 weapons and explosives charges.
-EARLIER, Brandt had been active in a rad-
ical sports movement headed by Scott at the
University of California's Berkeley campus.
-Also an Brandt's visitors' list was Kathy So-
liah, an aspiring amateur actress and a known
SLA associate.
Stephen Soliah was arrested along with
Hearst's SLA comrades William and Emily Har-
THE HAPRISES were arrested the same after-

into 19.*,




Cards get field goal
wih inine secons left
With nine seconds remaining on the clock, Mike
Langford booted a 33-yard field goal giving the upset-
minded Stanford Cardinals a 19-19 tie with Michigan
yesterday, and denying Bo Schembechler his 100th foot-
ball career victory.
When it looked as if thc T1olverines had iced the
game on a Bob Wood field goal with just 1:36 left, Cardi-
nal quarterback Mike Cordova moved his team from its
43 to Michigan's two yard line.
BUT A DRIVING gang tackle by Tim Davis and Greg
Morton dropped Cordova for a 14-yard loss and Stan-
ford had to settle for the tying kick.
"When you're the underdog by 27 points," said Car-
dinal coach Jack Christiansen, "and you are playing on
Michigan's home field - which is worth 7 to 10 points -
I don't know. I feel like a winner!"

Doily Photo by KEN FINK
MICHIGAN TAILBACK Gordon Bell (5) takes a dive for three yards in yesterday's home opener against Stanford. Two plays later
in the third quarter, Wolverine Bob Wood kicked a 27-yard field goal to give Michigan a temporary 10-6 lead. Bell was 23 for 64 for the
day with two fumbles. In front of 92,304 bewildered fans, Michigan coasted to a 19-19 tie with the Cardinals.
Beirut factions accept ceasef ire

Cordova consistently picked
apart Michigan's young second-
ary in the second half, hitting
13 of 33 aerials for 218 yards.
He finished the game with 24
of 44 completions for 285 yards
and two touchdowns.
fensive line, riddled with in-
juries, was a major factor in
Michigan's inability to capital-
ize on key third down situations
and move the ball across the
goal line.
"We move the ball well be-
tween the 20-yard lines and
then we can't push it in from
there," stated Schembechler.
"That's fhe crux of our prob-
lem. But we just don't have the
same line that we started the
season with - that's not an
excuse, it's a fact."
Absent from the offensive
line were tackle Steve King,
guards Mark Donahue and Kirk
Lewis and split end Rick
White. All but Lewis, who is
lost for the season, are nurs-
ing leg injuries.
S T A N F 0 R D, trailing
the Maize and Blue most of
the second half, tied the game
16 - 16 in the fourth quarter
when Langford drilled a 40-yard
field goal with less than four
minutes left.
See STANFORD, Page 7

on guard;
at games
While Michigan bungled its
home opener yesterday, there
were three men huddled around
an ambulance just outside the
stadium who had no idea of the
game score.
The orange overall-clad Emer-
gency Medical Technicians
(EMT) were more interested in
the weather - cool, windy, and
hard on those fans with heart
AT LAST season's final game
in November, four fans were
felled by heart problems in the
cool, windy stadium. They were
treated at the stadium by the
University Hospital's EMT's.
Yesterday the cardiology unit,
parked yards from the white
frame first aid booth, kicked
See CARDIAC, Page 8

BEIRUT (Reuter) - All par-
ties to Lebanon's factional vio-
lence last night agreed to an
immediate ceasefire, Beirut
television announced.
The death toll in the latest
round of fighting in Tripoli and
Beirut is estimated to be at
least 200-
NEWS OF THE ceasefire,
flashed just after 2 p.m. EDT,
came after an eerie three - hour

calm had descended on the
The truce was also announc-
ed by right-wing Falangist lead-
er Pierre Gemayel after he
spent two hours in conference
with Syrian Deputy Premier
Abdel - Hakim Abdel - Halim
Khaddam, who is also his
country's foreign minister, ar-
rived here last night to medi-

ate between the warring Chris-
tian Falangists and leftist Mos-
AT LEAST initially, the cease--
fire showed signs of holding,
halting the fourth round of
factional violence here this
But about half an hour after
it was announced, a loud explo-
sion and a burst of machine-
gun fire were heard in the Fal-
angist - dominated district of
The night was expected to
provide the critical test of whe-
ther the truce works.
STATE-RUN Beirut radio an-
nounced the ceasefire minutes
after the privately - owned tele-
vision -station.
Earlier yesterday armed men
roamed the capital unhindered
and there were snipers in

many parts of the city as explo-
sions and gunfire reverberated.
The meeting between Khad-
dam and Gemayel seemed to
have been the crucial event in
the effort to achieve a cease-
GEMAYEL told reporters
that Lebanese President Sulei-
man Franjieh attended part of
the meeting with Khaddam
and Major - General Hikmat
Shehabi, Syrian Chief of Staff.

Slriver joins 1976
presidential hopefuls
WASHINGTON (,) - Sargent Shriver laid claim yesterday to
the political mantle of John Kennedy as the late President's broth-
er-in-law became the eighth candidate to formally enter the sweep-
stakes for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination.
Opening what he called a "people's campaign," Shriver said
he can offer "the honest and truthful leadership that summons
the best that is in us - as John Kennedy once did."
"I INTEND to claim that legacy . . . for those billions of un-
known human beings around the world for whom the memory of
those days is still an inspiration.
The SO-vear-nld Shriver denied he is a stalking horse for the

Italy updates marriage law
despite Catholic objoections,

ROME () - Marriage Italian style - based
on male dominance and female submission -
lost its validity before law yesterday.
A new family law, passed in May over church
objections, took effect at midnight lifting women
to equality with men in matrimonial matters.
THE ROMAN Catholic Church and the party
it supports, the dominant Christian Democrats,

WOMEN IN Italy's upper and middle classes
are expected to take full advantage of their new
equality, but, as one Italian remarked, "You
can hardly expect a poor peasant woman in the
south to raise her voice against her man, not to
mention taking him to court."
The new law accords women the same rights
and duties as men.
A man, for instance, will no longer be listed

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