See Editorial Page
E AfrA
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXV II No 76
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 10, 1976
Ten Cents
Ten Penes
Ten Cent'
Happenings . .
. . .start at 9 a.m. with Local Motion's cookie
sale in the Fishbowl. It runs until 5 p.m. . . .
The International Center sponsors a "Quality of
Life Index Discussion" at 2:30 at their headquar-
ters at 603 E. Madison, and follows up at 3:30
with a coffee hour (so how come it's 90 minutes?)
The 'U' Council meets at 7:30, 2056 Frieze
Bldg. . . . Spartacus Youth League sponsors a
forum on the power struggle in China at 7:30 in
Rm. 3205 of the Union . .. The Intervarsity Chris-
tian Fellowship meets to discuss "Bible Exposi-
tion" in the League at 7:30 . . . A panel of ten
healers will discuss "Health and Healing Energy"
at 8 p m. at Canterbury House, Catherine and
Division . . . and at 8 p.m. the Symphony Band
performs its final 'concert of the fall semester in
Hill Auditorium.
The bionic corpse
Filming for "The Six Million Dollar Man"
Wednesday turned out more like "The Twilight
Zone" when what was thought to be a wax dummy
hanging from a noose was discovered to be a
mummified corpse. The body was found in a
Long Beach, Calif. amusement park's fun house
and was painted with a reddish fluorescent paint
to make it glow in the dark. A technician was
moving the corpse to prepare the scene for film-
ing when an arm came off. "The guy was going
to glue it back on," said a police investigator, "but
then he noticed a bone, sticking out." The mummy
has been sent to a-coroner to determine how old
it is and where it came from. Before being hung
from the makeshift gallows, the pseudo-mummy
had been displayed in a casket at a now-defunct
wax museum as the "thousand-year-old man."
Faith healing
Grasshopper spit, milkweed juice, or the burial
of a dead cat at midnight, are just as effective
for curing warts as any standard medication, ac-
cording to a Cleveland dermatologist. Whatever
the treatment, said Dr. Jerome Litt of .the Case
Western Reserve school of medicine, faith is the
crucial ingredient. Litt 1claims to have achieved
"spectacular results" treating warts with an
ordinary sticky tape on which he puts an impres-
sive looking label. Nobody is sure how this works,
but-patients who wore the tape had their warts
drop off. It has been suggested that the methods
stimulate the secretion of body chemicals which
fight the virus that causes the horny growths. So,
next time you get a wart, don't mess with any
doctors, just rub it with an onion soaked. in
.Sq uidicide
Biologists are trying to figure out why millions
of squid have squirmed onto the sandy beaches
of Cape Cod since mid-October, snuffing them-
selves in the freezing air. "Some days there are
so many of them on the beach that its impossible
to walk without stepping on them," said Robert
Prescott of the Cape Cod Museum .of . atural His-
tory. In Cambridge, Mass., the ponderously titled
Center for Short-Lived Phenomena theorizes that
the mass suicides may be attributed to the de-
pletion of schools of fish by foreign fishing fleets.
Other theories tie it, to unusually cold weather
or to unfathomed cycles of nature, like those
governing the migrations of birds.
Dumber and dumber
Worried about finding a job after graduation?
Take peart - the competition could be stiffer.
One in seven high school seniors who took a liter-
acy test in Philadelphia couldn't even fill out a
job application. Supt. Michael Marcase said this
week he can't understand how some of Philly's
seniors ever reached the 12th grade, adding that
those who fail the functional literacy test don't
really deserve a diploma. Among the other find-
ings: 8.3 per cent could not define words such
as "credit" and "beware"; 7.2 per cent couldn't
read a newspaper; and 1.4 per cent could not fol-
low directions in taki medicine or washing
clothes. Now, how manf of you out there are
noddil.g your heads in sympathetic agreement?
On the inside . .
. . Bob Miller previews the upcoming hockey
seres between Michigan and Michigan State for
Sprts . . .= China is examined by the Spartacus
Youth League for the Editorial Page . . . and the
Arts and Entertainment page features Andrew
.,erman's review of "The Man of Mode," PTP's
latest play.
If President Ford accepts the University's
invitation to become a visiting professor he's
probably going to have a larger than normal
share of override requests.
Most students reacted favorably yesterday to
the professorship offer saying that Ford, with
his extensive political background, would be
able to offer them insights into government
workings which they haven't got from other
professors or text books.
"AFTER LIVING THROUGH (the presiden-
cy)," said sophomore Eileen Burgin, "he's a
lot more qualified to talk about it than some-
one who's not experienced."
Everything that he's gone through as Presi-
dent would be worth hearing," said senior Mark
Gaertner. "I've taken classes on what tht Presi-
Teaching abilities in question
dent does, and what the text book says and
what the President says may be different."'
The day after the presidential election the
executive committee of the political science de-
partment voted unanimously to invite Ford to
join the faculty. Ford is not expected to reply
to the University's offer until after Jimmy Car-
ter's Jan. 20 inaguration.
The question of Ford's qualifications for a
professorship is pre-eminent in some minds. Sen-
ior Mary Feiber, who described her feelings'
about the invitation as "mixed," said the Presi-
dent's appointment "would be prestigious for
the University ... but it's the lack of scholastic
experience which disturbs me.
"BUT IF HE'D BE TEACHING a class like
legislative process, he's goc the practical experi-
ence which counts for something," she added.
"He must know the ropes and the practical ap-
plications, but it's his lack of experience that
doesn't sit right with me."
Despite Ford's lack of teaching experience,
Political Science teaching fellow John Strate
thinks that the addition of Ford to his, depart-
ment would be "great."
"He's not oriented toward political theory,"
Strate noted, "but he spent 20 or so years on
Capital Hill so he must know something. He's
an intelligent individual and I think he'd have
a lot to offer."
ivita tion
Political Science Prof. Frank Grace said he
had reservations about the "mechanics" of a
Ford appointment to the staff.
"I DOUBT THE practicality of the President
teaching small groups of students. You'd need
Hill Auditorium every time he taught a sec-
Freshwoman Sue Major; however, said she
wouldn't be one of the students flooding Hill to
see the President. "I'd never take anything from
him," she said. "I can think of other ex-Presi-
dents I'd rather have here. He'd probably be
really boring."
Out-going MSA President Calvin Luker waa
even more critical. "It's nice to know that the
University is now going to serve as a burial
ground for former unelected Presidents," he
said. "
hit 'U on
Title IX
The students who ignited the
recent sex discrimination dis-
pute over the all-male senior
society Michigamua yesterday
scorned a tentative University-
Michigamua proposal which
seeks to lay the controversy to
Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) vice-president Amy
Blumenthal and former MSA
member Anita Tanay said that
even- if Michigamua and the
University follow through on
the plan, the group will still
violate Title IX, the federal~"
regulation which bars sex dis-
crimination by University bod-
taking a stand on this at all,"
said Blumenthal. "I don't think
they're saying, dTitle IX is
right and we should comply
with it."'
Blumenthal and Tanav filed
a comnlaint with the Dept. of
Health. Education, and Wel-
fare (HEW) in September,
charging that the University
was breaking federal law by
giving free space in the Michi-
aan Union and free use of Ra-
dri-k Farms to "the Tribe".
HEW then directed the Uni-
versity to investigate the
groun. Last week, University
officials nresented Michigam-
va with three options: admit-
tine women; leaving camnus:
estahlishing itself purely as a
social group. If the Tribe can
nrove it is social rather than
honorarv, it is exempt from
Tit1" TX.
1Mikenl to
sign freon
LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William Milliken is expect-
ed to sign legislation making Michigan the third state
to ban sales of freon spray cans in an effort to halt de-
struction of the atmosphere's protective ozone layer.
The ban will not take effect until January 1979, how-
Tshe ozone layer shields the earth from harmful, cancer-caus-
ing rays of the sun.
THE LEGISLATION, which was introduced over two years
.ago, got final, unanimous approval in the state House yesterday
after its sponsor, Rep. Perry Bullard, (D-Ann Arbor) reluctantly
asked .his colleagues to go along with a Senate amendment delay-
ing the bill's effective date.
The final vote was 83-0.
Aides 'said thev expected Milliken to. sign the legislation.
MICHIGAN RUNNING BACK Rob Lytle and coach Bo Schembeckler were all smiles yester-
day as this year's "Wiseman Trophy" was pr esented.
LgWa e
SOUTHFIELI)-"At least I'll never starve to
death," mused Michigan's All-American run-
ning back, Rob Lytle.
No. Lytle didn't move back into the dorm,
but from now until the end of his professional
career, Lytle is entitled to free meals at any
of the San Francisco based Victoria Station
restauranw chain's 54 restaurants. His alma
mater also receives a $1000 scholarship in
Lytle's name and his favorite charity will be
granted $1000.
All that because Lytle has been awarded the
"Wiseman Trophy."
IT ALL STARTED in 1971 when the chain's
three founders, Cornell graduates, thought
Cornell star Ed Marinaro should have won the
Heisman Trophy, given' by the New York
Athletic Club to the best college football player,
instead of Pat Sullivan.
"We were joking around that it being Christ-
mas time and there being three of us, that
we should give Marinaro the 'Wiseman'
trophy," said Bob Freeman, one of the found-
ers. "The next day our publicity director told
us he rented three camels, so we decided to
See LYTLE, Page 9
In addition to banning sale
gas as a propellant by 1979,
,the bill requires labeling of
such cans as of January, 1978.
According to Bullard, the ban
will mostly affect sales of hair
sprays, and spray deodorants.
OREGON HAS banned freon
sprays as of next March and
New York has a ban which will
take effect in January, 1978,
Bullard said. In addition, three
federal agencies are consider-
ing action on the freon spray
Bullard had to swallow sev-
eral modifications in his freon
bill over the course of its two
year legislative history.
One of them dropped a ban
on manufacture. of freon spray
cans, allowing Michigan firms
to continue producing the
products for export to other
states. It was estimated that
without this provision, the bill
could result in a loss of 2'Q0 or
more jobs here.
See MILLIKEN, Page 2
or on?
Meanwhile, the, Central Stu-
dent Judiciary (CSJ) voted
unanimously last night to cer-
tify this term's MSA election.
According to MSA Parliamen-
tarian Brian Laskey this is the
first student government elec-
tion in "several years" to be
certified without a challenge
by a candidate.
s of spray cans containing freon
dent-eect Carter sent apblic
SvetaUniroyesterda declar
ing through a former defense
secretary that he has a "deep
desire to find the basis of 'un-
derstanding" with the Russians.
The informal message was ex-
pressed by Clark Clifford, who
headed the Pentagon under for-
mer President Lyndon Johnsone
lie told reporters after lunch
with the President-elect that he
instruct is secretrie oftestate,
defense and treasury to "join in
finding the basis for this under-
MEANWHILE, in Brussels,
Belgium, Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger gave North At-
lantic Treaty Organization (NA-
TO) foreign ministers assuranc-
es from Carter that the United
States ill strengthen ties with
NATO and that accommodations
See CARTER, Page 2
See UNIVERSITY, Page 2 -
they vo
According to a high Univer- she sai
sity Housing Council (UHC) sary U
official, council members may Chole
disregard the results of last the stu
week's student election and cott wt
vote to retain the four-year-old or beca
lettuce boycott in University It was
housing. dorm f
Students defeated the boy-
cott, which supports the United >
Farm Workers (UFW), 1,052 to f<:
403 in the UHC - Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly (MSA) election
last week.
THE LETTUCE issue, which
has appeared on UHC ballots
each term since fall 1972, ac-
tually serves only as an advis- . V
ory referendum. UHC makes
the final decision whether to
retain the boycott.
Gary Fabian, president of
UHC, said yesterday he expects
the boycott to pass at this Sun-
day's UHC meeting despite the
two to one dorm vote against
"I think members will, vote
on this as a moral issue rather
than a practical one," he said.
FABIAN says seven or eight
of UHC's 14 members are
"leaning toward continued sup-
port of the boycott."
"It depends on which side of
the issue has more persuasive
snocrters," Fabian added.
UHC meeting. "I hope
ote to support it though,"
id, "It's really a neces-
TFW support tool."
y also said she feels
dent rejection of the boy-
as "not a political issue
ause students don't care.
more an issue of bad
by a candidate.
Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Sutton scorns 'white,
male' media image
When Louisville Courier-Journal editor Carol Sutton joined the
paper in 1955, "It was not a time when you had very many women
coming out of journalism schobls who seriously intended to pursue
journalism. It was a down, quiet, calm period." -
Sutton spoke yesterday at Rackham Assembly Hall as part of
the Journalism Department's series on "ethics in journalism."
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