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December 10, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-10

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Trotskyist party needed

JXk.ryPdkwN.pwy w wki sng rh dl4, 76
Jerry! I didn't know you were working this neighborhood, too!'

By the Spartacus Youth League
Tung had hardly begun in
China before the struggle for
his mantle burst out into the
open. Mao's widow, Chiang
Ching, and three other Politburo
members, all of whom were
close comrades of Mao and who
only yesterday played a cen-
tral role in orchestrating the
"anti-rightest campaign" which
toppled former heir-apparent
Teng Hsiao-ping, today stand
denounced as the "empress do-
wager" and the "four insects"
while the Chinese people are
called upon to "crush and
strangle the gang of four." Si-
multaneously, Hua Kuo-feng, a,
virtual unknown in the Chinese
Communist Party, has not only
been proclaimed the new chair-
man but in addition has assum-
ed an unprecedented number of
high posts in the party and
How is it that the former
watchdogs against "revision-
ism" and "capitalist roadism"
are suddenly branded as long-
time plotters for the "capital-
ist road?" The burgeois press
and Maoists alike are at a loss
to explain. Only revolutionary
Trotskyists, through understand-
ing and the bureaucratically de-
formed nature of the Chinese
workers state can explain the
logic of the power struggle. The
purge of yesterday's "radicals"
as today's "capitalistic roaders"
demonstrates once again that
the Mao "two-line struggle" is
nothing more 'than the obfusca-
tion and mystification in the
service of the bureaucratic
cliques which monopolize polit-
ical power in China. Thus the
charges hurled against Chiang
and her cohorts are no differ-
ent in kind than those which
they previously hurled against
DESPITE THE fraudulant
claim of the Maoist bureaucracy
that such purges represent
"class struggle," absolutely
no counterposed political per-
spectives have been produced
as evidence of the wrecking
and restorationist designs of the
Chiang clique. Far from repre-
senting "radical" or "moder-
ate" policies as the bourgeois
press states, both the Chiang
group and the old guard asso-
ciated with Teng Hsiap-ping
have not fundamentally differed
on most important issues. In the
summer of 1975, when strikes
brought production to a stand-
still in the production industry
in Hangchow, both the "radi-
cals" and "moderates" in the
top leadership of the party on-
posed this mass workers rebel-


blocs while keeping a lid on the
intra - bureaucratic conflict
which has boiled over periodic-
ally in the past and now threa-
tens to erupt with unprece-
dented force.
The purge of the Chiang
clique in no way differs from
the 1972 purge of Lin Piao by
Mao. At that 'time the Maoist
bureaucracy suddenly announc-
ed that Lin, the "closest com-
rade in arms" of Mao who has
been written in the Chinese con-
stitution as heir - apparent, had
been liquidated for his alleged
unsuccessful attempt on the
life of the "Chairman." More-
over, the Peking regime an-
nounced that Lin had actually
been conspiring to restore capi-
talism in China for years. The
purge of Lin, while dramatic
and unexpected, nevertheless
carried the moral authority of
Mao and Chou. But today, after
the death of Mao- and Chou,
Maoists in the U. S. find it
much more difficult to "ex-
plain" the purge of "radicals"
whom only yesterday- they
cheered for mopping up Teng
class has no interest in throw-
ing political support behind any
of the factions today. The in-
terests of the workers and pea-
sants lie in smashing; all wings
of the counterrevolutionary
Stalinist bureaucracy through
proletarian political revolution.
Revolutionaries unconditionally
defend the collectivized econo-
my against genuine restora-
tionist tendencies and world
imperialism, but only through
the ousting of the bureaucratic
parasites can these gains be
made secure and extended.
This task requires the con-
struction of a Chinese Trotsky-
ist party, section of a reborn
Fourth International. To that
party will fall leadership of the
struggle to sweep from the
Forbidderi Palace all the heirs
of Mao and to forge workers
councils through which the Chi-
nese working people will ex-
tend the revolution to final vic-
disorientation of the U. S.aoin
Against the confusion and
disorientation of the U. S. Mao-
ists, the clarity of Trotskyist
analysis stands out. Tot hear
and discuss the above issues in
the- context of the perenial re-
volving door purges in China
the public is invited to a Spar-
tacus Youth League forum:
"Power Struggle in China:
Why Mao's Heirs are at Each
Other's Throats" on Friday,
December 10 at 7:30 p.m. in
room 3205 in the Michigan Un-

Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Friday, December 10, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Ford hias lesslons, to offer

Mao Tse-Tung, father of moderni China

IN A GESTURE that should come
as a surprise to no one, the
University has offered President
Ford a visiting professorship In the
political science department. The de-
tails of the offer, what exactly he
would teach, and how much time he
would devote to it, have not been
disclosed. Nor is it clear that he will
While we still feel that his presi-
dency was a miserable exercise in
neglect and buffoonery, his 25 years
in the House of Representatipes, his
apprenticeship ass Richard Nixon's
vice-president as well as 21/ years in
the White House, make him more
than qualified to talk about the
American political process. No one
has ever accused the President of
being a great scholar, but his pres-
ence on campus would be a stimu-
lating addition to the intellectual
atmosphere. We would welcome
Professor Ford under a few condi-
His position here should be more
than the product of a public relation-
minded institution Interested in the
valuable cosmetic addition of a for-
mer President to its ranks - with
an occasional lecture or a reception
with the alumni now and then. If
t. t Ai "

this is the scope of his activity here,
fine -- let him be paid accordingly.
BUT IF HE is coming to this cam-
pus to teach, it should be part of a
bona-fide commitment to the Uni-
versity. He should carry a legitimate
teaching load that would include an
undergraduate class. He should make
himself available to as many stu-
dents as possible.
Security could be a problem. If
he comes here, he will no doubt be
flanked by secret service agents ev-
erywhere he goes. Media attention
would turn the place into a circus.
But under no circumstances should
security measures unreasonably in-
terfere with the rights of students
to express themselves.
It is no small irony that a man
who has aligned himself so consist-
ently against the interests of higher
education should be considering a
teaching job at his alma mater. But
if it can all be brought off, Prof. Ford
will be a welcome and knowledge-
able addition to the faculty. Just pic-
ture the line in the time schedule:
Poli. Set 415, Amer. Chief Exec., T
Th. 10:30-12, G. Ford.
News: Ken Chotiner, Ann Marie Lip-
inski, Jennifer Miller, Rob Meac-
hum, Maureen Nolan, Martha Re-
tallick, Bob Rosenbaum, Tim Schick
Editorial Page: Tom Stevens, Jim Tob-
in, Rob Meachum, Michael Beck-
Arts Paqe: Lois Josimovich
Photo Technician: Andy Freeberg

lion. Even more glaring was
the complete unaminimity on
pursuing anti - revolutionary
"detente" with U. S. imperial-
ism and maneuvering interna-
tionally against so-called "So-
viet social-imperialism." At no
time have the "radicals" so
much as hinted at differences
over foreign policy - from the
bloc with U. S. / South African
imperialism in Angola to all
out sunport to NATO in Europe.
INSTEAD OF democratic dis-
cussion over political differ-
ences, wallposters are plaster-
ed around accusing the "four
dogs" of virtually everything
from evil thoughts to absolute-
ly fantastic schemes. For ex-
ample, some posters in Shang-
hai have accused Chiang of

nagging Mao on his deathbed
in order to hasten his demise,
while others have charged the
"gang of four" with master-
minding an unsuccessful assas-
sination attempt on Hua. Once
the charges have been private-
ly decided ;in advance by the
top layers of the bureaucracy,
the masses are then mobilized
in "criticism" campaigns.
Vilification, falsification and
appeals to the "mandate of
Mao" are the political mecha-
nisms of the parasitic rule of
a Stalinist bureaucracy hostile
to any expression of wor'kers
democracy. In its internecine
feuding the Stalinist bureaucra-
cy is compelled to accuse the
losers of monsterous personal
criminality without attributing

to them any counterposed po-
litical program. To introduce
any political alternative would
serve to expose the fact that
the masses have no means to
decide any policy.
reaucracy, of which both fac-
tions are a part, is a parasitic'
caste which rests upon collec-'
tivist property forms. But in
order to maintain its privileges,
the bureaucracy must exclude
the masses from political pow-
er and stifle workers democ-
racy. The problem now con-
fronting the Chinese Stalinists
is that there is no longer a sin-
gle bonapartist figure with
enough authority to balance
among the cliques and power




To The Daily:
IN AN ARTICLE in the Daily
I wrote that the Teach-In on
Terror in Latin America did not
analyze the causes of repres-
sion and that it asked its audi-
ence not much more than writ-
ing your Congressman. Mem-
bers of the Ann Arbor Commit-
tee for Human Rights in Latin
America responded by saying
that I am "in effect, excusing
myself and any susceptable
readers from further engaging
in community efforts to secure
the release of political prison-
ers and to aid nontotalitarian
forces to regain control in Latin
On the contrary, because the
Teachin did not explain who or
what a "nontotalitarian demo-
cratic force" might be and why
and how they might be able
to free political prisoners, it
failed to do as much as it should
Some speakers at the forum
as well as signers of the letter,
would have me believe that Jim-
my Carter or some Congress-
person is- a "democratic force."
While numerous speakers point-
ed out that Carter said he would
not have the CIA overthrow a
democratically elected govern-
ment, few pointed out that Car-
ter said he would use economic

sanctions to strangle a socialist
government. It was the tactic
of economic strangulation, how-
ever, which brought the Allende
government to its knees.
a good tactic to win the release
of a few political prisoners it
is only a small part of what
has to be done. A month be-
fore he died Orlando Letelief
was assassinated, he had con-
vinced Dutch longshoremen to
boycott Chilean cargo. In order
to have American workers do
the same one must explain why
it is in their interest to do so.
This requires a thorough as-
sessment of the social and eco-.
nomic nature not only of Latin
American societies, but of U.S.
Capitalism and the role of im-
The idea that corporations
can be pressured into not sup-
porting right wing dictatorships
is an example of the faculty
strategy which has apparently
emerged from the Teach-In.
Who do you think forced the
state to create a right wing re-
gime in the first place? Per-
haps corporations and banks
will decide not to help Chile
since it_ might dirty their im-
age, but if they move to Brazil
or Korea or Iran or Taiwan lit-
tle will be gained.
The authors of the letter write:

Photography Staff
Pauline Lubens............Chief
Brad Benjamin.............Staff
Alan Bilinsk~y............Staff
Scott Eccker.Staff
Andy Freeberg.............. Staff
Christina Schneider......... Staff


"Clearly Mr. Miller was not
among the large audiences at
our workshops on the Role of
the United States in Latin Am-
erica Totalitarianism and on
Examining the Rise of Totali-
tarianism in Latin America."
I was at both sessions how-
ever, and thought that the dis-
cussion was fairly superficial.
"totalitarianism" which has
been flaunted all over the place
does not represent reality. I
find its frequent use disturbing
since the word is a favorite
for reactionaries who would
lump socialist countries into the
same category as right wing
dictatorships. Even Chile can-
not be called "totalitarian"
sinceorganizing activity by mil-
itants continues in spite of gov-
ernment sponsored repression.
Discussions on the nature of
a society are by no means aca-
demic. It is a preliminary to
social change. Can a popular
front government lead to a hu-
manitarian society, does cap-
italism by its very nature in-
stitutionalize violence? It .is es-
sential that these questions be
thoroughly answered.
We do not have to wait for
these answers, however, before
we write letters. On the other
hand, I hope letter writing does
ntt obscure the urgency of com-
specific courses. Any recording
will follow teaching method re-
A P P A R E N T L Y, what
they're trying to say is; any-
one, any time can record any-
thing. You can even bring your
own cassette, hand it to the
lab assistant, and have a copy
made of your lesson!
This isn't to say that every-
thing is always in workings or-
der. A computer runs the lab,
and something is always
breaking down. That's why you
can usually find a computer
technician on- the premises.
Here's what I mean by prob-
lems. During my visit with Mr.
Hamson, he offered to demon-
strate the recording facilities.
He sat down in a booth, punch-

ing to grips with the larger is- his flashlight. He asked me why
sues before us. I was standing there and told
Robert Miller me to produce identification. I
December 8 gave him everything. He re-
turned to the patrol car and
talked with his partner for about
rapist 15 minutes. After emerging, he
To The Daily: told me I could go, stating as
I AM WRITING in reference he walked away, "The same
to the "Ann Arbor rapist." I reason you're waiting for your
feel the situation has gotten girlfriend is why somebody call-
completely out of hand. ed in on you."
The description of the assail- A week later, I was driving
ant (black, medium build, with down Hill St. by the Business
an afro, and in his early twen- Administration parking lot
ties) could fit three fourths of around dinner-time when I sud-
'the black male population on denly lost a hubcap. I pulled
campus - including myself. I over and looked for it. While
have already been detained by I was searching in the grass,
two of the men in blue from the I glanced up and saw a white
Ann Arbor Police Dept. in the ~gacdu n a ht
Churchban Pl aea. I h female walking on the other side
jur foand Hill area. I had of the street, but I paid her no
just found out about the rapist mind. Then she stopped, looked
and was waiting outside of East at me, and started to dash the
Quad to escort my girlfriend block and a half to East Quad,
back from an evening class giving a faint screech. In her
there. haste,, she nearly bulldozed two
The police car had cruised gentlemen conversing on the
around the block once. It stop- corner. I shook my head in dis-
ped, then waited a couple of gust and disbelief at the stupid-
seconds and sped across the ity of her actions.
street, pulling up on the side- I just wanted to share these
walk in front of me. The fear two incidents with you in the
that I experienced at that mo- hope that the problem of the
ment is beyond words. A big rapist can be solved soon with-
::op threw open the door and out further harassment of inno-
proceeded to jump out, but he cent students.
had his safety belt on. He got
:ut of the car after unfastening Name withheld by request
his seatbelt and reached for ... December 7

'U' language lab
has automatic

heard was a loud buzz. "That
one's really broken," he said.
"Let's try this one."
booth was broken. Fourth try.
Hamson punched in the num-
bers, looked up and said, "This
one isn't working properly at
all! This is altogether wrong.
It's kind of embarrassing. I'll
have to tell the house detective
about these decks,"
The sixth one worked. A pa-
tient Mr. Hamson explained,
"Computers aren't perfect.
You've just got to keep your
cool. You can't be flying off
the handle and calling' Wash-
ington. We just try to remain
calm and fix things as soon
as we can."
Malfunctions like these are

language students are aware
of what their /2 million dollar
language lab can do for them.
AND NOW FOR the secret
formula which will allow lan-
guage students to benefit from
the wonders of the computer
age. Remember the code -
you'll not find it written or
spoken anywhere.
To record your voice, punch
the numbers 0 and 1. Then
punch three numbers of your
choice. Next press "dub" and
the number of your tape. Now
when you speak, your voice
will be recorded. When you're
finished, press 5 and the tape
will automatically rewind!
Press 6 for Fast Forward.
Press 4 for Rewind. The "Play
A" button will give you the
lesson only. The "Plavi R" bu't-

the language laboratory
spent $125,000 to expand, mak-

of students realize it's there!
While discovering this, I felt
like Woodstein conducting an-
other un-coverup. I also felt

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